nylonsandlipstick · 6 years
This really isn't supposed to be a sad thought but more a realistic headcanon in a modern AU (because that's been the only thing on my mind lately).
I don't think that the Pevensie siblings would be at all times super close, I feel like at one point they would have drifted a bit. Not that they would have had a falling out or anything but rather that after a while, as they grew up, life would have led them apart.
Like, Peter would have been the first one to go to college and he would have tried to stay local so he wouldn't have to be so far away from his family, but after studying some time in a local college he would have tried to move up into a prestigious university. Peter would have been such a hardworking and bright student, a lot of universities would have been trying to take him in. He would have finally given in after about the sixth admissions offer and lots of encouragement from his family.
I can definitely see him trying his best to stay as in contact as ever, though. Even if the university he had decided on was rather far from his home, he would have tried visiting every other weekend, if not every weekend, to be able to see his family and however many of his friends had stayed behind. He would have also tried calling everyone and having long conversations every single day to make sure that he missed nothing. Video chats were a must as he had this small irrational fear of forgetting how everyone looked. It would all have lessened after a while, though. He would need more weekends to study and work on assignments so visits would become less frequent. Calls would become shorter and shorter, up until he would have to settle with texting, as he became more and more involved in clubs and school activities. Video chats would be about once a month, twice if he could squeeze in some time.
Susan I feel like would have disconnected the quickest of all four. She would definitely have been able to process and understand that she’s growing up and her and her family would be leading separate lives from now on. She wouldn’t have completely disconnected from her family, never once messaging them or anything, as she did love and cherish them. She would rather just take longer to respond and speak less to them, spending only a few minutes at a time.
When applying for colleges, she would be open to colleges that were both local and out of zone. She understood that sometimes the best choice was furthest away from those she loved. When she finally decided on a school that was hours from home, she wasn’t entirely upset. She knew she would see her family, there was no doubt about it. She lived in modern times. Sure, it would take a few hours to personally visit her family, or vice versa, but she was still living in Great Britain and she could take a train or a bus or drive her car to see her family. And technology made contacting her family so much easier and quicker. When she moved into her new apartment near her school, she was the only one who didn’t cry as farewells were said because she knew it wasn’t a permanent farewell, just a “see you later.”
Edmund would surprisingly be the one to cling hardest to his family but it wasn’t very outward. He would have tried to seem the most blasé about the situation, pretending like it didn’t matter to him that he would be leaving his childhood home to a new and terrifying world away from the safety of his parents’ arms. He would have been the most upset at Susan for not trying harder to stay more connected with their family and give her some cold looks whenever she would mention how she was too busy to visit them often and that they were fine without her anyhow. He would be more understandable with Peter as he knew that his brother truly did feel guilty about not being around as often as they’d all wished he could.
Edmund would have done absolutely everything in his power to remain as close as possible to his family all the while pretending the entire time like it was just because he couldn’t bear to move too far away from his favorite cafe, nobody makes tea as good as they do. His family could see right through his façade, though they humored him because they didn’t want him too far away either. He ended up being able to find a university less than an hour away from home and was able to stay with his parents and Lucy for a bit longer. He only moved on campus when a scholarship of his required him to be a student living on campus to be able to receive the money. Even then, he came home most days for meals and tried his best to make it seem like he wasn’t growing up and that things weren’t changing. He could normally handle change but trying to leave home and be away from family took its time.
I think Lucy would have been the one to surprise everyone by being the only sibling to leave the country. She was adventurous and free-spirited and she would always love her family; just because she moved far away didn’t mean she would stop loving them. Lucy needed to travel, to discover herself and discover the world and do all of the things she dreamed of. She knew that at the end of the semester and that during all of those holiday breaks, her family would be waiting for her in Finchley with open arms and many of her favorite sweets.
Being outside the continent wouldn’t have been an excuse for her to lose touch with her family, though. She called and/or texted her siblings and parents every single day, and she was the only person Susan would speak to on a regular basis. She constantly sent them letters and pictures and postcards of the many places she’d been to, loving the rather antiquated system of mailing instead of emailing. They would all try their best to send her letters and pictures as well, depending on how long she would stay in one location, if not mailing it to her next location. Her parents constantly sent her care packages to make sure that she was taking care of herself while she was away. She always brought home souvenirs for everyone and they made a tradition of gathering around the living room to hear about her many adventures.
I think the Pevensies, for however much they love and are loyal to each other and have this strong familial bond, there would eventually be this separation as they grew up and began their lives away from home. But there would always be an imaginary string tying them to each other and pulling them back together.
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