#doc roe imagines
lieutenant-speirs · 2 years
“Would anyone choose you from a crowded room?”
“I would.” the words came from Doc Roe himself.
|| - I don’t know. Something is mulling around my brain. An upcoming Doc Roe x Reader fic perhaps?
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Doc Roe x Medic!Injured!Reader
Synopsis: You were seeing stars after the bullet hit your shoulder, but you didn't realize the stars were just Roes eyes shining in the moonlight as he hovered over you. 
A/n: I don't know what this is... It's bad but its something. 
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The pain erupted through your shoulder as that upper half of you flew back from the force of the bullet. You let out a groan as you fell back and onto the snowy ground. The soldiers around you screamed for Roe and your eyes trained to the dark sky above you, it was so cloudy in Bastogne that you never saw the stars, something you loved to see. 
“Hey, sweetheart you’re gonna be okay” You heard as your attention was drawn to the southern man who was now hovering over you. Your eyes crinkled a little as you saw them, the stars. Instantly, your medical brain panicked as you thought you were about to blackout, and you knew blacking out in a moment like this was not good. 
“Roe, I think I’m going to blackout. I’m seeing stars” you whimpered as you grabbed his biceps for grounding. His eyes widened and he came closer to examine your eyes for any signs of passing out and at that moment, you realized what you were seeing. “Nevermind” you muttered out quietly feeling embarrassment overcome your body as you turned your head to the side. 
The cold snow froze your hot cheeks and Roe resumed his actions on your shoulder, completely ignoring whatever just happened. He brushed it off as you going into shock or simply imagining things, for there were no stars in the night sky. But you saw them.
You saw them in his eyes.
“Okay sweets, I think you’re all patched up, can you sit up for me?” he whispered out as he helped you sit up much to your dislike. You didn't want to be this close to him, this close to the stars. But none of that mattered once you saw them sparkle once more. You could feel his hot breath hit your face and you once more got lost in his eyes. “I did see the stars Roe” you whispered out finally as your hand lifted to his cheek. His eyebrows crinkled in confusion and you just leaned in. 
“I saw them in your eyes” you finished before pressing your lips to his, it took a second for him to react but he kissed back softly as he closed his eyes. He knew you loved the stars, but he didn't think that meant you would love the one who held them. But you didn’t love him because he had stars in his eyes. You loved him because he was your stars, and in times where the night was so dark.
He always shone brighter.
@hell-itwasyou  @desired-love- @privatebullshit506   @whatwouldidowithoutgeorgeluz   @etainlord  @longing-for-the-past-times @themostunstableunicorn  @joonflu   @its-a-polyglot @liebthots ​ @liebgoth ​ @xjustmenobodyelse @bandofbrothers-marvel-movies @higgles123 @uwurunicornuwur @heartbeats-wildly @daddyspeirs0 @roger-bang-the-drum @bandofmarvels @decaffeinatedtachycardia @junojelli @curraheev @cutthroatss @glxssysam
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Wounded (Series: Roe)
Eugene Roe x Reader
Synopsis: Being wounded in war is inevitable and could happen to anyone at any moment. But when it’s you or the love of your life that gets wounded, how will either of you handle the pain and suffering.
