#do y’all NOT want to have cute moments with your faves (or…hear me out…ruin them in a steamy scenario 👀)?
Season 3 episode 8 commentary with my sister:
I’m straight up not having a good time, like at all. 
Did he disappear into the night again?
Boy get some paper towels
Woah my dude where are your pants?!?!
Oh he has boxers on..thank god
LOL Robbe said “Hi...bye…”
Senne is a confused puppy
No, you did not tell him Milan...you said the opposite
Cool so he did disappear into the night...
Maybe he is nocturnal, we tend to see him only at night
Oh yay! Happy for you Zoe, but we have a missing boy so I don’t have time for this
I’ll send you a message Robbe! It will say “SMILE MORE!”
Brother Senne being adorable
Milan and Senne are so happy for him! Same..
He really snatched this boys croissants!
Every time Milan calls him his boyfriend, my serotonin levels increase
Robbe just dragged him out of the kitchen, can’t blame him
Senne approves, I approve, we all fucking approve
Senne, anytime you wanna get me some food, I’d appreciate it because Kris can’t cook for shit (....😒)
My boys!
We ALL thought you left
LOOOOL! This bitch said “Britt who?” 
Wouldn’t we all like to forget about her though
There’s that 100% again
Pause! **points to screen** Can we just appreciate that look on Sander’s face! Hey! You’re not looking! **presses play**
This boy out here flipping him like a ragdoll
Sander has the best lines 
This is so sweet and cute but also Robbe is a thirsty hoe right now
Okay but now your breakfast is in the water you spilled earlier...RIP
No! We do not let Moyo into this house! Devil be gone!
Robbe when you smile your attractiveness almost maxes out
Your dreams are something no one needs to hear about..Please keep them to yourself 
YOOOOO! Hahahah Milan!
Moyo’s uncomfortable meter just broke
The club?? LIke this is a damn book club
Milan you fucking legend!!
Moyo, I still don’t like you..in case you wanted to know
Hot Mess Express! Haven’t seen you in a while!
Mini-enterprise? Are we taking over the world?
“The gay test”?? Also known as “being fucking assholes”
Robbe said “drunk AGAIN”...he knows what express train she rides
Also, what picture were they talking about? Is it important?
**shows her the “which closet” picture** oh my goddddd that is fucking adorable! Like, like x1000
We are only 8 minutes in? Good lord..
Dude why are you so extra?! Hahahaha
This is an upgrade from when he kissed Noor outside of school
What’s happening..oh fuck you Britt!!!
Boyfriend?? Girl, bye
Make her go away before I break my tv
Your dad is offering a free dinner? Do it!!
Robbe, Sr. is trying to make an effort and I appreciate that
Did he not hang up?
He is gonna bring Sander??
Dropping the “he” pronoun…
...say something Dad
Not what I was expecting, but I’ll take it
Am I not supposed to like his dad? Because I kinda do…
Stickers? Huh?
Oh riiiight! This convo
Still probs my favorite underrated friendship
Robbe’s smile count for this episode: 100
My fave bleach blonde!
The shoe again??? What the hell!
DENIED! (robbe wants to kiss sander)
Robbe and I are equally confused
Shoes? Carrots?
...what is going on?
Milan is jealous af
Sander is ….great. I love him. That’s all.
American Idol is waiting for y’all...or I guess Belgian Idol?
Why are they so cute?
Robbe leaning back?? I’m fine... 
Umm...what? Where’d all this shit come from?
Did Sander do this???
[My boyfriend] really needs to take some notes from Sander
Tough few months is a bit of an understatement
Zoe is me right now
You’re welcome, Milan
**pauses** I would like to take a moment to note how fucking thoughtful Sander is...he really did all this and acknowledged that Robbe is having a hard time...**presses play**
Why are you like this?? Hahahah (Sander dressed up)
Don’t worry, he has been good boy
Flirting level 1,000
Where are we going?
Penthouse? ...No! Not this scene...i hate my life
Sander says come and Robbe says obviously…
Yeah but who is footing the bill?
