#does meulin even talk a lot. i cant remember
speedy-beans · 7 months
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chatterboxes. blabbermouths even.
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hopeworldheaven · 7 years
 thanks to @wingtae for the tag!
rules: answer the 11 questions, write 11 questions of your own, tag 11 people 
i tag: @thesecondhandnerd @vanillalattaes @eternaljimin​ @yoongislesbian​ @sugamuse​ @sodie-pops​ @rosejimin​ @papa-seokjin​ @bewareoftaehyung​ @hungryyoongi​ @holdmetightandletmeknow​
MY 11 QNS:
1. do you have any songs you’ve listened to on repeat before? what were they, and was there a particular reason?
i tend to listen to songs i like on repeat until i get sick of them, but the songs i’ve repeated the most would probably be?
way down we go- kaleo: its honestly the most amazing song, its kinda slow song with a nice beat
the last- agust d: got me through some pretty awful times, and its an incredible song with so much emotion in it
blood sweat and tears- bts: do i even need to explain this?
mama’s gun- glass animals: i dont know what it is about this song but i never get sick of listening to it
take me to church- hozier: i find it a very calming song? also Gay Anthem™
but my overall most played song is a mix up of Nepeta and Meulin’s themes from homestuck cause thats what i use to help me sleep
2. are there any character traits that annoy you in a person?
um... so many... arrogance, homophobia/transphobia, excessive use of filler words, purposely mispronouncing my name in order to piss me off (or other similarly dickish things), talking in a baby voice/patronising voice and most of all disloyalty 
3. do you prefer sweet or sour, if you had to pick one?
definitely sweet, i love sour things but i have a huge sweet tooth
4. would you rather be the only sad person in a world of happy people, or the only happy one in a world of sad ones?
the only sad person, i care too much about how my friends are feeling so if they were sad i would be too
5. what’s your favourite number?
3, 4, 7, 9, 11 and 13, or any combination of those! i dont like even numbers unless its 4. and no i cant just choose one number
6. can you swim? how well?
im an ex competitive swimmer, and i (until recently) had been doing sessions/training since i was three? so im a very very good swimmer...
7. i’ve only tagged mutuals in this tag thing. hi!! do you remember why/how we started following each other?
i actually started following you on my other account when i first got into bts! your blog was reccomended, so i clicked on it and loved your combination of bts and aesthetic when i started this blog (cause bts was taking over my other one) i think you were one of the first blogs i re followed
8. if you could look eerily like a particular character from fiction in real life (in a way that makes ppl go ‘holy shit u are a real-life <whatever char u pick>’), who would you like it to be?
honestly, this was such a hard question to answer? cause lets be fair, so many of my life problems would be solved if i looked like an anime boy so.. hmmm... killua from hxh? cause he’s probably my favorite character of all time and have you seen his eyeliner. or baam from tower of god cause s o f t b o i aesthetic? or khun ran from tower of god cause blue haired babby boy?? or dave strider from homestuck??? cause i’ve always loved how artists portray him, especially with freckles???? 
.9. does your name mean anything in particular (to you)?
my name isnt my birth name so it means a lot to me, it doesnt really have a ‘special definition’ but it resonates really nicely with me and idk? i love it? so much? 
10. how do you relate to the concept of gender (if at all)?
gender is a w i l d social construct i dont understand or really believe in but at the same time i’m a boy who doesnt believe in the concept of gender if that makes sense
yes! definitely! as long as they are paired with the right toppings!
my 11 questions:
what is a song, no matter how much you play it, you will never get sick of?
i’ve only tagged mutuals in this tag thing, so haii! do you remember why/how we started following each other?
what were your childhood and teenage obsessions, and what are you obsessed with now?
do you have something you dislike for absolutely no reason?
what would be your ideal d&d character?
given the opportunity, would you go to space?
what fic tropes are your guilty pleasures?
do you cry in movies?
do you have any nicknames? and if you do, which is your favourite? 
if you had to give a class on any subject what would it be?
and finally, whats the best piece of life advice you’ve ever received?
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