kenzieshep · 1 year
One of the perks of working in the cafeteria was the free food Kenzie got to take home when she worked a closing shift. She thought it was pretty awesome that the hospital would let the employees take home food that would otherwise be tossed, because she'd heard of several places where that would be a fireable offense. That day she'd gotten two cupcakes that had been sitting out all day. Taking a bite into the first one, she spied a familiar face nearby and walked up to her. "Hey Aunt Lex," she greeted with a smile. "I have an extra cupcake - do you want it?" If she was going to share, at least it would be with one of her favorite people. // closed starter for @doctorlexipedia
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sghq-gossip-blog · 2 years
we all know bert and ernie were more than just roommates. think it means something deeper with sloan and girl shepherd dressing that way?
Way more than roommates, and you can take that to the bank.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's as exciting as people are speculating it to be. I don't really think that a costume of puppets from a children's show can really mean anything that exciting, get your minds out of the gutter. Though I'm sure Mark's got to be lonely, I think I can safely say that his wife's goldfish gets more attention than he does in the bedroom.
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mentioned: @dr-shephcrd @docmarksloan @doctorlexipedia
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lousloan · 2 years
Her sleep pattern had left a lot to be desired over the past few days, after tossing and turning for a few hours - when she noticed the first bit of sunlight creep through the curtains, she decided to give up on trying to go back to sleep. Figuring the best way to make sure she didn’t disturb anyone else was to not be in the house, she changed into her running gear - grabbed her phone, headphones and keys and made her way as quietly out of the house as she could. 
It was meant to be a quick run, one to kill some time - but every time she gave herself an end goal, she decided to push a little further. The ‘quick run’ morphing into one that lasted an hour, when she did eventually decide to call it quits. Opening the front door quietly considering it was still early, she walked towards the kitchen - jumping when she spotted someone out of the corner of her eye, hand flying to her mouth to muffle any noise made in surprise. “Sorry. Thought everyone would still be asleep.” She offered meekly, before she ran the words through in her mind again. She couldn’t remember being told Lexie was working that morning, and while logic says she could have just forgotten being told that information - Louise’s mind jumped to the idea that being awake so early must have meant something wasn’t right. “Are you okay?” 
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trauma-kepner · 2 years
April had been looking around the hospital for Lexie, knowing that she needed to talk to someone about this. Someone other than Jackson. This time of year always got the best of her, regardless of the fact that she and Jackson were back together. It always brought up bad memories of their fights, of the divorce, all the drama pre-Harriet... It was just difficult. She was so happy where they were at in life now, and she wouldn't take it back for the life of her. But sometimes, she just needed to cry about it, to grieve about the baby they lost while they were married the first time. "Lex," she breathed when she finally saw her friend. "There you are!" she murmured, pushing her hair back behind her ear with a deep intake of breath.
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sofxrst · 2 years
closed to @doctorlexipedia​
Sofia slid her phone into the pocket of her scrub pants, immediately heading to the lounge Lexie told her to go to. She gave herself no time to think about it too much, because if she had, she would’ve ended up bailing. Ever since that last doctor’s appointment, the one that flipped her entire life upside down, Sofia felt like she was stuck in fight or flight. And there was no fight left. So at this point, keeping herself down and grounded felt damn near impossible.
Rounding the corner, she approached the door of the lounge and felt her heart beating harder and harder. Sofia cautiously entered the room, eyes quickly glancing around the space to make sure that Lexie was alone ( and, of course, avoiding eye contact in the process ) just before turning and shutting the door. After locking the door, Sofia turned to Lexie, making eye contact with her for the first time in months. Eyes immediately welled with tears, and Sofia reached up to wipe them, breaking the eye contact again. 
“I’m sorry,” she began, voice already hoarse and cracking, “I’m sorry for not calling and for not texting and for not talking —" Sofia paused, attempting to take a breath before speaking again. “I’m sorry for being a pain in the ass.”
