#do you cheat on him with gummigoo
coolbubblez59 · 4 months
I just wanna know how the Caine simps are doin even after the confetti pop of '87
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Thank you very much I now ship raceway Jax and Gumigoo…..
Now I picture them in the middle of hardcore fighting with Jax just screaming “Kiss me!” Just in the middle of it and then the lock suck faces on the racetrack in the middle of the night……
Me in the middle of writing Chapter 10: I must write this immediately.
Raceway AU by me
WARNING: heated makeout
"TAKE IT OUTSIDE!" Pomni screamed with annoyance.
Gummigoo and Jax had been arguing since the day's race ended, and everyone was sick of them. The day cycle was long over, most of the others had gone to their rooms just to shut out the bickering men.
"HE STARTED IT!" Gummigoo and Jax pointed at each other, shouting back at Pomni in tandem.
"I don't care who started it, just take your problems where no one else has to listen to you two!" Pomni's eyes glared hard anger at both of them. "We are sick and tired of it! Emphasis on the tired!! Go outside or go to bed!"
"You're not our mother." Jax spat.
"Seriously, Pomni. Why don't you go to bed? The others have." Gummigoo was all fired up, not listening to reason.
"I'll call Caine." Pomni crossed her arms.
Jax and Gummigoo glanced at each other nervously.
"I bet he's in the middle of something right now. He doesn't care to be disturbed. Imagine how upset he'd be if I had to interrupt him over this." Pomni narrowed her eyes, lifting her hand in a snapping pose.
"Now, hold on-" Gummigoo put out his hands.
"Alright! We're leaving." Jax marched for the door, Gummigoo behind him.
Pomni sat back in her recliner with a satisfied smirk. Finally, some quiet.
"Can you believe her?" Gummigoo grumbled.
"She was bluffing. I just didn't want to deal with her any more than I want to deal with you." Jax growled back.
The two walked a ways from the garage to the starting line. It was dormant for the night. Crickets filled the night air with song. The occasional firefly blinked in the grass surrounding the track. The full moon is high in the sky.
"You're going to deal with me, what her you like it or not!" Gummigoo's voice raised again as he grabbed Jax by the back of his tracksuit.
Jax raised an arm as he turned to make Gummigoo let go. "What the [%$!#]!?"
Gummigoo lunged forward, grabbed Jax by the collar and slammed him to the support beam of the start line. The larger gator held strong as Jax tried to get free. "No one here but you and me, mate. You're not going anywhere."
The fury in Gummigoo's eyes was real, that's why Jax's face was colored so darkly. He was angry, a little scared, and unexpectedly enticed by the rough treatment. He struggles to think. The quips that usually came so easily to him died in his throat. He just laughs.
Gummigoo was thrown off by the weird response. "What's so funny?? I literally have you by the neck! I could snap you in two, as scrawny as you are!"
"Oh, I wish you could." Jax laughs more. "If I thought breaking my body would be enough, I would have thrown myself under my own kart a long time ago. You can't do anything that matters. You're an NPC, just another piece of the game."
Hot breath rushed from Gummigoo's flared nostrils like a dragon. "You wanna make this personal? Alright. Your attitude not only leaves you without any friends, but without purpose in this already pointless existence! You're nothing but a nuisance! A thorn in everyone's sides! You cheat, you lie, you taunt, you tease and for WHAT? For a crumb of satisfaction? Pathetic."
Jax stopped laughing. "You wanna repeat that last part, mate?" He mocked.
Gummigoo leaned closer, pale eyes locked on Jax. "You. Are. Pathetic." He repeated himself slowly, emphasizing each word.
Jax's throat went dry. Gummigoo's teeth looked much larger this close. His heart was racing looking into the gators searing white hot eyes. He tried to save face, but not being able to get away and struggling to find words had him cornered. "If you're going to be this close to me, you better kiss me." He said in an empty attempt to get Gummigoo to back off.
Gummigoo was so mad, so far gone, he wasn't going to back down no matter what was said to him. "Nice try." He chuckled darkly. "But that would be giving you what you want, wouldn't it?"
