#or is it because Flayn is a hybrid?
randomnameless · 2 years
Uh, weird math time -
We don’t know when Sothis went to sleep after the Nuke Wars, but we know she never met Flayn, in Nopes, she says Flayn isn’t the “Benevolent One” she remembers, and even is awed by her existence!
(is it because Flayn was born after her “sleep” meaning Nabateans could, uh, create other Nabateans without her help, or is because Flayn is an hybrid which would be something impossible during the war (between humans and Nabateans) so by existing she sorts of shows that at least for shagging Humans and Nabateans could work together?)
But we know Flayn is no older than 1400, since Enbarr was built 1400 years ago.
I heavily suspect Nemesis didn’t do his thing back then - otherwise I don’t see Cichol meeting a human, fucking and then going to Rhodos to live a domestic life after the Red Canyon.
The War of Heroes roughly ended in 100 - Flayn thus feel in her coma - meaning, assuming Flayn was born the day Enbarr was built, Flayn was around 300-ish when she “died”.
So the timeline would go like this :
Sothis lands and shares tech
Some nabateans are born
Rhea is the last born
Nuke Wars
Sothis goes to sleep
-220 Rome Enbarr is built
Seteth meets his wife in a church,
Flayn is born
They move to Rhodos’s coast
Nemesis’s party
-41 Seiros the Warrior appears near Enbarr
That’s 1400 years or lore done with, only 8600 years to go!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
So... why is Flayn's blood special but not Seteth's?
The prevailing theory is that it’s because Flayn’s mother was human, making her a human/dragon hybrid. There’s no hard evidence for this, but it explains the line about their blood as well as why the Agarthans would be interested in hers. Crest beasts are after all artificial hybrids.
There’s also past precedence for this kind of thing, most significantly Ninian and Nils from FE7...and it’s well known that FE likes to repeat itself.
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senpai-no-lie · 4 years
Silver Snow (Church Route)
Finally I have finally completed all 4 routes, and I must decide whether to replay Blue Lions (I probably will), move onto another franchise (I probably will after), or replay Fates/one of the other FE games I have, such as Shadow Dragon (I probably will too). I maxed out my Byleth’s skills, and I’m not sure if I’m completionist enough to do the same for every character, but I do have some BL-exclusive supports I missed on the first go-round.  
Since this is my 4th playthrough, and I’ve already used the Black Eagles twice before (once when I recruited everyone during my Blue Lions playthrough and then for Crimson Flower), I decided to spice things up and pick classes/skills that were weaknesses for my units. It was a lot of fun, and I probably used combat arts way more than I usually do, but the final chapter was... messy as a result. It was interesting too because I only had access to physic for a brief window of time that Linhardt was a War Monk; the rest of the time I was using healing gambits or other tactics to make up for the lack of ranged healing. 
Who Was My Dancer: Ferdinand! On my Crimson Flowers playthrough, I felt just awful not making Ferdinand my dancer, since he wanted to do it so badly, so it was time to let him shine. He did pretty great! Not as great as Ingrid, but definitely better than Sylvain or maybe Felix. Ferdie was very important to defeating Rhea as dance gave Linhardt or Byleth another whack, as I was much too lazy to get rid of all the white beasts first. 
What Paired Endings Did I Get:  
Linhardt & Flayn
Dorothea & Ferdinand
Caspar & Petra
Not as many paired endings as usual because I didn’t really care and only recruited faculty to grind Byleth’s skills lol 
Who Did Byleth Marry: Seteth! I have a soft spot in my heart for “green dads”, and I thought this was a good route to marry him. Damn is he kind of ugly in the proposal still, though. I chose Ferdinand for the Goddess Tower conversation, and he was very cute there, but not quite marriage material for me, at the moment. 
Units That Surprised Me: First of all, Linhardt was the MVP, and I just think axe/brawling-magic hybrids are so fun. Annette was a great War Monk, but Linhardt really benefited from the +20 brawling avoid from mastering the class before moving onto War Master. He also had the aura knuckles and bolt axe to take advantage of his high magic stat. Dorothea did pretty well as a Paladin, but she was a touch squishier physically that I’ve liked-- she was a hard hitter with the Silver Lance or Levin sword, however. Caspar was a bit of a monster as a Bow Knight. Armored Knight Bernie and War Cleric Flayn were meh, but Gremory Petra was serviceable. Before I lost them, I managed to get Hubie’s ass on a wyvern and Edelgard was a mage; they both did fine. 
General Thoughts: Hey, it’s Claude’s route except it feels less convoluted! I instantly skipped every scene and dialogue I possibly could until the timeskip, and then skimmed through the rest, but it was so nice to see the Black Eagles not be mindless puppets to Edelgard (especially Petra). Rhea going feral was mad dumb, but she made for a hard boss. I will say though, the whole Gronder Field post-timeskip is....weird. I really think they should’ve given Dimitri the dignity of an animated death, if they went to the trouble with Edelgard. Disappointed by the pure lack of non-recruited students in this route too.
But I finally got the Seteth/Flayn reunion scene with Rhea I had been griping about wanting since I played Verdant Wind. It was good-- could’ve been better, but it was more palatable than Claude yelling about wanting answers to things that aren’t any of his business. 
Non-Student Characters:
My intention this time was to only play as the staff...but that didn’t happen because using the Black Eagles in un-ideal classes was more fun. But, I had already completed all the supports since my first run and I have a general opinion on all of them.
Seteth: Love this guy. He’s got charming dad vibes to him, and I’m about that. I find his supports to be sweet, and honestly, we could’ve had way more Seteth in this game.
Flayn: The way she talks vaguely irks me, but I think she’s cute. Not as blatant “dragon loli” as some of the other games. I enjoyed her presence in this route, but otherwise she’s mostly forgettable and only serves to make Seteth more likable. 
Alois: Cringe; he’s trying to be the dad Seteth is, in a sense, but I just found him to be annoying. I don’t really care if he knew Jeralt because I don’t care about Jeralt either.
Hanneman: I just find him to be creepy lol. The fact he has a sexual paired ending with Dorothea-- since I found this out, I have not known peace. His support chain with Gilbert was one of the only times I genuinely enjoyed him.
Manuela: Eh, she’s grown on me with time, and I really feel for her in her Flayn supports, but in general, there’s this weird mix of the writing trying to make her a joke character and then wanting you to think she’s a great person, deep down, underneath the alcoholism and slobbiness. I think her paired endings (with Ferdinand and Seteth) are where I get the most whiplash. 
