#dlfskjkdlg also im sorry i made this long i rly am
harryzhangs · 4 years
DATE & TIME: november 26, 2019 :) a lil after 3am :) LOCATION: u know where :) AVAILABILITY: taken @bxstvrd​
there was no getting around it, harry zhang was drunk.
to be honest, it was shocking she wasn’t even more drunk, with the fact that closing night had been followed by what were probably the strangest vibes she’d ever felt at a show afterparty. first there was that weird fight between chandler and grace back at the castle-- harry had only glimpsed it from a distance and didn’t overhear much, but she didn’t think she’d ever seen her roommate look that upset. then orson and mads seemed to have fought, but harry had no clue why, as she was making it a point to avoid mads as much as possible these days. then, her peers kept disappearing throughout the night. she hadn’t seen grace since the official party, mathias and josie snuck off earlier only for harry to catch them acting weird as fuck later on, then hudson and teddy left too, and jesus, where the hell was orson? this was his house, after all, and he’d been m.i.a. for an hour now.
these were all oddities harry would’ve been far more concerned with if she’d been sober, but instead she stretched out across the white carpet of orson’s living room, waving up at jonah. “get down here with me, the room looks dope from this angle,” harry called at him over the music that played on despite the lack of any remaining party. the last people to leave had been jason and saffi a few minutes ago, and harry knew she and jonah should’ve followed them, but she wanted to delay getting back to the castle just a bit longer. harry was still riding that post-performance high, and she was going to get full mileage out of it. after all, they didn’t have many of these left until they’d be graduating from alderidge.
“i know i swore off having anything to do with her anymore, but i’m pretty sure mads and i are gonna have sex soon,” harry sighed out of the blue. “probably a super bad idea, right?”
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