#do you guys like super-lee Gogy?
wishitweresummer · 1 year
Now How Do You Want It (Dream x GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Word count: 5363
Warning: Intense tickling, restraints, and mouth tickles.
((This series is called Glass House! Previous part: Now Admit It. And the Next Part: Now What Do We Use.)
Surprisingly, it was Dream who got annoyed first. He just didn’t really understand. His brain was always trying to logic everything out, while Sapnap just kind of got and accepted that George acted illogically sometimes.
Luckily, Dream’s confusion and annoyance really only just led to more flustering situations than anything. Since neither boy ever judged George, his feelings were never hurt.
Dream smiled at Sapnap and waved as the younger boy left the house; off to go skate. Then, he grinned.
“George!”, he called. He walked into the kitchen and listened.
“What?”, George sounded distant… in his room. Dream bounded down the hall and knocked on the door once before entering the room and closing the door fast behind him. George startled in his gaming chair. “What are you doing?”.
“Get on the bed, I want to talk.”, Dream said with a step towards the smaller boy. George’s cheeks brightened and he giggled.
“Dream, what!”.
George stared back up at him with those dark eyes and he could see the cogs turning behind them. Dream scoffed and grabbed him, throwing the screaming boy over his shoulder and tossing him onto the bed like nothing.
“Dream!!”, he screeched. Dream only laughed and climbed on top of him. Swiftly, little wrists were collected up and pinned to the bed above the boy's head. “No!”, he squeaked and burst into giggles, clearly anticipating a tickle attack.
Dream smiled down at the squirming boy. He watched as the giggles slowly came to a stop.
“I have an idea.”, Dream spoke. George cleared his throat, flustered but listening. “We come up with a code word for when you want to be tickled.”. George gasped.
“What. Why?”.
“I never want to be tickled.”. Dream rolled his eyes.
“Georgie, come on. We are way past that. Me and Sapnap are both fully aware of how much you love being tickled. So let’s just come up with an easier way for you to ask for it”. George looked like he would combust. He was writhing slowly like he was trying to escape and his cheeks and nose were dark red.
“Shut up…”, he whimpered.
See, this is what Dream doesn’t understand. They already knew, so there is no more embarrassment. Why wouldn’t George admit it? Why wouldn’t he let Dream help him?
“You trust us right? We’ve never made fun of you. Just let me help you.”. George was flustered beyond belief. Dream’s strength dwarfed George’s so he knew he was stuck here for as long as Dream wanted.
“Lemme go!”, he whined. Dream groaned.
Dream used his free hand to trail down George’s arm and teased gently into his open underarm. George burst into giggles.
“No!! Dream stop!!”.
“Think about it! There are probably so many times where you’re sitting in here all alone wishing we were tickling you! We…whoa.”. George had let out a piercing scream at Dream’s words. “Oh you are so dramatic!”.
“Sapnap!!!”, George cried. Dream giggled.
“You can’t be serious.”.
Dream studied the squirming boy, trying to figure out the state he was in. He hadn’t safeworded and he was mostly just panicked and giggling. The cute blush was crawling down his neck. Nothing new. Flustered, he was just flustered. The distress was because he knew he would be tickled and embarrassed. He was fine, though.
He trailed fingertips across his neck and collarbone, making him tilt his head down and sputter into giggles again.
“It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. We could make it a normal phrase so it doesn’t embarrass you. Like, ‘I’m thirsty’ or something.”. George only shook his head ‘no’ through his giggling. “It will make things easier for you!”. Dream only had George’s best interests in mind here!
He loved tickling George. He didn’t understand why George was so embarrassed about also enjoying it. In his head, he had found the perfect solution. Like the opposite of a safeword. If George was comfortable having a word that secretly meant ‘stop’ then why not have one that meant ‘go’? Dream pulled his hand away and let George breathe.
“I hate being tickled.”, he mumbled and let his head drop back against the bed.
“George, no you don’t. And there’s nothing wrong with that!”. The smaller boy only whined and struggled. Dream poked around his tummy to make him start giggling again. “Imagine what things could be like if you just admit it! You could ask us to tickle you exactly how you wanted!”. George cried out at the words. “What if there was a way you wanted to be tickled and I didn’t know? That would be so sad!”. George’s eyes flashed with something before he smooshed his face against his own arm. Dream gasped and stopped his poking. “George?”.