Who tf decorated in here?
Where they be?
Oh shit! Found them!
Well damn...Robbe gives zero fucks about the price now
Actually he gives 1 fuck.....get it? Because they’re banging? .....I’ll see myself out (why is she like this? Someone come get her..)
So this is happening...and you know what, good for you Robbe! 
They need to fire their interior designer
Pause! We both just need to take a minute to appreciate how fucking precious this is...forehead kisses, playing with necklaces, wrapped up in each other! Why do they make me feel single even though I’m not?? **presses play**
Wedding? Okay, that’s a keeper thought...you’re gonna scare him off
Oh hey more asses…
Sander said i’m beautiful and everyone outside should appreciate it
And Robbe said you’re mine, get away from the window
The look of love on Robbe’s face…
You ARE beautiful...i literally said it 30 seconds ago
Robbe is literally the definition of heart eyes in this scene
In case you were wondering, I am 100% in denial that he is manic right now…
I mean I don’t recommend going naked but it’s your wedding, so you do you
Robbe is like okay I’m ignoring my concern right now because...round 2?
And we’re back!
Totally expected the roles to be reversed when they are cuddling..
Trust me you’re the happiest of them all
His face when he talks about dying is killing me...this makes me so sad 
**Pauses** I know what is coming but I just want to appreciate how in love they look, like sorry to everyone else, but their chemistry is unmatched..I’m aware I’ve stated that before. Robbe’s forehead kisses? Sander absolute look of love on his face? I hate that it is going to be ruined soon..**plays**
I don’t want it...I know what scene this is..
Sander...I have no words
Genuinely didn’t think it was possible, but I really can’t talk..
**pauses** That scene was so fucking good...everything about it. Whoever this actor is just fucking killed it. (she goes on to compare seeing him manic to seeing me manic but I’m gonna leave that part out, sorry y’all)
[Robbe] looks so lost and hurt 
Best episode of the entire series so far...amazing..I’m a fucking mess right now, so I’m gonna need a hot minute before we continue
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purplesurveys · 5 years
For a change. I love Internet people for never running out of survey ideas.
Just say what you think of (doesn't have to be one-word answers) when I mention these. Quick, simple, just for fun. Curtain: I remember a story JM told us of when he nearly burned his house down when he was younger - he was flying paper airplanes but not without lighting the tips on fire. One of the planes landed on the curtain and I think it burned that particular room pretty bad or something. Door: I have a door to my right at the moment. It’s brown and I know my dog is waiting outside because I can hear his paws. Shoe: We went shoe hunting yesterday for Joacky, because he wanted a pair of the Nike Cortez. It’s widely popular in the PH right now so even though we visited like 7 shoe stores yesterday, we weren’t able to find one in the color that he likes. Pants: I finally got a pair of mom jeans yesterday and I can’t wait to wear it for school. I’m tired of wearing the same bottoms. Wig: I attended a workshop a few months ago where the speaker disclosed that she has leukemia, and she took off the wig she had been wearing the whole time to show us her head. I also remember the RuPaul Stans part of Twitter because they say ‘wig’ all the time...