Shamir: I’ve never particularly cared for the strong-silent type, especially when you add like a sassy edge to it, but at least she’s not an armored knight. It’s hard to get a feel for her, even after getting all her supports, and I think the time I liked her the most was her support chain with Catherine, because it was real gay. Speaking of...
Catherine: I like her; she radiates a sort of chaotic himbo energy, and it works for her. I think they use her well in the story and supports, and I like how gay she is. 
Cyril: I can definitely see what people dislike him, but I liked Cyril well enough lol. He tells it like it is, and I appreciate that about him. I thought his support with Lysithea was adorable. 
Anna: I don’t really care about Anna? I got into FE in the 3DS era, so Anna’s importance or popularity in the franchise makes little sense to me. I think her “personality” is grating and the lack of supports is also meh. I did actually use her on my team this time around, and she was just okay. I’m not especially fond of fast but low damage attackers, and I got the most utility out of her as a healer/lock pick. 
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agoddamn · 5 years
Conjecture on the family of Seteth and Flayn
Known facts:
Flayn was born in Enbarr
Seteth spent enough time in Enbarr as Cichol to be nostalgic for it
Seteth lived with his wife near the ocean; an area on the west coast is considered sacred to him
Zanado is landlocked
Seteth's wife fished
Rhea states that she was the only survivor of the Red Canyon Massacre and that she allied herself with the Children who had been away from Zanado at the time (implicitly the Four Saints)
Seiros first appears: 41 BIC (Before Imperial Calendar)
Seiros makes her pact with Wilhelm and he founds the Empire: 1 IC
War of Heroes officially begins: 32 IC
Nemesis slain: 91 IC
Flayn: "Even if it cannot last, I want to live among my peers as one of them—as an ordinary person. Similar to how you and Mother coexisted with your own comrades back then, fighting side by side."
Seteth: "You were still so young. I placed far too much strain on you, and our lack of resources was no excuse. Worse, I failed to watch you during the battle. Your mother too. We...lost her because of me."
Flayn compares her mother to Judith.
Dates from the wiki. Subject to some extra unreliability because of canon deception.
Alright, let's rap.
First things first: when was the Red Canyon Massacre?
Let's assume that the first appearance of Seiros was, indeed, 41 years before the founding of the Empire. As Rhea is a known liar there's some doubt to cast, but she did have to genuinely build influence among people to get an army together. That takes time. Let's decide to trust that number, then.
Meaning, the Massacre took place before then, because Rhea did not adopt the Seiros persona until she needed to build influence with humans. Given her aggression in general, I can't see her waiting long to get her wheels in motion. Let's say for the sake of running numbers that the Massacre took place 42 BYC, then.
This means that Flayn was born before 42 BYC, because she was one of the survivors Rhea gathered.*
There's a good 72 years before the war officially begins.
Although there is no explicit explanation, I'm of the opinion that Flayn's mother was a human. Being born and living away from Zanado when all the other Nabateans stayed so close to home that only four weren't there for the slaughter says a lot. Solon is also specific that Flayn's blood is special; not Seteth's. Hanneman states that Flayn's Crest isn't that rare, so it's not that. Flayn being a human/dragon hybrid is the most logical conclusion.
It's almost a guarantee that Seteth gave his wife his Crest to extend her life. Why wouldn't he? Particularly after the Massacre, when Rhea set the precedent for making blood pacts with humans with the Emperor. As a Major Cichol Patient Zero, Seteth's wife could have stayed at his side for all 131 years until her death.
Saint Macuil is mentioned (in at least several accounts) to have died at Tailtean. It's not much of a stretch to suggest that Cethleann and Cichol are also recorded as dying in that battle, although I admit I am partly suggesting it because it's the neatest explanation. Seteth's statement that Flayn's sleeping began after "the battle" also means that Saint Cethleann was no longer active after that point in history.
To recap: Seteth's wife died in a battle that Seteth and Flayn also participated in. This means it could not have been the Red Canyon Massacre, because Rhea was the only survivor there.
I submit: Seteth's human wife, the only bearer of Major Cichol, died in battle on the Tailtean Plains. Flayn was wounded in the same encounter and lapsed into a regenerative coma. Seteth withdrew from Rhea's networking to watch over her for the next millennium.
All this meaning, Flayn likely had at least a century or so of consciousness before her hibernation, though that's still pretty young for an infinite being.
*Possible hole: Rhea implies that Flayn is one of the four survivors, does not state it. It's technically possible that Flayn was born after the Massacre. However, it doesn't feel right to me that new Crests would be created after Sothis was dead. It makes most sense to me that Flayn was born with a new Crest at least partly because Sothis was still in the world. Flayn also needed enough time to be established as a Saint alongside Seiros, which suggests that she operated within a similar time window. She needs to have been an adult (or, y'know, fifteenish) to have been operating alongside the other Saints and bestowing Crests.
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randomnameless · 9 months
Wait a second. Now that you mention it how come Sitri and Byleth have problem emoting because they have a crest stone as a heart whereas people who have a crest stone as a heart like Rhea, Flayn, Seteth, Macuil and Indech and even Sothis have no problem emoting ??? Did I missed something or ?
I'd say the difference lays in their creation.
Sothis created Nabateans - who in turn, could have kids (Flayn).
Rhea created Sitri, but Rhea's powers are nowhere near Sothis so I wouldn't be surprised if Rhea's homonculi, Sitri couldn't express emotions like a Nabatean could ; like Rhea tried to play God, but her powers are nowhere close as God's, so her creations aren't as "perfect/complete" as Sothis' creations.
Billy is a special case, because they're born from Rhea's homonculi - so can we infer the "not being able to express emotions" Sitri had was passed on to Billy ? Or is it a common effect of trying to animate a corpse with a crest stone (Billy's heart never worked to begin with, and Sitri was a body without a soul)?
The explanation is vague and maybe in the 10k years of lore so we can only theorise - canon wise Rhea mentions many times how her powers are peanuts compared to Sothis', so in a way, it wouldn't surprise me that Rhea's "creations" aren't as "able/viable/complete" as Sothis'.
Granted we later learn Sitri expressed emotions with Jerry, so maybe it was only something the "homonculi and their descendants" have when they are kids or aren't exposed to a social environment like Garreg Mach where they can interact with people and develop like "regular humans"?
IDK, bit given how both Billy (and from what we know, partly) Sitri managed to, later in their life, express emotions, that plot point always baffled me as weird.
Was it a nod thrown to make us doubt Billy was "human" and actually something else? Just like their mom?
The lack of heart beating was another nod that Billy wasn't "human" either? But then, the game doesn't bother telling us a thing about the "non-humans", so we don't even know if Billy's heart not beating is tied to, you know, their heart being a rock, or if it beats even if it's a rock in Nabateans, so Billy's not "totally" a Nabatean?