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chiefsawyer · 2 years
closed starter for @doctorlexipedia​
“Hi,” Elaine grinned that mildly terrifying and rarely seen grin of hers, meeting Lexie as the neurosurgeon was scrubbing out of a surgery. It was really the only way Elaine could effectively hunt down and corner surgeons, and it worked. “So, let’s think back, to a few weeks ago, when I put you on that case, right? And we had that whole talk about you standing up for yourself against Jack and Jill?” Brows raised, she really didn’t even give Lexie a chance to respond. “I need you to take over Jill’s surgeries for the foreseeable future. I need someone dependable, and someone capable — and according to you, that’s you. Think you can do that?”
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cardioking · 2 years
“You’re the one with the eidetic memory, aren’t you?” While the question was genuinely curious, the tone of voice it came out with was skeptical. He’d heard of the phenomenon, but had never actually seen anyone with it in person before. Sure, he and Lexie had been in the same hospital for a while now, but he’d never had much need to interact with her in the past. But, given he was finding this to be a permanent placement now, he figured it would be a good idea to start to get to know the other doctors better. “The one married to, oh what’s his nickname, McSteamy?” He may not talk to many people, but he definitely paid attention to the gossip around the halls. // @doctorlexipedia​
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roryxgreysloans · 2 years
the year of firsts || rory & lexie
closed starter for @doctorlexipedia​
rory walked in slowly to their childhood home, and placed their keys in their spot on the hook next to the door. they still had a hook even though they hadn’t lived in this house in five years. but still, even with their key’s place of belonging, rory didn’t feel it. even though they grew up here, this wasn’t home anymore. nothing felt right anymore. and nothing felt like home. they’d hoped they’d move home and find some semblance of normalcy but they’d yet to find it. and today? today was one day that they were looking for that comfort. that feeling of that warmness. that home. today more than any other day. today the world felt extra dark, extra grey. ironically, it was one of the few sunny days in seattle but rory couldn’t see it. there was a false hue over everything like in one of those cheesy movies.
“ mama, ” rory called out walking through the house hoping to find their mother there. it was rare that their voice was this small. finding lexie in the kitchen, rory walked in with a small ‘ hey, ’ but they couldn’t keep the cracking out of their voice. “ s- sorry, i just wanted to see if you were home. i got off work early and- ” rory bit the edge of their lip feeling the tinge of their eyes starting to water. they thought they’d get further than this. “ i just- i needed you. ” they admitted.
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drmeverettsloan · 6 years
The ferry accident had meant all hands on deck...excuse the pun. Mark had originally made his way to the site, wanting to assist as much as he possibly could. But also wanting to see if someone could tell him where his wife and daughter were. When no one seemed to be able to do that however, and it seemed as though they had things under control, Mark had hitched a ride back to the hospital to help there as much as he could as well. He sent messages to Lexie and Sofia whenever he had a chance; hoping that the reason that they weren’t answered was that they had jumped in to help out. Which he knew they would if they could. He glanced up when a nurse spoke to him about a patient waiting for some assistance and he nodded his head, making his way into the room. “Hi there, my name is Dr. Sloan I’ll be y--.” He cut himself off when he saw his wife sitting there and he swallowed harshly. “Lex.”
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dr-shephcrd · 6 years
"Hello, hot stuff,” Amelia sang, walking into the livingroom, smiling as the low sound of her small heels clicked against the floor. “I’ve noticed an absense of one of my favorite Greys lately, and from the looks of it my suspicions are correct: you’re being mopey,” she let out a playfully dramatic sigh before shaking her head and clicking her tongue. “So, like the hero I am, I’ve come to the rescue. With caffience!” Amelia held up the paper cup in her hand, flashing Lexie a bring, almost childish, smile. “It’s no recreational marijuana, but I like to think that a delicate balance of my presense and caffiene are substantically more curative than that,” a soft breath left Amelia’s lips as her bright smile faded into a much softer curve. “On a scale of one to ten, ten being good-fucking-bye, how badly do you want me to leave?”
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racesloan · 7 years
TASK.  Mentioned: @edenavery @doctorlexipedia @drmeverettsloan @sofxrst + Torres-Robbins family. 
