#dogma and tup duking it out
circadianaa · 2 years
circadiana's oc masterlist!
realizing i haven't had one of those before?? so here's that i guess. will likely be updating intermittently with new ocs, ocs i missed, and new information!
the lineup:
- cadaver
- wishbone
- isadora ariti
- cortex squad
- rotgut & scout
- eyre brraven
- ceph
- sarad
- joona caegris
Details, stories, and art below!
cadaver (he/him) - CT-1811
#clone medic cadaver
cadaver is most well-known for his gruffness and lack of patience for antics or cowardice. he's not known for being very social with anyone other than locks, but he has strong bonds with most senior members of the 501st, including particularly rex and echo. he also forges a close relationship with dogma and tup, who he views as his responsibility. their losses change him in a way he never recovers from.
during the war, he makes a small group of friends while on shore leaves—duke, dvas, druzy, and himself (d-squad!). the four of them meet up at jazz clubs all over coruscant to dance, enjoy music, and chat the night away. they’re some of the few people cadaver feels able to relax around. he also shares a particularly close relationship with duke during the war, teetering between friends and something more until just before cadaver ships out for mandalore, when they share their first kiss.
cadaver survives order 66, but not without serious consequences. after the crash of the venator, he was left stranded under burning debris for two days before rex and ahsoka found him.
almost all of my post-order 66 content is in the commander cad au. summarized, cadaver becomes a rebel commander. he also reunite with duke and is able to pursue a relationship with him.
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wishbone (she/her) - ARC-2384
#arc trooper wishbone & #wishadora
wishbone is my other main oc. she's an arc trooper and a sergeant in the coruscant guard and leads a squad of nine troopers called cortex squad. cortex will get more content and rundowns as soon as I can get to it--there's lots of lore there! check out the document above for rundowns of each member.
wishbone is kind, intelligent, and very protective, though she often suffers from unsureness borne of her inability to protect her family in a time of war. her best friend is cherub, her second-in-command, and the only member of cortex who is older than her. she's also close with her agemates, woozy and chitin, and very much so with her adopted children, the youngest three members of the squad--knifepoint, saccharine, and knucklehead (more often referred to simply as "knuckles".)
wishbone is also involved with a twi'lek named isadora ariti. isadora Is a waitress in the mid-low level district that cortex patrols and works at a clone-friendly diner, which has become the safe haven of many a coruscant guard. wishbone and dora meet two months into wishbone's deployment to coruscant, which was halfway through the first year of the war. they hit it off right away and wishbone is immediately head-over-heels for dora, but has no means to understand or communicate her own feelings. she gets her star tattoos in honor of dora, who, after confessing that she'd never been of coruscant, shared that she dreamed only of getting to see the stars one day.
four months into her deployment, wishbone is seen without her helmet on by one of the more clone-resenting senators--with her longer-than-regulation hair and tattoos, she is deemed a defective unit requiring immediate decommissioning. commander fox acts fast and slices into the system, marking her ct-number as decommissioned and reassigning her the ct-number of a recently deceased clone who had not yet been reported dead. after, he does send her back to kamino, but not to be decommissioned--rather, to receive arc training. regardless of her exemplary performance justifying the promotion, specialized training would allow wishbone to fill important roles outside of the senate dome, and also just gave her a moment away from the prying eyes of the republic.
wishbone serves as an arc trooper and sergeant for the rest of the war, leading cortex squad. upon her return to the guard, she also rekindles a relationship with isadora, however tentative and unsure. over the years, their relationship grows stronger, and though they never quite have the chance to put a name on it, it's as real to them as it could possibly be.
however, by the end of the war, wishbone is aware of growing tensions within the republic. she senses that the war is reaching a boiling point, even here at the heart of the republic, and she wants dora nowhere near it. she tries to distance herself from isadora gently, but unable to explain why, dora doesn't accept this. she's determined to find a solution to fix whatever it is wishbone is so afraid of. wishbone tells her there's nothing wrong, they just can't see each other anymore--but dora doesn't accept this either. out of options and backed into a corner, wishbone resorts to saying that she never loved isadora--that she was bored and had no interest in continuing their relationship. the words, so far from the truth, break her as she says them, and isadora's heart is broken as well. wishbone leaves that day and never returns.