(damn, now i'm thinking about hybrid nabateans, like, do Linhardt's hybrid children with Flayn have a beating heart, or do they have a beating rock, or a rock that doesn't beat? FE16 never gives us answers...)
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randomnameless · 2 years
I was wondering if you ever made a post talking about ladle's idea of meritocracy?
I don't think I did?
Watch out, it will be long lol
Let's take the Flayn'n'Ferdie ending - of course unavailable on Tru Piss, because Flayn is a Nabatean :
Assuming people are extra horny and start to breed like rabbits, because Flayn and Ferdie are extra “loving” and all, a nabatean blooded baby pops up (half or quarter nabatean, it depends on your hc about Flayn herself) from their "extra loving" shenanigans : that baby will obviously have a crest, since it is a nabatean (or part nabatean).
Assuming that baby will have his mom’s crest, baby will still be able to heal “better” than seasoned healers or trained ones, because of the power-up the crest gives them + baby, with their nabatean genes, might have a longer lifespan and be sturdier than a “regular human”.
So, if someone should become a healer, baby will obviously be picked, because baby can heal better than anyone else (save for their mom) in that situation.
Which makes me think about the Holst’n’Goneril house issue :
Thanks to Nopes, we have the hard confirmation Holst has no crest, and is so OP that he still manages to defend the border because he’s just that awesome. So yes, potentially, someone can do the work a crested dude can do, if that someone is exceptionnally good at doing what he does - Holst is a strong warrior, so he can protect the border, even if he doesn’t have a crest - meaning Hilda is free to live the life of leisure she wants even if she has a crest and can use Freikugel.
But 2 points :
First, iirc, from their supports, in Nopes, Holst actually says Hilda is amazing, and might be even stronger than him, she just doesn’t realise it yet. Is it because Hilda is also super strong on her own, or because Hilda… has a crest?
Second, checking weapon ranks again - Relics have a E rank. Meaning a crested person, without even having to train, can use them to unlease mighty artes and destroy people. To say it better, base Marianne, with her shit E-rank in swords and laughable physical attack stat, can kill people just as fine as Holst - a seasoned warrior - if she picks up Blutgang.
And it’s kind of sad because realising this, no matter how awesome Holst is - to be able to defend the border when it was usually thought only a person with a crest could do so - if a crested random comes with a relic, even without any prior training, they can kick ass as much, if not even more, as Holst, who graduated from a military academy and most likely spent the last 5 years of his life on a battlefield.
That’s not fair!
But that’s precisely the point - Relics and Crests are cheat codes! They make a few “ones” better at some things than others.
Randolph wants to be “successful” in battle to show how useful he is to guarantee his position? Sure, but when Sylvain, by flexing with his shiny lance, can do everything Randolph does in battle, but better, how can Randolph be successful? How can he guarantee his position? Why shouldn’t Sylvain’s achievements be rewarded with, say, the position Randolph was eyeing?
Back to Flayn’n’Ferdie’s kid Baby is a Nabatean hybrid.
If they have their mom’s crest, fine, Baby can heal better than anyone else on the continent, save for mom. If they have dad’s crest, they can be inherently better fighters than Randolph, due to that crest, but also to their Nabatean body (Rhea can eat 3 nukes and still be alive, a quarter nabatean hybrid might be able to tank 1 when a human, uh, is not be able to tank any!).
Even for governance, Baby will be long lived, they will have +100 years of experience and wisdom, compared to John the random human who might also want to become a governor.
Battle wise? Governance wise? Baby will always have more “facilities” and boons than “regular humans”.
I developed it a little in one of the “Lycaon the half-nabatean AU post” - no matter what angle you look from, Baby will have opportunities and chances to be “better” than any human around. 
So if positions of power, or jobs, or whatever, are given to the most “competent” people, Baby will obviously be given all those jobs offers, positions and whatnot.
Does it automatically mean doom’n’gloom for the crestless humans out there? No, because there are things being a Nabatean or having a crest or being able to use a relic doesn’t impact, like, say, Bernie’s dad’s job, or being in charge of foreign affairs, or trying to develop new tech (even if Constance’s gift for magic is implied to be due to her familial crest), or being in charge of engineering bridges, cities, canals, etc etc…
But in the other domains, like fighting and healing and whatnot (performing magic)?
If everyone should rise and fall by their own talents and merit, then what about the ones born with cheat codes, who rise through the ranks by snapping their fingers?
They will of course parasite the “rise and fall by their own talent”, since no one else, no matter how hard they work, will be able to match them.
Which is why the solution is either to remove crests from crested people (and erase nabateans from Fodlan because I don’t think they can survive exsanguination), or to get rid of that “by their own merits” system - but what system should be put in place then?
Good question!
We know the original noble “someone who knows, seek knowledge, leads and protects people” definition ended up being distorted in the current Adrestia, so, again, what should be put in place?
The game… doesn’t answer.
Bar a milquetoast “everyone should accept each other with or without crests” it’s radio silence. 
Only in some endings we have clues, Hanneman making tools to make crests obsolete (but it would just move the debate from who has magic blood to who has enough money to get those kick ass tools), or Sylvain wanting to find a way to stop fighting at the border.
And yet, the main issue remains : Nabateans. 
They are people who can, without tools, do superhuman stuff (at least lore wise!). Why should Jack pay for an automatic lamp 100 gold if Rhea can lit hers by snapping her fingers, for free?
Ultimately, given how the main character - Billy - is the reincarnation of the Goddess herself, and part nabatean, I don’t think the game wanted us to reach the solution that one day everyone will have the same lifespan and be able to use magic normally and everyone will one day stand on the same starting line.
Just like I don’t think Tolkien wanted to give a… message, when he designed Numénoreans - the most Noble of all Men - and the Lesser Men who lived in Middle Earth. Some people have magic powers, and some don’t and that’s the setting. 
Is it annoying because it’s again a story of a chosen one?
Is it kind of a downer because it means the most basic random will never be able to swing a sword like Aragorn does, or in FE16, emulate Billy’s prowesses and be able to go back in time too?
What does it mean then, if a character’s leitmotiv is to change the world so all should “rise and fall by their own merits”?
The game tries to give an answer to this riddle - having the main hub being an orphanage and a place to shelter “those who have no status in the world” or the ones who fell, and with the “parley” - some people cannot rise on their own, they need support. If a name or a family line should dictate whether someone is going to be great or if they’re going to suck, ditto for their “merits or achievements”, it’s not because someone fumbled at life that they should just die and be “weak”.
