#doctor who is always great
paradox-n-bedrock · 5 months
me in big fandoms: oh cool, it's so active and there's so many people to vibe with, this is amaz-
*finds my niche angle that appeals to approximately six people*
me: okay, folks, it's you and me now
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donutdrawsthings · 9 months
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I'd like to imagine the Doctor running into Donna later in life and still fearing she'll recognise him, before realising he's regenerated a bunch........ And then she recognises him because he's wearing the face of someone SHE helped save 💀
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mizgnomer · 9 months
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Part 4 in the David and Catherine Laughing on the Set of Doctor Who gif series
Links for Parts [ One ] [ Two ] [ Three ] or my #Laughing with David tag
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thealogie · 1 year
Doctor who at its best is like the doctor is just some guy who has a very silly time with his friends OR the doctor is just some guy who is floored by the either the beauty or terror of existence, sometimes both at the same time. Doctor who at its worst is like…another long monologue about how I’m the scariest and most powerful guy in the whole universe and why monsters run away when they hear my name.
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lunadove · 10 months
I feel like 10/14 will take Rose on day trips in the TARDIS to beautiful, safe planets.
And then 15 “The Fun Uncle” will just crash into Donna’s backyard every once a while and come out of the TARDIS going “Who wants to stop an alien dictatorship on a planet where all the plant life wants to eat you?”
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lurking-latinist · 5 months
I really love 15’s vibe so far, the rootlessness, the disclaiming any larger purpose, the mercurial mannerisms, the putting his arm around Ruby all the time as if they were being filmed in 4:3
he seems very ‘days like crazy paving’ and obviously I’m into that
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icarusredwings · 2 months
Established Saxteen. They're just chilling on the couch, watching a bake off. Mentions of charater death, implied freaky joke. Please read it all before deciding, I need to know!! For science!!
Oh, Lucy used to watch this. She tried making one of the recipes...it was terrible.
Did you still eat it?
Obviously. Im not a monster.
You've been talking about her a lot lately..
(He turns to look at his scrawny husband with a raised brow, hes about to get defensive)
(He shrugs, Looking away)
I dont know... just.. something Ive noticed.
(He looks back at the tv.)
Why? You jealous?
Me? No never I just.. I watched how you treated her. It was so..
(His face shows that he can't think of an english word for it)
Go on. Spit it out.
(He says something in a different language that means love, that's both tender and too rough)
They just cant handle it is all.
Hon, you destroyed that woman to the point she literally shot you. She killed you. I saw it with my own eyes.
(He grins fondly at the memory)
And I loved her for that.
(The doctor isnt suprised, he chuckles)
Of course you do. Only you, huh?
Oh come now, Ive seen your exs too so dont act like its just a me thing.
Like which one? None of them-
(The master gives him a look)
Okay yeah but.. it was different.
How so?
Just... was.
Nahh. It wasn't. You're too rough too.
Ones off with a human version of you-
I know- You dont have to remind me.
Im just saying
(He genuinely wasnt trying to be mean this time, just prove a point)
Its why we don't date humans anymore. Were too intense for them. Theyre too soft.
You're too soft.
(The doctor grumbles)
At least im not a telephone pole..
Oi!! Watch it!
Or what? Youll be too rough with me?
(His eyebrows give a wiggle and the doctor scoffs, pushing him away only to blush)
You wish..
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comealongclaras · 4 months
just wanted to say - they are specifically racist. they dont want to be together as rich people they want to be together as WHITE people
Yes, the people in Finetime were absolutely racist. But it is also specifically stated that it's a society for people ages 17-27 that "can afford it" and when ruby states that they're the rich kids lindy says "I should hope so." You can be multiple types of hateful. Yes they turned away the Doctor's help because he's black but I have a strong suspicion that even if it was just Ruby in that situation they would have turned the offer to leave down because they think they're that much more superior than everyone else (shown by Lindy being more willing to talk to Ruby but still repeatedly calling her stupid).