A/N: Okay listen. This one has to be a happy one because Eugene needs to be happy for once. So I’m sorry this ain't angsty but it's adorable alright!!! Enjoy :)
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“Shut your mouth MALARKEY!” You hissed as you shoved him to the side. His cackle sounded out into the forest as you straddled his side, before lightly throwing punches onto his shoulders. Eugene lit his cigarette before watching you two, laughing to himself as he just shook his head at you two acting like complete children. “Y/n I’m sorry but you getting a papercut and crying about it to me is hysterical” he teased out further, causing the other 3 men surrounding you two to bark out more laughs. You just kept punching his shoulder but then he moved onto his back swiftly, hoping to overtake you, but instead causing you to lose your balance and fall back onto the snow. “OW” You screamed out and all of the men fell silent as they looked at you wide-eyed. While they thought it was funny that you were so easy to injure, they never liked seeing you injured. You brought your hand up where your palm had a nice laceration from the tree branch you landed on. Blood flowed down your frozen hand and you just glared at Malarkey “Really Mal” you whispered out as Eugene came beside you. He grabbed your hand as Malarkey began to frantically apologize, afraid that you were truly upset and actually hurt. “It’s fine Donald, she’s just being overdramatic” Eugene muttered out as he grabbed some gauze. You turned to him wide-eyed but he just winked at you. Reaching up with your other hand, you grabbed his cigarette, “This is mine then Genie” You huffed out before putting the cigarette between your lips. He chuckled lightly as the other men moved out to give you both some space. Malarkey apologized many more times but you just smiled at him “I forgive you, but you owe me the cookie in your next ration Mal” you stated sweetly and he just nodded at that before leaving. You and Gene were alone as he finally got your hand wrapped up. Leaning down, he pressed his lips sweetly to the bandage. His cold nose hit your wrist and you squealed out loud at the cold touch. His other hand grabbed your other wrist and he stood up, “Let's go to bed sweets” he murmured out before helping you up. Wrapping his arm protectively around your waist, you two walked towards the foxhole you both shared. He hopped in first before helping you down as well. You stood in his arms for a minute, just kissing him in the darkness. It was your favorite time of the day. When you two could just hold each other. It was a moment, in which you would quietly remind each other that another day has passed and that neither of you left the other. “Thanks for loving my clumsy self” you whispered out as he sat down with you in his arms. Sitting in his lap, you pulled his hat off to run your unharmed hand’s fingers through his hair. Your other wounded hand laying in your lap, it made you pout not being able to fully run both hands through his hair like you loved to do to fall asleep. He cocked his head at your pout but you caught yourself and turned it into a smile. “Why did you pout? You know I love you and your clumsy ways” he muttered playfully as you slammed your hand into his shoulder lightly. You winced as you realized you used your wounded hand and he just shook his head at you before grabbing it sweetly. Bringing it to his lips he kissed the wound once more. “I’ll kiss it and make it better darlin” he cooed up at you before giving you a kiss on the nose, making your giggle sound out into the dark forest. It seemed to fill his dark soul with some light for once. He wouldn't make it through these treacherous nights without you. Even if you were clumsy and would easily injure, he wouldn't change it for the world. For as long as he could save you when you fell, he’d always come running. 
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Red Nose
Eugene Roe x Medic!Reader
Synopsis: He was so cold and his nose seemed to be permanently red. While in the town of Foy, Winters mentions to you that Eugene needs a break to warm up and relax from the hell he just went through in Bastogne. You couldn't agree more and you make it your mission to fix the broken and frozen man in your arms. 
A/N: SELFISH; Enjoy this cuddly mess that I am. Also, this is a special story to @kneesocksapollo since she loves Gene so freaking much ;)
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“Y/n” You heard Winters call out to you before you left the room with Eugene. Turning back to your boyfriend who stopped in the doorway once he heard your name as well, you nodded at him reassuringly, “I’ll catch up with you later babe” you whispered out and he approved with a slight head nod before taking off.  He never wanted to leave your side ever since Bastogne. You all lost so much. He couldn't lose you as well. “Yes, Captain Winters” you called out, ignoring all of the looks that the new men gave you. “I want you and Doc off the field for a while...”
“Sir” you urged, confused as to where this was going. He gave you a thoughtful look and continued. “Warm him up, make him rest... Make sure he’s okay” Winters pressed finally. He was watching Doc and you throughout Bastogne. He couldn't just pull you or him off the field when you were both such vital components to the safety of these men. Eugene took all of the deaths harder than you, especially when Renee back in the town died. You were never jealous of her, you knew that he was just looking for a friend that wasn't also his girlfriend. But her death really made him latch onto you in fear of losing you. As if you were the only thing that made him stable. You nodded finally before looking at the other men in embarrassment. You never liked being the center of attention and all you wanted to do at the moment was hide in Eugene's neck till their stares disappeared from your brain. You backed away before turning to leave. “Thank you Y/n” Winters called out, making you stop in your tracks with your hand on the doorknob. You nodded before pushing out. 