Makeup: Kate made me her subject last Thursday and she played with my face and put makeup on it. Ended up feeling really pretty because she did a pretty awesome job. Instagram: I snubbed Instagram for the longest time but thought that a ‘one-pic-for-every-day-of-the-year’ dump account wouldn’t hurt, so I made one of those for 2019. My photography skills are absolutely nowhere to be found, and my gallery is super haphazard, but I really want to make an effort to store memories this year. YouTube: Hmm first thing I thought of was PewDiePie. I subscribed to the dude when he had like 60,000 subscribers eight years ago and only had a couple of Amnesia montages up. I always feel like a proud momma/early bird whenever I remember how far and how big he’s gotten since. Life: Exhaustion, mainly. It’s gonna start snowballing by next year when I graduate. It’ll be nonstop from there - facing the prospect of coming out to my parents, graduating, getting a job, getting my first credit card, moving out, paying bills...it’s all very exhausting, exhilarating, exciting, and overwhelming to think about. Chili: Gabie and I had Japanese for early dinner last week, and I was a little weirded out by the restaurant because each seat had a red chili pepper on the placemat? I’m talking every damn seat in the place??? Idk if it’s some sort of good luck charm for the owners but it made things very slightly unsettling hahaha. Cherry: There was a WWE Diva named Cherry like ten years ago who had the gimmick of a 50′s chick, I think...I was never quite sure what her character was supposed to be, but she had roller-skates every time she went to the ring and would sometimes wear outfits with polka dots so I thought she was pretty cute.   Neil: Armstrong. Haha I was going through Reddit awhile ago when I saw a video of Buzz Aldrin punch a dude who went up to him and said that the moon landing was a hoax. Not exactly Neil Armstrong but still a good story. Drive: I like watching car chases. It’s almost...therapeutic when the suspect crashes or loses control of his car and finally gets caught. Murder: I never got into How To Get Away With Murder. It’s too fast-paced for my life. I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t understand legal concepts because so many people are able to catch up with this show even if Viola Davis speaks a thousand words a minute and they’re all really deep words??? Idk HAHAHA. I watched like two episodes and felt super dumb after. Ice cream: OMG I hate a la mode desserts. I’d eat anything, but I wouldn’t eat two separate things with different textures. Get your ice cream away from my brownie. Water: I can’t wait to go back to the beach. Hard: Hammer? It was the first image to pop up in my head. Anne: Harry Styles’ mom is named Anne hahaha the Directioner in me jumped out, sorry not sorry. Cow: There’s this video that went viral a few months ago of a girl who was playing the accordion; all of a sudden this adorable herd of like 15 cows come running up to her and just intently watch the kid. Wholesome af. Frog: Frog legs are served in some Philippine provinces. Tastes like chicken. Cheese: My lactose intolerant ass will grate half a block of cheese (exaggeration, but you get the point) for my spaghetti. That’s the only way to enjoy pasta. Bowl: Can’t really think of anything except that bowl cuts look so cute on babies hahaha. Television: Is something I never use nowadays unless I’m staying over at a hotel. Other than that, I cannot tell you the last time I held a TV remote control to change the channel or something. Skull: There’s an episode of Friends where Phoebe brings home a skull and nonchalantly sets it on the table where Monica, Rachel, and Chandler were hanging out. Chandler goes, “Pheebs...skull?” Phoebe says, “Yeah, it’s my mom’s,” and Rachel shrieks until Phoebe clarifies that her mom owned the skull, and that the skull wasn’t of her mom. Underrated segment. Rachel’s mini-meltdown was hilarious. Seasons: I had to watch Rent for film class several months ago. Terrible movie. Cemented my dislike for musicals. This is what I remembered because afaik this is the musical that has the minutes song. Language: I can speak two and can understand some archaic/modern Spanish because they conquered us for 300 years and subsequently ruined my country. Trump: McDonald’s. An international embarrassment. Chocolate: We found this AMAZING Chocnut spread at the mall yesterday. I had my initial doubts - I thought it was gonna taste like a cheap Nutella rip-off. But it