#does this answer your question? i'm not suuuure
batfleckgifs · 11 months
Hi, I love your gifs! But this is an unconventional ask tho.
Here is something actually I want to discuss with someone, kind of asking for confirmation or a second opinion, and feel free to ignore this if this is too weird.
In ZSJL, when Clark was just resurrected, he was fighting the League and steadily making his way to Bruce. I always think of it as because he was provoked by Cyborg, so he started fighting the League, then he was provoked some more because he was fired upon. Therefore he was simply mowing down everyone he sees, anyone who was present.
But with theatrical cut it was more like he was specifically targeting Bruce.
I don't know if it was because theatrical cut's existence influenced others to think the same in ZSJL, or that it influenced me to think differently, or is this a free for interpretation not transparent kind of thing.
Please share your thoughts if you want! And I'm sorry how long it got oops.
Don't even worry about it. I love talking about these movies non stop so it's never a bother truly.
I think just as a clear cut clarification: the snydercut was the original intent so the theatrical cut is the frankenstein's monster so to speak.
But I think yeah the Snyder Cut tells the story as Clark's resurrection triggering Victor's defense mechanism which in turn provokes Clark to protect himself. He doesn't really grow aggressive until he was hit with Cyborg's blast if I'm remembering correctly.
The Joss Whedon cut, I'm afraid I remember less, but I think that read is valid because it is carried a bit from the Snyder cut too where there's this interesting moment where you're aware that Clark doesn't have memory of much if at all but his last moments with Bruce in BVS are still enough to evoke such a visceral reaction to him that his rage and confusion is projected to him the very moment he sees him.
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Like if you rewatch this moment - you can clearly see that there's an intrinsic recognition in him when Bruce comes into the scene that isn't really there when its just the other four members of that league.
The ferocity of that intent I think is definitely up to you. Although I think the "Do you bleed?" mocking he does in Joss Whedon's version makes it more bluntly obvious compared to like the Snyder it which also does heavily mirror or echo the Nightmare Dream as well as that moment in BVS before the fight. I do think that is un-characteristic of Clark though. Just for me personally.
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writing request: Trucy Wright hears Apollo's ringtone and finds it cute (it's Lamirroir's theme)
Thank you for your request ✨
Being that I know who sent this anon, I feel comfortable mentioning that Lamiroir isn't a character I would exactly describe as my favourite. Her relationship to Apollo and Trucy as a mother is an element of AA4+ I don't enjoy. However – this might exactly be what makes this prompt interesting. I get to explore a facet of how Apollo and Trucy might feel about it, from my point of view, and think about ways in which I can make a part of the story I don't favour work positively for me.
Hopefully this'll be an enjoyable read to any AA fan, whether they like these characters most or not 👀
Fandom: Ace Attorney (AA4+) Characters: Apollo Justice, Trucy Wright
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Sugar, Sugar... O that night, in your embrace... When you stole away the... nananaaah...
... "- Argh! My phone!" Unused to his own ring tone, Apollo was about to catch himself humming The Guitar's Serenade when he suddenly realises someone is calling him. Darting up from his seat, he looks all around the desk with an exaggeratedly panicked look on his face.
The desk is covered in files, stationary, and various knick knacks, and his cellphone does not stand out from the mess. Caught in the middle of re-re-reorganising his computer files, Apollo stands still for a few seconds while his ring tone continues to go off. "- Pffff..." He realises that this is nothing worth panicking over, but he should really calm down and get to finding his phone before it stops ringing. After letting out a long sigh, he widens his eyes to concentrate on every thing that's laid out in front of him...
Let's see... No... Not here... Not here either... How about... ... "- Hey Polly, what's this song?"