order 66 fully affects wishbone, as well as all of cortex squad--except for the youngest member, knucklehead. knuckles flees the corrie headquarters and ends up wandering lost through the lower levels of coruscant, where he reunites with scout, his best friend before he was assigned to cortex. he had thought scout dead for a long time, and to the guard, scout was--but the story wasn't that simple. (check out rotgut's section for more about scout). with scout's help, they track down isadora. isadora is resistant to them, still bitter over wishbone's abandonment, but when knuckles tearfully explains the situation, it all clicks in dora's head.
though it takes a few weeks, together, isadora, knuckles, and scout isolate wishbone from a patrol of stormtroopers and knock her unconscious and remove her chip.
tragically, by the time they have they have the means to rescue wishbone, all other members of cortex have been reassigned or executed. knuckles and wishbone are the only ones left.
their small group escapes coruscant, and though it takes years, they grieve, heal, and move on. wishbone and isadora reconcile and are able, finally, to have a real relationship. they get married and have children, the youngest of whom is named after wishbone's first daughter, saccharine, lost in order 66.
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isadora ariti (she/her)
#isadora ariti & #wishadora
isadora is wishbone's partner. her and wishbone's story is covered in wishbone's section. isadora was born and raised on coruscant to rylothian refugees and has never left the planet, dreaming only of getting to see the stars one day. she's a waitress at a small but homey diner in the mid-lower levels of coruscant and can often be found at clone rights protests. after the war, she and wishbone escape coruscant and eventually end up getting married and starting a family together.
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cortex squad
#cortex squad & individual oc tags
Note: aside from Wishbone, I share these characters with a buddy!
cortex squad consists of nine clone troopers led by wishbone.
wishbone -- sergeant
cherub -- second-in-command, corporal. generally very laid back and a little gruff. oldest member of the squad.
woozy -- medic, corporal. skilled medic but extremely squeamish, hence the name. he hates his job.
chitin -- riot trooper, corporal. he's self-assured, tough, and acts a lot like a jock. he can sometimes be the cause of tension within the squad due to his stubborn and argumentative nature.
watchdog -- arf trooper, k9 handler, corporal. protective, high-strung, and unable to let down his guard.
sodwatch -- private. quiet, anti-social, and shy. NOTE: Sodwatch is owned by my buddy, not me.
knifepoint -- private. brash and rebellious, though protective of his younger siblings saccharine and knuckles. he's the oldest of wishbone's kids.
saccharine -- private. clever, witty, and humorous, though with a bad mean streak. she's wishbone's middle child.
knucklehead -- private. sweet, friendly, and a little bit stupid.
for more details about everyone read the document above, but please note it's still in the process of being written!
oc tags all follow the #clone trooper [name] outside of watchdog, who will use #arf trooper watchdog.
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rotgut & scout (he/him)
HEAVY CONTENT WARNING: implied torture, mind-control, non-consensual body modification, violence, death.
#clone trooper rotgut
Note: Rotgut is shared and co-written by me and a buddy!
i rarely talk about rotgut or his lore, but there's lots of it, and because it's sort of relevant to cortex squad, I'll share.
rotgut is a CC clone and an ex-commander of the coruscant guard. during his time as a commander, he was subjected to experimentation by Palpatine. palpatine wanted to know just how far the inhibitor chip could be pushed, and through rotgut, he learned.
rotgut's chip was left permanently damaged by Palpatine, and after the sith had finished his experiments, he wiped rotgut's memory. rotgut was left staggering with an impossible-to-ignore void in his mind--though he didn't understand what, how, or why, he knew that something was missing, and he was determined to find out what. rotgut's psyche was also damaged, leaving him volatile, unempathetic, and deteriorating.
