dmagedgoods · 7 months
Imagine the father you hate sends you a talking sex toy
It may be born from expecting some cunning and twisted games from devils (where is the fun, otherwise?), but to merely take Raphael's and Haarlep's relationship the very way it's presented without further thought appears like signing the line without reading the words to me. What they do there clearly has layers. Raphael is smart, he has to be for those contracts, the manipulations, and his little ambitious plan. Furthermore, it's essential for him to stay careful. He, more than anyone, should know not to trust Haarlep. And he most certainly is highly aware. Imagine you want to surpass your fiendish father and he gifts you a toy incubus. What would you do with them? I, at least, know what I would not do with this gift: Order it to take the form(s) of those I most desire (or, worse, cherish to a point) or even fuck it. Now, Raphael is a devil (with a strong human side, fight me, but still a devil): of course, he fucks Haarlep anyway and maybe not to appear ungrateful too (after all, you want Daddy to think you appreciate his gift or at least paint the surface-level impression of it). But he only fucks Haarlep in quite a special way, does he not? - In the one and only way that gives nothing away about him. Or at least it gives nothing away about him that his father (and anyone, really) doesn't already know (or is supposed to know): That Raphael has a very high opinion of himself. Maybe it's even an abstract little joke. I, for my part, see some dry humor in it: His daddy sends this shapeshifting, form stealing incubus spy to get some information on how to pressure his son, should it become a necessity. But all he gets from said incubus spy is the statement that his son only ever fucks himself. "Raphael only loves Raphael." That definitely is what I would want my incubus sex toy to report back to my detested father. (If I was a devil, mind you.) Now Raphael doesn't put that much effort into the act, it seems, but that's not truly necessary after all and only serves him further: I don't think he fancies Haarlep gossiping about his actual sexual preferences with Mephistopheles either. Ah, now maybe Haarlep and Raphael despise each other or maybe they developed a fondness for each other, I can picture both, but it stays true that Raphael doesn't seem like the kind of man who would willingly allow someone to gain an advantage over him by allowing personal information to spread to those he's determined to outsmart. Of course, I guess, it's also a possibility that this 1000+-years-old cambion truly only ever lazily bottoms for his father's incubus toy and only ever while it looks (more or less) like himself because that's all he wants in this regard. Maybe devils are immune to boredom. I, for my part, strongly assume it's a game with daddy dearest.
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dmagedgoods · 8 months
Raphael punishing Tav for using his incubus a while later ... Just some thoughts of mine (but explicit and smutty). Raphael watches closely while Haarlep fucks them again, eyes on them and nothing hidden from his view, observing if they do it "right" while also giving them orders to thrust more firmly or to stroke Tav's most sensitive body parts, his deep voice almost a purr: "You enjoy it when they touch you there, don't you, little mouse. So eager for them, so open. Or should I say for me?" Haarlep uses Raphael's form, therefore he feels Tav's body around his cock, but every time either Haarlep or Tav gets close, he commands them to slow down or pull out - so Tav desperately clenches around nothing until they calmed down enough for Haarlep to push in again. Meanwhile, Raphael lazily strokes himself through his pants and comments on how good Tav feels and that maybe they'll get a treat if they learn to hold back like a good little pet and not to take things that aren't theirs. Raphael and Haarlep both will come later, fucking each other while Tav is the one watching. - Firmly tied up and dripping. They'll have to wait until Raphael feels generous enough to touch them and don't even have permission to pleasure themselves. Their orgasms belong to Raphael now and they are not allowed to cum by anyone's touch but his.
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dmagedgoods · 8 months
I don't know how rarer updates etc. translates to "tumblr will be gone in a weak" and I really don't think it will, but why not: My discord is x_sphinx_x if anyone wants to send a friend request. ❤
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
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Tav/Durge trying to seduce Raphael after they fucked his incubus.