“Shut up.”, he whined.
“No! Is there a specific way or spot you want to be tickled and you are too nervous to tell us?”. George squeezed his eyes shut. “George, please? You can tell us! You have to!”.
Dream released his wrists and sat up, watching George cover his face with both hands and start to catch his breath. He was going to need some back up here. He slipped his phone out of his back pocket and opened Sapnap’s contact.
-•We’re in George’s room, need your help as soon as you get back•-
Dream lifted George’s shirt and scribbled gently against his bare stomach, smiling at the squeaky giggles and the way he jumped and batted at the tickling hands.
“Don’t worry Georgie. Me and Sap are gonna get it out of you.”. George only whined and shoved at his hands. Dream kept his tickles light, just biding his time for Sapnap to get home.
Luckily, the afternoon looked like it was going to be rainy and Sapnap was already hopping back into his car when he got Dream’s text. Not bothering to respond, he headed home with his music turned up, smiling about the idea of tickling George to pieces.
He made his way into the kitchen and hung his keys up. Somewhere, George was giggling. It sounded squeaky.
“Georgie! Is Dream getting you?”, he sung loudly, following the noise and finding George’s room. He opened the door to find the squirming boy a blushing and giggling mess under Dream’s big hands.
“Sapnap, we have a problem!”.
“Oh no! What’s the problem!”. They were being over the top and cheesy. George groaned and shoved at Dream’s hands again as Sapnap climbed up on the bed next to them.
“No we don’t! Get away! Sapnap, he’s torturing me!!”, he said through giggles. Dream tsked.
Sapnap settled near them and grabbed George’s hand.
“George wants to be tickled in a specific way, but he’s too nervous to tell us.”, Dream frowned. Sapnap looked actually troubled, frowning down at the squirmy boy. George tugged his arms down just enough to hide his face. Dream and Sapnap exchanged a look.
See, this was troubling. Dream and Sapnap genuinely wanted to know and knew George wasn’t going to say it.
“Really?”, Sapnap asked. George whined. “Hey, actually? Why don’t you just tell us. Then we can tickle you how you want.”. George waited a beat, then started to thrash wildly.
“Hey!”, Dream yelled. They both struggled to hold down the boy as he tried to actually get free. “Calm down!!”.
“Let me go!! I hate you!”.
“Tickle him!”, Sapnap yelled. George screamed as four hands descended on his tummy and sides.
“No!”, he screeched and laughed hysterically. His hands flailed against the attacking ones. “I hate you!!”.
“We have to calm you down!”, Dream laughed, still tickling him. The two exchanged an amused look at how frantic George was now. Definitely, not calm.
Eventually, they lifted their hands away and the boy was left gasping for breath on the bed underneath them.
“Are you ready to listen?”.
“Yes, fuck.”. Dream and Sapnap looked at each other and then back at him.
“How do you want us to tickle you? If you tell us then we will. Any way you want, we promise.”. George’s mouth dropped open and his cheeks flushed darker. He refused to say a word. “Do you want to like, not say it? What if you show us?”.
“I hate you. Let me go.”. They both sighed.
“You should be able to do that. You do that all the time!”, Sapnap said. George looked like he would cry he was so frustrated.
“No I don’t!!!”. Dream’s eyebrows furrowed and he pushed back George’s hair.
“Hey, it’s okay! Georgie, c’mon.”.
“I don’t like being tickled.”, he whispered. Dream looked over at Sapnap a little helplessly. Sapnap shrugged, then grinned mischievously.
“Yeah, I know. You love it!”, Sapnap laughed, quickly dissolving any tension. All three of them burst into giggles and George reached over and shoved him.
“Shut up!”. Sapnap grabbed his sides, making him squeal.
They fell easily into the usual tickle shenanigans, dropping the topic for now.
Dream and Sapnap reconvened in private to discuss.
“I don’t think he’s going to be able to tell us.”.
“Why won’t he just show us? He sends us stuff all the time!”.
