#do not throw a campaign to kick out stricklake fans and barb fans
you know what actually i do have one more thing to say, and that is that you wanna talk about romanticizing abuse? you wanna talk about shoving it in the faces of survivors who are triggered by it? 
take a look at fucking stricklake, and how it is impossible to avoid it in this fandom no matter what you do and no matter how many blacklists you use. how even saying you don’t like it and don’t want to see it gets you booed and labeled a killjoy. how saying that it’s abusive/manipulative/predatory gets you openly mocked and insulted in the tags. (by some of the same people, noticeably, who do the most whipping up hate about Bad Ships!) 
hey, for that matter! take a look at how saying barb’s behavior toward jim in season 1 was abusive goes over! namely, it also gets you mocked and ripped apart in the tags! i have had people make fun of me for being a ~triggered abuse survivor,~ saying i don’t know what real abuse is, and telling me i deserved to suffer, for saying it was abuse. real abuse, the kind of abuse i have gone through, that many victims both children and adult have gone through and don’t even realize was bad because nobody is willing to admit that it’s not normal or okay.
take a look at how anyone gives a shit about any of us who are triggered by any of that. take a look at how saying a character or dynamic is abusive at all, without any kind of judgment on whether people should or shouldn’t like it, nets survivors hatred and harassment (again! from the very same people saying this shit now!) because they DARED to say anything negative about a fan favorite. 
come back when you’ve gleefully launched a campaign to kick every stricklake shipper and barb fan out of the fandom, and equated them with white s*premacists..
oh? doesn’t sound like fun?
then you don’t care about survivors. you care about something that will give you an excuse to bully people. fuck you.
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