to add insult to injury, rotgut was removed from command and demoted to corporal. unfortunately, his batchmate cherub, another commander, was also demoted. his relation to rotgut was cited, claiming that one faulty product in a batch tainted all the others. though cherub eventually moved on from this, he never stopped feeling as though he was meant for something more. rotgut was assigned to manage the shinies coming in from kamino and cherub was assigned to the newly-formed cortex squad under freshly-promoted sergeant wishbone.
rotgut experimented on himself to discover what was missing, and when that stopped being effective, he started kidnapping his shinies and experimenting on them. he rationalized it as being for the greater good--the sacrifice of few would lead to the liberation of many. one such shiny was named scout. rotgut took a shining to scout--intelligent, ambitious, and most of all, incredibly loyal--and instead of kidnapping him to experiment on him, he faked his death and took him to fill a role as his assistant. scout was forced to lead his brothers to their deaths and hold them down as they begged for mercy.
mercy never came. not for rotgut's victims, and not for scout.
after order 66, rotgut (by that time, fully deteriorated and more cybernetic than human) abandoned his laboratory with scout inside of it. scout was trapped for days, but eventually managed to break his way out and escape into the lower levels of coruscant, where he reunited with his old friend knucklehead.
rotgut was left wandering the galaxy for years after order 66, replacing more and more of himself with poorly-made cybernetics in an attempt to fix the damage left by Palpatine and furthered by his faulty chip. he died alone, wandering the sands of some unknown backwater planet, his mission never accomplished.
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eyre brraven (they/them)
#eyre brraven
while eyre had previously had a lot of lore and plot, that has since been retconned since I've distanced myself from the bad batch. there's not as much now, but I'll go over what's left!
eyre was raised in the jedi order from age 2 and was 16 at the start of the clone wars. their master was a togruta named master rekaari, who was the chief healer in the jedi order. their relationship with their master veered more towards father and child than it did master and apprentice, but that didn't make it any healthier. rekaari was reactive and his love for eyre was very conditional, leaving them with an insecurity in their relationships that they carried far into adulthood. they had a passion and talent for healing as a padawan, but that all was dismissed at the start of the clone wars. their master was killed at the battle of geonosis and, instead of being assigned to a new one, they were given a single clone battalion to command under the supervision of various, oft-changing jedi knights and masters. them and their battalion would travel from front to front, providing reinforcement wherever the council deemed it necessary. throughout the year they participated in the war, they served under obi-wan kenobi, depa billaba, and more.
a year into the war, however, they were caught in a battle that went as poorly as it possibly could have, and despite eyre's best efforts, all of their troopers were lost--their siblings, subordinates, friends--gone in an instant.
the council deemed eyre’s survival of this event a sufficient substitute for their jedi trials and offered them knighthood. disgusted by the jedi's treatment of the death of their men as a mere trial in eyre's own life, eyre spat in the face of the jedi council and left the order.
eyre's story from here on out is vague, but after order 66, they end up in the rebellion and getting in contact with an old friend of theirs, @jaigeye 's bernardeau namya, who had helped raised them in the jedi creche.
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ceph (they/them)
ceph is my kamino security oc. they serve under @jaigeye 's commander luck among other kamsec ocs belonging to my friends and mutuals.
they're a young, cheeky, and a little empty-headed clone who always has a smile on their face, despite the rather dire circumstances they live in. they love the rain, the ocean, and the storms of kamino, and feel most at home in it.
ceph is known for walking unnervingly quitely, almost seeming to teleport from place to place, much to the annoyance of their frequent victim, alpha-17. lock helps them put charms and baubles in their hair (which, amazingly, yes, they do voluntarily style like that), in the hopes that it would help everyone hear them coming. it doesn't work, but now ceph's attached to the little doohickeys lmao
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sarad (she/her)
sarad is a togruta who was only a few months old when cadaver and duke adopted her. she's a sweet, bubbly baby.
