#do'g risotto
Risotto (Blanco)
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"Wouldn't it be nice to stay forever?"
("Template" idea yoinked from here. I, Wisp, hereby thank thee!)
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
(Nandine) Ross White (Risotto)
Riso (By Marshmallow Fluff)
April 5th
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
On the shy side, so his face is usually covered by a mask (like Futaba's in Persona 5), and if his face is revealed in full, he will be reduced to stunned tears. Nonetheless, he's quite friendly and gentle to others, and likes to practice his photography skills on others. There's an inside joke among some that he's effectively a freeloader to Marshmallow Fluff, but he doesn't seem to notice. Has a naive side. As a reporter, he is seemingly aware of a dark side of Food Town, that he also needs a ruthless side to achieve results, and if he finds a body for a story in pieces, he will stitch it together himself.
Pretty colors, warm things
His face.
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
Tells Sissy a given number of residents that he's thinking of at the moment, and hands her a camera. She has to snap a picture of Food Town's residents that appear closest to his given amount. Occasionally, he will ask to photograph Chili, which you simply need to move to snap a photo of her sneakily for the most points.
Game (Bad):
Sissy is thrown into complete darkness in Risotto's house, and must navigate her way to jump out of his bedroom. The only way to tell where she is is photos and articles written about her by him, and become increasingly harsh and despair-inducing when you're on the right track to escape. These contain info on Sissy's past, goading her into remaining in Food Town forever by emphasizing her own issues, but she keeps insisting that it wasn't that bad, and pressing forward. If on the wrong track, the photos become more joyful in turn, some from the first route and some not, reminding her of all the good things Food Town is capable of. Halfway between, he will enter and try and kill you himself. Stun him by tearing his mask off. Show Me Your True Form! If he catches her, he will kill her, and is implied to stitch up her corpse into a "perfect" Passion Fruit.
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To find someone, anyone, who he can trust to accept his face. He was mercilessly mocked for his vitiligo, heterochromia and baby-face. But he also had a much more violent approach to his tormentors, cutting their tongues out when pushed too far. Following several incident in college, he cut out the tongue of a teacher, and sewn her another with her hair in the view of another student. Ran away the next day with a bit of cash, meeting Marshmallow Fluff on the train platform. He is much more openly timid now.
Grain District.
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