"Wait, what!?" Jax's face flushed entirely. His bravado shattered like sugar glass. Gummigoo had entirely flipped the script and Jax was not ready for it. "It's not-"
"Oh, but it is. Every day, you single me out. Every day, you taunt me. Every DAY, you find an excuse to mess with me personally. Every race, it's just you and me duking it out for 1st. If I didn't know better, I'd say you had a crush." Gummigoo's grip tightened as he slightly closed the gap between their bodies.
Jax started to panic, his ears flattened. "You- you don't know what you're talking about! You're just-! You-!"
The end of Gummigoo's mouth was almost against Jax's, he grinned. "What's the matter, little rabbit? Scared the gator might bite? You should be."
Jax gulped. "You're all talk."
"Care to test that theory?" Gummigoo opened his maw, sharp teeth moving in on Jax's neck.
Jax squirmed. "You sugar coated lunatic! You-!" Jax froze when Gummigoo's teeth came in contact with his skin. He seethed at how good it felt.
Gummigoo could feel Jax's racing pulse. It finally dawned on him what he was doing. His pride wouldn't let him back off first. Jax hadn't told him to stop. He closed his jaws further.
A quiet moan escaped Jax. "Fu-" He panted. "Fine. You win. Just-"
Gummigoo lifted his teeth away. A clawed finger made Jax look at him. "Do you want me to stop?"
The moment of tenderness pissed Jax off all over again. "[%$!#] no! Kiss me already!"
Gummigoo crashed his lips against Jax's, pressing him against the beam with his whole body. Jax wrapped his arms around Gummigoo's neck, grabbing at the back of his head. Gummigoo picked up Jax by the thighs, holding him up against the beam for a better angle. Jax locked his legs around Gummigoo's waist. The kiss was frantic and uncoordinated, saliva dripping from their locked tongues. Gutteral moans from Gummigoo and whimpering groans from Jax was all that was heard over the crickets.
A/N: anyway, back to chapter 10. 🎶doo, doo, doo🎵
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kokichiomakin · 5 months
TADC Episode 2 Thoughts
Jax continues to be my babygirl. He sucks so much and makes absolutely 0 effort to be a better person every day. Yes, boy, give us NOTHING!!
Okay, this isn't necessarily true. This does, however, feel like it lines up into my headcanoned backstory for Jax being some kind of spoiled upstart who is used to getting his way and disconnecting himself from other people - I really liked the idea of him being the son of the boss, so that's where my ideas remain. There's definitely something connecting him to keys. That's why I think he has a debug key, or a keylogger in his system that no one else does. Too bad it's just cheat codes to nonsense adventures that don't mean anything. His hyperviolent streak is new, but it checks out.
Pomni got a bit snarkier this episode, which I really liked. I truly do think that her and Jax would have SUCH a good dynamic...if they weren't pushed to opposite sides of the plot. I truly do feel like she's the one person who could possibly yank him by the ears and say "Hey, stop that." and he might even consider listening. Funnybunny was neither proven nor disproven in this episode.
That is more than I can say for Showtime, though! Yeouch! Getting ahead of myself.
Pomni and Ragatha...do not seem to be close and I can't blame Pomni for that. Ragatha does kind of feel like she's condescending to her at times with her people-pleaser ways, and I can see how that'd be upsetting to say the least. I don't see any chemistry for them, though, if I'm being honest. It seems like since the first episode the gap has only widened to slot into this awkward space...they seem like they can be friends, but shipping-wise this one sure took a turn.
Oh Gangle. Sweet Gangle. Submissive and agreeable Gangle. You probably deserved better in this episode, but at least you got to drive. Kinger didn't even get that. Zooble didn't even go.
And...Gummigoo. Man. Yeah. There went Caine, with all that. The 'friendly Caine' ideas are going down pretty fast. I liked Gummi as a character - he brought something unique to the table that I thought could've been capitalized on as an NPC who discovered the true nature of his world...but Caine said enough was enough and killed the poor sucker. Well. It is what it is.
The theory is going around now also about the main cast maybe having an npc amogus, but...I dunno how to feel about that. The obvious choice WOULD be Jax, but I kind of don't want it to be. I can see appeal on multiple sides for that, though.
Also, yeah, the visual gags were better than the verbal ones this ep. Overall, pretty solid. 7/10.
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