#i like details
soggyswampwater · 28 days
Ok so whenever murder drones came out with merch, I would scour every item for lore or predictions for the future of the series (I blame Matpat for why I’m like this lol). And I wanted to check for anything on the final merch line and I found something on the long sleeve shirt. There’s binary on it, so I found a binary translator, and after like 5 minutes of typing out 0 and 1, I got this. Biteme or bite me. Glad to have one final little detail I could find in murder drones. :)
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Risotto (Blanco)
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"Wouldn't it be nice to stay forever?"
("Template" idea yoinked from here. I, Wisp, hereby thank thee!)
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
(Nandine) Ross White (Risotto)
Riso (By Marshmallow Fluff)
April 5th
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
On the shy side, so his face is usually covered by a mask (like Futaba's in Persona 5), and if his face is revealed in full, he will be reduced to stunned tears. Nonetheless, he's quite friendly and gentle to others, and likes to practice his photography skills on others. There's an inside joke among some that he's effectively a freeloader to Marshmallow Fluff, but he doesn't seem to notice. Has a naive side. As a reporter, he is seemingly aware of a dark side of Food Town, that he also needs a ruthless side to achieve results, and if he finds a body for a story in pieces, he will stitch it together himself.
Pretty colors, warm things
His face.
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
Tells Sissy a given number of residents that he's thinking of at the moment, and hands her a camera. She has to snap a picture of Food Town's residents that appear closest to his given amount. Occasionally, he will ask to photograph Chili, which you simply need to move to snap a photo of her sneakily for the most points.
Game (Bad):
Sissy is thrown into complete darkness in Risotto's house, and must navigate her way to jump out of his bedroom. The only way to tell where she is is photos and articles written about her by him, and become increasingly harsh and despair-inducing when you're on the right track to escape. These contain info on Sissy's past, goading her into remaining in Food Town forever by emphasizing her own issues, but she keeps insisting that it wasn't that bad, and pressing forward. If on the wrong track, the photos become more joyful in turn, some from the first route and some not, reminding her of all the good things Food Town is capable of. Halfway between, he will enter and try and kill you himself. Stun him by tearing his mask off. Show Me Your True Form! If he catches her, he will kill her, and is implied to stitch up her corpse into a "perfect" Passion Fruit.
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To find someone, anyone, who he can trust to accept his face. He was mercilessly mocked for his vitiligo, heterochromia and baby-face. But he also had a much more violent approach to his tormentors, cutting their tongues out when pushed too far. Following several incident in college, he cut out the tongue of a teacher, and sewn her another with her hair in the view of another student. Ran away the next day with a bit of cash, meeting Marshmallow Fluff on the train platform. He is much more openly timid now.
Grain District.
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
Two weeks ago, caelumcxiv on R/Hi-Fi Rush posted screenshots of Zanzo's office taken with help of a camera mod. While I'm unsure if I can repost the images here, (I don't have any way to contact Caelum), I did want to talk about them. So here we go! Text incoming.
The first image is a closer look at the couch. In addition to revealing the full pose and intense expression of the body pillow image, Zanzo has his top secret Vandelay reports in plain sight. *Sigh...* Maybe Zanzo thinks hiding things in plain sight is a good strategy, but still.
The second and third images are closer looks at the book stacks. There's a Weekly Vandelay Comic issue featuring a story called Karate Dragon. ("Defeat The Enemies!") A Vandelay branded video game strategy guide ("You can clear this video game!!") - its cover shows a knight fighting a dark shadowy figure under a lightning filled sky and surrounded by fire. (A project from the now defunct Vandelay Game studios?) A Men's Fashion Magazine which is, you guessed it, also Vandelay branded. Beneath it is what I assume is another comic book called M-Y (Monkey? Mercy? Muscly? Mighty? Mayday? IDK) KAR.
It's difficult to see what the other books/magazines in the stack are because they're covered but there are some more comics. I can see a Vandelay logo magenta and white cover under Karate Dragon. Under Strategy Guide is COMIC, another M-Y KAR, and a book titled "M- F or E-". There's a strategy guide on the stack next to the men's fashion magazine. Are all of these individually textured like the vending machine drinks? 🤔
All of the cover models appear to be robots. The one on Karate Dragon looks similar to Ryuu from Street Fighter. Fashion model has slicked down hair, round purple glasses, a yellow jacket over a red turtleneck and green pants. (I'm picturing Zanzo dressed like that in my mind's eye. ✨)
Vandelay Technologies sure has their thumb in a lot of pies. I'm inclined to think this is Kale era exclusive. But we don't know for sure. 🤷‍♀️
Fifth image is a close up on the taped up papers. The top row is concept art and calculations for the ZP-1500 (that giant robot boss from Chapter 11).
Points of Interest Left-Right: First equation sheet. Zanzo is aware of the laser arm elbow joint stability. Sticky note I can't read. (I or / something h-e? Here?) Head of the Robot with parts labelled. "Light", "Eye", "Ear". The jaw is denoted as "Joe". (Out of universe, it's probably the artist's signature. In universe, Zanzo might have had a brain fizzle moment.) "20 × (5-x^2)=??" That doodle of a robot getting fried by a laser. "Huge!" written on sticky note. The laser has a 30 degree angle blast field. Second equation sheet. "Zanzo's Perfect Robot" and another labeled drawing - this one full body. Back "Booster", "Laser" arm, central "Core".