It’s like an exam, if you’re first, yay good for you, you are received, but if you are last? What are you going to do? Re-sit? And if you’re last again, then what? Is it just the end of the road for you?
Sure it’s kind of cliché “together we can be stronger and survive” or “the strong must protect the weak, and the weak make the strong strong” but I feel like this was the kind of answer the game - that is a game that purposedly is left vague to make the world “feel larger” - wanted to give.
Nakama power, power of friendship, you name it! But imo, it’s always the same message in the series : it’s not the king that makes the country, but the country that makes (and can unmake!) the King.
It’s not the answer you’d like if you are looking at real life history or to make real life parallels but…
No matter how many “real life parallels” you might be tempted to make regarding FE16′s system of ruling/social system, FE16 and the world of Fodlan is still a world where some people have magical dragon blood that gives them superpowers.
It’s not supposed to be a mirror of the real world. It’s a fantasy setting - with interesting questions - but ultimately questions raised in that fantasy setting.
i don't even know if i replied to your question lol
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randomnameless · 10 months
Do we know if Humans and Nabateans can have children? I thought Flayn's mother was a Nabatean too, since she got her crest.
Technically, Flayn never says she got her crest from her Mother !
Nopes wise, in the jp version, Sothis doesn't seem to know her (she knew another Light Dragon?) and calls her a wonder - but jury is out whether she thinks Flayn is a wonder because she was born after, or during, her Big Nap, or bcs she Flayn is a hybrid.
So Flayn being half-nabatean is, basically, headcanon.
Immediately after the war, Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach. At the same time, Linhardt mysteriously abandoned his claim to House Hevring, and also vanished. It was suspected, among those who knew them, that they had eloped, although no one seemed to know just where they went. Over a decade later, well after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, something strange happened. A sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the Major Crest of Cethleann enrolled. Over the next two years, a young boy and girl with that same Crest also enrolled. Though Crest scholars deduced that they must be siblings, the truth of their lineage was never definitely proven.
Flayn's ending with Linhardt in FE16 is explicit, they got at least 3 children who were "viable" enough to enrol (also, are we supposed to understand in the new GM, children as old as 10 can enrol?).
Canon-wise, Nabateans and humans can have children !
Headcanon wise...
It has always been a possibility that fascinated me, especially because Supreme Leader is so biased against Nabateans when she could be of Nabatean descent herself, via Lycaon - but headcanons are fickle things lol
So there is an AU where Lycaon is a half-lizard, and is killed because of that - which leads Willy to ditch Adrestia and Rhea to abandon hope in Humanity to work on her rez Sothis plan.
Half-lizard Lycaon managed to fuck before dying, which would later lead to the Martritz siblings being hybrids too (but with 500 generations between them and Lycaon lol) - Supreme Leader and her ancestors descends from Empress Hildegarde, the scion of a kid Willy got after receiving his crest, who was never supposed to sit on the Adrestian throne but who took it nonethless when Lycaon "accidently died".
tldr : the matritz sibs are Rhea's far removed descendants
Noa, the apostle, was a Nabatean, and got her own children who ultimately formed the elusive House Nuvelle - they swore an oath of mutual assistance with House Hresvelg (their supposed cousins!) but with time that oath and its origin was forgotten, House Nuvelle just remembers they have a vow of allegeance to House Hresvelg.
Seteth's wife being a human (per his and Flayn's recollections, she was someone like Manuela and Judith??? Why couldn't we see her IS? KT?) is a HC I'll die for, her presence and support might have influenced some Nabateans on thinking maybe all humans weren't bad, and how they could work with some of them.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I'm gonna answer your questions and elaborate on previously stated hcs. Will probably make a part 2 sometime in the future. Lots of things to share but I keep losing steam writing it all down.
He was a scholar in Zanado! He's the naturally curious type, decently knowledgeable at flora & fauna, weaponry & warfare, and art & literature. He tries to learn about anything he finds interesting, including humans doing human things, even post-WoH. That's one of the reasons he knew what Faerghus' situation was and decided to help them.
No, he doesn't dual-wield (often). He uses the less fancy, non-healing sword for skirmishes and stuff, and uses the cool nabatean one for bigger conflicts.
Hair colour thing is from the crest stone damage. Supreme Leader has more than enough reasons to hate him lol. 1) he keeps killing TWS agents. 2) Stalks the ones he couldn't kill and thwarts their plans. 3) Somehow Knows secrets she's trying to hide. She doesn't find out he's a lizard until much later. (There are many benefits to premature greying)
I have this post-canon scene in mind where Rhea comes clean to her fam about the stuff she was up to. Seteth and Flayn are utterly shocked but Pan's just sipping his tea, his entire being screaming 'disappointed but not surprised'. Rhea is surprised at this reaction and Pan just says "I've known you your entire life, I know the kinda unhinged stuff you're capable of. Doesn't mean I approve tho."
I also have another thingy that's part of a different set of hcs on how Pan could interact with canon. So Pan first meets billy post-timeskip (or just before timeskip) and immediately starts trying to figure out wtf is going on with them. He comes to the conclusions that 1) billy is a hybrid, hence must be protected 2) they are not Nemesis-spawn but have Sothis' creststone in them because that's the other (original) way to get a crest AND is needed to use a heroes' relic 3) this better not be Rhea's doing, he swears to Sothis he's gonna bury himself under a mountain for the next millennia.
His opinion on Sothis resurrection is that it's impossible. Like, She's their progenitor, capable of creating countless nabateans without breaking a sweat. It is impossible for them to even comprehend the kind of power she holds, much less awaken/bring back that power with the means they have. It's much more productive on focusing on the betterment of Fodlan and protect the ones who are still alive. But he understands her feelings of wanting her mother back and doesn't comment too much on this.
I've also got a whole another au where Pan is a sulking little dragon on top of Conand tower, getting pestered by multiple generations of teenaged nobles.
- Lizard pan anon
Hi Lizard pan anon!
He was a scholar in Zanado! He's the naturally curious type, decently knowledgeable at flora & fauna, weaponry & warfare, and art & literature. He tries to learn about anything he finds interesting, including humans doing human things, even post-WoH. That's one of the reasons he knew what Faerghus' situation was and decided to help them.
What do you mean humans doing human things lol
Maybe he was part of the "older ones" who taught about the world "outside" and "humans" to younger Nabateans or people who only lived in Zanado?
No, he doesn't dual-wield (often). He uses the less fancy, non-healing sword for skirmishes and stuff, and uses the cool nabatean one for bigger conflicts.