Of course it's open to interpretation (and a great episode for discussion - I'm glad RTD brought these different angles). But in my view yes, they were racist. I just think it was more than that. They were overall hateful people.
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dalesramblingsblog · 6 days
There *is* a part of me that is perpetually scared of coming across as unduly bitter about the EDAs, particularly since putting the reviews up on Ko-fi months in advance does kinda deprive me of the "instant" part of "instant feedback."
Like I keep trying to go in with an open mind, and I generally enjoyed Option Lock, but at the same time... nothing I'm hearing about Longest Day and Legacy of the Daleks is making me at all excited, and I'm not one to just give something a pass because it's Doctor Who, so if I sound very tired (I know for a fact that my Kursaal review is perhaps the most fed up I've been since War of the Daleks, which doesn't bode well since that was a whole two EDAs ago) please know it isn't out of deep-seated hate, but just that... I like reading good books? So if it isn't good, well... sorry, IDK what to tell you.
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lucifers-simp · 10 months
I love that a huge landmark in my friendships is when i feel comfortable enough to share my Cassandra reaction pics with them
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weedle-testaburger · 9 months
seeing people mournfully talking about how disney is falling apart makes me feel like the sickos guy bc i don't just like that the mouse and its corporate conservatism are suffering, i like that it's not got such a chokehold on mediums like animation and superhero stuff now
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Goran Višnjić as Nikola Tesla in Doctor Who 12.4, Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror.
image descriptions below the cut
[1] A still from an episode of Doctor Who, showing Goran as Nikola Tesla in front of Niagara Falls with an audience of men in suits and top hats, only their backs shown to us. Nikola is gesturing towards the waterfall as he speaks. He's a tall, slim man of about fifty in an old-fashioned suit with a tailcoat, pinstriped trousers, a waistcoat and watch-chain. He has a moustache, and brown hair parted in the middle, a few inches long and styled neatly with a bit of a wave.
[2] Goran as Nikola Tesla gesturing towards a device I don't understand well enough to even describe except that it's two corrugated metal cylinders and electricity is arcing between them, blue and dramatic, while he gestures like a magician. His other hand is on a lever, his face obscured by a starburst of blue light.
[3] A close-up of Goran as Nikola Tesla with a lightbulb in the foreground gleaming with warm light. He's looking off-screen and smiling slightly, eyes large and grey-blue, eyebrows raised, creases in his forehead and around his mouth. He's wearing a butterscotch-yellow tie with a wing or tuxedo shirt collar.
[4] A side-on view of Goran as Nikola Tesla bent over a workbench doing something with a tool we only see as a faint gleam of metal. He's bent almost double, intent on his work, a curl of hair falling down above his forehead, his coat gone and his shirt sleeves rucked up to the elbow so that his arms are bare and evidently hairy. The scene's dark, lit only by a candle lamp.
[5] A view of Goran as Nikola Tesla looking at a figure mostly out of view, visible to us only as blonde hair at the side of the screen. Nikola's eyes are a little wide, his mouth slightly open, making him look bewildered, and perhaps wary - I thought of it as his "okay, either you or this situation is bonkers" face. His thumb is just visible at the bottom of the screen, suggesting he's gesturing or fidgeting with his hands.
[6] A view of Goran in a crowded street, no coat, standing almost a head taller than everyone else and gesturing with one hand in a way that signals frustration or defensiveness, his eyes closed, mouth open as he speaks. A few bowler hats are visible around him, and a few of Nikola's companions - Dorothy, a serious-faced woman of thirty or so with tightly curly hair and smart clothing; the Doctor, currently a woman with straight blonde hair looking curiously past Dorothy; and just a glimpse of Yasmin in the background in a flat blue hat.
[7] A side-on view of Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor and Goran as Nikola both paying rapt attention to a glowing green mechanical-looking ball in a dish, with the Doctor pointing her sonic screwdriver at it and Nikola bending down to watch at the opposite side of the desk, hands folded together as if he's fidgeting, intent on her work. The Doctor's in a long light grey coat with a hood, incongruous for the era, and it's clear she'd be a lot shorter than him if he weren't currently courting back pain.
