#doesn't akaashi give off angst vibes
trivql · 4 years
an unrequited spring | akaashi keiji
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a/n | this was inspired by The Cut That Always Bleeds by Conan Gray. please enjoy!
pairing | akaashi keiji x gn!reader
warning(s) | angst
synopsis | you always come back.
word count | 1432
You and Akaashi had met during school and talked--a lot; over text, call, or in real life, it didn’t matter. You even remembered how Akaashi had confessed to you after a few weeks of talking;
“Cute.” He had said under his breath as you looked up at him--your height difference notable. Akaashi was quite possibly one of the most popular second years at your school--athletic, attractive, and polie--you could see why.
Although it wasn’t like a usual confession, after that day, it was unspoken that you two had a thing for each other. It was obvious in the way you looked at him, and how he always tried to help you. It had gone on for months; the obvious flirting, the teasing, and the blushes.
So why didn’t he ask you out yet?
Maybe that was the funny thing; because while you spent everyday thinking about him, there was one day in particular that stood out--the day you knew Akaashi stopped loving you. Whether it had been obvious before, it wasn’t obvious to you,
until the first day of winter.
He had invited you over to his place to study, and while helping you, you guys had moved closer than usual. You could sense everything about him--how he breathed, the way his hair smelled, or how he would wrinkle his forehead when he got confused. But maybe that was why you loved him.
You didn’t know exactly why he had invited you over--your communication was slowing down. The texts and calls being less frequent, and the lunch time visits vanishing completely. But you ignored it, and just brushed it off as his volleyball duties. Maybe during that two month period, you should have lost feelings for him. It would've been easy to; it wasn’t like you guys were dating or anything. But when he asked you to come over, you couldn’t help but get a little more than excited.
It had been close to two minutes of comfortable silence while Akaashi leaned slightly over you to look at your workbook and tried to solve it. There was a brief moment when your eyes’ met for a second and he moved closer to you--his deep blue eyes meeting yours.
And that's when he kissed you.
You were surprised at first, but quickly shut your eyes, trying to sink into him. The first thought of yours was, I’m in love with Akaashi Keiji. The thought vanished as soon as it came, because when you opened your eyes--for just a second--his, were still open.
It had been a month since you stopped talking to each other. Still not officially dating even after the kiss, talking just faded out. You passed by him every so often in the halls, but he was usually with the third year from his volleyball team, so you just bowed to him whenever he noticed. You didn’t wait for him after practice to walk to the metro station together, and you certainly didn’t go to the games anymore. A little part of you hoped that he missed you; but it seemed to be the exact opposite. Akaashi Keiji--the guy you had fallen in love with--looked happier than ever without you in his life.
Maybe that was why you were so annoyed whenever he would text you.
The texts were brief and short, but always to the point.
“We’re going to nationals.” He sent you after one month of not talking.
You opened the text quickly, and replied even quicker. “Oh, nice.”
“Bokuto broke the ceiling tile today.”
“Hi dummy.”
“You’re one to talk.”
He would send them every once in a while, but although you should’ve been mad, you couldn’t help but smile everytime he sent them. You always seemed to be there for him.
“Want to meet up? I hear your team was also going to a competition near our venue.” Akaashi sent you after learning that your team had a competition near his.
“Oh yeah, sure. Where?” You delayed the reply; trying to not seem desperate.
“I’ll send you my hotel’s address.”
You saw him standing there with his Fukurodani jacket zipped up, while he leaned against a pole.
“Akaashi-kun.” You said, facing him.
“Y/n-san,” He smiled looking at you. “I feel like we haven’t talked in a while.”
“Yep,” You breathed out, forcing a small smile. You didn’t know what you expected out of the conversation, but you didn’t know how to act around him anymore. You shifted to stand next to him, looking towards the stars. “School activities you know.”
In your peripheral vision, you could see Akaashi’s breath come out in white wisps and you felt your stomach churn. Akaashi was really here. Not over call, or text, he was next to you, even after weeks of not talking.
