#do not seperaate
i need to know more about tomo pls i love 'dog with separation anxiety' characters
Ok ok I gotta put this under a cut because hes. rotating inside my head always. Going to put a link to his whole little page i posted bc this gives you Some basic information as to his Vibes.
Tomo is a Corrie medic! He’s got a few different like. personas he puts on depending on context. I talk a lot about his Weird Little Unhingedness persona bc thats when he’s letting is all out without hesitation or shame, which is really fun, but he’s a brother first, then a medic, and then a pathetic little creature.
As a vod and a brother, he is very, very loyal and committed to his siblings. His core guiding motivation is to make things better for them, but because of how he thinks this tends to be an individual focus rather than a group focus; he’ll individually get everyone a blanket before pushing for a new project to get everyone blankets, etc. 
When he’s off duty and relaxed, he tends to be a friendly, nice guy. Will bend over backwards to help a vod, even one he doesn’t know, with minimal questions asked. Not a whole lot of respect for rules and authority; if you can’t indicate the practical reasons behind a standard or regulation, he will probably ignore it at his convenience. HOWEVER, he is also Definitely younger sibling coded and can be a bit of a shithead as a treat. Kind of a doormat and seems easy to bully but once he realizes he’s being teased or bullied he’ll go from the NOOOO!!! NOOO!!! younger sibling tears to I’m A Medic And I Can Tolerate And Shut Down So Much Bullshit on a dime. Likes people, likes to be around people in general, will worry and fret and scold if you’re being a bit reckless but also the biggest enabler in all of the med corps tbh. Believes in happiness and autonomy as a primary element of wellbeing and this drives a lot of that enabling; is the most likely corrie medic to go out of the way to let u keep a scar you want even if it makes his job fixing underlying structures more difficult.
He’s actually quite good at being professional when hes Being A Medic, and honestly can be a little ruthless, in terms of not hesitating to make calls (because that’s how you get people killed). His specialization is in orthopedic and reconstructive/plastic surgery, which in practice means he’s NOT out of medical much when on shift; if he’s called onto site, things are really bad. On a good day he has no emergency cases, but most of his emergencies are cases where there needs to be immediate and dramatic surgical intervention to prevent fatality. Amputations, skin grafts, major muscular trauma, broken bones; he sees a lot of really nasty shit, in his emergency capacity. In a non-emergency capacity, he still sees a lot of unpleasant and upsetting things, because he’s, yknow. reconstructing things and overseeing recovery from skeletal trauma, but it’s much much safer and less stressful. As a result of all this, he has a really strong stomach and a skewed sense of when gore, blood, or guts gets upsetting.
Also in his capacity as a medic, but off-regulation, Tomo provides a lot of suppourt to trans vode with gender-affirming care! He’ll do just about anything that’s not hazardous; he refers for tracheal shaves and bottom surgeries that require significant specialization or more advanced/specialized equipment than he has. But fillers, FFS, top surgery, horomone access? He’s gotchu.
Also; he knows he's cute. He knows people see him kind of as a pathetic little creature. He ABSOLUTELY weaponizes the shit out of this as a medic. he can cry on command because he learned the magical efficiency of just BURSTING into tears on someone avoiding the medbay. If you aren't guilted/made uncomfortable enough to comply he'll just get someone to drug you and haul you off lol
He’s a really affectionate, friendly, and easygoing guy overall, but the part of him that i talk about most often is his Little Freak setting. This is a manifestation of extreme seperation anxiety. He’s good at respecting verbal boundaries but is a Stage 5 Clinger. He will follow you into the bathroom if ur having a conversation and not notice until ur like excuse me that its weird. He’s really scared of loosing people, either to death or just to the vast distances of the galaxy, so he really really wants to be like. tangibly tied to people. This is where his cannibalism schtick comes from like he cannot imagine a closer intimacy than the physical substance of one’s self being intergrated into the other through consumption…. carry him with you forever and vice versa….. woah…..