Finding him wasn't hard. You really just had to run to the sound of someone screaming for him. Coming up to the crowd of men, you saw a man down in the middle of them. “Move. MOVE” you screamed as you pushed the replacements away while the Toccoa men moved out of your way the second they heard your voice. Dropping down to Gene, you saw the anger and heartbreak etched into his eyebrows. He was so beautiful. 
“Get back to your posts men” you screamed up at the men that crowded you two. They moved out and you looked back at Gene sadly. He was so...
“Gene” you cooed sweetly as you reached your hand to his which laid on top of the man's chest. “I could have saved them” Gene whispered out shakily and you just shook your head before pulling his hands off of the body. Pulling him up and onto his feel, you saw the other medics come by and you whispered in Spina’s ear to take care of the body. He nodded at you and you took Eugene by the arm and dragged him away. “Let's go lay down honey” you whispered out before leading him to the house in which had the room you both shared. 
Perfect. “I have to go help” he whispered out anxiously before looking around for more wounded. Your heart broke and you just pushed him to the wall softly. Lifting your hand to his cheek, you drug your finger down his nose. “Your nose is red” you whispered up at him and he just shook his head at you before trying to push you away, but you just held him down harder. “Y/n. Let me go help-”
“Not until I get that nose back to a normal shade... Not until you get some sleep... And not until we are both ready... Captains orders” you interjected before rubbing his shoulders, trying so hard to loosen them up. He sighed out but let you drag him up into the building, knowing you wouldn't let it go. He would just have to relax to please you. Maybe he could use some rest and relaxation. Maybe he could use some time with you. 
Only you.
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Laying in bed beside him was a treat. You both laid on your sides facing one another, it was a sleepy environment other than the fact that occasionally you would hear bombs nearby. But that was normal. This... This was something new. You ran your hand softly through his brown hair, imagining the times after the war where you could do this every night before bed. You wondered how many kids he would want, if he said 20, you’d give him 21. That's how much you loved the man that was laying beside you. “Will we get married after the war?” you whispered out softly while staring at his mouth, you normally wouldn't ask him such questions in the middle of a freaking battle. But this felt correct. Your e/c eyes flicked from his mouth to his eyes. His sleepy blue eyes looked down at you warmly. “We could get married now for all I cared” he muttered out sleepily before moving closer to you so his head was resting against yours. His eyes roamed your face as you felt your whole body relax under that one look. You smiled softly at him before moving your hand from his hair to his cheek, caressing it softly, you felt the warmth on the skin, something that you hadn't felt in a while. “Your nose isn't red anymore” you murmured before lifting your head to press a loving kiss to the tip of his nose. Smirking at him, you then rubbed your nose against his before giggling at the smirk that formed on his lips at your childish antics. “How many kids do you want?”
His question made your heart stop. He did want a future with you. “As many as possible,” you teased before falling into his arms and hiding your blushing face in his neck. His chuckle rumbled through his chest and made you sigh out in embarrassment. “Sounds like a plan” he whispered softly before pressing his lips to your hair. Kissing it sweetly, you hugged his waist tighter as you pressed kisses along his neck and shoulders. Euphoria filled your veins as you ran over the conversation in your mind over and over until Eugene was fast asleep in your arms. Oh yes. You would marry the red nosed doctor some day and you’d have many, many kids with him.
That was a promise.
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Dog Tags (Series: Roe)
Eugene Roe x Reader
A/N: Let me just explain one thing about me. I. LOVE. DOG. TAGS. I don’t know why I don't know how all I know is that every time I see one of the boys' dog tags I flip and melt inside. And so. I am making an offer. I will write similar versions of this, for any boy you want. 
Trigger Warning: Sad... Sorry
Synopsis: Dog tags. You didn’t know why, but something about them made them seem safe and secure, just like the man wearing them.