“I know. It’s like, he won’t do it directly. I hope we didn’t spook him. I feel bad.”.
“I know, I don’t like thinking he wants something and we haven’t done it.”
How would they get it out of him?
Attempt number two came the next day. Sapnap was hidden behind Dream’s open bedroom door with Dream perched on the edge of his bed. He summoned George with texts. It took a bit of convincing.
George finally appeared in the doorway.
“God, what do you want?”, he asked as he walked in. Sapnap slammed the door closed and George yelped, whipping around.
“You don’t have to call me god.”, Dream said amusedly. George backed away from Sapnap, giggling already.
“What are you guys doing?.
“Some experiments.”, Sapnap said as he crowded George back against the bed. Dream grabbed his waist as he got near and dragged the screaming boy onto the bed.
Quickly, they worked together to drag him up on the bed and locked his wrist into a cuff at the top right of the bed. George froze.
“What?”, he squeaked. The two only laughed.
“Sorry Georgie. It’s just, it’s hard to experiment on a squirmy subject.”. George whined and started to blush.
“You can’t do this.”. Dream scoffed, tugging his other wrist over and quickly locking it into place. George bucked and cried out in panic.
Excitement zipped through George’s spine and made him shudder. He had never been so helpless.
“Let me go!!”. Sapnap grabbed his ankle and started tugging off his sock. “No!! Hey, no!!”, George screeched. He didn’t pull it away though, seeming to wait until the sock was removed before starting up his bucking again. Dream laughed and grabbed his other ankle. Soon, both socks were flung across the room and George had both his ankles locked down into cuffs at the bottom corners of the bed.
Dream and Sapnap sat on their knees at either side of George, admiring their work. George was practically shaking in his mix of fear and excitement. Begging and pleading seemed to go out the window for now in his flustered state. He felt naked in his basketball shorts and thin t-shirt. Stretched into an X, he was helpless.
They waited for him to drop his safeword, but he didn’t. Dream clapped his hands together.
“Alright! We are going to tickle every single spot in every single way. And hopefully, that includes the way you’ve been craving! How does that sound?”. George gasped and choked on his spit, coughing and squirming.
“Get away from me!”, he cried. “No way!!”.
“Then, do you want to tell us so that we just do it?”.
“I don’t want anything!! You are idiots!!!”. They just ignored him and settled up higher on the bed.
“No!! Don’t!!!”, he cried. His cheeks were already burning brightly.
Dream and Sapnap trailed a gentle touch lightly down both of George’s arms and the boy erupted into giggles. They pinched at the muscles and drew a few cute little squeals from him. Tnen, they leaned down and nibbled at the space right above his underarms. George cried out and bucked, falling down into frantic squeaky laughter.
“Are you going to use your mouths?”, he squeaked out. Dream sat up with a giggle.
“Of course! Why, does the thing you want involve mouth tickles?”. Sapnap sat up with a smirk. George whined and shoved his face into his arm.
“No, I don’t want anything!!! Shut up!!”. The other two only laughed and continued their experimenting. A featherlight touch fell upon George’s ears and neck. He squealed and wiggled. He shook his head uselessly and the cuffs clanged loudly as he tried to pull out. “Quit!!!”. Sapnap sat up and Dream crowded closer, blowing a raspberry into the side of his neck. George squealed, falling into frantic laughter as Dream pulled away and Sapnap dove into the other side. George laughed hysterically as they repeated it over and over like a tickly game. In no time, he was in tears. He thrashed and laughed like a maniac as raspberry after raspberry was pressed into the sensitive skin of his neck. “Please!! No more!!!”, he cried.
“Awww he’s crying!!”, Dream coo’ed as they both sat up. George closed his eyes and gasped for air through his flustered giggles. “Very tickly, but I don’t think that was it!”.
“Me either! Let’s move on.”.
“Wait…”, George whined. But, the two didn’t care.
A hand found each of George’s open underarms and spidered gently against them. Death spot. George screeched and jolted at the soft touch. The tickling picked up. The two found the sensitive muscles at the bottom of his underarms and rubbed in ticklish little circles. George screamed and thrashed in his restraints, helpless to the tickling.