“So do you have a game tomorrow?” Akaashi asked.
You tapped your lip and hummed. “I don’t really know what time though.”
“I see . . .” He trailed off. The silence wasn’t exactly awkward or comfortable--you just didn’t know what to say.
“I have to ask Akaashi,” You began, looking down at your feet. “why do you always do this to me?”
“We don’t talk for weeks then you . . .” You cleared your throat. “decide to text me all of a sudden.”
“Is it wrong to want to talk to you?” Through his words, you could hear him smile, even if you couldn’t see it. He was obviously taking your words lightly.
“No I mean,” You looked up at him, but his face was still pointed to the sky. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“Why are you crying?” He asked, dismissing your words, even now.
“Idiot.” You muttered towards your feet, wiping away the tears frantically. “I was in love with you.”
“Y/n-san, what are you-”
You snapped your head up, tears still coming. “Shut up and let me talk!”
He gaped his mouth open slightly, but didn’t speak another word.
“I . . .I can’t be the person that you talk to when you’re bored Akaashi. I can’t be the person that always comes to your call whenever you want me too. It’s always been like this between us, huh? I’m always being dragged by you; no matter how long you ignore me for, I’m always there for you.”
“I didn’t know that-” He started.
“No Akaashi!” You interrupted him. “It’s not even your fault; it’s mine, honestly. You never wanted me did you? Even after that kiss--was it all just nothing to you?”
“Of course not.”
“Then why does it feel like it?” Your voice that you had been trying so hard to keep even was cracking. “I was wrong before, because no matter how many times I say that I was in love with you, it doesn’t change the fact; I am in love with you Akaashi.”
“You’re one of my closest friends, Y/n.” Ouch. “But, why are you telling me this now?”
“Cause’ I mean it,” You breathed deeply. “We can’t do this anymore. Not the occasional texts, not pretending to try and stay friends with me-”
“But I was never pretending,” Akaashi looked down at you, meeting your eyes. “I like being friends with you, Y/n. But if that’s what you really want . . .”
“You’re a terrible liar,” You smiled. “Are you really okay with this?”
“I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
“You don’t have to pretend with me Akaashi,” You sighed. His eyes sunk into yours and you could still feel your heart quicken. “I wanted so badly, to think you liked me back.”
“But, it’s okay.” You breathed. “Maybe never meeting would’ve saved us some hurt right? Or maybe just me.” You smiled softly and punched his shoulder playfully.
“Don’t say that.” Even going through sad moments, Akaashi still looked beautiful. It was always inevitable for you to fall in love with him; always.
“Well goodnight, Akaashi-san,” You turned on your heel--your back facing him.
A few moments passed before you began to move. “Wait, Y/n-san!”
“Yes?” Your voice came out softly as you didn’t turn to face him.
You couldn’t see him, but he was fiddling with his fingers--a nervous habit he had. “Are you okay with this?”
“Ah, maybe not.”
That was the last thing you said to him, and before you knew it, spring had passed.
A spring without Akaashi.
You slightly hoped that he would make an attempt to talk to you, but he never did. It was like you had never met; not even acknowledging each other anymore. But for the first time since you had met him,
you were okay.
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iwadori · 2 years
When they sleep on the couch after an argument (Akaashi, Osamu, Oikawa)
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AN: the vibe in each characters is so different, but I hope you enjoy genre: angst, fluff
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“Shit, I'm sorry Keiji I didn’t mean too,” were the first words that came out of your mouth when you saw the state of your boyfriend's laptop. “Keiji?” You question again when your boyfriend doesn't respond, “are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he responds curtly “it’s fine…I’ll just” he gestures to the mess in front of him, “figure something out.”
“I can help clean u-“ you step closer in an attempt to start to help but you pause when Akashi raises his hand to stop you.
“You’ve done enough Y/N,” he interrupts dismissively and stands up and leaves the room.
Fights between you and Akashi were rare, with both of you being good communicators. However, there were moments — like this one — where there wouldn’t even be a need to argue, where all you’d get is a disappointed look and a lack of communication. That’s how you knew Akashi was really mad.