Oh, it'd make sense in a way. Granted, idk if you took into account weapon durability in your hcs (i never do lol) but sure, it'd make sense to take out the big guns only when needed, and not, say, use a lvl 100 Palkia to defeat a lvl 2 Bidoof.
Hair colour thing is from the crest stone damage. Supreme Leader has more than enough reasons to hate him lol. 1) he keeps killing TWS agents. 2) Stalks the ones he couldn't kill and thwarts their plans. 3) Somehow Knows secrets she's trying to hide. She doesn't find out he's a lizard until much later. (There are many benefits to premature greying)
Would she try to recruit him, as Flamey? Maybe pull something like the enemies of my enemies are my allies (unless they're stinky lizards, they can be my allies for 2 seconds before I backstab them)? When she finds out about him being a lizard though... I guess it'd play in her paranoia of "they're everywhere and controlling Fodlan, living among us, humans!!!"
I have this post-canon scene in mind where Rhea comes clean to her fam about the stuff she was up to. Seteth and Flayn are utterly shocked but Pan's just sipping his tea, his entire being screaming 'disappointed but not surprised'. Rhea is surprised at this reaction and Pan just says "I've known you your entire life, I know the kinda unhinged stuff you're capable of. Doesn't mean I approve tho."
I hcd Seteth being disappointed, hurt, but more angry at Rhea, not for trying to resurrect her, but because she never told him a thing, and how desperate she was (she doesn't trust him anymore? why) and feels bad for not having seen signs earlier, whereas Flayn just, hugs her - it doesn't matter if she's not the super uberwoman she thought she was, nor if she actually cannot look and guide Fodlan on her own - she's still her super cool aunt and it's her time to look after her now.
Macuil is the one who goes "idiot I knew you were useless and worthless" but leaves a Zanado fruit - on her table - just because his pockets are full! - while Indech is the one who doesn't say a thing, but looks at her with the "disapproving older brother glare" but wouldn't say a thing.
I also have another thingy that's part of a different set of hcs on how Pan could interact with canon. So Pan first meets billy post-timeskip (or just before timeskip) and immediately starts trying to figure out wtf is going on with them. He comes to the conclusions that 1) billy is a hybrid, hence must be protected 2) they are not Nemesis-spawn but have Sothis' creststone in them because that's the other (original) way to get a crest AND is needed to use a heroes' relic 3) this better not be Rhea's doing, he swears to Sothis he's gonna bury himself under a mountain for the next millennia.
Nabateans trying to figure out what the frick is Billy is always funny lol, and Pan is right in all three hypothesis!
Poor Pan though, but I wonder how he would have reacted to Jerry if Jerry told him his kid wasn't "normal", would he become protective of Billy who's, regardless of everything, part of his fam, or would her berate Rhea on not having told that human a thing about this Billy child?
His opinion on Sothis resurrection is that it's impossible. Like, She's their progenitor, capable of creating countless nabateans without breaking a sweat. It is impossible for them to even comprehend the kind of power she holds, much less awaken/bring back that power with the means they have. It's much more productive on focusing on the betterment of Fodlan and protect the ones who are still alive. But he understands her feelings of wanting her mother back and doesn't comment too much on this.
Did he disagree with her about the "revised" Fodlan History, painting Nemesis'n'his Elites as fallen Heroes or how she hid the secret behind relics and the existence of Nabateans?
I've also got a whole another au where Pan is a sulking little dragon on top of Conand tower, getting pestered by multiple generations of teenaged nobles.
"Hey Matthias, I bet you 2 beers I can take a scale from that weird wyvern on top of the tower."
"Lambert, don't be stupid. That's obviously not a wyvern."
"Why not ask the wyvern if it can give us a scale?."
"Rodrigue, wyverns don't understand human language."
"It has been glaring at us since Lambert mentionned taking one its scales."
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randomnameless · 1 year
Don't mind me. I am just glad that my favorite loli granny is finally getting good content. snif *tears of joy*
You know what,
This video nearly - I say nearly - made me reconsider my initial assumptions about Sothis being a shit parent!
It's still from a random video in her non original games - because in the Fodlan games she's a gremlin (even if her Nopes battle lines are interesting! Voice Line Anon translated some of them, and the og are available on pegasus knight, but Sothis seems to encourage her kids when she fights with them, and calls Flayn a "wonder" in JP!) and nothing BaD happened to those damn lizards or if it did no one should react to it, else KT won't sell those teabags.
But it could still make for an interesting AU -
Sothis being pissed at her kids being slaughtered and instead of having Billy be a souljar, Billy - Nopes' Billy - wonders if Jerry would ever be as angry as Sothis is if something happened to them, and wants to help her avenge her family (is it something "normal" people do? They aren't "normal" themselves, but wish they were so they would stop being called by a nickname they don't like).
They hear about the Church of Seiros, Sothis goes "hey that's my 52nd name! Who dared call themselves "Seiros"??", and she reunites with her living family.
Now it would be funny if Rhea, who thought Sothis would accept to guide the world, will have to be the one to tell her that "well yes, after the Agarthans are dead, what should we do?" and remind her mom of her old dreams about everyone living together - or maybe Rhea, who isn't convinced herself due to the story events (she helped Supreme Leader who started a war against her as a thank you gesture) but the ones who will make Sothis reconsider will be Flayn - here in this AU, a hybrid Nabatean and a "wonder", a being Sothis never imagined could have existed after the first Agarthan War because Humans refused to live with Nabateans - and Billy, born from a pseudo-nabatean and a human, also a part of her family who learnt, after interacting with their lizard fam, that they are "normal" just as they are, and wishes to continue on living in Fodlan regardless of what kind of being they are.
Agarthans are dealt with, Sothis finally trusts humans anew and leaves on a higher plane (like Naga in FE13?) after saying goodbye to her children and telling them they have to continue living on, this is the final lesson she wanted to teach them - and she learnt this lesson by living those last few months (the game's length) - the Relics are laid to rest, Clout is yeeted away from the game (Claude returns) and the game ends with the three leaders signing a peace treaty in GM (because it's still a Fodlan game and we can't remove too much Tea), with Billy preparing for their first day as a teacher, with student!Barney.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Rhea doesn't trust VW Claude tho and she tells him the truth because he kinda demands it from her. If you had to pick, I think she'd easily trust AM and AG Dimitri, albeit maybe over time. Dimitri has never done anything to hurt or betray her family. AM Dimitri, Felix, Dedue can even marry Flayn (Ashe fishes with Flayn in AG). Ingrid can marry Seteth in AM. Felix has a conversation with Seteth in AM. The Blue Lions and Faerghus are always closer to the church than any other nation overall.