@mamuzzy also pulled a GALAXY BRAIN take putting him w Mereel in that one art. Rotted my brain hard for them as a cringefail couple where their respective toxic traits slide off each other like water off a duck. I have a Lot of meta for that im not going to elaborate on too much beyond tomos tendancy towards clinginess being satisfied by mereel pinging him when he’s away, mereel being unbothered and indulgent of his weirdness, and tomo being game enough to help mereel that mereels habit of social engineering and manipulation to get what he wants doesnt have a chance to get toxic bc tomo is already willing give mereel whatever he wants with the ironclad exception of endangering his patients, which he is too stubborn and protective to be manipulated directly about anyway.
I decided that they met bc mereel needed to change his apperance for smth, hooked up w tomo (convenient emotionally vulnerable mark! yippee!) to gain access to medical supplies, was asking about a kind of filler (intended use for joint injuries but off-label use as a filler) to figure out if he can self-administer it and Tomo was immediately like oh i can administer it if you want to try! It’s easy to dissolve if you don’t like it! Mereel agreed, Tomo put in the temporary fillers, and they both walked away from the encounter satisfied and with each other’s contact information in their pocket.
It is very important to note that while Tomo IMMEDIATELY recognized Mereel was interested in the filler’s capacity to change facial structure and apperance, he did not realize Mereel wanted apperance-altering interventions for a mission until months later when someone pointed out he is a black ops specialist and got together with Tomo to use his skills n specializations.  He had fully been working on the assumption that Mereel had just been interested in gender exploration even after they had an established pattern of Tomo administering temporary cosmetic procedures for Mereel’s missions
ANYWAY thank u I love him he is so deeply strange. just an odd little dude.
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#oc tomo#hes sooooo babygirl#i need to stress: he is so ride or die its literally self destructive#there is a network of squadmates n other medics devised solely to keep assholes from taking advantage#yes they r concerned abt mereel but it seems to be working?? mereel is not Actually asking for anything inappropriate#bc what hes asking tomo to do for him as favors is mostly medical suppourt which is fine#but shinies will beg him for help getting things that r much more dangerous if u dont put a stop to it#he Was accidentally involved in several corrie contraband rings before intervention#i am obsessed w mereel doing his mereel deal of trying to get tomo ingratiated to him only for at every step tomos already there#mereel: *carefully structuring tomos life so he does smth he wants*#tomo as soon as he picks up on it: oh lol here u go [GETTING A GOOD GRADE IN HELPING SOMETHING POSSIBLE TO ACHEIVE AND REASONABLE TO WANT]#mereel: i know i am good at being charming and getting people to give me things but something is definitely wrong with you#dynamic of mereel being like hes kind of like a weird pet and favor machine with absurd kinks i want to study him. i like him tho#and tomo being like yes i fully understand mereel would sell me to satan for 1 corn chip. he is one of my favorite people in the universe#its like 2 people firing dysfunctional relationship grenade launchers at each other n being in a perfect untouched circle after#NOT making each other better or healthier but somehow its working out... failing upwards etc etc#sorry for Massive Dump then Massive Tags i just adore this lil freak
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
i think the reason shellheart gets passed around as Best Warriors Parent a lot is primarily because of that scene where he told his son that him fighting with rainflower wasnt his fault. its something a lot of people with argumentative caretakers will latch on to, and it was a surprisingly thoughtful thing for them to write in when usually the writers are so… bad at it (which is also why it stuck out).
that being said, shellheart being put above cats like brambleberry and echosnout is weird to me, and definitely feels like the fandom and writer misogyny at work. ESPECIALLY when you compare it brightflower asking a directed question and being temporarily PUT IN HELL for it and crucified.p by the fandom for it. i literally saw somebody call YELLOWFANG a bad mom. yknow, the woman being abused and seperaed from her child against her will who felt like her heart was shattering fiving him up and tried to support him even when raggedstar was getting between her and her son. this fandom judges moms WAY harded than dads and if shellheart was a woman people would be calling him mid
Oh he definitely has his cute moments! But you know, you're meant to like Shellheart. He's likeable by design, he's got a few cute moments to be the Good Parent in comparison to Rainflower (not that that's like a difficult task. anyone showing Crooked some Basic Decency is gonna like a saint compared to Rain-let's-involve-the-entire-clan-in-my-abuse-flower). think bonefall said it best in this post. What does the book spend time on instead? when do these scenes happen? Why are they so rare? And so on and so on.