For the rest of the night, you and your boyfriend didn’t speak. You were too apprehensive to talk to him and wanted to give him the space you thought he needed.
But to your surprise when you were getting ready for bed, Akashi wasn’t already in your bed reading like usual. He enters the room, walking past you like you're a ghost and going to take the spare blankets and pillows out.
“‘Kaashi, what are you doing?” You question, “where are you planning on sleeping?”
“Are you really that mad at me?” His dismissive one word answers were starting to get to you and you could hear your voice tear up, Akashi heard it causing him to turn around his face softening at your upset state.
“Y/N,” he started off, “I’m not mad at you.”
“It doesn’t seem that way” you mutter, “I get that I broke your laptop, but you don’t need to ignore me and sleep on the couch, like did I really upset you that much.” You were practically crying at this point, and Akashi was confused. He didn't think he came off that way earlier. He rushes over to you and uses one of his hands to cup your face and the other to wipe any stray tears.
“I really didn’t mean to seem that I was super mad at you,” he said “I was annoyed with you at first and thought taking some space before talking would be better so I didn’t say anything I knew I’d regret. But I realise now that me doing that made it even worse, I’m sorry Y/N.”
“I’m sorry too, but next time talk to me instead of just shutting me out.”
“Don’t worry, that’ll never happen again,” he puts back the blankets and the pillows, getting into your bed instead of going to the couch, “so now will you join me in our bed my love?” His question puts a smile on your face, and he holds out his hand for you to take as he pulls you into his chest, falling asleep happily knowing that your little argument was just that, a little argument.
“One job,” Osamu complained “you had one job y/n.”
“I know and I’m sorry, I didn’t know what happened,” you tried to explain to him.
“If I wanted someone to fuck up such a basic task, I would’ve asked ‘tsumu,” he continued to say to you.
“I didn’t intend for your clothes to shrink in the laundry, it just happened,” you countered.
“Oh “it just happened,” he mocked, “it's just— whatever, I’m going to be late to work,” before you could respond he was out the room and you heard the front door slam.
“Osamu?” You call out but to your avail there was no response, he left.
Throughout the rest of the day, you two didn’t speak to each other. Although you felt slightly guilty about shrinking his work clothes whilst you were doing laundry, it wasn’t an excuse for him to snap at you. However, whenever you two argued you both tended to need some time alone to cool down before you made up and went to sleep, so you were going to wait until he came home from work to talk.
But two hours after his usual time of coming home, he hadn’t arrived and you felt slightly panicked. Combining with his abrupt exit earlier, and him not coming home you thought that maybe your actions irritated him more than usual.
After calling Atsumu to see if he knew his whereabouts and getting no answer, you decided to go to onigiri miya to see if maybe he was still there. Having a set of keys to the building, you entered and found your husband in his office, asleep on his couch.
“‘Samu? Wake up,” you say to him.
“Huh what,” he confused, as he slowly sat up, “y/n? What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” You mirror, “what are you doing here? Why didn’t you come home, I was worried about you.”
“What do you mean? What’s the time,” he checks the time on his phone and cringes at how late it is, “Shit, I’m sorry y/n, I didn’t intend to stay out so late.”
“And I didn’t intend to shrink your uniform either,” you counter, “I didn’t think you’d just walk out on me earlier, let alone sleep on the couch, in your office.”
“Honestly, it wasn’t intention babe,” he apologises “and I didn’t mean to yell at you like that earlier, I was just a bit frustrated and took it out on you and I took a nap earlier at work when it wasn’t that busy and just happened to fall asleep, but it wasn’t to avoid you.”
When you didn’t respond to his apology he pulls you onto his lap and snuggles into you on the couch, and continues to say, “I’d never, ever go to sleep without letting you know how much I love you y/n,” he presses a kiss to your forehead “I don’t want you to forget that, as much as we’ve never gone to bed without making up before and we aren’t going to start today.”