tastes exactly like Chocnut, just in the most perfect spread-y form. I plan to finish the entire jar just with a spoon. Stove: I’m terribly afraid of using any and every kitchen equipment because I have a big fear of setting the house on fire. I only ever use the stove when I’m deathly hungry and I have to make something by myself. Toy: My family recently went to a kid’s birthday party that had giveaway bags with toys inside, but seeing as we’re all teenagers now who had no use for it, it was earning dust in the house. Now, the Philippines is abound with street children so when we went out yesterday, my mom gave the bag to a couple of kids who were knocking on our car. I know I’m not supposed to romanticize the situation, but they had the biggest smiles when they realized what they got and I saw them playing merrily at the side of the street and even invited some other kids to join in. Again, not glamorizing it - I’m just happy they were happy. Video: I could never run out of things to watch on YouTube. It’s one of my favorite websites, especially when bouts of depression have to happen. Kiss: It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, IT WAS ONLY A KISS. Glass: The glass section of department stores always creeped me out. One wrong move and you can knock a whole shelf down, and the ‘You break it you pay for it’ signs all over the area don’t help at all. Light: Light and queen come together in this survey and all I remember is Lightning McQueen. Queen: ^ Moon: Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Moon river, wider than a mile, I’m crossing you in style some day.  Blue: My organization’s color is blue, so I have a soft spot for blue. Cream: I like soups that are creamy. I say this because my sister had ramen yesterday and it was so oily and salty and fatty and creamy and ugh I loved it. Dead: The Misfits. They’re more horror than death, but still. Purple: My great-grandma loved the color purple and I remember when her house used to be peppered in purple stuff. All her dresses were purple. I’m fairly sure it was the reason why it was my favorite color as a kid. Lace: Underwear, hahaha. Cardboard: Gabie was munching on sunflower seeds when I picked her up last week. I’ve never tried those, so I asked for some and I said it tasted like cardboard. I’ve never eaten cardboard but I would imagine that that’s what it tastes like. Elephant: Majestic. Deserves to be saved and properly cared for. Harry: One of my fave members of the royal family. He’s so precious. Leather: Is bad. Paisley: Isn’t there a country singer with this name? Italy: Pasta and stuff. Joey Tribbiani. Immature: I saw the gun girl Kaitlin-something on Twitter because she got viral again for a dumb-ass tweet she made. She posted pics of herself in the snow and tweeted “Look at all this global warming,” like seriously America??? Wtf do they teach y’all in your schools?????? Crime: Raisins in cookies. Angel: I had a friend named Angel - talked about her a lot in old surveys. She migrated to Canada when we were 12 and I haven’t seen her since. We do follow each other on Twitter but all she tweets about is K-pop so I had to put her on mute. Great memories with her. Boil: When I read this tweet aloud in my head, what I did think of was Charles Boyle from B99. Key: Key lime pie. Never tried it, but I’m always down to try anything. Sacrifice: The Catholic schoolgirl in me remembers the crucifixion because textbooks and teachers would overuse the phrase, “Jesus sacrificed his life for our sins” or “God sacrificed his son to save the world,” and all those cheesy lines. It’s as though the Bible’s favorite word is ‘sacrifice.’ Larry: Punk and AJ’s dog is named Larry Talbot. Dog: ^ Psychology: I took one psych elective last semester, but the prof was average at best so it didn’t really win over the course as a whole to me. Psychology was one of my ‘what-if’ courses so at the start, I was excited about taking it - but the class that I had was just so boring and the prof gave tests that were way too hard for otherwise fairly easy topics, so I quickly ran out of enthusiasm for the class. Rag: I hate touching rags. Especially wet ones UGH. Sun: Hate it, unless I’m at the beach. Lips: My friends dragged me to the makeup section of the department store last week and there were rows upon rows of lipstick testers. As someone who’s never purposely browsed for makeup, I ended up swatching like 20 shades on my wrist and looked like a five year old who doodled all over her whole left arm. Cage: The UFC