[8] The same scene as before, minutes later - the Doctor only visible as blonde hair in the foreground, Nikola's face transformed like he's realised something wonderful, eyes on the Doctor and leaning forward slightly, or still leaning on the desk. His mouth is open as he talks, his eyes bright, skin creasing faintly at the corners with a real smile.
[9] The same scene as before, seconds later. Goran as Nikola is looking to the side, no longer smiling but serious and thoughtful.
[10] The same scene as before, seconds later. Nikola is looking back at the Doctor and raising his eyebrows in a question at something she said, his forehead creasing, his expression perhaps a little doubtful.
[11] A close-up of Goran as Nikola in a room with warmer and dimmer lighting, his hair coming loose a bit as short curls on his forehead, frowning as he talks to someone off-screen. The angle exaggerates his nose, emphasises the lines around his mouth.
[12] A different view of the scene, zoomed out. Nikola is bent over a worktable beside Yasmin, a young woman with curled hair and a smart navy-blue jacket, and they're looking at each other as though discussing a problem, Nikola folding or rubbing his hands together. The desk of a mess of wires and oddments, lit bulbs in metal cages and what might be the odd green ball from earlier.
[13] Nikola and Yasmin in a very different location, dimly lit, with strange red lights in the background and a green light over their faces. (They're on an alien spaceship.) Yasmin is looking down at the floor like she's stunned, mouth open, and Nikola is holding her arm like he's just pulled her back, but his eyes are on something or someone else we can't see. His eyes are wide, his expression startled and openly afraid.
[14] Nikola and Yasmin still on the spaceship, blurry machinery behind them, but Nikola is almost level with Yasmin now and they're standing close, both looking at a third party off-screen. Yasmin's expression is one of distaste and a little anger, and Nikola's eyebrows are drawn down, expression somewhere between bewildered and worried.
[15] A different scene, different lighting - deep blue in the background, warm light on Nikola's face. It's an odd angle, his head ducked as though looking at something, his expression serious.
[16] A different scene, perhaps daytime with electric lighting, Nikola in conversation with someone off-screen who's clearly shorter than him. His hair's a little disarrayed, eyebrows raised and forehead creased, but there's something of a smile to his eyes and his mouth that gentles it.
[17] The same scene, seconds later, slightly zoomed in. Nikola's eyebrows are lower, forehead still creased and eyes a little scrunched, like he doesn't understand yet what the other person means. There's something tender about it still.
[18] A different room, darker, Nikola grinning while the Doctor is mostly off-screen, just a little of her hair visible, except she's raising a hand for a high-five that he isn't reciprocating. Creases are splayed out from his eyes, deep ones around his mouth, his nose sharp from this angle.
[19] A different view of the high-five moment, focusing on the Doctor as she realises he doesn't know to reciprocate - the high-five wasn't invented yet - and starts to lower her hand. Her mouth is wide open, teeth showing, somewhere between a grin and talking, and her body language is open exuberance. The creases around Nikola's eyes are still very visible from this angle, though most of his face isn't.
[20] A view of Goran as Nikola with his eyes closed as if he's blocking something out, and a look of forbearance and faint frustration on his face.
[21] A side-on view of Goran as Nikola, a shorter man in the background and the TARDIS behind them both, its windows glowing white. Nikola's expression is determined and a little grim, more hair curling messily against his forehead.
[22] A view of Goran as Nikola outside, trees in the background, a blurry blue-white sky and what might be yellowish grass. He's wearing old-fashioned aviator goggles on his forehead, where they're pushing his hair up so it's even messier, and he's looking down at something with a troubled expression.
[23] A view of the Doctor and Goran as Nikola in the TARDIS, the scene awash in electric blue and peach-pink, and no other lighting. The Doctor's leant over the TARDIS controls doing something there and looking back at Nikola, who has picked up some sort of contraption and is looking down at it, expression either troubled or focused. The light on his face is blue, throwing his features into sharp and unflattering relief.