Context is important -
In VW Rhea's first infodump (the one where she still ommits several things) is given because Seteth pleads her to do so, because Billy is here supporting Claude's ask.
And yet, she doesn't reveal a lot about Nabateans, how relics were made and who was Nemesis (she has the famous "idk how nemesis got his sword" when she perfectly knows at least from what "materials" it was made).
She only does that when she's going to die, after Shambala, to settle things with Billy, when Nemesis is knocking at their door.
I'd love that too, in AM and AG - but the game sucks and no one ever reacts to the fact that Flayn has pointy ears (save for Supreme Leader and Hubert and we know how that ends).
I don't think the BL peeps would ostracise them because they are not human, (just like Manu because I hate it how Nopes made her an Adrestian nationalist, let her lust after and finally get some comely saints) but to make Rhea spill her secrets?
After the Hresvelg debacle (Edel knows she is a lizard and started her war based on Willy's knowledge that she was a lizard?) and, even if the game eludes the question, Sitri's family drama (Jeralt never knew what is wife was, even after being married, and he ran away when the child resulting from their hand holding wasn't "human"??) must also have had some weight on Rhea's willingness to reveal "the truth".
I see Flayn and Seteth being the ones revealing the truth to their human "companion" in a AG-AM world, "companion" being supportive and all, but again, how will the world deal with that knowledge?
Sothis trusted Agarthans with her knowledge, and ultimately, it led to her children being genocided.
Rhea trusted Wilhelm, and it ultimately led to a continental war 1k years later.
Kill that, I see Flayn, and only Flayn willing to "take the risk" and share the secret, because the other two are either too jaded or don't have faith anymore in humanity. For sure they love them, they really do, but after Edel's war?
The best ending will forever be a game where Dimitri learns the Truth (tm) and promises to make a world where everyone can live together, and accepting people who are different, and Nabateans, once again, chosing to trust him.
Still, if that was the promise Wilhelm made to Seiros all those years ago, the living Nabateans have knowledge that this promise wasn't respected in the end. So why should it be any different with Dimitri's? (and then we would have some usual "there's no certitude, but we will always strive for a better world" and Nabateans would have rekindled their faith in humanity, after Edel destroyed it).
Tl;Dr : if only the game tackled this issue and made characters react to this dilemna, but for Rhea, who takes personally the Hresvelg betrayal and the War that ensued, I don't see her making the same "mistake" a second time, or at least, not 5 months after the end of the Hresvelg War.
But I totally see Flayn doing it, let her be a hybrid or a pure blooded Nabatean.
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randomnameless · 3 years
I've been wondering, I'm always trying to figure out how branded could exist in fodlan, but we don't know how they could exist. Would they age slower than pure blooded nabateans?
Tis is an old ask but I thought a lot about it -
Sadly Fodlan doesn't give a fuck about hybrids, unlike Tellius who even had supplementary materials to explain how laguz age compared to beorcs etc etc.
Granted, the game doesn't even tell us if Flayn is a hybrid or not. She definitely gets children later on with Linhardt, and apparently they attend the academy "over a decade" after the war's end, meaning they would be, uh, around 12-15 (decade isn't that precise but I doubt the academy welcomed 10 years old?).
But are those children 3rd generation of Nabatean or 2nd?
Constance is implied to be a descendant of Saint Noa - given how I think Noa was a Nabatean, Constance's ancestors were most likely hybrids too.
With time though, the Nabatean traits recess, so Constance is a regular human, with none of the Nabatean traits, and, apparently (?), has a human lifespan.
(I find this theory amusing, because for the Empire who started to despise lizards and wanted to get their hands on Flayn to create more crest beasts, they had House Nuvelle at disposal, but got rid of them earlier for a stupid reason^^).
So, the further you go from the Nabatean parent, the more "human" you get.
(I'd still find it weird if Flayn has an "extended life-span" that her children immediately have the regular human one, if Flayn was a pure blooded nabatean - but if Flayn is a hybrid herself then her kids would only have 25% of nabatean blood, much like the possible FE6!Roy, and at that point, grow like humans? - unless nabateans age as humans until they hit 20 and then they age way more slowly, we will never know)
You have no idea how excited I was seeing that fic on Ao3 with Lycaon being Seiros's kid, but it was tagged with "evil!Rhea" so I can't read it.
Can hybrids partially transform, or fully transform? Or are they unable to do so, but have superhuman abilities (like the branded from tellius)? Can they be turned into relics?
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randomnameless · 4 years
Thinking about inter-species breeding despite knowing that the devs don’t have any answers because they suck
There’s a post on SF where Flayn’s parentage is discussed, is she full-blooded Nabatean or half-human?
Then I re-read Linhardt and Flayn’s epilogue
Immediately after the war, Flayn disappeared from Garreg Mach. At the same time, Linhardt mysteriously abandoned his claim to House Hevring, and also vanished. It was suspected, among those who knew them, that they had eloped, although no one seemed to know just where they went. Over a decade later, well after the Officers Academy had been rebuilt, something strange happened. A sleepy young girl with antiquated clothing and the Major Crest of Cethleann enrolled. Over the next two years, a young boy and girl with that same Crest also enrolled. Though Crest scholars deduced that they must be siblings, the truth of their lineage was never definitely proven.
Those new hybrids are able to enrol “over a decade” after birth/conception. Meaning that they’re not growing very slowly like what we would expect of manaketes. 
But we also know that Flayn is well over 1000 and I like to think she was born before Sothis died (I don’t see worry-wart Cichol being okay with bringing a child to life if his mother was brutally murdered and her killers still on the run - meaning that Flayn might have been born before Slithering guys persuaded Nemesis to loot Nabateans for golden materials, not only Sothis but other ones who predated her death).
So Flayn would have had a normal nabatean growth (1000 years later she’s still a child, or at least, between -41 and 92 she retained a youthful appearance) but the children she got with Linhardt grow like normal humans would do.
I won’t give a chart or the like about nabatean growth (because there’s not enough material in game to make one) but in the OA, Seiros looks definitively younger than Archbishop Rhea, idk, she took 10-ish nabatean years in the span of 1180 human years?
Meaning hybrids descending from half-nabateans don’t share their draconic parent’s slow growth, or even, longevity. (or just hybrids from nabateans if Flayn is a full blooded one, despite some clues leading us to believe the contrary?).
Unrelated, but unlike the Tellius duology, it is never said that making an hybrid makes you lose power, Seteth says he cannot transform (he doesn’t mention Flayn though) but given how draconic transformation works in this opus (or how it doesn’t) I’d chalk it up at “if you don’t swap periodically you’re locked in one state” and “swapping forms is dangerous/takes a toll on your body that’s why Rhea didn’t raze Enbarr in CF during those 5 years Billy was napping”.