... "- Hey Po—HEEEEYY! POOOOLLLYYY! - AaaaAAAAAH! - Aaaah!" Finally noticing Trucy's presence, Apollo, who had been focusing on nothing but differentiating his cellphone from the mess on his desk, jumps a little too high, scaring her at the same time. "- Jeez Polly, what's your problem?! - What's your—What's yours?!" Red in the face, he starts to slap his hand all around his seat, without breaking eye contact with Mr. Wright's daughter. "- I don't have a problem, I'm just asking what's that song your phone is playing." Quickly bored of the pouty face she decided to pull, she reverts back to her usual calm, amused state. Apollo, however, is still on a mission. "- It's my ring tone, Trucy, and I'm looking for it! - Oh..." She stays silent for a few seconds at least, and the lawyer, taking the opportunity to stare at the desktop a bit more, doesn't notice her head slowly turning to the middle of the room. "- Just where did I put it?! - Uhmm..." After another, briefer pause, Trucy takes a short inspiration before asking: "- Your phone... You don't mean, the one's that ringing right now? On the couch? Just here? - ...What?" Oh no. It's that feeling yet again. The immediate embarrassment that overtakes him and makes him feel like he was just punched in the face. Apollo raises his head, much too aware that Trucy is probably right. "- Aaaaaand it's done ringing. - Aaarghhh..." The lawyer lets himself fall back butt first onto his seat. It's fine... It wasn't mean to be. "- Aren't you gonna..? - No. They'll call back. - Suuuure. Okay." Shrugging it off, Trucy takes a peek at the phone's screen before walking closer to the desk. "- So, are you gonna answer my question, now? - What question? - What's the song? Your ring tone, I mean. - Oh..." Accustomed to these blows to his ego, Apollo recovers quickly. Still, for some reason, he stares at the phone from a distance, for about a minute, in complete silence.
Thank God for Trucy's patience. "- You know it better than I do, don't you? - Well, it sounds familiar, but I can't place it. That's why I'm asking about it. - Ah. It's that song, from the concert with Lamiroir, uuuh... uuuuuhhh... - Oh! Ooooh! That's ri—The Guitar's Serenade! Yes! - Y-Yep, that's right." Is that what the song's called? "- Oooh, I love it! I didn't expect you to set it as your ring tone, Polly!" Unsure what to do with that information, Apollo nods without much enthusiasm. Now why did I do that, again? "- It's really... Hmm... Let's say, it's a bit more wholesome than what I would expect from you," she continues. "- What? What do you mean by that? I'm a very positive person— - Suuure... But you're bit more, hmm... Stre... Oh, uh, whatever! - Sorry..? - It's cute, really." He doesn't trust that giggle of hers. "- What's cute about it? - Hmm... Hmmmmmm..." Even he can tell she's hesitating to say something that might embarrass him. And with a smile, too. "- Hmmmmmmm... Well, it's a Gavinners' song. - That's no— - Co-written by Klavier Gavin himself, no less. - That is not why I picked it! - Reeaaally? - Really!" Once again, his face is becoming about as red as his suit. To be teased by a teenage girl at his place of work is—aaargh! The music that darned prosecutor puts out is ridiculous, and he does not care for it. "- Then what's the reason? - It's..!" ...It's somewhere inside his head, for sure. There must have been a reason he picked it... Uuuuh... "- Jeez, it's, uh... It's a popular song. Everyone and their grandmother uses it. - Oh Polly, that is not the reason you would do anything. - ...Touché." She's too smart, that girl. The actual reason was... Hmm... When was it even..? ...Hmm... It was... ... Oh. Pff. It's suddenly obvious again. Trucy's inquisitive attitude overwhelmed him as always, and he's now left to look odd as usual, when this decision had always just made sense. "- Right, uh... It's some sort of a keepsake, is all. - Of what? Or who? - Oh, c'mon. It's just a way to remember a client we helped. It's not every case that we're led to attend and repeatedly re-explore a musical performance. - Hmm, I see." Oddly enough, this answer satisfied the girl. She turns her back to Apollo and walks up to the couch again. "- I wonder," she goes on. "- Hmm? - There's something soothing about it. - The song..? Yes, I agree. - Lamiroir, she seems very... Personable. Her singing is engaging in that way. - That's true." As a performer herself, Trucy must be sensitive to this impression of another artist... ...Jeez, now that I thought that, I feel bad for complaining about the Gavinners' performances when she likes them.
"- I guess... If you were going to keep it as your ring tone, you're lucky your clients turned out to be a pair of good artists, aren't you? - Yeah... That's for sure."
He might not have decided to use it if that hadn't been the case, though... "- Oh!" Leaning against the couch, Trucy notices the screen of Apollo's phone turning on before it starts to ring again. Although set a bit loud, a pleasant melody resonates in the office.
She grabs the cellphone and reads the name on-screen. "- Kla-vier... - Ack..! Give it!" A newly overwhelmed Apollo messily stands up from his chair and runs in Trucy's direction. "- Teehee!" The magician is a very kind boss, thankfully, and hands it to him right away.