ring, because it looks like a cage. Alarm: I had/have several alarms set on my phone throughout today to tell me to start working on various deliverables. For example, I had an 8 AM alarm to work on my J 196 paper; then from 8:30 AM I had an alarm to compose letters that I needed to write as my org’s secretary; then at around 10 AM, my alarm was for finishing up my readings for Kas 154 (short for kasaysayan, which means history). Official: I have a batchmate from high school who just got engaged...she was honestly one of the weirder ones back then so as much as I didn’t want to judge, it was hard to take it seriously at first, but it’s whatevs. I have no business in her life and I’m happy she’s happy. King: I finished my history readings this morning and there were so many mentions of kings. Lost: That show. The general consensus is that they ended the show crappily, but other than that I know nothing about it. Dating: There was once a dude who joined a dating show. Ended up being a serial killer. I forgot his name though. Balm: I was at a Korean store yesterday and saw an array of lip balms and glosses. I was never much of a makeup girl but the collection they had was just so cute, it made me think if I should start investing in makeup as well hah. Tomato: Ketchup is my second least favorite condiment after mustard. Game: Hmmm I downloaded a bunch of new game apps on my phone because I recently realized that I’m so boring??? and I only have social media on my phone??? I got ten new apps to make my phone more alive haha. Lotion: Is slimy, but smells nice and makes my skin smooth and look better. I got two hand creams for Christmas last year and it was then that I knew I was getting older because I was genuinely excited to try them both out. Expensive: Everything is. Powder: Reminds me of babies. The smell calms me down so well. Cross: I was shopping for clip-on earrings yesterday and there were several designs with crosses on them, which just reminded me of Christianity and it kinda peeved me for like 3 minutes lol. History: My favorite subject. I’ve never been so excited to be dumped on with such a thick stack of readings until this semester. Sex: Haven’t had it in a bit, too busy. Rainbow: We watched a film called Rainbow’s Sunset, which was really promising because it told a story about two men, both very old, and are lovers. In a traditional, conservative, poisonously Catholic country such as the PH, it’s a very bold move to produce a feature film that tackled such a horrible, taboo, horrifying thing (please note the sarcasm/mockery). We didn’t escape the guffaws and the loud ew’s whenever the two leads would kiss, which was sad. 
Anyway that’s not my point and what I really want to say is that the film was ultimately terrible, it was terribly-executed and it portrayed gay men in such a cheesy manner which in the long run, probably contributes to the continuing negative image of LGBT people in the Philippines. Gab, the bigger film buff between the two of us, felt so offended by how bad the movie turned out to be lol. Bay: Bayley, from WWE. She was a huge star like 3 years ago, but I think the bookers ultimately fucked her character up and now she’s stale. I feel so bad. Seth: Seth Rollins, also from WWE. Also very attractive. Pepper: I had okonomiyaki for lunch yesterday and there was like a thicker chunk of pepper that made it to my plate. Didn’t particularly enjoy that bite. Necrophile: Katie Vick. Google it to believe it. Wrestling is fucking dumb. Gravel: Funnily enough I do have a memory for gravel. Akeelah and the Bee was one of my favorite movies growing up; I watched it so many times that I had chunks of dialogue memorized at one point. One of the first scenes had Akeelah joining her school’s spelling bee, and one of the kids spelled grovel as g-r-a-v-e-l. He couldn’t understand why he got it wrong so the judge had to tell him that the word ‘grovel’ actually exists and what it means. Deep: I had a mental picture of the ocean when I read this word, so there’s that. Stephen: Hawking. Bucket: Chum Bucket. Hahaha Spongebob forever. England: Rugby? Grown: I always use the term ‘grown-ass’ haha. Spell: Spelling was one of my favorite activities in grade school and I would always score the highest in spelling exams. Kind of led me to my favorite job of proofreading/copyediting, really. Bark: My dog barked at nothing for five whole minutes a couple of days ago and it was hilarious. I shot two minutes of it. Long: Trees? Fan: Pamaypay, or hand fans in English.