[24] A view of Goran as Nikola in the TARDIS still, the lighting blue, the angle of his shoulders suggesting his hands are on his hips, and his expression now one of open joy. His eyes are large, his mouth open and smiling slightly, soft creases on either side.
[25] A view of Goran as Nikola on the street, looking with his head tilted at someone in the foreground - barely visible, except for the bowler hat. Nikola's expression is tolerant, a restrained smile with narrow eyes, and his hands are probably clasped behind his back.
[26] A view of Goran as Nikola on the street, now talking to the Doctor, only the back of her head visible. Nikola's in the same pose as before, hands behind his back, only leaning slightly towards her now, his expression warm as he talks to her. The creases around his eyes are back, and it's another angle that emphasises his nose.
[27] The same view as before, only now Nikola's ducked his head, almost like he's shy, or needs a moment to collect himself. The creases have gone from his eyes, but the smile's still there at his mouth.
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you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you  🎶
#dwedit#rd edit#river song edit#eleventh doctor#river song#doctor who#is it great? no. does it make sense? no. not really.I just wanted to make it#because this quote kind of makes me go feral#because imagine river. a ghost. trying to get a closure from a man who supposedly loved her#but it seems to have forgotten all about her. put her on a shelf life a book that wasn't even that great and engaging#and so she haunts him. first trying to get a reaction and realising that he can't hear or see her#and so then she talks. about their adventures. about her love. how she misses him. how she's always missed him#she'd tell him about her solo advenures#how much fun she used to have and she'd tell him how many times she stole his TARDIS and he didn't even notice#and she'd make fun of him piloting the TARDIS ('hundreds of years and you still can't do that. you really did get that flying licence in a p#and during these rare times when he slept she'd read or tale him fairytales. because why not? what does she have to lose?#and yet. he heard her all the time. every single time.#but he never talked to her. why would he? to do that he'd have to acknowledge that he'd lost her for good. just like her parents. just like#and river - she was supposed to be different. a touchstone. someone who would be able to keep up with him. stay with him. they would always#and yet. he was left all alone. his wife gone. a ghost of her was all he could have. he should set her free but he was a selfish man. so he#is it too much? or not enough?#idk they just make me go feral tbqh. what can I say I want me faves to suffer :)#mine#long post#otp: the towers sang and you cried
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seaweedstarshine · 9 months
This part of The Crimson Horror novelization lives rent free in my mind:
‘I could materialise the TARDIS around her on stage!’ cried the Doctor. ‘No—’ he concluded bitterly. ‘Too conspicuous. Blow pipe?’ ‘What?’ ‘Use a blow pipe dart to knock her out. Just for a bit. Long enough to get her back here. Strong cuppa. Two rounds of toast. Gentle interrogation…’ ‘Right,’ I sighed. ‘Or—’ ‘Befriend her as a child! Easy! I can nip back in the TARDIS, make a huge impression on her when she’s just a nipper then reappear in her life and then it’ll be all bunting out, hail the conquering Doctor, all that. It’s worked before!’
He liked the results on Amy, so he tried it on Kazran Sardick, until causing lasting childhood trauma is one of his go-to solutions for easy compliance! That's my eleven. My eldritch horror.
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littlest-nightingale · 8 months
Today I got to go to the science center and you'll never guess what they had on display...
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Actual screen used TARDIS!!! Look how cool that is =3
They also had a wall of screen used and replica sonic screwdrivers from almost every doctor
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And, they had concept art (my favorite thing ever mwah I love concept art!!!!)
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Doctor who S14 E3 ‘Boom’ Spoiler!!
i wish wish wish the episodes were longer…
Boom was the best of all the episodes so far for me, but that ending still just felt rushed. I wished we’d of sat in Splice’s grief for longer. I genuinely adored her perspective and acceptance of death at the end, but she was a child we should have seen her be sad before she reached that point of acceptance.
I don’t know but i do think that’s going to be my biggest complaint of this series, the episodes are too short (unless rtd complete fucks it all up and then i’ll have bigger complaints lol)
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