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
Apocalyptic Love: Chapter 15: The Taste of Bitter
Tmnt masterlist. Ultimate masterlist. AL series
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Time is running out, the countdown had already begun that moment when the bomb went off two years ago. I can feel the ever-presence of The Foot increasing the longer we take, I can't afford to let New York fall. To fail so many innocent people, to fail all those we've lost, to fail Master Splinter. I thought if we had more help things would look up for us, yet I messed that up too. Now not only do we have no leads as to where we need to go next, but we've also lost three members of an ever-shrinking group.
Karai has changed so much, Sensei, she isn't the same teenager we fought back in the early days. All this power...it's tainted her, corrupted her mind more so than the Shredder ever did. I'm unsure how to help her, if she can be helped that is. She's a lost cause, it pains me to say it but she is, she's too far gone. And those mutants she's making, I don't know how she's getting any mutagen, maybe Baxter has finally created his own. At least she hasn't got a good control of them yet, I sometimes see them mindlessly wandering down the streets, lost souls the people call them.
Sensei, my mind also travels to Raph and Donnie, they chose to stray away from us after a...untimely decision. But it's not only them I worry about, Sensei, we've made a new friend, (Y/N). They're with the others, I know I shouldn't have let them go alone, there was just so much anger burning through me; I felt like Raph! I regret my decisions, as the leader I'm meant to keep in control of my emotions but with the new addition to the team, I can already feel my strength lessen; what does that mean, Sensei?
"Stop sulking already," Mikey groans, leaning over the ledge to see the face of a slumped over Leo.
"I-I wasn't sulking, just...thinking," he muttered out in return, irritated by the intrusion but slightly happy to be broken out of it. Mikey swivelled around, back now leaning against the raised wall of the rooftop, the moon's light cascading across his shell, "Oh I get it, you're worried about (Y/N)."
Leo had to do a double-take, "Wh-what?" he croaked out, choking on the slight breeze in the air, "No, no, that's not it. I'm worried about New York." he planned to change the subject with urgency. Mikey rolled his head back as he spoke, "Suuuure, don't worry bro, I got you. Your secrets are safe with me." he winked, giving his older brother a thumbs up to confirm the deal, a very nonexistent deal at that.
"Mikey there is no secr- you know what? Thanks, Mike." Leo grinned, even if the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. The leader turned back to face the view of the city, watching as one by one the lights in functioning apartments flickered off. The wind seemed to howl as it blew through broken windows, the night basking its own song to the world.
Mikey started teetering on the balls of his heels, fingers fumbling around as he whistled out of tune. The noise he made continued to pester on, Leo's brows fighting to stay neutral but soon failing that fight, "What Mikey?" he seethed out.
Mikey jumped at the voice, spinning his head to face Leo with an apologetic smile, "So what do we do now?" it was a simple question, yet Leo didn't have an answer. A sigh fell from his lips, "I'm not sure, with the others gone we're losing members quicker than recruiting them."
"Why don't we just stick with our old plan?" Mikey proposed, words muffled as he picked food from his teeth with nimble fingers, "I mean, until Raph stormed off and created his little gang." he further mumbled out.
"Mikey," Leo warned.
"Hehe, sorry, not helping, got it."
Leo stepped away from the rooftop's edge, pacing around the centre, thank god no one was living underneath them anymore. Mikey watched Leo like a hawk, studying him intently as he went back and forth, "Got it," Leo clicked his fingers, turning to his brother with an eager smile.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but Mikey, you're right."
"I am?"
"You are, we just stick to the old plan and persuade the Dragons, easy."
"I don't know, dude, wasn't that the whole reason why Raph and the others left?"
Leo batted that idea away with a wave of his hand, dragging said hand to stretch around Mikey's shoulders and bring him into his side, "And is Raph here now, Mikey?" he spoke as though he was talking to a toddler. Mikey shook his head, eyes widening with realisation, "Wicked," he hummed out in awe.
"The only question is where to go?" Leo prompted, "There's that biker bar not too far from here, maybe the Dragons hang out there?" Mikey answered. Leo pulled away from his brother with a confused face, "Mikey, that's the second time you've had a good idea in the last five minutes."