“Aww tickle tickle!! You like this spot huh?”, Sapnap coo’ed. George could only shriek his protest. When they focused in like this on his worst spot he was useless. He tilted his head back against the pillow and the hysterical laughter poured out of him freely. There wasn’t really any indication that this was the spot that he had been craving, but it was so fun to see George lose control over something so small. He was screaming with laughter and the two were barely moving.
“I hate you!!!”, he managed the words. They both laughed as they came to a stop.
“This is so fun Georgie!!”.
“And if you think it is too, you can just stay quiet and we’ll keep tickling the muffin out of you! That’s what you want huh?”.
“I want you to shut up!!”. They both gasped dramatically at the words.
“What?”, Dream asked and dug into his ribs roughly with both hands. George convulsed and cackled loudly, like it was ripped from his throat before he could even process it.
“Dream!!”, he screeched. Sapnap leaned in and found a space on the ribs so he could tickle as well. George screamed and thrashed. The two didn’t let up and soon the boy was just jolting in place as screaming laughter poured out of him. “Stop!!”. George desperately jerked his body off the bed and back down. “What the fuck!!!”. The other two laughed at his ticklish anguish.
“Are you going to lose the attitude?”, Dream asked.
“Please!”, he squeaked. The two backed off and George went limp on the bed, giggling hysterically. Sapnap coo’ed at George. He gasped for his breath weakly, fighting against giggles. “You guys are going to kill me before even getting to the thing!!”, he whined. They both gasped. ‘Oops.’.
“Oh, so you admit that there is a way you want to be tickled!!!”. George’s eyes went wide and he clammed up. “George!”. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and refused to meet their gazes. Sapnap wormed one finger in between two of George’s ticklish ribs as if to encourage him. High pitched giggles spilled from his lips.
“I can’t think!! Leave me alone!!!”.
“So whiny. Why don’t you just tell us what you want?”.
“Sapnap, get out!!”. George squealed as the tickling became too maddening. How would he survive this? They started at the top! Sapnap snorted.
“I’m barely even touching you!”. George’s giggles only grew more frantic and he shook from the electricity jolting him from the inside out.
“Are you serious?”.
“Georgie if you don’t toughen up you aren’t going to survive!!”.
“You guys suck so much!!”.
Sapnap slowed his finger wiggling and the two giggled as George dramatically went limp.
“Ready?”, Sapnap asked Dream as he hovered his own hand over George’s small chest.
“No!”, he yelled, then burst out laughing as two hands grabbed his chest and tickled him. He wasn’t used to being targeted there and shrieked in protest.
“I wasn’t talking to you, silly.”, Sapnap grinned.
“This is a good spot, huh?”, Dream coo’ed as he watched George jump and laugh, trying to shake the tickly hands.
“The goobies!”, Sapnap yelled. All three of them laughed harder.
“Ticklish goobs!”.
“Shut up!!!”, George screeched.
The devious hands crawled down, lifted up his shirt, and started playing with the bones of his ticklish ribcage. George’s head dropped back into the pillow and he wailed with laughter.
“You already…stop!!!!”, George struggled through his laughter. A loud yelp sounded as the hands were suddenly replaced by teeth. His entire body lifted off the bed and squirmed wildly as Dream and Sapnap nibbled across his ribs. George screamed with laughter. “Fuck off!!!”. The two tickle monsters just nibbled away as the ticklish boy thrashed helplessly. “I’m dying!”, he cried. “Mercy!!!”.
Dream sat up and laughed, using both hands to rapidfire poke up his side and ribcage.
“You are literally fine.”. George could only shake his head, completely hysterical. With Dream’s evil fingers and Sapnap still nibbling away at his ribs, he was sure he would die.
“Please!”, he squeaked out. They both lifted up, but left their hands hovered over his squirmy body. George gasped greedily for air, but couldn’t stop giggling. It was developing a cute rasp to it. Dream and Sapnap smiled at each other over him. Still no safeword.
Sapnap dropped both of his hands down to the jumpy bare tummy beneath his fingers and tickled fast, startling George. A shriek tore from his throat and he dropped his head back, cackling loudly.