“Don’t talk to me right now Y/N,” was what Oikawa said to you when you entered your house.
“Kawa I didn’t mean t-“
“Please Y/N it’s been a long night, can I just shower and get ready for bed,” he didn’t give you enough time to respond as he walked off leaving you alone and feeling guilty.
You and your boyfriend, Oikawa, went out to eat with his friends and you happened to tell a few embarrassing stories about him to lighten the mood. At first, you thought he was okay with it as he laughed along and engaged but after the 5th or 6th story it seemed he was becoming upset. Before you could give a proper apology, he was dragging you home with a sour look on his face as his friends called out for being “too soft.”
When Oikawa finished his shower, you were hoping that it would’ve settled his mood to give you enough time to talk. However, he was getting the spare blankets and pillows and heading for the couch.
“I think you’re being a tad bit dramatic here, Tooru,” you said with a sigh.
“I don’t want to talk to you,” Oikawa said “since it seems whatever I say, you run and go tell anybody you see.”
“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to say all that about you,” you apologise, “we’ve all said things accidentally before.”
“Well could you maybe acicidentally shut the fuck up for once in your life,” oikawa mutters and his eyes widen, “y/n I’m sorry.”
“Yeah I think maybe you should sleep on the couch tonight,” you respond with your voice barely above a whisper
“No please don’t,” he begs “can’t we talk this out?”
“You didn’t want to talk to me earlier when I was trying to apologise to you, so why should I hear you out?” You argue.
“Because I'm an idiot…” he sighs “an idiot who’s sorry and I’m not going to sleep on the couch unless we sort this out.”
“Fine I’ll go sleep on the couch,” you retorted, taking the blankets and pillows from his hand and heading to the couch. You thought that Oikawa retreated, leaving you to have some space but when you feel a pillow drop on the couch and you look up and see your boyfriend sheepishly standing above you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sleeping on the couch too.”
“There’s no space for the both of us here Tooru, move,” you say, wrapping yourself up in the blanket.
“Oh yes there is,” he counters, you feel his large body engulf yours, with his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck and you could feel his breath against his skin as he murmurs, “I’m sorry,” over and over again.
“What I said was stupid,” he apologises, “and you have every right to be mad but I love you and I’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“Just stop being so dramatic Tooru, half of those stories I told your friends already knew them. I am sorry for sharing embarrassing stories without you wanting me too but there’s no need to snap at you.”
“I know and I forgive you already, do you forgive me?”
“If you take your weight off my leg then I’ll forgive you for sure,” you say and he complies by moving his leg, “can we go back to bed now?”
“No, it’s comfortable here,” he murmurs into your neck as he snuggles into you deeper his arms squeezing around you tighter, you both falling asleep together in the position you were in.
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AN: this was very short, I am very tired, I didn’t know how fluffy or how angsty I should make this so its kind of just this. I think Akaashi would’ve made me actually cried since I hate being ignored, but yes please tell me your thoughts. Reblogs are appreciated.
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roanniee · 3 years
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Let's try this again🤸🏻
Also Idil vibes strong on this one. I can't say Gil bc Gil calls Ate Sel smth specific like she does with me.
Ship the @mythos-blogs Crew
ps. here's the server <3
Baby Sam is very hard working and focused on whatever she's doing that sometimes, she forgets to take care of herself. So, I see Sugawara Koushi with her perfectly, someone caring and understanding, but knows better than to let her overwork and tells her when enough is enough. The both of you do struggle with a few things, and when you fight or have insecure moments, you sit down to talk about it instead of shouting at each other. Overall, a really good match I say.
Baby Sam also kins Oikawa and I ship Oikawa hardcore with Suga LMAO
Me. That's my wife <333
Okay but for realsies. I ship Idil with Bokuto Koutarou. Bokuto and Idil would be just... soft love. I see dancing in the rain, bathtub relaxation hours together and cuddling in bed. Idil knows that Bokuto is a busy man, and Bokuto knows he is a busy man. But that doesn't mean that they were gonna let the relationship go. Oh no. Those two will hold on like a cat with his claws on the couch. A really really soft, supportive and strong love.
