#does anyone remember that? they put it out on origin of muse but I've forgotten its name unfortunately...
sunburnacoustic · 1 year
Muse ask! 17, 29, 41
Hii @exalteranima you're this blog's first ask!! Thanks for sending it, I love each of these questions, they're spot on!
17: How many Muse shirts do you own?
I live in band tees like 3 days a week anyway, and yeah naturally some of them are Muse shirts!
I have either 3 or 4, I'll explain... I got a Will of the People tour shirt at my gig this March, excitedly got one on the October club tour, got one at their 2019 Simulation Theory gig, but I think I've lost it in moving back to uni, which is devastating :( It was the tour shirt with the dates and the Simulation Theory artwork on it! It might still be in some suitcase, so who knows?
The ST tour was also my first big gig ever, and first Muse gig (!!), so going in I had no idea that merch was inside the venue, so I bought a knockoff shirt from someone outside the venue. It's a little loose for me to be honest, but it's what's I have left from the ST tour now so I don't regret having bought it. It has my tour date!
On a sidenote, Muse are the only band at whose gigs you will regularly find small-sized shirts that fit, they always have good stock of them. At other bands' gigs, I've always found the smaller shirts sell out really quickly and you're left with having to choose between getting a shirt that's too large to practically wear, or not have a shirt at all if you're a size S/M. I kinda suspect that's because Matt's definitely a S/M himself :)
29: Favourite hair colour on Matt?
:) This question made me laugh out loud for a full minute. The answer is the jet-black he had dyed his hair circa 2006-2008. It was a really smart look. (If someone who knows me in real life finds this blog, I hope they obliterate me before they find some of the tags I've left on BHAR-era Matt pictures.)
41: If you were interviewing Muse, what would you ask?
This one's relevant since this is what I do anyway 😅I probably won't be interviewing Muse anytime soon, but haven't we all dreamed about it at some point anyway?
I'd love to ask him about his thematic inspirations, how he sort of looks at the world around him, finds ideas and inspiration in books (every single album has had the influence of some book or other on it on at least a song, except maybe Will Of The People. I can't recall any for this album yet?), film, etc. and expands them into not just song ideas, but albums, the live show, stage props and sets; into immersive experiences as he would like fans to also experience them. How does he do that? Is there anything that's too far-fetched for Muse? Can they turn anything into the Muse Experience? It's the single most interesting thing about Muse's themes compared to any other band!
On a personal note I would really like to ask him about motivation... especially in fields like music, I just can't imagine there aren't times when people lose motivation, get temporarily bored, or just get frozen in fear of the unknown. How do they keep pushing forward, keep making brilliant albums without self-doubt? How do you keep trusting yourself? They're quite the band to know!
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