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You were bleeding out. One second, Eugene saw you smiling at him lovingly, and the next second you were on the ground bleeding out from your stomach. The white snow below you began to stain red as he raced towards you. You were whimpering out in pain as Eugene hovered over you, “Hey you’re gonna be alright mi amour” he whispered as he ripped your shirt open, “I don't wanna die Gene” you cried out as he began to fish for the bullet. You saw stars as your bloody hands grabbed for anything, your right hand found his tags that were dangling down. Coating them in blood as you gripped onto them for dear life, he cursed as he tried harder to find the bullet, your breath was ragged as the blackness started to surround your vision. “Genie” you whispered out hoarsely “Don't let me go” you croaked out before you passed out from the pain, your hand letting go of the tags and falling to the side. You awoke on a makeshift bed. Considering there was no Medical place to take you to, this would have to be good enough. You sat up, hissing in pain as you clutched at your bandaged stomach. The large tent you were in was only a little warm but it seemed to give relief from the violent icy winds. Sliding off the makeshift bed, you walked towards the flap. Opening it, Winters turned swiftly around halfway through his shave. “Sleeping beauty is up” Nixon stated while handing you some coffee before Winters got a chance to greet you. You smiled at your Captain and looked down at the black liquid, “How long have I been out?” You asked softly as Winters motioned for you to sit with him. “Two days. I’m happy you’re up. We are moving out soon to capture Foy. Then you can get a nice warm bed” He answered as he drug the razor down his skin. You looked out at the tree line. Of course Gene would bring you here. Winters would take you in no matter, and this was the safest place for you to be, far from the line. Far from the death. “Wheres Doc?” You asked softly turning back to Winters, he froze mid swipe and swallowed. He finished the stroke and cleared his throat before turning to face you, “Doc’s been worried sick” Winters stated as Nixon sat on the other side of you, listening to how his friend was going to explain this to you. “I told him he couldn't come here, that you would be safe, but he needed to focus,” He said as he kept shaving, turning from you as to not see your expression. Lew thought you’d get mad. Richard knew you better though. You nodded at the explanation and stood up. “Permission to go see him, sir?” You pressed, he looked up at you and sighed before shaking his head. “I’m sorry private. But until Foy is captured. He needs to focus.” You nodded your head sadly before walking back to the tent, Lew shook his head at his best friends decision, “Did you ever think that they work better when they are together” Lew asked and Winters shook his head, hating the fact that while he was doing the right thing for his men, he couldn't help but feel that Lew was right. As you slid on your jacket that was no longer stained with blood, something fell from the pocket. You cocked your head before bending down to pick up the dog tags that laid on the ground. ‘Eugene Roe’ was engraved on the tags and you smiled softly at them, they were still stained with your blood and you sighed realizing you gave him quite a fright. You smiled at the thought that crossed your mind though. He gave them to you before leaving you, showing you that no matter what, he would be with you. You slid on his tags before walking back out to meet up with the other CO’s to travel to the battle line. It would be a bloody and stressful fight, and you prayed for Eugene's safety in that warfare. When it all ended though, and you captured Foy, you practically ran across the field to find him, but Winters picked you up in the jeep before you got halfway. In the town, you saw Eugene talking to another medic who caught sight of you. You rushed over right as the Medic whirled Eugene around, the look on his face made you want to repeat that moment 100 times over again. All he saw was his angel running towards him with his tags bouncing with each step. He encompassed you in a hug as you peppered his neck and jaw in kisses. “Genie” You whispered out while gripping onto his hair and pulling him closer “I love you Genie.” He nodded at that as you two swayed a little, some of the men sent whistles at the reunion as Doc hadn't shut up about you since you were taken off the line. “Oh,” you said as you pulled back from him, looping your fingers under the chain, you pulled the tags off and dropped them around his neck, “These belong to you” You purred. He smiled at you before kissing you deeply, dipping you a little against his knee as his tags tickled your neck from where they hung from his. “I love you y/n” he whispered back as he stood you back up straight. “And I will never let you go.”