However, after some degree on hybridization, nabatean genes seems to be lost, bar the crest, the resulting children grow (and die?) like humans...
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randomnameless · 2 years
Do you think Nabateans have a better snse of smell?
Oh, definitely !
(better than humans)
Birdie's is specially developped, while Seteth'n'Rhea's was toned down because they had to live with humans, and humans can be... very smelly.
(Or, human cities and human activites have all kind of strong odors someone straight out of Zanado cannot support, unless they have some time to adapt - Macuil suffered a lot but managed to push through - actually using wind magic to get rid of the unpleasant odors).
I also have the HC that Nabateans associate an emotion to a scent, or a concept. Cichol's wife can smell "joyful" or "bubbly", but Vestra I smelt "ghastly".
Young Nabateans - and hybrids - often imprint on a particular scent, Seteth will never forget how Flayn refused to sleep if he didn't carry her when she was a baby, and when it was impossible, he often left her with one of his belongings (a scarf, a shirt, a blanket...).
Trauma-ridden Rhea, after Zando, lost all of her marks and was afraid of the human world Seiros the Warrior was supposed to blend it, Wilhelm gave her one of his old pallium when she tried to find something to wear on her head, just in case the wind blows and her ears become apparent - the pallium, thus Willy's scent, became associated to "soothing" and somewhere "safe".
When Flayn first woke up, the thing that she immediately missed was her mother's scent - nowhere to find on her, or on her father. Even her past belongings lost it, meaning that effectively, her mother ceased to exist.
Relics smell to any Nabateans, even the ones who don't know what they are, horrible, like corruption and death. The smell is unpleasant, and while Seiros the Warrior hug the Sword of the Creator, it was thing done "in the spur of the moment" while Rhea craved Sothis's scent - Nemesis was finally done, so Sothis could return again, right? This thing smells like her (no it doesn't, this thing isn't Sothis). Let's say Rhea tolerates the smell, consciously or not, because this is the only thing left of Sothis, and her last hope to recover Sothis, all her family and a peaceful Fodlan.
(the other saints cannot support it, Flayn nearly threw up when Felix protected her with the Aegis Shield, and the BL in general note how she is always pale whenever they use their relics near her).
Constance doesn't have the same feeling of visceral revulsion at the sight of a relic - even if she is far removed from her Nabatean ancestor Noa, she has a stronger sense of smell than a random dude, like even base!Constance who never set foot in a forest to hunt like Petra or Leonie can smell a rabbit 3 meters away - but it makes her uncomfortable and she prefers to avoid them, for reasons she cannot explain.
Comes the idiot plot ball with the twin crested people - the nabateans should be able to smell something wrong with them, but since they tuned down their abilities (or neutralised it?) because living with humans is complicated - especially when melting Gautier Cheese is involved (Seiros the Warrior nearly passed out when Willy showed her a jar of garum) - Edel puts a ton of perfume to hide the scent from the lizards, while Lysithea prefered to avoid people of the Church to hide her secret, and since neither Rhea or Seteth or even Flayn came in close contact with her, her secret was kept hidden.
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randomnameless · 3 years
Hybrid Nabatean headcanon?
Well, if you insist
HC Nabateans are made of magic.
Sothis made them using “magic” since she is the reason why “magic” spread through the land (Fodlan+other countries), after her arrival in Fodlan.
Flayn is a special case - because she was born when Sothis was still alive. 
That is why she can transform, and have a different crest from her dad.
Sothis blessed her mom with a longer life than what patient 0 would get from a simple crest transfusion. That's why Cethleann is closer to a Nabatean than any other hybrid - Sothis lit gave her mom more “magic” to make her offspring close to a Nabatean.
Nabatean pregnancy takes more time than a normal human one (and is more dangerous if the mother is human, that’s why Sothis “strengthened” Cethleann’s mom even if she had Cichol’s crest). Flayn is thus closer to a Nabatean than other hybrids, she can transform, have her own crest and has the longer lifespan. She can even be cut for parts.
Roughly it is equal to more or less 10 years (Ena took around 20 years to give birth to her son?). This is partly why it was more or less codified that Nabateans has to give their blood to their human partner, so the human could spend time with their offspring.
Post Sothis hybrids are different -
With the Progenitor God dead, there is less magic in the air, only the Nabatean can pour his magic, but they cannot gather it on Sothis’s levels, so the kid ends up as a strengthened version of a human, with a few Nabatean traits.
As a result, post-Sothis, Male Nabateans have a lot of difficulties to “create” a hybrid, because they cannot pour magic constantly to the baby who isn’t in their bodies. As a result, interbreeding with a male Nabatean rarely produces a viable offspring, and if it does, the baby is much more closer to a human than a baby born to a Nabatean Mother.
Ditto for second gen children, hybrid Mother can pass on more “magic” and Nabatean genes than a hybrid father.
Hybrid Nabateans would have a crest stone instead of a heart, but age faster than a pure blooded Nabatean and wouldn't be able to use as much magic as a Nabatean could. They share the same crest as their Nabatean parent, but their bones aren’t shiny and cannot be used to craft relics. However, they are still “super-human” as in, uh, being able, idk, to tank 1 nuke (instead of 5 like Rhea), jump 20 meters high and have a way more “magic” than a human, even a crested one.
They still have the traditional pointed ears, green eyes and green hair.
Second generation children (1/4th Nabatean) have varying hair color and eye color, but round ears. They only share a crest and have a very slightly longer lifespan, but not the additional Nabatean traits.
Hybrids were actually common before the first Agarthan War - but afterwards, they became ultra rare - some Nabateans thought humans were arrogant, greedy and full of hubris, so Cichol is the only odd loser who grew fond a human.
Of course, everyone loves Cethleann, so maybe humans aren’t bad and all.
But then Nemesis happens.
Noa's children were born after the Chalice - I mean, Noa's kid (rumour says she had a son, who had a lot of difficulties to get a child, so she got a daughter too, but then, both managed to get a child). She expressly wanted to avoid to have more than two kids, and told her kid(s) not to have large families too.
With time, of course, her decree was forgotten - at least the "why" - but House Nuvelle still tried to have the fewest heirs possible, and tried to hide/keep their crests pure, i.e. not intermarrying with other crested families. Actually, their obsession to become “purer” was to return to Noa’s first kid, who was able to do “inhuman” feats - they wanted to gain a closer concentration of Nabatean blood - but sadly it didn’t happen.