“Are we getting close Georgie?”. Dream grabbed a hold of the bucking hip and wormed his finger into the boy’s bellybutton. George hiccuped and squealed. An adorable stream of bubbly laughter escaped him as he squirmed under the tummy tickle torture.
“Such a cutie. Does that tickle cutie? Right here?”, Dream asked with a fond smile. George could only cry out in ticklish anguish. His dark red cheeks had tears smeared across them and his hair was starting to stick to his forehead with sweat.
“Are you excited for some raspberries?”, Sapnap sang. George screamed and shook his head ‘no’. They both laughed.
“He sure sounds excited!”.
Dream and Sapnap made eye contact, then swiftly pulled their hands off and ducked down together. A devastating raspberry was blown into both of George’s sides at the same time. All of George’s noises cut out. He squeezed his eyes shut and thrashed wildly. His little chest heaved with the laughter his vocal cords couldn’t keep up with. It was quite a sight. His entire body convulsed, but he couldn’t catch enough air to scream. Mercilessly, Dream and Sapnap just moved inwards and delivered another matching pair of raspberries onto George’s belly. A shaky wheeze flew out of him, but he mostly just gasped for air.
See, they had a suspicion that what the ticklish boy was craving was either nibbles or raspberries on his sensitive upper body. Mouth tickles somewhere, they were sure. Dream leaned in more and smooched loudly against George’s bellybutton, then wiggled his tongue inside. George screeched and bucked his hips, shaking his head ‘no’ as he finally released his wild laughter. Sapnap peppered ticklish little kissies up his side to his ribs. George was inconsolable with laughter. Tears ran freely down his red cheeks and he found himself unable to protest in the embarrassing torment. It was, in fact, not the specific way he craved to be tickled. But, fuck did it tickle. His entire body shook and thrashed under the affectionate tickles.
“Please…”; he managed to squeak out. The two pulled off, giggling and wiping their mouths.
“That wasn’t it?”, Sapnap asked. George hiccuped loudly through his frantic giggling. His entire body was buzzing from the strange attack.
“You’re going to fucking kill me.”, he whined. He sounded defeated.
Which is funny, considering he could end the torture by either admitting his secret or safewording. Neither left his lips. So, the torture continued.
“Is it gay now if I put my tongue in there too? It’s like, kind of a kiss since you just did it.”, Sapnap joked and he leaned teasingly closer to the quivering tummy.
“It is!! Don’t do it!!!”, George cried. “Get away!!”. He whined in fear. Now that he knew what was coming, it was terrifying. He squealed loudly as Sapnap shoved his tongue into his little bellybutton. “Noo!!”, he wailed. Suddenly, there was more nibbling against his ribs from Dream and George was cackling again. Helpless and under attack, he could only laugh and squirm. He tugged roughly at the cuffs securing him in place, but it was no use.
Sapnap lifted off with a giggle.
“George, tell me you’re ticklish.”, he prompted with a smirk.
“No!!”, the boy cried. He squealed as Dream teased his teeth against a particularly sensitive rib. Sapnap smirked and dove back in, wiggling his tongue into the ticklish bellybutton. George screeched. “Get out!! Sapnap!!!”. He quickly fell back into hysterics and uselessly squirmed his hips in Sapnap’s firm hold. “Please!! Okay!!! I’m ticklish!!!”.
“Yes you are!”, Sapnap murmured happily into the bellybutton and slurped his tongue loudly against it. George let out a tortured cry, laughing harder.
“No more!!! Fuck!!!”.
Eventually, Dream sat up and giggled, nudging Sapnap to sit up as well. They both smiled fondly as they watched George giggle himself silly.
“It tickles…”, he whined. His skin was buzzing from all the tickling.
“Ghost tickles?”; Dream asked, amused. He crawled a hand across the jumpy tummy just to make it worse.
“Did we miss anything up here Georgie?”, Sapnap asked. George just shook his head ‘no’, lost in his giggles. “Great! Let’s move on!”. He grabbed his narrow hips and drove his thumbs in fast, startling a scream from George.
“No!!!”. George bucked and collapsed back into hysterical laughter. It was breathless and frantic. “Please!! Don’t!!!”, he cried.