Australia: First things that came to mind were the Sydney Opera House and Vegemite. Iron: Gabie’s nose bled last week. It wouldn’t stop flowing out of her nostrils and it smelled like rust for a good 15 minutes while she was trying to wash all the blood off, so it didn’t exactly help my case as someone who’s squeamish to death at the sight of blood. Melt: Chocolate. Beanie: Too warm for this country’s climate. Wax: Candles. Vigils. Burning your finger. Staying up all night to pray. Catholic school. Disease: Zombies. Resident Evil. Cannibal: The band Cannibal Corpse. Tried to get into them because Punk listened to them but it was too heavy for me. Flight: Airplanes, flights, vacations, away from everyone, nothing to worry about, good food, fighting with my siblings for the window seats. Porn: People be having weird fetishes sometimes. The thumbnails I see on websites...some of y’all crazy. Pot: I thought about how college life is so crazy. People would sell brownies or cookies with weed in them IN SCHOOL, meanwhile I still don’t even know if weed and pot are the same or if they’re two different things ohmygod HAHAHAHA I’m so sheltered wow I’m hopeless?????? Style: Taylor Swift and that subtle shade to Harry. People were shookened five years ago. Floss: Pork floss is really good. Star: There was a local celebrity who recently tweeted a pic, supposedly of a tiny tiny star that was beside the moon at like 5 AM, and she was asking what it was. Someone replied that it was Venus and explained what she just saw for her. Super cool. Nate: I don’t know anyone named Nate. I DID, however, remember the Naked Brothers Band. The older brother is named Nat, so it’s close enough. Soft: Pillows are soft. Orange: Hayley Williams’ hair 11 years ago. Witch: Philippine superstitions and how crazy and obsessive Filipinos can get. My mom, one of the most rational, no-nonsense people I know, scolds me every time I mock witchcraft or what we call ‘kulam’ cos she believes something will happen to me if I do. I’m all for honoring our mythology and traditions but sheesh, not to the obsessive extent. Mound: Ants. Root: Gabie used to watch this show where she shipped two girls named Root and Shaw. Oil: Massages. Hot: Deserts. Disc: Childhood, blowing on it to make it work, double-sided discs for longer movies, if a disc had scratches expect it to die soon. Soil: Plants. Planting trees. Muddy. Ugly: That scene in Spongebo where Patrick tells the story of the ugly barnacle. “Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end,” which didn’t help Spongebob who at the time was feeling super ugly hahahahaha. Sugar: Maroon 5. Also, my grandma used one particular jar for sugar throughout my entire childhood. It’s plastic, it’s clear, and it came with a red-orange lid. I’d often eat sugar on its own so I saw that jar quite a bit and it gives me a sense of nostalgia. I’m not so sure if that’s still the jar being used in the old house. Bone: Ribs :( Been craving for some. Sigh: Air??? I don’t know. Throne: Game of Thrones. I had to watch a 26-minute documentary of a GoT production for my broadcast management class. It’s insanely hard. So much respect to everyone involved in its prod. Calendar: I’m secretary for my org, which means that I always have to update everyone about our calendar of events. Carpet: Fancy. Flesh: The Walking Dead. Cement: Dangerous. Vow: The movie with Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. One of my guiltier pleasures. Sweet: Desserts. And now I’m hungry.
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purplelines · 7 years
In case y’all forgot, or just didn’t know, i had GA for Exo’luxion, and it was absolute hell. For Exo’rdium, however, I chose to get a seat, and it was a complete daydream.
Once I got inside. I’m not sure if it was The Forum’s fault, or mmt’s, but the organization was terrible. I didn’t suffer too much because of it, but I know a lot of people with GA tix did.
So Exo opens with Mama, naturally. Lit af. My sister and I just about lost our minds, lmao. I can’t remember if there any pyrotechnics(?) at Exo’luxion? BUT THERE DEFINITELY WERE AT EXO’RDIUM. LIT. It made Mama so so so much more intense than I’ve ever seen it. 
But even without the fire, the performance was A1. Like, as I was watching, I was thinking about how its been five years since Exo debuted, and about five years since I saw them perform that song for the first time at Smtown, and. They’ve improved so much. They were never bad, ofc, but their stage presence is so much better? I said this last year too, but they’ve improved even more since then!!!
After Mama was Monster and BITCH!!!! Let me tell you, Monster is MY FUCKING SHIT. It’s probably tied with Love Me Right for my fave Exo title track. The song and the dance, are everything. Like, this performance is what I was most excited for going into this concert. AND I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED. MY MANS’ DANCE BREAK. BYUN FUCKING BAEKHYUN. Had me so fucked up, holy shit. AND THEN. THE RAP. THEY SHOT FIREWORKS RIGHT ON THE BEAT. I WAS LIVING.