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Playlist: Time Lord Victorious
Playlist: Better with Two
Time Lord Victorious
✧ Burning Pile - Mother Mother
✧ I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
✧ Stripper - Sohodolls
✧ Verbatim - Mother Mother (for some reason I very much associate Mother Mother with 10)
✧ Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde
✧ You've Got Time - Regina Spektore
✧. Oh Ana - Mother Mother
✧ Why Didn't You Stop Me - Mitski
✧ Take Me To Church - Hozier
✧ Afraid - The Neighborhood
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espytalks · 3 years
wow. ya ever just. wake up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing makes ya feel better? cause boy, was i in a horrible mood yesterday.
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idids0methingbad · 6 years
i will always be bitter over the fact that my mom didn’t get the mixed bag of kitkats during xmas when they were selling them
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blackrose-p-sims · 4 years
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702 Zenview - San Myshuno, version 2
2bd, 2bth
Due to the bug that came with the new update 702 Zenview does not allow you to delete or add any walls or place rooms down, so I had to remake the apartment using the default floorplan. The downstairs is pretty much the same, I jsut had to use the room dividers to seperae the entrance and laundry area. The upstairs is where it got tricky because of how oddly shaped one of the bedrooms was so you will probably notice quite a lot of differneces from the original apartment.
Also I am not putting it up on the gallery because it’s not possible to place it in the apartment at the moment. I might do it at a later date if EA comes out with a fix for this issue
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lostgirl-92 · 2 years
lost girl files
anxiety relatinship maker, relationship breaker once united; only forced apart by pain seperaed in our own histories in our own pain screaming out for eachother with barbs that onl cut let me help let me help let me help we scream a one anoter from our own prisons side by side as if a punishment never to see eachoher again but spend eternity with only the screams of what once was the beauty always wondering if this time will be the last time she is racked with destruction of the past praying it is for her sake and thy own understanding it may be the only reason she still takes in air can i lose her, can i let her go into the oblivion of nothing ness will i ever try and remind her of the love we shared in freedom before this place if not for her sake, to bring back my own humanity? is it worth hearing her scream in pain as if the past is staring her in the face? or do i finally allow both our tired souls lay at rest in this cold cold cell what do i do what do i say. lost in anxiety another day if only to see her smile when we are both present in this moment not often does it happen where we are both in a safe space.
"just get over it you scream at me everyone had a horrible childhood not another reason to abuse me" father abused, mother abandoned has this just become an excuse to you? your telling me its not real too its all in my head it should all be in my past get over it get over it get over it with it my breath escaped i crawled in to my past and shut the door if i cant leae it all in the past and i dont want to destroy you with it locking my self in and throwing away the key will save them all from what was done to me what i have become i wonder who he saw when he formed me? I hope he holds her in his hands now so she isn tainted from what i hae become save her jesus for i cant save her myself
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headheartsoul · 4 years
Im sorry.