"Really?" he gleamed, "Really," Leo affirmed, pulling away entirely and moving to the edge. Mikey dashed past him, flinging himself from the roof and performing some tricks in the air, "Last one there's a rotten turtle shell!"
"Mikey, it's not a race!" Leo called out, but his plea landed on death ears. With a grumble and a perfectly hidden smirk, Leo leapt from the rooftops and chased after his younger brother. They had ducked and dived, Mikey often trying to cheat his way into winning, "Hey is that (Y/N) in a swimsuit!" he shouted to his brother, pointing his finger in a random direction.
"At night?" Leo questioned, turning his head, only to see an alley cat. Resuming his position, Leo noted how further ahead Mikey had gotten, how could he possibly have fallen for such a dumb trick like that. Eventually, the two had made it to the edge of another building, its tall structure casting perfectly over the biker bar. The brothers had their hands braced on their knees as they panted their breaths back, "I say- we call it a- a tie." Mikey huffed out.
The bar was bustling with life, people coming and going through the thick oak door. There were a few cracked windows, the occasional one smashed into tiny pieces. Tough men in tight leather jackets hung around the entrance, whistling at the women in the skimpy skirts, all until one threatened to stab them; they soon backed down after that.
The whole place looked like a wreck, about right for where it was located: the roughest part of town. While the names of the streets had changed in the two years since normality, this one, in particular, seemed to stay ever constant: Bloodstain alley.
"Looks about right," Mikey laughed, albeit uncomfortably, he wouldn't be the last to admit that this place gave him an eerie tingle up his spine. Leo silently agreed with him, eyes laser-focused on the people entering, "How do we get in there without being spotted?" he murmured to himself. Call it fate or luck, but the gruff people all swarmed inside, obnoxious cheers ringing out every time the door opened.
"That's our way in," Leo had decided, leaping down to get closer, Mikey following along with caution. Leo peeked a head inside, opening the door just a little more for his whole body to get through, he motioned for Mikey to join him as they ducked into the shadows. With white eyes, they stayed to the outskirts of the bar, hidden by the shadows from the crappy lighting.
Finally finding a place just to be able to survey the scene, the boys drew out their weapons and watched on. Everyone from gang members to mobsters were here, all buddy-buddy and drinking away without a care in the world. There were a few Panthers here too, all huddled around a snooker table with drinks sloshing in one hand and a stick in the other. There was a wide range of activities taking place, from darts to arm wrestling it seemed this bar had it all.
"Uh oh, this is, like, all are minor enemies all in one place." Mikey gulped, eyes bulging.
"Stick to the plan, Mikey, we've done this a hundred times before." Leo whispered out, beady eyes honing in on the small crowd around the bar. Mikey shook his head, slightly backing away from Leo, "Doesn't mean it's any less scary." he moaned out. Mikey couldn't stand this any longer, staying still with your enemies unaware of your presence, it was freaking him out. He began to panic, taking more hurried steps until he could get closer to a door or window, drifting away from Leo without a second thought.
Shifting backwards without looking he bumped against a hard surface, assuming it to be a wall he carried on, but again, he hit a hard surface. A light growl echoed in Mikey's ear, slowly turning his head up he met the eyes of a very angry man. Mikey jumped away from him, patting the man's shirt with an awkward smile, "Haha, sorry." he muttered, sweating profusely.
"Just for that, I'm gonna pound ya," his thick cockney accent made his threat seem more violent than it already intended to be. Mikey waved him a quick goodbye and dashed away, leaving behind a dust cloud in his image. The man chased after him, bashing against everyone else in the bar until he grabbed the orange boy by the cusp of his shell.
Hanging him in the air, he drew Mikey's face close to his own, "Always wanted to kill a turtle," Mikey gulped, his entire body shaking, "You sure you don't mean an avocado?" he mumbled out. With a raised fist aimed at the poor teen's face, the blow was disrupted, the man dropped Mikey and stumbled back.
Leo ran to Mikey, checking him over quickly then glaring at the man, who was now rubbing his head. The man steadied himself, standing tall, shadow casting over the two brothers, "Oi, did you just kick me in the 'ead?" he snarled out, fists clashing together. Leo stood in front of Mikey, weapons drawn, tips pointed at the assailant.
"Enough!" came a booming voice from the bar, the previous crowd had departed, leaving ample room for whoever to walk straight through. Loud footsteps banged against the ground, drinks shaking with the aftershocks.
