#do this in torncreek
diet--rich · 9 months
god i fucking love this song. the speed freak fucks
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torncreek · 2 years
December 22, 2022
Its been a while. Of course, when this town is....how it is, you can't expect one to be up on their computer with greasy fingers tip-tapping away when there's newspapers giving out all the important information.
So let us recap; the annual ball hosted by Miss Evaleen Locht went without a hitch in August, until the wild animal on the loose (remember that whole situation?) Managed to break in and start attacking the guests. Multiple citizens were injured, and the closest thing to a mayor we had, Juniper Thicket Harvey, was the only casualty.
Prudence Ghoulworth has tried to take up the helm, but alas seems to be falling flat on her face. Local pet store owner Elias Grimm went missing for a week, and its reported by his oafish partner, Dietrich Hertz, that he's come home and "ok."
Where Ms. Ghoulworth fails at her "mayoral" duties, she excels at getting groups together to work on up and coming events. The wild animal has been handled, so the winter festivities are on their way. Expect a bar with drinks to keep warm with as well as a buffet to stuff your face at, ice skating at the artificial rink in front of town hall, and where the wildflowers grow in the spring is a wide, pretty expanse of snow to do whatever the hell you do in snow. The tree will be up in the middle, as well. Maybe there will be mistletoe somewhere.
And for the children (and the parents of the children who want a picture,) Santa will be able to be met at his own little corner of The event until Christmas Eve.
Always yours, Torncreek.
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