#does it have a Rube Goldberg line of consequences that may entirely destroy the canon as we know it?
snipsnipsnippy · 5 months
I have another secret children theory.
So we are introduced to these lovely force sensitive twins, right? Super cute twink and a darling ball of rage. And Luke and Leia look fairly cohesive as brother and sister.
But you go into the prequels and take a look at their parents. And listen, I love Hayden. He’s gorgeous. He’s got the gorgeous blue eyes to give to his son and these super beautiful luscious natural curls (don’t tell me it was a wig, I will cry real tears). And the funny thing to me is.. I guess they got jealous? And had to give curls to Padmé?? Despite the fact that she has no idea how to care for them… which is neither here nor there. But for the sake of this theory, both Padmé and Anakin have curly hair, right? Like both fairly defined curls. We see Padmé with full ringlets and Anakin with more wavy curls, but both defined curls.
But what about the twins? Luke? Straight hair. Leia? Also straight hair.
And the thing about curls (mind your business, science tumblr) is they’re a dominant trait. And not like brown eyes are dominant where there’s two allele types, B or b, and both Bb and BB make brown. It’s kind of a spectrum where like nothing makes straight hair and c and cc make curly and curlier hair, right?Like, it’s possible but very unlikely that two curly haired parents make straight haired children, not just once but especially TWICE. They would need a straight haired parent to make this mathematically possible.
And who do we know like that?
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All I’m saying is that Anakin wasn’t exactly wrong to think that Obi-Wan was sleeping with his wife. Because it’s entirely possible if not more likely that Obi-Wan Kenobi fathered the twins.
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