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
The Raphael fandom on tumblr is mostly very chill, and I'm intensely grateful for that. Still, every once in a while I see one of the "Raphael is like this or that in bed and everyone else is wrong" comments appear and that's a bit tiring. Honestly, what is Haarlep supposed to say to that question? - Haarlep of all people? I mean, it really doesn't matter how Raph is in bed for the answer to be laughing and a "No", everything else would be out of character for Haarlep. If he was the best they ever had (probably not, but that's not the point) they wouldn't admit it. Why should they? I don't think Haarlep, gift of Mephistopheles and a potential spy, trapped there with Raph and probably not the most happy incubus in the world, is especially interested in praising Raph's abilities. And I don't mean this in the "Haarlep definitely lies there" way, I'm saying it's a possibility that it's not true, it's also a possibility that it is. If it is, "not good in bed" can mean tons of things. Coming too fast, like Tav/Durge can guess (but it's only this, a guess), or being selfish or being lazy or being disinterested, or just not as good as an actual sex demon. Also, Raphael fucks his incubus and makes them look like him. It's like masturbation, why would he give a damn if his masturbation toy enjoys it? Even if there is/was more between them at certain points, they're stuck with each other for a while now, probably bored. That Raphael only ever bottomed for Haarlep is a completely independent statement in no correlation with his abilities in bed. It, furthermore, could also be either true or a lie, "speak with dead" doesn't force the corpse to be honest. Nonetheless, it at least is likely to be true. Still, it doesn't tell a thing about Raphael's habits of being a top or bottom with anyone who is not Haarlep. Long rambling short: Please just let people imagine what they want, the game doesn't truly give anything that restricts us in this regard. Haarlep having a point and Raphael being selfish in bed and therefore not a good lover? Amazing, go for it. Raphael being selfish with Haarlep but actually a great lover the moment he is interested in someone and/or wants to show off? Beautiful, love that. Raphael needing some exercise with someone who isn't his incubus after too much time he had no interest in other partners? Great and fun! Raphael being a pillow princess always and kind of lazy in bed? Wonderful, tell me more. Raphael being actually quite dominant when he's not with his incubus? Or a switch who enjoys both? Wonderful! I like it! Raphael not giving Haarlep any information about who he is interested in and how he likes to fuck because his dad sent them? And therefore went for this little degrading game where Haarlep looks like him and always does all the work instead? Well yeah, that's my personal headcanon, don't mind me. Long rambling short: No reason at all to be so insistent about this headcanon or that or to comment how wrong someone's headcanon is, just let people live and imagine and enjoy. 🙏❤️
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dmagedgoods · 4 months
I thought about how I fell in love with Raphael the moment he opened his mouth for the very first time but I feel that for some he was an acquired taste. Sooo, Raphael Nation, I'm curious:
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
Romancing the Devil We Know
I thought about a Raphael romance today and what it could include or how it could work in the game. My worst fear in this regard, if it ever comes to it, is the thought that he may get changed in ways that soften his personality or take from his implemented edges to portray him as "less evil". It's important to me that he keeps his plans, his issues, and - while I imagine him to show quite a charming side too with someone who intrigues him - it should stay true that he can lose his temper in terrifying ways and has the potential to be very cruel to someone he desires. (Hope.) And what an exciting subtle background threat this could be for those who decide to go that path nonetheless! It would be terribly easy to include a Raphael romance without changing him. It's just a small step from what we already have. - Mostly because I don't imagine it as "full romance" like those of the companions but more like the beginning of something big that will continue post-game. Raphael seems to be slow in those matters, but his fascination with Tav/Durge is quite obvious. The added content I have in mind isn't even that extensive:
Flirting options during all the meetings.
If you pick the flirting options, a scene with Raphael where he shows up in camp at night, unnoticed by the companions, taking Tav/Durge for a walk, reciting a sonnet that's partly a romantic offering and partly a threat. (Of course, the companions did notice his presence anyway and will comment in the morning.)
A scene where you can tease him enough he loses composure, his anger turns into desire and leads to a kiss, maybe even a sex scene.
The option to spare him if you decide to fight him (if you don't romance him too, please).
The option to actively withhold the crown of Karsus from him with the dialogue option to claim its power for yourself resulting in a battle too, including the choice to spare him and make him kneel for you.
Depending on your decision to give him the crown or claim it for yourself, the romance can end in 2 different ways, both including a last conversation with him and the post-game mention on how things will continue: 1. You kept the crown: A battle for power ensues, having him enthralled and furious alike and completely obsessed with Tav/Durge; they manage to put him in his place, maybe even to bind him to them. By power? By love? Who can truly tell with devils. But they clearly gained the upper hand. For now. 2. You gave him the crown: While Raphael follows his ambitious plan and gathers power in hell, so do you, after all, you become his favorite servant. Some whisper that it's much more than this and you're a dangerous weakness of him even. [That's only my very personal idea of it, I'm sure there are many other ways his romance would work too.]