I actually had a hard time with Ms. Zizi. See, I haven't interacted with her much. But, based on the interactions of hers that I see on my tl, I can see that she is very playful but also can be serious. Hence, why I say that she'd be amazing with Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo is playful and an overall gremlin, but he's very caring ang knows exactly when to be serious and how serious. He'll help her with anything he can help her with, but he also knows when no to because it's something Zizi needs to do for herself. Likewise, Zizi knows when to be cheery to make Kuroo smile, but also when to sit and talk to Kuroo about a delicate matter. They'd both ground each other, while matching the same playful energy.
anyways hehe. Gly. Lovely, sweet, Gly. She's very caring, but my god does she also enjoy chaos. Hence, I'm putting her with Hoshiumi Korai. We all know Hoshiumi is a little gremlin with a heart of gold. The way these two are together would be immaculate. They're chaos together, but even with all the chaos, they have time to look at the other to make sure they're okay. PLUSSS! Hoshiumi will always unconsciously be touching Gly, just to make sure that she's there. Gly would unconsciously make sure that Hoshiumi is in her peripheral vision too.
Ooooh Raya! Raya is so damn sweet and caring and uplifting. I love her sm. Hehehe anyway I ship her with Tsukishima Kei. The Tarot cards said so, and so did the zodiac signs. SKSKS Anyway! Yes, a really good match. Raya's got a really good head on her shoulders, but I see her watching all the chaos from the sidelines, much like Tsukishima. When they're together, they'd start the chaos and then sit back and eat popcorn as they watch the world burn.
Ate Laine? Some will definitely say Kita, because it's Ate Laine, but I say Hirugami Sachiro. Hirugami would be such a good man for Ate Laine. I imagine them sitting down in the living room, books spread out on the table. Just silence while studying, but every now and then, one of them would look up to look at the other, smile and then return back to what they were doing. Ate Laine makes sure that Hirugami takes breaks and Hirugami makes sure that Ate Laine isn't stressing so much. Just so cute honestly.
Ah, Adult Sam. Hmmm. Adult Sam is a whirlwind of chaos and sweet, sweet angst. I definitely see them with darling Yamaguchi Tadashi. I see them in bed, Sam on his laptop, and him just hugging them tight when something they were writing was choking them up. But, Sam is just overall an amazing person that they deserve someone so sweet and caring like Yamaguchi. Obvi, it is reciprocated, and I see such a sweet love in the works.
Oooh. Alice.
Melian and Matsukawa Issei would make a very interesting pairing. Both independent yet still co-dependent on each other. Melian knows how to calm Matsukawa after a tough day at work, and Matsukawa knows how to keep Melian from stressing. Matsukawa would also hype Melian up so much?? Like any outfit Melian wears, Matsukawa's right there telling them how good and amazing they look and how well they matched the outfit up. Honestly, just a very functional household and I love that.
oh oof Lavi. I want to say Meian but for reasons I cannot disclose, I won't say that for now. I will say though, that she will be so good with Dabi. Lavi has a few things she needs to work on, and Dabi is always there for her. Actually lbr, they both have issues to work on, but I feel like together, they'd overcome that. I feel like they'd?? Actually be so understanding of each other that it shocks and confuses others bc?? hello it's Dabi?? but yes, a really good match.
Me <3
Severus Snape. Ate Tes is chaotic. I'm sorry but her default in the server is chaos, especially with the bot around HAHAHAHA but anyway! Severus would be so good to ground Ate Tes, keep her from getting a little too chaotic BUT ALSO, he can help her when she's not taking care of herself. She also helpes him with his potions, and it makes the job easier on him. But of course, Severus is a slytherin, and most of the time he'd be the one inciting the chaos and we just don't know it. Anyway, Ate Tes is honestly so wonderful and I love her sm and she deserves someone to tame like the serious, bratty, angsty Severus Snape. <333
Nozel Silva. Nozel and Ate Sel. Oh gosh what a thought. Nozel is....arrogant, prideful, and he sees himself as someone more important than others. But, the man does know respect and he does care for people, especially Ate Sel. I have no doubts that Ate Sel can make that man kneel and follow her wishes, but I also know that Ate Sel would not let this man get away with his arrogance and pride. Nozel cares for her a lot. She's his partner, the carrier of the future of House Silva, and the only one that has caught his attention. He loves her, and that man would drop nearly everything for her.