1. What’s your character’s favorite part of Thanksgiving?    BLAZE loves food, so the food for sure. But also the fact that his family always try their best to have a dinner together, even if it might be later because of either LEXI or MARK working late – or both. but he also gets the chance to hang out more with his siblings who all have busy lives, so if they all get together; he had a fun time.  2. What is your character’s favorite Thanksgiving memory?   the one Thanksgiving where BLAZE had just turned eleven, and after most likely asking and bagging for at least five years; his mom and dad decided that he could have a dog. so the two decided to give him a early Christmas present; and there he was; his new dog. not only because he got the dog, but also because they were all together; they celebrated with the Torres-Robbins: so a lot of people was around. because of SOFIA, has BLAZE always felt like he have a really big family, and he really likes it. 3. How does your character imagine their Thanksgiving 10 years from now? not that he will ever tell anyone, but in a perfect world, and perfect future ––– will his Thanksgiving be spent with EDEN. his future wife. they will have animals, and some kids if they are lucky. he would love to invite his mom and dad && his brother and sisters. BLAZE just really wish for a big happy family situation. 
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drmeverettsloan · 6 years
Mark was more than a little bit worried about Lexie.  He knew that she wasn’t doing well with everything that had happened, but he also wasn’t sure how to go about helping her. He couldn’t promise that nothing bad was going to happen. He couldn’t even promise that everything would be okay every time. Because sometimes it wasn’t. It hadn’t been okay with George. Wasn’t okay for Reed or Percy. All he could do what be there for her and try to help her through however she needed him to. Pulling into the driveway, he parked the car and slipped out, locking the car and then pushing through the front door of their home. “Lex?” He kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jacket, glancing to the left and seeing his wife seated on the couch. Mark moved toward her, pressing a kiss to her head before sitting down beside her.
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drmeverettsloan · 6 years
Mark had had a plan a while back. A plan for a beautiful night together that would lead to him asking Lexie a really important question. However, that hadn’t been a possibility as it had been planned right after the boat accident had occurred. Mark had rearranged all of his plans, still wanting to make the night a special one for Lexie; instead of just pushing through.
Pulling on one of his new suits, Mark made his way to the hospital to wait for Lexie to finish her shift, glad that it had been a short one by their definition. “Hey, babe.”
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drmeverettsloan · 6 years
@doctorlexipedia (left on her pillow)
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that this entire year has been one thing after another. I’m sorry that every time it feels like we’re back on equal footing, something else seems to come out of the woodwork and tear it all apart. I’m sorry that anything I have done in the past...distant or recent...has made you feel uneasy in the life we’ve built. I’m sorry for the anger that I sent toward you tonight when you have done nothing to deserve it. This whole thing wasn’t what either of us was expecting and I never should have tried to pressure you into a specific reaction.
Your feelings are valid. Your reactions are valid. I want you to feel them. And I want you to make the decision that is best for you. The decision that you feel the most comfortable with. You have been gracious and amazing through every twist and turn in our life; and I understand, Lex, if this is too much for you. You have pushed through so much more than most people ever have to go through. You are strong. You are resilient. But I know that everyone has a point where it’s too much.
You are one of the most important pieces of my life, Lex. I adore you. I admire you. And I respect whatever decision you make regarding this.
I’m going to sleep in the guest room tonight to give you the space you want and need.
I love you. Through everything, that it the one thing that has never ever been in question. You have my heart. You always will. 
- Mark
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dr-shephcrd · 7 years
Only here for Richard, only here for Richard. At least, that’s what Amelia had been trying to tell herself. Yet, she managed to take a not-so-short shortcut through the ER, and ran into one of the only interns she could tolerate. And somehow ended up weaseling her way into the teeniest case— and the only thing she was doing was sutures. Small, but Amelia needed something. She was standing in the supply closet, getting the things she needed when the door seemed to burst open. And, of course, of all the people who could’ve walked in it had to have been Lexie. “I’m not working,” Amelia quickly blurted out, brows furrowing at the look on Lexie’s face. She almost pointed out how flustered the other woman looked, but Amelia knew that that was a bad idea. “I’m just... um, getting... stuff for... someone who is working. Unlike me— who really is not working.”
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