"Vell, vell, if it izn't my old friendz: Da turtlez." the thick Russian accent gave away their anonymity, a large horn first poked out from the crowd, soon followed by the rest of the beast.
"Rocksteady!" Mikey yelped out in shock, eyes wide, similar to Leo. The leader took a step back, swooping his head until he saw the very door they sneaked through in the first place. Rocksteady cracked his knuckles, flicking his head to the side to release another ungodly sound, "Ve azzumed you all died when da building came down, I guezz ve vere vrong."
The brothers didn't speak, per Leo's silent request. Rocksteady lifted a brow at the two, "Vhat? cat got your tongue?" he huffed out in a breathy laugh, he threw his arms in the air, spinning around for all the patrons in the bar.
"Ve have a treat tonight everyone, these are the men who killed the Shredder!" the bar erupted into cheers, people bouncing against each other as they chanted, "Kill the turts! Kill the turts!"
"Leo, I think we should leave." Mikey whimpered, nunchucks spinning in his hands, "Working on it!" Leo called out, planning their exit in his head. Rocksteady took a few more steps towards them, baring his many scars and cuts from over the years, "You turtles are not going anyvhere." he beamed.
"Fine! We can still kick your rhino behind any day!" Mikey shouted out, bracing himself for a fight. Rocksteady growled at the teen, foot bashing against the wooden flooring, dirt flying out, "You dare speak to me like that, turtle boy!" he charged forward without any more being said. Mikey thought fast and swung his nunchucks around Rocksteady's horn, swinging onto his back and riding him like an animatronic bull.
The members of the bar encircled the fight, containing it, annoying Leo as it messed with his exit plan. While Mikey was distracting Rocksteady, Leo fought some of the grotesque people watching from the sidelines, pushing his way to the exit with force.
A buff woman stepped forward, shirt sleeves ripped away only to reveal the thick muscles she had built up, with one punch she sent Leo flying back into the circle, laughing as she moved to keep up with him. He had ducked and dived out of her way, knowing this wasn't his goal, he didn't need to beat her.
Meanwhile, Mikey was still holding onto Rocksteady, the peak of his shell lightly scratching the ceiling as he clung on to his nunchucks for dear life, "Get off ov me you pest!" Rocksteady whined, shaking his head back and forth in an attempt to move the boy.
"I can do this all day, rhinoman!" Mikey cockily replied, although seconds later he was knocked to the ground after his taut. He flipped back up, picking his nunchucks up and swinging them around, screaming out as he launched another attack.
"How'd you like some of this! And this! And a little of that!" He yelled, hitting random parts of the Rhino's body, doing no less than bruising the tough skin. But Rocksteady wasn't having any of this, with one hand he reached out and grabbed the young turtle, squeezing him until he started to hear a crack.
From the other side of the room, Leo felt the tension change, taking a peek at Mikey, his movements grew frantic. "MIKEY!" Leo yelled, running from the buff woman to save his brother, however, that wasn't their plan. The woman had snuck up to Leo in his haste, bashing against him with one easy move. He skidded to the ground, katanas sliding away from him and into the crowd, he looked up with hazy eyes, mind fuzzy. But the moment he saw Mikey being squished like slime he jumped into action, no weapons to his name.
With eyes full of white rage, he leapt at Rocksteady with a battle cry, kicking him in the side of the head like before. With luck, Leo found some throwing stars in his pocket, hurling them towards the rhino's eyes like a baseball. With a startled scream, Rocksteady dropped Mikey, the poor turtle barely conscious. Leo had to make the decision, fight and get info on the Dragons or flee and save his brother's life.
He chose the second option.
He pinched a smoke bomb from one of Mikey's pockets and threw it to the ground, a deadly glare pointed at Rocksteady as he watched the smoke cover the entire room. Loud coughs and waving hands soon settled the fog, the turtles' forms no longer visible. The crowd dispersed, some going to the bar or to play another game or just leaving entirely.
Rocksteady leaned his right arm against the bar, watching the twin katanas gleam in the harsh bar light on the floor, a bag of frozen peas covered in a dish towel held to his eye.
"You could've easily killed the fuckers, why didn't ya?" the same man with the thick Cockney accent asked, nursing a beer in his mattered hand. Rocksteady smirked, slapping some bills onto the table and standing, "Vhat Karai haz planned for da turtles is far vorst than da fate of death."
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