Eris! Eribabe and Ojiro Aran. Idek why. But the vibes would be so immaculate. I see road trips and early morning dancing in the kitchen to an indie song one of them is hyperfixated on. I also see late night walks to the convenience store, holding hands and just silence? Basking in each other's prescence. Eris definitely steals Aran's sweaters to the point that Aran buys two of his sizes so he can interchange them. One to give to Eris when the one she took doesn't smell like him anymore. Love all over the place.
Mel. That's it.
Okay but also, I see Iwaizumi Hajime. I was thinking about Suna but the more I think back about the things I know about Ali and our interactions, I see Iwa. I feel like they'd understand each other so much. And the love isn't seen much, not because they don't love each other, but because it's something they need to say really. It's more shown in the touches and kisses and cuddling. They know that they love each each other, and that's enough for them.
Honestly I want to say Kuroo but.
Kozume Kenma. Gwennie works so hard and stresses so much. Her sleeping sched is unavailable lmao. Kenma would be so good for her because he knows how it is, to be stressed and not have an actual sleeping sched. I feel like they'd be good together. In all honesty, they'd probably take care of each other more than they would themselves but no one is complaining really.
I ship you with...
Azumane Asahi. Why? Because you remind me of Noya sometimes. Very energetic, a little bit of low moments and just a ball of sunshine in general. Asahi is perfect for you, Mija. He'd be able to just connect with her in ways others just don't understand. People would say that Asahi is too...soft? They'd say someone like Daicho or maybe Bokuto would be better for you, Mija, but really, he's perfect. Asahi and Gil. He balances her out in so many ways, even if no one else can see it.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. Really, the two of them are perfect. Stoic, quiet, can be chaotic. Very protective, even if the two deny it. Nia, you and Ushi are like...pillars? Support? Quiet, unmovable, but still, everyone knows you're both there, and you don't really leave people's minds. I see the two feeding off of each other's energy, especially when it comes to protecting others that they care about. (Looking at you, Lavi) I see hours where it's just her watching him playing in the background and he just looks at her, smiles, and then goes back to playing. It's really cute.
MAIA! HI! We haven't interacted much, I'm so sorry for that sweets. bUT BUT BUT!!!!
You're so sweet and caring and loving??? I really see you with Miya Atsumu! I see Tsumu bugging you to take a break and give him attention. BUT! I also see you?? Bugging him, telling him to get off the court or he's sleeping on the couch HAHAHA I feel like you two really just? Connect. Both playful, both caring, both are busy with their own things so there's not too much expectations that cannot be met for now. Idk I really see a love that's always there, no matter how busy they get.
I love Devon and their writing so much??? Omg. Yknow who would be amazing with them? Akaashi Keiji. Akaashi is very articulate and just overall book smart in my opinion, and I see that him and Devon would fit so well. He is Devon's personal beta reader HAHAHAH BUT!!!!! Devon also watches Akaashi edit and points out anything that he missed. I see days when they're just sitting there, talking softly to each other that the sound of typing was louder. But that's okay bc you both are content and happy and in love.
I just met you not even 24 hours ago hehehe HIIII
I will not lie.
I asked for help from Ate Sel HAHAHHAHA
But!!!! She says Ukai Keishin, and honestly I see it. The nsfw-rp channel is the reason why and I'm not saying more HAHAHAHA I see nights when it's Keishin and her just? Idk having fun and being kids bc lbr that man can be a kid sometimes. I also see them taking care of each other in unconventional ways, ways that would not be okay for others, but it's her love language with him. V v v domestic.
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