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joona caegris (they/he)
#joona caegris
joona is my padawan self insert oc! next to no plot for them, they're just there to be fun to draw and talk about with my friends. their master is mace windu and they have a peach lightsaber!
note on joona's pronouns: they generally prefer they/them but are happy to have he/him sprinkled in there occasionally :)
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if you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading! again, these are very liable to be updated as i come up with new lore, ocs, or just realized i forgot someone lmao. cheers!
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soclonely · 2 years
Clones as some controversial or unpopular opinions you have, serious or funny ones!
I'll do a little mix of both, as a treat! **These are all my personal opinions**
Rex- Butter belongs at room temperature Echo- Steak should be served rare or medium rare Fives- All businesses should have employee only bathrooms that the manager is in charge of cleaning. The workers clean the customers, so its only fair the manager cleans theirs. Jesse- Dogs Rule, Cats Drool (metaphorically ofc. Duke soaks my floor after coming in from his walk) Kix- Pineapple belongs on pizza Tup- In high school, Gym should not be mandatory, however cooking and classic home ec or basic life skills classes should be. Dogma- Stop pressuring women into getting married and having kids because society deems it necessary. Let them choose their own paths Hardcase- The only good cup of tea is one with a lot of ice and a lot of sugar added (just kidding i like all but nothing beats sweet iced tea) Coric-Vegetables are better than dessert Bly- Some people are chasing love so much right now, that they forgt to learn to love and "date" themselves 99- State testing is a fucking sham way for schools to get money. Literally all you work on in elementary on is StAtE tEsTiNg PrEp and "oh do your best because this tests results is a grade for your teachers performance AND the schools!" How about you use a students overall grades at the end of the year and success rate over time? I come from Oklahoma City School districts where currently 60-70% of our schools are scab teachers because of protesting. This means that the current teachers teaching in their place are not fully qualified to teach them long term. My nephew has had 4 teachers this year! What about students with testing anxiety? What about them? Cody- Also teacher should be paid more. TF is this $22,000 a year my best friend is paid, with 7 years of experience? Waxer/Boil- Also everyone deserves a right to an education Wolffe- Trade school should be encouraged more. I am so tired of seeing as a society of people feeling pressured to go to college. Trade school is a fantastic alternative if there is nothing interesting for you at college. A majority of people who I know that dropped out after the first year said they only went for the experience. Its over glorified in movies and in school and we need to start admitting its not for everyone and thats okay! Boost/Sinker- The best music you will hear are the opening and closing songs for nearly any anime. Hunter- JarJar is hella sexy Wrecker- If you can't respect someone else's religion, beliefs (minus asshole nazi, terfs, and any other clearly toxic scenarios), life style choices, or existence than YOU are the problem. Tech- The biggest waste of money in my life was every school dance I went to and bought a dress for. I barely remember any details from prom, homecoming, or any of that. Crosshair- I love drinking pickle juice, love it iced, and love it in alcohol. Omega- There should be a mandatory retirement age for people working in the government, especially representatives of the people. Howzer- A woman shouldn't have to have her husband present in the room when talking to her doctor about birth control. My friend had to have her husband sign off a paper with his "knowledge" that she was getting a hysterectomy. Fucking bullshit no one has a say about my body but ME. Fox- Imperialism sucks so why are we still fucking doing it guys? Gregor- I can never give up on human kind no matter how shitty some people are. Earth has beauty, different cultures to explore, people to meet, and many amazing discoveries to uncover. There is more good than bad and we need to start embracing that.