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Forensics Part 2
So this is part 2, some warnings there’s violence here and in the next part. Thank you so much for being kind about this, it means a lot. SO yeah here we go
She dreaded going to work that night, knowing who she would have to deal with when she got in. As the opened up the lab she set her protein shake down on the desk and waited. While she waited she decided to review some of the samples from the building wreckage to see if there any traces of magic. To most eyes it was hard to spot but she had an interesting sense of sight, at least according to her optomotrist. Narrowing her eyes as she looked into microscope she searched for the estranged particle. If it was true that there was an elf in the burning building then they had to have gotten out somehow. Not that she believed Kandomere but it couldn’t hurt to check. She was checking a piece of a wall when she saw it, a glittering particle that could have easily been overlooked as fairy dust but fair dust has more colour to it. Thie particle was purely silver which meant one thing. A wand. A knock at the door caught her attention “Come in” she called As she walked in he prattled on about what was needed to care for his suit but she cut him off “You may have been right” she said “What?” asked Kandomere “But you neglected one detail, the bright had a wand” He stood there gobsmacked. A bright was one thing but a wand? “How could you know this?” he demanded “Wands leave a silver particle of magic when used, it’s hard to spot but it’s there, most people would call it a trace” He was barely listening now, this case just got far more urgent. Discarding his suit on a nearby chair he grabbed Sera’s arm “Come with me” he said as he began to pull her along She didn’t put up a fight as he pulled her down the hall but she did ask “Where are we going?” “To prove that I’m not crazy” She chuckled as matched his pace. They rounded to corner and barged through into the chief’s office “Chief I need to talk to you” said Kandomere The chief looked up from his paperwork in shock at the sudden intrusion “What?” “I said I need to talk to you” Kandomere reiterated as he brought Sera forward The chief seemed quite confused by Kandomere’s sudden outburst, even more so by the involvment of the forensic scientist. “What’s this about agent?” he demanded “Tell him” Kandomere’s voice was edges with excitement. Sera took a deep breath “There was traces of wand magic found in part of a wall sample that was brought to me” she admitted “I didn’t see it before because I wasn’t looking for it but in light of my recent discovery, I am inclined to believe that agent Kandomere may have been right about there being a bright on seen” The chief stood from his chair, placing his hands on his desk as he leaned toward the two “Do you know what this means Sera?” “That I overlooked an easy to miss detail and made 1 mistake in 50 years?” Sera quirked an eyebrow 50!? How old was this human? The chief stood upright “It means you could have costed us big time, a wand is serious business, that’s the type of mistake that gets someone like you fired” Sera looked down for a moment before asking “Am I fired?” Kandomere had never seen her so humbled, he surpressed the smirk that threatened to show itself “Not if you can help solve this case” said the chief both Sera and Kandomere snapped their heads in his direction “What?” they said in unison “You heard me, as penance for your arrogance, you will got back to the site with agent Kandomere and see if there’s more evidence to be found” “Sir…” started Kandomere “It’s not up for debate agent, now if neither of you mind, I do have work to do and so do you, I suggest you get on it fast” As they left the chief’s office Kandomere wondered why the chief was punishing them both, he hadn’t done anything wrong. They stormed down the hall like tantruming children, and would not stop til they got to the door when Sera finally spoke “One car or seperate?” “I’m not riding with you” “FIne by me” They huffed and continued to storm in seperae directions
He’d gotten there first and was looking around the scene for anything that could help with investigation when he heard another car pull up. Turning to scold Sera for being late he found himself silenced as he looked over her car. Stepping out of a vintage 1964 Aston Martin DB5 she tossed her dark hair over her shoulder and walked toward him “That’s your car?” he asked stunned “Beautiful isn’t she?” smirked Sera “That’s vintage!” he exclaimed “Jealous?” He looked at her with raised eyebrows and she laughed “Can we just get to work?” he sighed Sera shrugged and began to look around, squinting in certain places. Kandomere furrowed his brows “Don’t you need equipment?” he asked “Now that I know what I’m looking for, my eyes can pick up it’s trace” she replied curtly her gold piercings shimmered in the pale light as she spoke. He watched her curiously as she walked around the area before ducking under the yellow tape that was across the door way and slipping inside the buildings remains. After a moment he followed her in and found her staring at a wall near the back of the main room, she was about to reach out and touch it when he spoke up “You can’t touch anything here” he said calmly She paused before speaking “They’re everywhere” Looking closely she could see silver particles all around the room. There had definitely been a wand here. He watched her look around the room in wonder. Clearly she’d never been close to a wand before. He found himself wondering how she saw everything if she could pick up the littlest specks of magic without a magnifying glass. He was about to ask her when a horrific noise from outside had them both facing the door in shock. A gun shot. Looking at each other briefly Kandomere signaled Sera to stay put and ducked out of the building. Sera thought for a second and decided to follow him. When she got outside Kandomere was facing away from her with his gun pulled. Curiously she looked around him and found that he was facing a human who was standing over an orc who was clutching his bleeding shoulder. Sera’s breath caught in her throat, blood
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juiceboxstraw · 7 years
Person who noticed me staring off into space: uhh hellooo? whats on your mind dude?