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dmagedgoods · 2 months
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dmagedgoods · 6 months
Our Raphael Romance Petition Is Sent
The deed is done, it is out of my hands. Larian received the letter in their forum, via mail, and in their discord server. Now it's all up to them. It has been an honor to put this together for our amazing Raphael fandom. Thank you again for signing and passionately sharing the petition, for your feedback and information, and for your help and enthusiasm. 💕 I'm adding the letter the way I posted/sent it. Or you can see it in the Larian Forum here. "Dear Larian, thank you for your hard work and willingness to listen to fan feedback. Few developers are in touch with their communities, and we are very grateful for these efforts. Integrating Haarlep showed that you considered feedback received in Early Access requesting additional Raphael content, and while Haarlep is dear to the community and much appreciated, he is not the devil we know. We adore and love Raphael and he has a very active, enthusiastic fandom and it is him we urgently want to romance. Therefore, we are writing to you in the hope that you will give us a Raphael romance and some additional content, either implemented in the game or as a DLC. Most of us are willing to pay the full game price again to see this romance happen. The core of the Raphael fandom even signed a petition for you to see that it's the wish of many. (We are at 420 signatures at the time I'm sending this.) You can find it here: Our Petition What we are hoping for in detail: Added content in general:
the option to spare him after the battle (no matter if romanced or not)
the option to have him as a permanent member of the group like Halsin if we work with him
his assistance in the final fight if we don’t betray him
the option to visit the House of Hope without sneaking in if we sign the deal
the dinner he promised us
his appearance during the epilogue party
Romance specific:
options to flirt with Raphael
one or two camp scene(s) with him
at least one romance scene with him (not Haarlep)
the option to kiss him like the other companions once he’s romanced
Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our ideas. Yours sincerely,
Sphinx in the name of a big group of Raphael-enjoyers"
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dmagedgoods · 8 months
Is Larian aware I would pay the full price of the game again just for a Raphael romance? No? Can I make them aware?
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dmagedgoods · 6 months
Tomorrow, I will send the letter to Larian. Use this last chance to help and sign our petition for added Raphael content. ❤ Also, please make sure to confirm your email address after you signed or your vote may not be counted. A few people told me that it was necessary, some said it wasn't for them, but better check because for some reason the page doesn't remind you of it in either case. Wish us luck, we did our best, and I'm so happy about all the great people in the Raphael fandom!
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
BG3 DLC where it turns out Raphael didn't (completely) die if you defeated him and failed his plans if you gave him the crown and either way ended up restricted to his human form (punishment or his last way to save himself) and now needs the main character's help. Bonus points if his class is bard.
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dmagedgoods · 7 months
BG3 patch 5 epilogue spoiler under the cut
I always doubted that Haarlep has positive feelings for Raphael but all those amazing stories with them made me soften for them. And they definitely are highly entertaining. But damn, this letter broke my heart. One person with the vague potential to maybe slightly miss Raphael (at least if Tav/Durge doesn't), or to care at all, and they're celebrating his death. I'm aware they're an incubus and were stuck with Raphael and I didn't expect them to break down in grief either. But a flicker of ... melancholy, wistfulness, something after all this time? Or maybe just not the crudest, most distasteful letter possible, this at least would have been on the table. Not? I guess they truly only ever despised him.
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dmagedgoods · 3 months
Raphael nation, rise! Everyone with a Twitter account should go and vote for our devil here. Pretty please? 🥺❤
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dmagedgoods · 9 months
I do not want to risk my monster fucker/devil fucker certificate or something but I'm especially drawn to Raphael's human form. Not that I'm not into his devil form too, it's captivating, no question. But something about his human body and face always has me stop in my thoughts and stare in fascination. His suave posture, the wrinkles accentuating his emotions, the shape of his prominent nose, how angry or disgusted, or pleased or patronizing those thin wide lips can look, the surprisingly warm tone of his eyes, his brown hair with the gray strands - you can almost feel how soft it is just by looking at it ... Ah, I'm a little obsessed with it all. Don't let him hear.
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dmagedgoods · 2 months
Raphael Nation! We are losing and have to act fast to turn the tables for our devil! We only have an hour left, I came online too late. Please go and vote Raphael here! I know some of you might be torn with the decision (and I understand it) but Abdirak can punish you later should you wish so and Raphael will be very grateful for the victory. Go and vote and share and be fast! Could you say no to that face? 🥺
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