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queen--kenobi · 3 years
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. 🥺🥺🥺😭😭 Fives absolutely has my whole heart and thinking about a Modern!AU just gives me all the feels. If you EVER decided to write that or even just expand with some HCs I would read it a million times and it would kill me every single time. I'm in awe of how frequently you come up with these, frankly stellar, ideas. Hope the new job treats you well! ❤❤
!!!!! Thank you! I've actually been fucking around with the idea of doing a modern/college AU for some of the clones! I have so many ideas, like:
Fives and Echo are obviously roommates. Neither of them realizes they have the same dad and the same birthday for the longest time despite the fact they look scarily alike and have the exact same zodiac signs
The companies are now SLG, or selective living groups. Idk if other schools do them, but Duke does (yes I am biased bc I was in one there). They're alternatives to Greek life. You get the community without the Greek life baggage
Anyway Torrent is a SLG that a lot of people want to be in. They're very small, though
Rex is the President for Torrent. Anakin is an RA, but Ashoka is another RA that fills in for him a lot
This is because Anakin is way more interested in boning his hot girlfriend. Who's a young, maybe the youngest in the school's history, Public Policy teacher. A lot of guys take her class sheerly bc of that
She's a hard grader, though
Obi-wan is a law student and the RC of the dorm
No one can tell if Maul is his rival or his ex
Obi-wan loves to annoy one of the tenured professors, Dr. Griveous. It's because Dr. Griveous gave him a C when he was an undergad. He would have had a 4.0 if it weren't for that C
Fives is a rabid sports fan. He and Hardcase go to every game they can. If there's any rituals surrounding sports, they're in on it
The rest of these are generic, but. I have to say this. Fives would be a Cameron Crazy if he went to Duke I just know it in my heart
Tbh I think Hardcase drags Fives to football games so Fives drags him to basketball games
Rex and Cody were roommates their freshmen year and regularly hang out with one another. Fives was CONVINCED they were boning each other, but no. They're just super close with each other
Cody has an athletic scholarship and is one of the star athletes on the rugby team
Dogma isn't allowed to smoke weed at Torrent parties because it makes him hella fucking paranoid
He and Tup are roommates, and they're right across the hall from Fives and Echo
Fives isn't a theater major, but he's been in a lot of the mainstage plays
He drags Echo into being a tech for all the plays
Honestly. Fives is a philosophy major. As a philosophy minor, I know this in my heart that Fives would be right at home
Listen. You can't tell me that Fives wouldn't be at home in a major that challenges you and lets you argue with people
Rex is probably either engineering, pre-med, or econ. He hates his major but feels like he's got to be one of those
Fives is trying to help Echo get an emotional support animal!
Waxer and Boil take care of the campus cats. They've started an FB page for people who want to help as well
Wrecker has an ESA cat, and he walks the cat around campus
Wrecker was an up and coming football star, but he got really badly injured during a game so he can't play anymore
The Bad Batch got their name bc most of them are athletes who were hurt or lost their scholarship
No one knows how Crosshair hasn't lost his scholarship because he's a SORE LOSER. They think it's because he put the school on the map for NCAA rifle shooting
I'm sure there's more I can think of
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soclonely · 2 years
The Clones as My NeW yEaRs ReSoLuTiOnS
Rex- Stop trying to control every aspect of my life. Things get out of control sometimes and that's okay!
Echo-Learn to tune out little things that bother me.
Fives-Do something fun reminiscing of childhood like make macaroni art, Q-tip painting, or those little Gobstoppers and tooth pick structures.
Jesse- Wax my wood furniture properly every week to keep it shiny.
Kix-Spend more time at the thrift shop and less time online shopping
Tup-Wear my hair down once or twice a week. It's usually in a messy ponytail and that's fine. But I'm learning to love my natural hair more and it deserves my time and energy
Dogma- Go one whole day without checking or answering emails back instantly. I always feel so rushed and it gives me the worst anxiety.
Hardcase- Have more kitchen dance parties at 2am when I am making cookies.
Coric-Be a little gayer
Bly- Turn my phone off one night a week and touch some grass.
99-Teach my 94 year old grandma how to properly call me over video chat
Cody-Drink more warm tea and less soda
Waxer/Boil-Take Duke and Artoo on a walk every day.
Wolffe-Turn 3 people into sluts for JarJar
Boost/Sinker-Pick up a new personal hobby
Hunter- Clean up clutter and recycle more. I got a nifty new countertop composite can I want to start using
Wrecker- Be more adventurous in my food choices
Tech-Less screen time, more reading time
Crosshair-Call my siblings more
Omega- Give at least one compliment a day!
