#do i tag this as anything? i don't even have a buch of tags in this blog anyways
eisforeidolon · 1 year
I recently went down a rabbithole and came across some of the most idiotic nonsense I've ever seen.
Someone asked the blog I'm quoting below what they thought the reason for prequel gate was and I'm just flabbergasted at the insane armchair psychology presented as fact. This person clearly has no idea what co-depency actually means and yet they have a whole buch of posts spanning multiple years where they repeat this nonsense over and over again (newsflash: you can't diagnose people you've never even spoken to from afar).
Not to mention calling Jensen "under-functioning" or "low functioning" (and his parents too in some posts, it's genetic apparently /facepalm).
This person seems as insightful and trustworthy as goob to me, but because it isn't as immediately obvious by their writing style (compared to goob's barely comprehensible ramblings), people take them seriously and they have at least a small amount of followers who seem to believe every word they say.
(Though it seems to be mostly Jared stans who are only to happy to believe anything negative about Jensen, no matter how unqualified the source and how ridiculous the claims.)
I just can't roll my eyes hard enough:
"You'll find the answer to most of your questions in the codependency tag.  The short answer is Jensen was trying to be good enough for Jared by creating a project on his own without Jared's help or leadership.
Let's take out the codependency aspect and just look at basic male competitiveness even between friends.  Men go through the competition phase with each other in order to determine hierarchy and once that’s established, then they “reconcile” and move into the cooperate phase and even become loyal friends.  Nothing demonstrates this better than the Top Gun movies, which is actually about a love story between Maverick and Iceman.   "Frenemies" is not supposed to happen among men, instead it's more common among women because they go from competition to cooperation and back to competition.  Jensen is a bit under-functioning, so he goes back to competing with Jared even though Jared is not competing with him; there’s no need to change the hierarchy.  At the same time Jensen was competing for Jared in order to continue their Maverick and Iceman love story."
Let's talk about Goob for a second. Goob wants to present himself as a totes unbiased observer with super secret insider knowledge ... that just always ~*somehow*~ happens to validate that D/C is the center of the universe.
Not just fandom, but people at large? Have a tendency to question something far less to not at all when it agrees with what they already want to believe. The problem is, you don't just have to want to believe with Goob, you also have to get past how he writes in word-salad rants, makes factual statements/predictions that are proven directly indisputably false all the time, and throws out claims that are blatantly fantasyland batshit like Kripke stealing the YED from him or his having been personally involved in TW, is clearly wanting to bilk fandom for money - among other issues. Goob is so bad at what he's trying to do you have to be completely fucking desperate AND incredibly thick to continue to buy into it.
There are people in this fandom a lot better at it than Goob. Who can write a coherent paragraph. Who know how to flimflam enough to not directly say things like 'X [did/will] happen on Y date' which are easy to catch out as blatantly factually false - there's a lot of 'it's just my opinion (even though I keep stating it as fact)'! Who aren't obtuse enough to claim their super speshul insider knowledge is directly personally in SPN, just ~*the industry*~ in general that just so happens to tell them everything about how BTS on SPN must have operated in minute, exact detail!
So if, say, you already want to believe Jared is the center of the universe around which all existence revolves - even that of his own friends' who are just desperate to earn the approval of such an amazing godlike being they obviously can't help but feel inferior to in every possible way? You maybe don't notice the absurdity when somebody claims to be a fan of Jensen but constantly laments the fact he can't be so much smarter/more talented/business savvy/fashionable/whatever like Jared, woe! You maybe don't notice the double standard always leaning one way when somebody insists in one post that when X applies to Jared it proves he's popular/cool/savvy, and five posts later, X applying to Jensen proves that he's forgettable/lame/dumb, actually. You maybe don't notice when they spout off a bunch of psychobabble gibberish with no qualifications in the field on top of zero personal experience with the people they're incorrectly diagnosing. (Honestly, that one's even less noticeable because so many fans do it so cluelessly all over the place ... not as if that makes it better, but.)
The difference between them and Goob isn't a matter of what they're trying to do, it's a matter of basic competence in the attempt. Goob just can't help being so very Goob about everything - and again, even he has people willing to swallow it whole because they WANT the validation of it being true so so blindly. Conversely, no matter how competent anybody else's sleight-of-hand, they're only going to distract the audience who already agree with their underlying agenda from being able to see the light catch on the wires.
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sunflower-haven · 5 years
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well, i guess i’m gonna post some art on this blog too :^0 i was originally going to submit this to @purple-compromise but tumblr, for some reason, only lets you submit one image? which is stupid but, what can you do. anyways!! i stumbled upon this fic again a couple of weeks ago after literal years and fell in love with it all over again and read all 40 chapters in a few days and IMMEDIATELY had the need to draw a lot of art for it as soon as i could, and basically, since i simultaneously got my ankle sprained in the same week, dedicated myself solely to drawing and playing concept artist. also all of this coincided with the fic’s fourth (!!) year anniversary so! i guess this is a sort of late gift!? i have a lot to say about this so let me just sort of throw it under a read more, BUT!!! tl;dr, this fic is amazing and i’m definitely drawing more soon. because it’s the BEST.
OK. THE FIRST ONE. it’s basically the first image that stuck with me because every scene where the specialist is using her shield really screamed “WONDER WOMAN!!” in my brain, mostly because they’re so epic, and i wanted to practice some black and white painting the original screenshot this is based on is this one btw :^D
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and now my favorite of all the things i did! a model sheet!! i spent some time figuring out how much i wanted the spesh to look like a mix of me and, well... someone that’s actually capable of doing everything she does in the fic 😂 in the end i guess i found a really nice balance of it. also this is the first study i did
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i did a lot of some light stalking on the specialist’s tag to figure out the most, correct/official(?) way of drawing her clothes and the first one is the one i figured was the best, but the second was one i really wanted to draw (the double buttons!! is that what they’re called? i don’t know, i love them) and the third is just some alternative outfit i thought of. specialist cosmetics maybe? the second set is her clothes during the heavy boxing match (i WISH i had those muscles 😩 and i wish i could... draw better muscles)  and the BLU specialist which was originally going to be just a recolor but i remembered a passage where she’s described as a sort of distortedly perfect version of our RED spesh and that image stuck with me so i just. brushed her hair and gave her a bit of a smug expression) the third one is mostly a bonus because, after i rediscovered the fic, i distinctly remembered doing some fanart in 2015 and searched through my old sketchbooks and found her; 2015 specialist in all of her old, weirdly emo? glory!! i don’t know why i thought she looked like... This in my mind back then but i really wanted to redraw her. (why does she have a scarf? what’s up with that weird shapeless blob of a gun?! why did i draw her class badge like That?! did i forget how it looked like when i drew it? was it not a thing yet? who knows! 2015 me, probably)
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and the last one is the most recent one of the bunch, and it’s basically a rom-com-ish poster that i had an idea for during one of my “oh my god i can’t sleep because this damn cast is so freaking uncomfortable” sleepless nights also the original idea was. this monstrosity i sketched on my phone
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a masterpiece.
i just wanted to draw them having a nice chat maybe after capturing a point. in which map? who knows! certainly not me, but they’re being cute and i wanted to practice drawing medic and some actual painting so this is probably the most doodly of the bunch. (also archimedes on medic’s shoulder was my sister’s idea and i loved it too much not to include it) oh my god i wrote SO MUCH. i hope it’s all coherent, it’s like... 2am  :^P i don’t know how to finish this so uh... thank you so much for this fic purple-compromise! i hope this huge block of text is not annoying or overwhelming!? also thank you for inspiring me to draw non-stop for the past weeks?! bye?! *disappears*
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