#do not be surprised bc the rose ceremony has one post with text and the rest will be summarized in the bodies of the posts because
peaches 05012018
The day before graduation
He texted me about a party and we continued to talk throughout the day. He added me on snap as well (which it was big deal). I had grad practice later on that day and I asked him if he was going to it, which he said he wasn’t. We bantered back in forth about him going. Peaches told me to visit him in his classroom afterwards so we can hangout, so I told him we’ll see. After practice, I had to clean my locker and then do something for my club, but then he snaps me a vid of his empty classroom with the caption “it’s nice that you visited me” and I was already on my way to his classroom so I snapped him back. I walked in and he was fting someone and his face lit up when he saw me!! He then ended the call and I realized it hadn’t been just us two in awhile- I got really nervous. I hadn’t talked to him in awhile so I caught him up about the basic things because I didn’t want to get into a deep conversation at that time. Once I realized that I had to leave because I had to be somewhere we had our little banter and he snapped us “fighting”. I was actually standing in the parking lot with my friends because we were waiting for one of their parents. We were snapping throughout the wait. The parents arrived and he was actually walking out to go leave and he stopped to talk to me. After I walked away from him he pulls up in his car to meet my friends parents, but I know mostly it was because of me. Anyways, we snapped throughout the whole day and it was cool.
Morning of Graduation: Last Day Party
So my school throws an end of the year party every year and this was my last one. I planned to go late because why not!! He texted me that morning saying that I wasn’t there. I played like I was there but he told me that he asked everyone and they told him I wasn’t here yet. I JUST REALIZED THIS!! okay so i told him “you aren’t even outside so you wouldn’t know” and he says that i’m funny. I know for a fact that he wasn’t because someone posted a snap of him inside his room while i was texting him. Once I got there which was like 3 mins after the text he was sitting outside, plus he snapped me walking onto the campus!!! So he practically went outside for me. I didn’t see him w my poor vision and I was standing at a booth when I saw him sitting down. I look away and once I turn my head back over he is walking towards me already. He acts like he’s trying to play at the booth that I’m at but I know that he’s trying to talk to me. I was waiting for a friend so we can get his present from her car. I left him for a bit to go to the car. We walk back and we tell him to follow us and he does. He opens his gift and he’s happy!! We walk out and we do our own thing. He starts snapping me again throughout the whole time. His SO was there so it was weird. I was sitting and signing yearbooks the whole time and I had mine with me. I told him to sign mine and he was like “I can’t write it. I don’t know what to say to you” and personally I was actually hurt but I understood because we’ve been through a lot. I let my mad side take over me so I was really bitter. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore after that I didn’t even look at him. He moved tables and one of my friends was there and she needed to sign it so I gave it to her. I told another one of my teachers to sign it too so he went there to sign it. During that time I had to leave to get ready for grad and he was literally about to sign it and I was like I have to go you should’ve signed it earlier when I told you to and walked away but then we made up there bc i was happy that day. He was watching when I was leaving. We snapped all the way to graduation.
Dude I was sad!! Okay he was making eye contact with me the whole time. We were staring at each other most of the time. Anyways, fast forward to the rose ceremony (where we give roses to the people that has helped us to get to where we are now). I gave one to my mom and I gave one to him. I went up on the stage to give it to him and he looked surprised and stood up and hugged me. He was tearing up because of it which caused me to tear up so I had to get out of there fast. Throughout his speech he would look at me and he was talking about his class and he asked someone to come up and he was trying to get me to go up there but I didn’t want to. When he told us that he will really really miss us and that he loves us I wa about to cry so I couldn’t look at him. Then the ceremony ended. Afterwards, I took pics with people. Then I took a pic with him. He told me “I’m going to be honest the only time I cried was when you gave me the rose. It was very thoughtful of you,” and I was tearing up at that point PLUS we didn’t take the pic. Then I had to leave but then we snapped til like 1 am which is crazy. Now we have a streak!!
I do love him. I’m not sure if it’s romantic love or if it’s more brotherly, but one thing for sure is that I love him. I appreciate him a lot. I know that our friendship is going to end there but is only going to get stronger. I hope this isn’t the last time. I’ll see him again this week and hopefully in the future. This won’t be the last of him.
0 notes