#do I genuinely think Xuanli are a better ship? no
poorlittleyaoyao · 7 months
I forgot the top ships poll was still going because I am far more invested in the JC one, and I am torn! my indifference to Xuanli and genuine fondness for CQL W*ngxi*n vs. my ever-increasing hostility towards Internet W*ngxi*n
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wifiwuxians · 10 months
Another one. What do you think about YZY/CSSR and what do you think about. Xuanli
YAY more dolls for me to play with ty 💕
Do I ship it: big yes I am SO predictable, it is actually currently my top yzy ship
What made me ship it: The realization that... It's just genderbent teen wangxian lmao... It's almost exact. It would play out exactly the same except yzy would be more verbose and her mourning would be a lot more acidic. LMAO urgh. Idk if she'd treat wwx any better but I hope she would 😢
Fav things: just the clash of personalities honestly is the top fav thing for me. Oh you especially know how much of a sucker I am for the gremlin bothering the serious one, and this time it's probably genuinely CSSR not even specifically trying to get a reaction out of YZY, she is just the embodiment of clownery and free spirits and YZY just cannot understand it at all. It drives her BONKERS she HATES this girl!!!! And yet if she were to disappear... It would be worse...
Unpopular opinion: I'm cool with a fuckin yunmeng-roamer polycule. If JC's parents and WWX's parents wanna all do the thing I'm down for it, I support it, who gives a shit about social status bc not me
Do I ship it: Yeah they're baby 🥺🥺🥺 I love them
What made me ship it: canon LOL it really is that simple
Fav things: The fact that JZX really Wised Up and did his absolute best to break through his assholishness and ended up blossoming into a devoted and genuinely adoring husband who would kiss the ground his wife walks on. Like they were the happiest couple on earth (and for what? But I'm glad they had that)... Also, JYL put her foot down and was like "hey, if you don't love me then no biggie. But I'm not gonna make an effort for someone who shittalks me and who my brothers hate". So many girls in dated romances are like uwuuu but he my tru luv... And she was just like no it's fine. If it isn't correct then it isn't true love. And then he did the work to make himself her true love and she was willing to give him a shot. It's so good. I cry so much about them CQL actually came for my throat with the character songs
Unpopular opinion: Despite the aforementioned they're not quite barbie and ken to me. It's more balanced than that
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theuntamednarrator · 3 years
Multishipper challenge — Jiang Yanli! Jiang Cheng!
Heck yes Jiang Sibs! Excellent choice, thank you. I'm going to start with Jiang Yanli, since it's her birthday.
Jiang Yanli
• Xuanli - what can I say? MXTX, Xuan Lu, and Cao Yuchen just did a great job of building that relationship for me. Who of us hasn't turned into an awkward fumbling idiot around a pretty girl? What I really like about them is that Jiang Yanli doesn't force him to change, and circumstances don't really either, all of the people involved (well that we care about, Jin Guangshan can die, again) have accepted the engagement being dissolved. Zixuan just grows up, realises Yanli's good qualities, values her, and decides he's going to treat her as she deserves and I just really love their story.
• Yangli - this is just mostly me deciding that Yanli and Mianmian both deserve good things, and what's a better thing than these queens? Nothing, that's what.
• Yangxuanli - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ look I am just a simple polyshipper okay? OT3(+) all the way. What I love about this one is it gives you the best of arranged marriage + childhood best friends + that one girl from lan camp who made you google "can girls marry girls" the second you got home. I think they would all balance each other really well, and shijie absoLUTEly deserves to have two badasses who would throw hands for her.
• Honourable mention - Sangli because I've read a couple of really good fics with this pairing recently and I really like the dynamic of the two underestimated political powerhouses just quietly arranging everyone around them with a smile.
Jiang Cheng
• Chengqing - again Meng Ziyi and Wang Zhoucheng (particularly WZC) just sold this so well. I love that they don't handwave away the inherent conflict and regrets between them in canon, and it's basically impossible to do anything canon-verse/divergent without digging into the debts and obligations between the Wen Siblings and the Twin Heroes, which is delicious. And then modern aus is just the awesomeness of 'two mean bisexuals who dress nicer than you' so what's not to like?
• Sangcheng - but only modern aus/non-canon. I don't think canon Jiang Cheng ever did or would have respected Huaisang enough for there to be any sort of genuine foundation there. I did read some fics that went the 'Huaisang manipulating Jiang Cheng through sex/romance' route early on and it put me off the whole dynamic, but then I had a few modern au fics recommended where the pressure is off them both a bit and those really worked for me.
• Chengyao/Chengsu/Suchengyao - hear me out I know this is a left field one but I'm just really fascinated by what the dynamic between Carp Tower and Lotus Pier is like during those 16 years and these three are at the middle of that. This is more a platonic ship rather than romantic for me (though I have read some really good fics which play with the romance angle too). Jin Guangyao is too smart not to try and get Jiang Cheng on side, especially once it becomes clear the next heir to Carp Tower is going to be spending a lot of time in Lotus Pier. Meanwhile Qin Su is the closest thing Jiang Cheng has now to a sister, and since I hc him as one of those people who gets on better with women than men I can totally see them becoming friends and trading parenting tips about Jin Ling and Rusong over tea in the gardens at Carp Tower.
• Honourable mention - Jiang Cheng, himself, and he. I do hc Jiang Cheng pretty firmly on the aro and ace spectrums (nobody is THAT purple without being at least a little bit ace and also all my faves are a little bit ace). I actually think in canon the ideal for Jiang Cheng is a reverse of the Wei Parents & Jiang Fengmian dynamic where a pair of wandering wlw cultivators somehow end up at Lotus Pier and then never leave, and two years in they're like 'hey please father our children' and he's like 'ugh fine but one of you has to be my heir then I'm sick of the nagging at conferences' and they're like 'ugh fine' but secretly everyone is quite pleased with the arrangement.
Question from here!
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