#do y’all not remember the level were you stop kaos from cutting down trees
yin-yanglulu · 4 months
God can the drama surrounding that post fade out now i just wanna see Skylanders content
#skylanders#lulu.txt#can some of y’all move on from that#the quicker we move on from that the better#I’m not mad at people like turq talking about the drama days later#I’m mad at the people defending the claim that the skylanders are colonisers basically saying ‘QUIT HAVING FUN!’#bc some of y’all completely missed the point of like…half of SSA#do y’all not remember the level were you stop kaos from cutting down trees#or the level where you free Gurglefin’s people and help them stop Kaos from polluting their waters#or the first level in Giants where you LITERALLY END MABU SLAVERY?!#I can tell a lot of y’all haven’t played the first two games in like ten years#or just haven’t even bothered to touch them#yeah there are some problematic things about skylanders#but there sure isn’t any imperialist propaganda going on#will some of y’all just get your heads out of your asses and understand that accusing a series of colonialist propaganda is stupid#EPSECIALLY WHEN IT’S A SERIES LIKE THIS WHERE THE OPRESSORS ARE THE VILLAINS!#don’t tell any of them about sonic their heads will explode#if y’all are so concerned about cod go complain about that game instead#that game deserves it after the devs shitted themselves over Christopher Judge roasting their stupid asses#this is NOT the hp/rvvby stituation you think it is#where the series is still going and the creators are still supporting it#despite the creators being bigoted pieces of shit who deserve nothing#and that being heavily prevalent with the way both series are filled with bigoted writing (mainly misogyny and racism)#this franchise has been dead for eight years now#they don’t profit off of it anymore
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