Me: oh nothing, just school stuff
My brain: PROLONGED EYE CONTACT prolonged eye contaaact PROLONGED EYE CONTACT prolonged eye contaaact PROLONGED EYE CONTACT prolonged eye contaaact -DO DOO DO-PROLONGED EYE CONTACT prolonged eye contaaact PROLONGED EYE CONTACT prolonged eye contaaact PROLONGED EYE CONTA-you are worthless and you always let everyone you know down. People wish they didn't know you. You're a pathetic mista-dude it would be so much more efficient if we separated our recycling cans into sepera-tornadoes occur when a warm and cool front collide. That's why,in America, tornadoes are known to form in the central regions. Often times they are accompanied by hail, thunder/lightning, and rai-
Me stuttering/whispering and on the brink of tears: s aV e m E
Person: *shrugs* seems fine to me! alrighty! See you later my guy!
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mariaxrestrepo-blog · 7 years
1. Sumercé
- Hace parte del español cundiboyacense o centro-colombiano . Es hablado en la región interior de Colombia. El pronombre sumercé viene de la palabra su merced que significa estar a la merced de alguien. Fue usada en la época colonial española tardía. Es conjugada de la misma manera que usted, por lo que se emplea para referirse con respeto de una persona a otra, pero con cierta simpatía o cariño.
 https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espa%C3%B1ol_cundiboyacense http://www.definiciones-de.com/Definicion/de/sumerce.php
2.  Espacio
- Viene del latín spatium que se refiere a la materia, terreno o tiempo que sepera dos puntos. Spatium viene de una raíz indoeuropea relacionada con el griego (spao= yo tiro) El espacio puede ser temporal o físico.
3.  Navidad
- Viene del latína nativitas que significa nacimiento. Celebra el nacimiento de Jesús. Del verbo nasci también nos trajo las palabras: nacer, nación, naturaleza.
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kajuziin-blog · 7 years
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Então meu amor passaram-se quatro anos e cinco meses de namoro, três anos e quatro meses de noivado e ai não acha que já está na hora de subir o altar e me dar teu sobrenome? Haha to brincando afinal ja somos casados né hehe mor olho pra trás e lembro como nós eramos você nem parecia ser mais velho que eu afinal tinha cara de neném haha, andava com aquele motorela barulhenta pra cima e pra baixo na minha rua só pra se aparecer haha, como não lembrar daquele motoboy loirinho do bolota enxia o saco do pai pra ele comprar xis ali so pra poder ver aquele alemãozinho que entregava kkk, mas Deus foi generoso com agente pois nos fez colegas de turma pra que eu me apaixonace mais ainda por aqules olhinhos azuis hahaha poisé amor passamoa por altos e baixos e hoje estou aqui novamente podendo te agradecer por não ter desistido de mim, do nosso amor mesmo eu sendo uma boba e te mandado partir mozi hoje não tenho duvidas que você é sim a pessoa certa que eu escolhi pra ter um lar, conquistar nossas coisinhas como nosso carro e nossa moto , tenho certeza que será um otimo pai pros nossos filhos pq conforme todos dizem vamos ser papais de dois de uma só vez hahaha meu amor obrigado por tudo que fez e faz por mim, por me mostrar que você é a pessoa certa , aquele que me protege dos meus medos, que me cuida quando não estou bem, que faz cafuné pra mim dormi, que mesmo cansado santa e conversa pra saber oque aconteceu pq estou triste (Poisé parecemos sim um casal ogro mas em quatro paredes somos uns amorzinhoa sim haha), brigas? Todo o casal sempre tem, ciumes logico quem ama cuida e sente ciumes também, mor quero que saibas que sempre vou estar aqui e que hoje tenho certeza que nada e nem ninguém nos sepera novamente, podem fazer oque quiser, falar oque quiser mas oque sentimos um pelo outro vai além... Parabéns pra nós mozi mozi te amo demais...💑💏👫❤ (em Granja Esperança)
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