ZP-1500 apparently has an "eject" feature in the pelvic area. (Written in blue, harder to read.) Let's not speculate on that. 😅 (Developer/Designer Joke?)
The finance section of the Vandelay News is part of this paper collection. Roquefort's portrait is scribbled out. There's also a graph next to a Research Result paragraph. "Tampered" is written over the graph.
The sixth and final picture Caelum shared is a front facing perspective of raised brow Chai and serious Peppermint at Zanzo's computer. Cool. 👍
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pretty-prince-lulu · 2 months
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: ] royal weddinge
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joofaloof · 3 months
I'm obsessed with these tags regarding my work
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There are some details, yes, but what if there were
✨️M O R E✨️
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Ma in the Retired Spy Universe VS Canon ft. me actually trying
Canon eyes are always brighter
used this model for the canon reference
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emberwood-if · 2 years
hit the 30k mark for chapter two and we haven’t even touched the investigation subplot that introduces the antagonist and the training supblot, this baby is going to be thicc
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Do you ever write a sentence and then realize “Nah, that’s too self aware for you” and backspace a bunch of times.
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almondpiglet · 24 days
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ppl were drawing mikus from all over so heres habesha miku and her lil twin sibs rin and len!!
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verflares · 5 months
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just how long is forever? // not long enough, with you
pssst. check this out on inprnt :]
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Marshmallow Fluff
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"Good morning, world!"
("Template" idea yoinked from here. I, Wisp, hereby thank thee!)
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
General Info
Elizabeth Desjardin (Marshmallow Fluff)
Maflu (by Risotto), My moon (by ???)
November 3rd
Zodiac Sign:
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Personal Info
Tough and mature, she'd make a great MILF. She's got a good head on her shoulders, comes off as cautious at times, but means well. Her warm side tends to be focused to books, and her not-roommate Risotto. But when she's upset, everyone is. Wants to be den mother to the other residents BADLY, but lacks the proper energy.
Books, cooking
Getting her hands dirty
( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆( ^▽-)∠※☆
Game Info
Game (Good):
An example layout of a shelf in Marshmallow Fluff's Library is shown to Sissy, then cutting back towards the messy shelf(ves). Sissy has to organize the shelf from memory to what she saw before, to the best of her recollection.
Game (Bad):
Forces Sissy to read a novel of hers to the end, while she has to simultaneously dodge haunted books (teeth like the Mad Piano!), then guess the title based on a selection. The game itself is rigged, and the story never ends. Ask her for a hint, and get a Game Over as she bludgeons Sissy to death with a book. Catch onto the semi-rigged game, and she says "Is it so, Passion Fruit? Well done, then, human. You then must know what I intend to teach you. Passion dictates that a story can't end. A story never truly ends, it just stops moving." Call her out on the unfairness of her conditions, and she'll only say "Oh, it's unfair? Isn't it oh-so sincerely unfair?! You should know..."
Reason for coming to Food Town:
To be rid of her abusive husband Romero, who would often beat her when he was annoyed, in private or not, and held her under tight financial scrutiny, as he also often stole her money, especially when her books sold well (or didn’t). She murdered him a year ago when he snuck into Food Town, bludgeoning him to death with one of her books.
Candy District (the only other resident, having cut a deal with Candy herself to eat her hair when it reaches the floor)
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kwadlayns · 4 months
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Good detectives do what they need to in order to solve a case. 💀🔎✨
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platoapproved · 2 months
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louis + cruelty
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crystaleevee4 · 6 months
i am going to start a collection
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if you have any other posts of this kind please send them to me
update: this one thanks to @iputmcytsintohydraulicpress (great url, by the way)
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this one courtesy of @catamaurrr-star
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So I didn’t want to separate it into two images, this was the best I could do- thanks to @blocky-tides! also art is by @/cheeryfairies
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thanks @o0recipme0o
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hey @igotthisaccountunderduress. less mcyt related but thanks anyways :D
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found another one from my favorite game in stars and time go play it
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...so anyways here's my self-promotion now that this has almost 15,000 notes and you guys sure as hell won't see it if i reblog
My AO3! Not much there right now besides OC stuff, but more to come!
Situations ask game! pleasepleaseplease send me hc/life series stuff here i need enrichment (some of these are shorter, but i can promise you i will deliver!)
@traffic-smp-headcannons! me and mod tides like seeing your ideas :)
(of note: i also take art requests, but only traditional)
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autistickaitovocaloid · 7 months
Today in vc we discussed the concept of a gmod funeral so I drew my interpretation.
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seren-dipitous-art · 3 months
If chaos was personified I think it would be Damian. Tiny child filled with rage and equipped with far too many weapons.
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They look SO CUTE altogether!!
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I love this au so much. Bats on thrones makes me so happy.
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