Third was Wolf. I know how a lot of people feel about Wolf, but. Wolf is also my shit. I unironically love it, and always have. Its either actually in a three way tie with LMR and Monster, or #3 after them. I LOVE WOLF. I have love/hate relationship with the way asian exo-l’s put so much effort into actually knowing the fanchants, while us western fans just. “CHOGIWAAA.” Because I’m not kidding, legit everyone in the arena screamed chogiwa with chanyeol, lmao.
I’ve had GA every time I’ve seen Exo since Wolf came out, and they always  perform it before they come out to the extended stage (i think? I genuinely don’t remember much from Exo’luxion. It was such an awful night for me, I’ve honestly repressed the memory), so this was my first time actually getting a good view of it. 10/10. And I love the remix. It’s stunning.
I have no concept of the order the rest of the songs were performed in, so this will probably be horrifically out of order. I’m sorry. 
I DID NOT TAKE MY EYES OF OF BAEKHYUN FOR THE ENTIRETY OF ARTIFICIAL LOVE. It’s another song I was very excited to witness live. OBVIOUSLY. I just about died. 
The acoustic medley was lovely. Call Me Baby was fun. Like, really fun. It was really fun to sing along with them. My Lady was !!!! I’d never seen it live and? It’s fucking My Lady. Everyone around me started losing my minds when they started singing it. Remember how I said us american’s are pretty shit at fanchants? Since we can’t do them, we just kind of sing along? Like we sing along to the whole song. We, or at least everyone in my section, sang the entirety of My Lady with Exo. MY FAVORITE PART THOUGH, was Moonlight. Moonlight is breathtakingly beautiful. One of my favorite Exo songs of all time. Singing that along with Exo, and just hearing live in general tbh, was really special to me. 
EVERYTHING? PARK CHANYEOL DID? WAS LIT? AS FUCK? HIS RAPS? GO OFF. HIS GUITAR SOLO? WENT OFF. Like, he’s at the bottom of my Exo bias list, but he got me GOING at Exo’rdium. Holy fuck. 
I’ve seen Exo perfom 365 three times now, but it still always makes me so happy :’-) its such a happy song. Our seats were the second furthest right side section, and Baekhyun brought his cute lil self over to the part of the stage closest to us for a while during 365. He’s such a cute little bean.
LIGHTSABER IS ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAVE EXO SONGS. STAR WARS IS MY SHIT. EXO IS MY SHIT. SO HOW COULD LIGHTSABER NOT BE MY SHIT. IT WENT OFF. I was SO excited to see it live. I was row one, and when I heard Vader’s breathing, my physical reaction was so intense!!! I almost threw myself over the rail in front of me, lmao. IT WAS LIT.
Love Me Right is always a joy to watch. “Shawty imma party til the sundown” was almost as lit as “chogiwa” haha. Sehun’s lines are very popular for singing along in general actually. 
I got super emo during Lucky. Thinking about the lyrics got me all soft and gross.  So lucky to be your love, I am. ♥
Most of the recording I did was through snapchat, so most of my “fancams” are only 10 seconds long. And I made a point to get baekhyun’s “my babe” during playboy, and my fucking sister, at the top of her lungs, in the most disgusting tone, decided to sing along. It’s fucking hilarious, but it ruined my video. But, I heard it irl, so whatever.
During Tender Love, Sehun came over to the part of the stage Baekhyun came to during 365 and was even cuter. OH SEHUN WAS THE CUTEST LIL THING ALL NIGHT. LIKE the first thing out of his mouth after he introduced himself at the beginning of the night was “I missed you.” ;-; ♥
I’m not sure if I’ve said it here, but I’ve gone off about it on twitter several times over the years, but Exo love us so fucking much y’all. So fucking much. Don’t ever doubt it, even for a second. They adore us. Truly. You can see it in their eyes, and hear it in the way they talk to us. I’ve seen live on five different occasions, from in the pit to the back corner of the nosebleeds, and they’ve never failed to make me feel loved. 