Dream knocked Sapnap’s hands away and replaced them with his own, roughly tickling at the squirmy hips. George screamed again, dropping his head back to let loose his desperate raspy laughter. Dream’s hands were much bigger and stronger. “I hate you!! I hate youuu!!”, he wailed. The other two laughed.
“Tickle tickle tickle!!”, Sapnap sang. George screeched in protest, lifting off the bed and thrashing when dropping back down.
“This is a great spot! Is this what you wanted? Huh, giggly gogy?”, Dream smirked as he slipped in George’s secret Twitter handle. All the boy could do was shake his head ‘no’ as his red cheeks only got more wet from his tears.
“Poor little giggly gogy four oh four. Does it tickle too much?”, Sapnap coo’ed, crawling up and wiping George’s face. “Or can you take more?”.
“I can’t!”, he squeaked out.
But, the Tickle Monsters moved on and grabbed his thighs anyway. A wheeze racked his body before he rasped out a noise of protest. The persistent grabbing and squeezing at his ticklish thighs only drove him crazier and crazier though. In no time, he was convulsing against the bed and laughing hysterically.
“Mercy!!!”, he tried again.
“Oh is it your little chicken legs? You wanted us to tickle them?”, Sapnap coo’ed.
“Shut up!!!”, George screeched. His thighs were quivering under the touch, but he was too restrained to get away. They focused on massaging roughly into the muscles above his knees. Surely, he would die. “No more!! No more!!!!”.
Holy shit, how was he going to survive this? With each passing day, the other two would show him less and less mercy as they got more comfortable with tickle torturing him. Neither of them flinched at his cries of ticklish anguish. They were starting to get terrifyingly good at picking him apart.
There was no way he was going to be able to ask for what he wanted. Could he even admit it when they actually get to it? What if they don’t actually do it…
George’s little heart stuttered at the reality of the situation. Either they would find it out or they wouldn’t. They already knew he wanted something, so why couldn’t he just spit out what it was?
A squeaky rush of giggles burst out of him as sneaky fingers teased behind his knees.
“Get out!”, he peeped at an embarrassingly high pitch. The other two giggled. “Don’t!!”. His knees flexed and spasmed uselessly as they spidered into the open pits of both. It was usually a hard spot for them to get when he was squirming wildly, but now it was wide open for the torture. It was a shocking type of tickle. Sharp jolts of ticklish energy shooting through his legs had him bucking helplessly. The crazed giggles pouring from his lips was overly cute, littered with embarrassing yips and squeaks.
George’s mind was swirling with that pleasant dizziness he craved. As horrible as the torture was, it was cleansing. His head rattled with vague thoughts of ‘tickle’ and not much else.
The fingers left his twitching skin, leaving him shaking with raspy giggles. It was kind of nice to not have to put thought into where his limbs were flailing, restrained like this. George ran into that mind block he always did. An internal discovery with nowhere to put it. Without meaning too, he huffed his frustration out into the air.
A featherlight touch teased his ankles and made him jerk against the cuffs.
“Is it something with your feet, Georgie?”Sapnap asked softly. The two had climbed off the bed and were both posted at a foot. George just whined at the words, still tittering.
“C’mon, giggle bug.”, Dream teased his fingertips up the small pale foot. George squealed and flopped against the bed.
“Don’t!”, he cried. Sapnap grabbed the foot and shoved his fingers between a few of the toes, dragging a screech from the ticklish boy.
A zing of excitement shot through his spine. They were so close. Was he really going to get what he wanted?
It had been some dumb throwaway tease Sapnap had yelled during the filming of a Minecraft video. The idea had wormed into brain and he hadn’t been able to shake it since. It’s been weeks now. They had gotten close before, but only enough to make him more curious and desperate. God…how embarrassing. But, if it didn’t happen tonight he was sure he would break down and beg them.
While he was sure he hadn’t acted any differently, he felt Dream’s sharp knowing gaze on him anyway.
“Toes?”, Dream dragged the word out carefully as he started to play and wiggle with them. Sapnap grinned wolfishly and followed suit. George’s giggles kicked up into a panicked cackle. His feet buzzed with oversensitivity and he had to close his eyes. “Ohhh it’s toes for sure huh? What do you want us to do to them?”.
