#do you enjoy having stomachaches sophie? is that it?
ericsonclan · 3 years
The Ultimate Test
Summary: Minnie tries to prepare herself for the ultimate test Renata has brought up: Meeting someone that is super important to her.
Word Count: 2208
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Minnie gave a tired yawn while she stretched her arms. The gig at Ericson’s Diner had gone smoothly tonight. All the customers seemed to enjoy the calming, soft notes of the acoustic guitar as Minnie sang. She had even gotten a few compliments about her singing and playing. It really had been a good night and soon it would get better.
Minnie’s eyes wandered over to the kitchen. She could drop by and surprise Renata while she worked on desserts. Placing her guitar into its case, Minnie quickly secured it and laid it by the wall. The redhead excitedly jogged over and entered the kitchen which had quieted down a lot since the dinnertime rush had ended. It really was lucky that she’d had a later gig tonight. Immediately Minnie heard the soft, warm voice of her girlfriend as she worked to roll out the dough to prepare some cinnamon bread for tomorrow. Renata paused when she heard the door to the kitchen shut. Glancing back, her eyes immediately lit up when she spotted Minnie.
“Hey, Minipie! I heard you playing out there. It was amazing as always,” Renata strolled forward and quickly stole a kiss from Minnie. The romantic gesture made Minnie blush lightly and she smiled when suddenly the taste of flour entered her mouth. Her nose scrunched slightly and she wondered how flour had gotten there when she noticed that Renata’s face was lightly dusted with it.
“Oops, did I get flour on you?” Renata smiled before brushing her pointer finger through the flour on her face and booping Minnie’s nose. “Boop! I definitely got you that time!” Renata had a playful smile on her face which Minnie matched as she wrapped her arms around Renata. The redhead immediately began to tickle her girlfriend whose bright laughter filled the kitchen causing Omar and Ruby to glance up from their tasks in the kitchen.
“Sorry,” Minnie smiled apologetically before Renata captured her lips in a warm, tender kiss.
“Got more flour on you,” Renata had a flirtatious smile on her face and Minnie felt her heart flutter wildly. She quickly wrapped Renata in a hug to hide her face that was growing warm. The comforting smell of cinnamon tickled Minnie’s nose and she hugged her girlfriend tighter.
“Mmm, I want this hug to last forever but duty calls. The cinnamon bread is calling out to me,” Renata whispered in Minnie’s ear.
“Okay,” Minnie held onto Renata for a few more seconds then let go. “Are we still on for that date tomorrow?”
“Yep! I’m getting all the desserts tonight so I can take tomorrow off!” Renata declared proudly before she leaned forward with a  grin. “Are you ready for the test tomorrow?”
Those words made Minnie’s heartbeat pound in her ear. Renata had been talking about this test over the last two weeks, saying that Minnie had to impress someone that was important to her. Renata told her that it wasn’t her parents - it would be a bit too early for that but still. The way that Renata spoke about this certain someone made Minnie nervous. She worried about what the outcome would be if they didn’t like her. If she didn’t pass this test, would she lose Renata?
It sounded stupid when Minnie had said it out loud. That much had become abundantly clear when Sophie began to laugh when Minnie brought forward the concern. Her twin’s reaction had ticked her off at first but Sophie soon explained that Minnie had nothing to worry about. Renata obviously cared a lot about her and she was positive that whoever this person was would like Minnie and approve of her too. Still, even with Sophie’s reassurance the worries didn’t leave Minnie’s mind. But she wouldn’t let it bog her down.
Giving her best confident smile towards her girlfriend, Minnie replied. “Fuck yeah! I’ll pass it with flying colors!” Her smile remained even though her fear was rising.
“That's the spirit!” Renata stole one more kiss and booped Minnie’s nose. “I’ll see you tomorrow at my place,” With one last playful smile, Renata spun around and strolled back to the dessert station. Her happy, carefree humming soon resumed and Minnie watched her for a few more seconds before walking out of the kitchen, giving goodbyes to Omar and Ruby then heading out. Minnie made her way to her guitar case and slung it over her back. Her nerves were still buzzing but she could also feel her excitement dancing around in her heart. She had a date with Renata tomorrow.
Minnie hopped out of the car and readjusted her black leather jacket. Maybe the leather jacket wasn’t the best choice for first impressions but Sophie had encouraged her to dress in what she felt comfortable in. It was more important to be her authentic true self and if that got her disapproval in this important person’s eyes, then so be it. Minnie knew deep down it was more important that she show who she really was than pretend to be someone she wasn’t in order to impress someone all in the name of staying with Renata.
Minnie took a deep breath that came out shakily as she grabbed her guitar and placed it on her back. Leaning forward, she carefully picked up the box of a dozen donuts she had bought from Tripp’s Terrific Treats. Using her foot to kick shut the car door, Minnie locked the car and strolled forward. This was it - she would be all the things that made her awesome: acting cool, suave, and being respectful.
With her opening statement playing on repeat in her mind, Minnie knocked on the door of Renata’s house. After a few seconds she heard excited footsteps making their way to the door which rapidly opened and revealed Renata. Minnie’s eyes shone with warmth when she saw her girlfriend and her worries about impressing this mysterious person moved to the back of her mind. “Hey, Ren, I brought donuts for you and whoever I’m meeting for this test,”
Renata’s eyes danced with joy at the sight of donuts before they filled with pure happiness as she looked up at Minnie. “That's amazing, Min!” She pressed a kiss to Minnie’s cheek then another and another before backing away to let her inside the house. Minnie smiled and walked inside. Immediately Renata grabbed the donuts and jogged over to the kitchen to place them there.