Especially, LA, and L.A., exo-l’s apparently. :’-) Suho said it was his fave place in the whole world (other than home, ofc). And Xiuminnie said that since they’ve come to los angeles so many times, they feel really comfortable with us! ;A; And you could tell. You could feel it. The boys were so happy and cute and playful throughout the concert. Like they truly seemed to be having as much fun as we were. And when it was over, they didn’t want to leave. They literally tried to stall the end of the concert for as long as possible. But even as they were leaving, they were all skipping and singing and dancing still. They were seriously so happy that night, guys. It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.
And when Suho, I think, mentioned that they were going home after the concert, Baekhyun pouted!! It was super super cute. 
Since I was in a side section, I could lowkey partially see backstage and!!! the members would peek out and wave at us!!! IT WAS THE CUTEST THING, OMF.
THEY LOVE US SO MUCH, I CAN’T SAY IT ENOUGH. Like, Baekhyun even even expressed his concern for fans in the pit during the first ment. Not to be biased but bbh loves exo-l so much I could go on for days.
WE SANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BAEKHYUN. It took a few tries to get it right, but in the end, we finally did it. That was a big deal for me. Baekhyun is so so so special to me, and I’m so glad I was able to be there and do that for him. I can’t even put it into words. Also? The timing of Exo’s L.A. concerts is fantastic. Last year I literally got to spend Valentine’s Day with them? This year it was a couple days after my birthday and a couple days before Baekhyun’s? I LOVE THIS CONCEPT.
Even though Yixing wasn’t there, again, everyone made sure to give him plenty of love when he showed up in the vcrs. The screams for him were so loud. I hope to god he finally gets to come back next time. I miss my boyfriend, lmao.
The silver ocean was beautiful. Since I was in the pit last year, I didn’t actually get to look at it. But this year I did, and I bought my first, ever in the history of me being a kpop fan, lightstick, so I was actually a part of it too!
There’s always that one member, in every kpop group I’ve ever seen, that is fucking magnetic on stage. In my Exo’luxion fanaccount, I lied. My Pinocchio ass was like “idk who it is in Exo,” knowing damn well its Jongdae. I even said “tonight it was Jongdae!” BITCH IT’S ALWAYS JONGDAE, WTF DO U MEAN. It was Jongdae at Smtown, I had moments with him at kcon 2013 too, it was him at Exo’luxion, and it was sure as shit him at Exo’rdium too. THE BOY GLOWS. I LOVE HIM. I was too far back to confirm this, but at the end, during angel, he (and everyone else) took time to wave and say goodbye to everyone they could see. I’m talking each section, and everyone they could see in them. And I was front row of my section, and wearing white, so? I think I’d be easier to spot than someone in row 15 and in black, u feel? Anyway Jongdae spent a while, like, actually kind of a long time, waving to my section, and I’d like to think he looked at me. It looked like he did, and I started jumping when he waved “at me” and then he started jumping too? Idk. But it was cute as fuck, and I love him.
Kyungsoo like? forgot? the choreography to one song. I don’t remember which, but it was really cute lmao. He was also the token In-N-Out enthusiast haha.
FUCK THIS IS WHY I NEED TO WRITE MY FANACCOUNTS THE NIGHT OFF I FORGET LITTLE DETAILS. Baekhyun said something about it not mattering whether we dance cutely or erotically, as long as we dance, or something? haha. He also mentioned that since it was the last stop, he was giving more energy than normal. Jongin also said that because of our energy, it was impossible to feel tired.
Chanyeol put on a Deadpool mask and then put on an owl mask over it and was just being... Chanyeol, lmao. And Suho was so done with him, lmao. “Are you crazy?”
This concert was so fun. The atmosphere was so light and happy. I legit did not stop smiling the whole night. I felt like an idiot, because I know half the time it was a dopey ass, awestruck smile. But the whole thing was just? Surreal. I love Exo so much. They’re the only artist/s, kpop or otherwise, that I’ve supported since day one. Sehun and Jongin are only a year older than me. I’ve seen them every time they’ve come to L.A. (except for when exo-m came in 2014). Like, I’ve literally been growing up with these boys for the last five years. And I’m just... so thankful that I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of this journey. And so proud of everything they’ve accomplished. I love Exo with all my heart. ♥
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