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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marvelmymarvel · 5 years
Mon Ange De Neige
Eugene Roe x Medic!Reader
Synopsis: In the darkest part of the war, Eugene realizes how he is slowly falling in love with you, his Mon Ange De Neige, Angel of snow
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You blew him away. He hated it. He couldn't focus without you intruding his thoughts at least once. He was always close to you, seeing as you were one of the soldiers in Easy Company, and you always managed to get hurt. Whether it be tripping up the stairs, or slipping on the ice. You were always in his care. What he didn't notice though, was that he was slowly falling in love with you. When he saw you fall, he’d be there to pick you up, and when you actually listened to him and didn't slip, he missed you. He sometimes wished you would fall just so he could pick you back up. He was your Genie. He smiled at the nickname you gave him in the very beginning when you first met him. It was boot camp, and you were pushed to the ground by Sobel for talking back, causing your knee to be scratched up badly and your wrist to be sprained. You were sniffling in pain as you were helped by Liebgott over to the medical station. Meeting Eugene was the highlight of your life, but he didn't think anything of you other than a clumsy little girl. He was wrong. As you were sniffling on the table while he examined your wrist he cocked an eyebrow at Liebgott as he rubbed your back lovingly. Doc liked to think that it was, in fact, Liebgott who made him push his feelings back in the first place. He realized though, that it was himself that did, for he was afraid of ruining what you two formed. Since your wrist was sprained, Colonel Sink had you helping the medics with their training. You weren't really doing anything other than following around Eugene all day, so you two got to know each other better than you ever connected with anyone else. To say he was your best friend was an understatement. The Louisianan sweetheart stole your heart, but he couldn't know that, not yet at least. While being around him, you learned he spoke French which made you even more interested. You remember the long nights where you two would stay up late in the corner of the barrack as he would teach you how to say fruits in French. Weekend passes being revoked, only meant more time with him. You picked up some French on the way. You knew how to say apple and banana the best, but you also learned some words that he didn't teach you. You would tell him those words and he’d smile at you, proclaiming how proud he was of you for learning a new language. There was one word though, that you held onto,  Je T'aime or I love you. You had wanted to tell him that simple word for so long, but every time you were near him nowadays was because you fell on the ice again, not at all romantic. You were currently walking around the Bastogne forest area, passing by foxholes to get to yours, you stopped when it began to snow. In some weird way, you twirled in it, slowly and softly. 
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Your smile lit up as the cold wet flakes hit your face and hair. It was a weird sensation that bubbled in your chest, a deadly mixture of Euphoria and Angst. You felt like you were never getting out alive, but at this moment, the snow made you realize how life was like a snowflake. It will stick to the ground for a while, but in the end, it too will melt, so enjoy the fall while it lasts. You stopped twirling and looked straight ahead feelings someone's eyes on you, you got embarrassed as Eugene watched you. “Hi, Genie” you whispered out twiddling your fingers in embarrassment. “You look” he whispered but your eyes meeting his made him stop breathing. The snowflakes on your h/c hair glistened in the moonlight, your skin looked paler in the cold, bringing out the rosiness of your cheeks. “What” you whispered stepping forward. Your e/c eyes glistened in the darkness as the moon made a halo go around your head. You looked, like an angel. “Mon ange de neige” he quietly stated, you didn't know the words as you cocked your head in confusion. “My angel of snow” he whispered. He didn't know where the boldness was coming from, but the way you looked made him weak in the knees. He started towards you, finally having enough of the distance he made, “Tu es la plus belle chose que j'ai jamais vue en enfer” he muttered before cupping your frozen cheeks in his equally frozen fingers. You were shocked, but not complaining at the close perimeter between you two. His warm breath cascaded onto your cold face as you ran your cold fingers up his neck, cupping the nape and gripping onto his hair like he would disappear any moment. “What does that mean Genie” you quietly started getting closer to his body for warmth. “You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in Hell” he softly stated while nodding at his words. They were true. In the hell that he was in, it was you who held him down, it was you that brought him back. It was you. His words made your stomach flip as you got closer to his face, “I have a word for you” you whispered and he nodded for you to continue “Je T'aime” you cooed before letting your lips collide with his. Cold and hot mixed as your mouths worked together to mend each other's hearts as best you could. “Je t'aime depuis le jour où je t'ai rencontré” he purred as he pulled away. You raised an eyebrow for him to translate and he just smiled at you as he ran his thumb along your lip, “Roughly translates to I have loved you since the day I met you.” You smiled widely before wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him in for a deeper kiss. “Ditto” you whispered back. At that moment, you were taking that snowflakes advice, and you were enjoying the fall.
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