By the 4th generation, all Nabatean traits disappeared save for a pronounced affinity for magic.
Constance still has stomach-aches after eating a Zanado Fruit, but she doesn’t immediately throw up like “regular” humans. (The Noa fruit was engineered based on Zanado fruits, they are supposed to be Zanado fruits but tempered to be able to be eaten by humans because Noa wanted to share a Nabatean recipe with her grandchildren, who cannot eat Zanado Fruits, so she made the Zanado Fruits edible by humans!).
Willy the Loser might have tried to get a kid, but given how Seiros the Warrior kept on being a Warrior and always depleted her magic when she was fighting, none could be allocated for a kid who couldn’t “grow” post conception.
Seiros the Warrior never knew about this, naturally.
Wilhelm’s heirs, and House Hresvelg members, are thus 100% human.
When creating Citrus’n’co, Rhea thought about hybrids but thought creating an artificial body out of human and Nabatean materials wouldn’t be able to host Sothis’s powers and/or consciousness, so she only used her own, uh, fluids/materials to create her artificial beings.
Billy, born from an artificial Nabatean and a human, is able to host Sothis’s consciousness and powers, was a welcomed surprise. Granted, Billy might also have worked because they were born “naturally” and not “artificially”.
However, given how Citrus was not a “real” Nabatean, Billy has no hybrid powers nor abilities (but then they merge with Sothis).
Post Sothis fusion!Billy, should they have children with the Nabateans and Flayn, would create beings on Flayn’s levels, for all intent and purposes, a Nabatean.
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randomnameless · 2 years
Realizing super late that Mistake having the Crest of Macuil means that Birdie must've shared blood/held hands with a human. Said human who is not afraid to express how she feels about him lol. Apparently Birdie must have (or did have) some sort of like towards certain humans? Who do you think gave him more shit over his "favortism" towards certain humans, Rhea or Indech? If Birdie saw Mistake simping over Supreme Leader, would he agree with his niece that this is a "low form of comedy"? At least the Middlefrank Opera Company keep to the Old Ways on human courting (or at least what WoH!Ochs told him about it). Now those women know about romance...for humans anyways.
With Willy the Loser's "covenant between the red blood and white sword" with Rhea, WoH!Herving somehow receiving blood from Flayn and NOT getting an Axe of Ubaya to the face from Seteth, and WoH!Ochs somehow managing to get Mr. "Humans are Stinky" to give her the time of day, the WoH!Adrestian nobles must've been chads among chads lol. Meanwhile we're stuck with Supreme Leader painting Plank Sensei and her gaggle of idiots. Kids, step your game up! Your ancestors are weeping over your pathetic performance lol.
I don't think every Saint held the hand of a human and ultimately gave them, and their line, a crest - so Flayn most likely shared her blood the conventional way, without hand holding.
Before 3 Nopes I had this HC that Birdie refused to give his blood to humans - a quick'n'cheap power-up - but prefered to teach them magic, which is why the Empire historically would have a lot of mages.
But that HC died, both with Edel's support with Constance and Mistake von Ochs. Maybe Ochs I (the poet!) simped so hard after him that only a drop of blood could make her go, or maybe Macuil tried to save her and gave her his blood....
In any case, seeing Ochs II and ultimately Mistake's ancestors would have told him that while Ochs I was annoying, the subsequent Ochs grow more and more tiresome and he would have reached the conclusion earlier than Rhea : the descendants of the humans they blood bonded with are not as trustworthy as them.
(and how could you blame macuil for thinking humans stink after seeing Mistake? She's not a low form of comedy, she's a living tragedy - like the rest of Bullshit Eagle Sus Force, to be honest.)
I wonder if SB will hammer like Tru Piss that Supreme Leader and her minions think Rhea deserves to die because her ears are not round when pointy ears was, in 3 Nopes lore, seen as very attractive by Adrestrians back then.
Given how Indech gives his bow to someone who doesn't have his crest, nor has a special talk to the descendants of his chosen human (Hanneman or Bernie) I think he's the Nabatean who doesn't give a fuck the most (even before Macuil, bcs Birdie would be super pissed if he saw Mistake). Then comes Seteth, Flayn, and ultimately Rhea - who still think Edel's betraying Wilhelm's legacy and name.
I'm pretty sure in Tru Piss the Mittelfrank Opera will be purged - both the make sure no embarrassing stories are made about Supreme Leader, but also to make sure all stories about humans "copulating" with cruel beasts disappear, or heavily retooled to have the cruel bease force the poor human, creating hybrid monsters to destroy the world and humanity, only for Supreme Leader to save the day.
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randomnameless · 2 years
i think one of the things that really gets me on crests is that the bloodlines are starting to fade, and that them fading and not showing up in every child in every generation is the actual cause of a lot of the current day crest angst. saying crests are the cause of fodlans problems has that twofold shittiness. humans only have them by destroying a race, and now that theyre fading, they say crests are to blame. really, replacing crests with dragon blood helps take the blinds off.
Humans put value on some treasure they stole, but now that treasure is slowly disappearing so...
Are their strife caused by the treasure, or the fact they can't just accept it and go on with their lives?
"Let's blame the Treasure".
Like, in this context - where Crests are highly sought after - Nabateans are more at risk than ever, since every random peon who wants one can just eat Flayn's liver and get a shiny Crest of Cethleann.
If it was just a "random" treasure, it'll be "alright", people are just stupid but what can you do ! Still, as you pointed out, Crests is Nabatean Blood.
So by saying "Nabatean Blood" are to blame for Fodlan's perceived shittiness - when Humans stole that blood in the first place and killed Nabateans in the first place! - is both stupid, but also incredibly racist, because I don't know how to call a "it's because of that blood from another race that we're shitty".
Like, it's not the Nabatean's fault if they can jump five meters high or heal people with a snap of their fingers - humans got greedy and stole that power, and now they're blaming Nabateans for the reason why... they became so greedy?
If "Crested humans" were only born from Nabatean and Human breeding, we would have an issue closer to, hm, what could have been the Branded in Tellius, that is some kind of "third" race on Fodlan, not as powerful as the first, but way more "special" than the second (or from another franchise, the Half-Elves from Aselia).
It would be sad - and generally fit the "humanity sucks" - but it would make more "sense" if humans loathed crests because they cannot have any when Nabateans and Hybrids have some.
But in Fodlan, they hate crests because, uh, they stole them and now it's running thin so... it's the reason why the world becomes so obsessed with them?
It doesn't make any "logical" sense - and lo and behold, who sprouts this nonsense to justify her war against Pointy Ears?
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