#do Nabateans age faster when they're 'young'
randomnameless · 2 years
Uh, weird math time -
We don’t know when Sothis went to sleep after the Nuke Wars, but we know she never met Flayn, in Nopes, she says Flayn isn’t the “Benevolent One” she remembers, and even is awed by her existence!
(is it because Flayn was born after her “sleep” meaning Nabateans could, uh, create other Nabateans without her help, or is because Flayn is an hybrid which would be something impossible during the war (between humans and Nabateans) so by existing she sorts of shows that at least for shagging Humans and Nabateans could work together?)
But we know Flayn is no older than 1400, since Enbarr was built 1400 years ago.
I heavily suspect Nemesis didn’t do his thing back then - otherwise I don’t see Cichol meeting a human, fucking and then going to Rhodos to live a domestic life after the Red Canyon.
The War of Heroes roughly ended in 100 - Flayn thus feel in her coma - meaning, assuming Flayn was born the day Enbarr was built, Flayn was around 300-ish when she “died”.
So the timeline would go like this :
Sothis lands and shares tech
Some nabateans are born
Rhea is the last born
Nuke Wars
Sothis goes to sleep
-220 Rome Enbarr is built
Seteth meets his wife in a church,
Flayn is born
They move to Rhodos’s coast
Nemesis’s party
-41 Seiros the Warrior appears near Enbarr
That’s 1400 years or lore done with, only 8600 years to go!
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