“We can have donuts later. For now we focus on the test,” Renata’s usual playful smile appeared on her lips.
“But the donuts... they were also for this test person,” Minnie tried to explain as Renata grabbed both of her hands and guided her up to her room.
“Well, he isn’t the biggest donut fan. I think it’d give him a stomachache,” Renata explained and Minnie felt a knot appear in her stomach. Strike one. Minnie was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t even noticed that they were heading to Renata’s room until they were standing before the door.
“Wait, what are we doing here? I thought I had to impress someone,” Minnie’s confusion made Renata laugh.
“Oh yeah, he’s in here,” Renata grabbed the doorknob and opened the door before Minnie could ask any more questions. She strolled past her bed that had tons of small plushies on it including a plethora of fox ones. Renata seemed to have a destination in mind as she continued forward and stopped by a table that held a reptile cage.
Inside the cage was a large light as well as a small winding tree and some greenery. Minnie walked forward, still lost as to what Renata was planning. The redhead was about to ask her girlfriend what was going on when suddenly she spotted a chameleon holding onto the tree. His eyes darted this way and that, constantly searching the room. His light green skin seemed to hide him fairly well within the greenery of the reptile cage while the red and pale yellow detailing of his body stood out against it.
“Hey there, buddy. It's finally time for Minaroni to take the test!’ Renata opened the cage and the chameleon raised his hands, moving them around almost like he was doing a little dance. With how easy it was for Renata to pick him up and how comfortable he looked in her hands, Minnie could tell that they had a strong bond. Renata closed the cage then turned around with a warm smile as she walked towards her girlfriend. “Minnie, this is Lasagna, my trusted friend and wise advisor! Lasagna, this is Minnie, my super hot girlfriend!’ Renata lifted up the chameleon; his eyes moved around rapidly as he looked at Minnie.
“Hi there, it's nice to meet you,” Minnie gave a shy smile towards the chameleon. This definitely wasn’t who she was expecting to meet and impress today. She figured it would be a protective brother figure or some old childhood friend.
“Would you like to hold Lasagna?” Renata asked and Minnie felt her nerves rise again.
“Shit, yeah, umm... fuck, I don’t wanna hurt him,”
Minnie’s nervousness made Renata laugh. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you how to properly hold him,” Renata reassured her girlfriend and immediately helped position Minnie’s hands before she transferred over Lasagna. Minnie held her breath as the chameleon anxiously wandered around her hands. After a few moments though Lasagna seemed to mellow out, his eyes continuously moving as he settled down. Minnie smiled and looked up to see how happy Renata was. Clearly this had been a big deal after all.
“Wooo! You passed the test!’ Renata spun around with a grin. “Alrighty, now I can show how cool Lasagna is,” Renata moved forward and transferred the pet back to her. She quickly showed some neat features chameleons had and explained the wonders of this quirky reptile.
“Oh! Oh! You gotta see Lasagna wash his hands, it's adorable!” Renata led the way to the bathroom and Minnie softly laughed as she followed along. Soon the sink was turned on and Renata held out the chameleon. “Some water for your hands, good sir?” Renata asked Lasagna who reached out his small paws towards the water. The water splashed lightly as he continued to wash his hands again and again.
Minnie began to laugh and shared a smile with Renata who was beyond proud of her pet. After a little while spent gushing about the chameleon, Renata placed Lasagna back in his cage and once Minnie and Renata had washed their hands they headed downstairs to have some donuts. Pouring some glasses of milk, Renata held up a donut. “Here’s to the success of today’s date and to my badass girlfriend who knocked it out of the park!”
Minnie’s heart grew warm at those words and the two clinked their donuts together before devouring them. Both of them laughed and stuffed their faces with the sugary treats. After a little while Minnie spoke up.
“So, still wanna learn how to play the guitar?” Her question made Renata's eyes grow wide.
“Yes!” Her joy caused Minnie’s heart to swell with emotion. Without thinking twice she leaned forward and kissed Renata. The two shared a few kisses that ranged from short to long before they pulled back for air. Renata intertwined her hand with Minnie’s and the two wandered back to her room. Once they were seated on the floor beside each other, Minnie worked to get the guitar case open and tune her instrument.
“Mmm, guitar playing really is sexy. I don’t know if I could ever be as sexy as you when playing it,” Renata’s flirtatious words made Minnie turn as red as her hair as she quickly tried to focus back on the guitar. Her heart was pounding out of control while she finished tuning.
“I don’t know, I think you’re pretty fucking sexy as is,” Minnie gave a confident smile which grew when she saw that she had flustered Renata even if it was only for a moment.
Renata hopped up and immediately made her way over to Minnie. Minnie lifted the guitar out of the way as Renata sat in between Minnie’s legs before lifting up her hands for the guitar. Gently placing the guitar in her girlfriend’s hands, Minnie began to guide Renata’s hands to the right position on the guitar strings.
“This string is the E string, then it goes B, G, D, A, E,” Minnie’s voice tickled Renata’s ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine. Renata shuffled closer to Minnie, listening to every word she had to say as she instructed Renata on how to play the guitar. Every time Renata got something right Minnie praised her and Renata immediately gave Minnie a kiss. The two happily worked together, each of them stealing quick kisses throughout the process. Minnie pressed a soft kiss on Renata’s neck and gave a happy sigh. She had nothing to worry about after all. Everything had turned out alright and she could continue to have all the joys of being with Renata. That thought made Minnie’s heart do a little flip and soon she let herself slip back into getting lost in the joy of the moment.
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