“What?!”, he shrieked, snapping his eyes back open in horror.
“Cute little toesies…”, Sapnap coo’ed and leaned a little closer to the squirmy foot in his hands. George screamed loudly at the slight movement. Sapnap froze. Dream scoffed in amusement.
“Something spook you there, Georgie?”, he purred.
Suddenly, Dream jerked his body down and hovered his face teasingly close to the foot in his possession. George burst into laughter.
“No!! Please no! Fuck! Nonono!!!”. He laughed uncontrollably. But, neither boy was tickling him.
Dream chuckled darkly. Sapnap smirked wickedly. George was caught.
Both feet were trapped further in tight grips as Dream and Sapnap fell to their knees.
“No!”, George screamed. Finally…his toes were attacked with quick playful nibbles. They tensed and wiggled at the ticklish bites. A flustered cry flew from George’s lips before he fell silent, convulsing wildly. ‘Fuck, that tickles.’. Fireworks burst behind his eyes at the shocking sensation. It was cruel; the nibbles. Some voice deep inside him wondered how he could crave such a thing. The colorful sparks from the blinding light show showered down into his chest and his lungs gasped back to life. He threw his head back and desperate sounding cackles burst from him. It was a new laugh. Two sets of curious eyes watched him as they nibbled away at his ticklish toes. It was worse than he had imagined. The embarrassment was making everything feel more intense and the ticklish sensation was brutal. George squirmed helplessly against the bed and wailed with laughter, dangerously close to his limit. Tears wet his heated cheeks. A scream ripped from his throat and he tugged at his ankle cuffs roughly. His loud cackling laughter bounced up and down all the octaves as he simply lost his mind to the tickling.
As always, the two just kept at it despite the level of ticklish anguish the boy seemed in. He knew how to get them to stop. They were biting carefully against the sensitive pads and stems. Accidentally in sync, they both targeted his pinkie toes and George nearly broke the bed with how hard he thrashed.
“Skeppy!!!”, he cried.
It was his longest recovery time to date. Nearly five minutes after Dream and Sapnap had unlocked his cuffs and crushed him into a snuggle sandwich, George was still twitchy and giggly. While very cute and amusing, the other two were struggling to figure out how to calm him down.
Dream turned him into his chest and slid his big fingers through his sweaty hair, shushing him gently. Sapnap rubbed his back, but the initial touch made the boy squeak.
“Oh Georgie…did you push yourself too much?”, Sapnap asked softly.
“Did I?!”, he barked out a squeaky laugh. “You two are the ones who…did that!”. The sass earned him a quick taser to both his sides, sending him into a fit of giggles.
“You know what I mean, idiot.”, Sapnap shook his head fondly.
It wasn’t long before they figured out George wasn’t haunted with ghost tickles, but was just bubbling with giddy excitement. It was terribly endearing to see him broken down enough to lose the ability to hide his feelings.
“That tickled so bad…”, he mumbled into Dream’s chest. Dream grinned at Sapnap.
“What, your toe nibbles?”. George whined and giggled.
“Mmm your toes were quite tasty George.”, Sapnap teased. George squeaked at the words and nuzzled into Dream’s chest as if trying to burrow in.
“Yeah, I’m going to need seconds.”, Dream smirked. George cried out and smacked at his chest lightly.
“No way!!”, he spoke through a flurry of flustered giggles. “That was so bad!! It was crazy!!”.
Dream and Sapnap shared a surprised look. George usually had a really hard time actually speaking about tickling.
“Yeah?”, Dream tried carefully.
“I thought I was going to die!”, he whined.
Sapnap walked his fingers up and down the squirmy boy’s back, just keeping him giggling.
“Didn’t I threaten to eat your toes while we were playing Minecraft a few weeks ago? Like, when I was digging up to you?”, Sapnap asked slowly, realizing. George only whimpered. Dream sputtered and laughed.
“Sapnap this is your fault!!”.
“Shut up!”, George rolled on his back and slapped a hand over both of their mouths.
That only left him open for quick hands to squeeze at his sensitive sides and leave him squealing for mercy again.
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