Howzer-Be more graceful about making mistakes and owning up to them
Fox-Say sorry less when I shouldn't have to.
Gregor-Walk places when I can
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soclonely · 4 years
Congrats on 300 followers! Maybe do "The clones as things your dog has tried to eat?" 😅
Oh hi duke loves you 🥺 and he does like to eat things. 
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Rex- Himself. When he was a puppy he would try to eat his tail and then yelp when he realized it hurt after chomping down on it Echo- My homework. In both high school and college Fives- SHAVING CREAM. He was very adventurous on a hotel trip with friends once and got into one of the bags, chewed the top off the can, and got shaving cream everywhere! Jesse- he still likes to try and attack the gps arrow on car screens so i gotta let him chill in the back seat when I use mine Kix- my damn slippers. (not the flamingo ones) Tup- His little squeaker toys. The only one he hasnt destroyed was his sloth baby Dogma- horse pooh on my grandparents farm Hardcase- Chocolate. Sir you cannot have. Coric- my headphones. the nice ones too! Bly- My fuzzy socks 99- flowers. He will go and *chomp* the top of one sometimes still.  Cody- Coffee. He used to like hopping onto the table when my dad wasn’t looking and slurp up all of the coffee in his mug Waxer and Boil- Small children (not actually eat but he licks them to death. He loves kids, or... whatever food they have caked on their faces) Wolffe- the first thing he goes for on stuffed animals is in fact the eyeballs Sinker and Boost- Soap. I came home from high school once and there was just a big chomp out of the soap on the bathroom counter Hunter- This child of mine... brought in a deer antler once from a nearby field and i was so terrified  Wrecker- No explosives, thankfully. But he has taken a whole chicken off the counter and took off with it.  Tech- Puppy duke ate my laptop cord  Crosshair- Beer. He didn’t try eating it but you bet your sweet butt he jumped up on the counter a few times to try and lap up some beer from someones cup
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soclonely · 4 years
Potential thanksgiving "the clones as" idea: the clones as things you're thankful for? Just an idea for fun 💙
Rex- My brothers. Guys I am a middle child and only girl out of 7 kids. We argue and fight but let me tell you they would drop everything in a heartbeat for me. Echo-My education. Last spring was a hard one (as it was for everyone) for my senior year of college. I didn’t get a big graduation. But I did get my degree and that is the most important thing. I am so ready to start this next chapter in my life.  Fives- My friends, both IRL and internet. I have some very good people that I have met throughout the years and that have stayed in my life, and added many more this year. You make life sane. Jesse- followers on Tumblr that support, like, and encourage my goofy posts. They may be stupid little things, but seeing your tags and laughing makes me so happy. Kix- All of the local businesses around my town that opened up with this pandemic and provided excellent services and delivery. I love supporting local and it is great to be able to still do it from home.  Tup- my dog duke. I can always count on him to be there when i need him, whether it be because i dropped some pasta sauce on the floor and dont want to bend over and pick it up or because i am having a full blown anxiety attack.  Dogma- My work. (Insert giant rich corporation that ruins shows here) may be a shitty place to work for some. but it has invited many great opportunities into my life over the last few years. i am thankful for my coworkers, supervisors, and complimentary mouse shaped churros Hardcase- everyone that went out this year and protested all of the wrongdoings. You made voices heard and are pushing for change so that we can become better in this world Coric- Medical staff that have worked through this pandemic. I am sorry you don’t get the appreciation you deserve during the normal times and am so thankful for you and your hard work. Bly- my mailman. Minus running over my mailbox last month, he is the best! He always manages to say hello and ask about my family even though he has never met them. He loves showing off pictures of his wife too. goals. 99- my grandparents, all sets of them. My memaw and Nonna, and Papoo and grandpa. I love hearing the same stories from them over and over again and I am so grateful I still get to this year.  Cody- the star wars fandom. I would have gone nuts if i didnt have something I love to binge watch while everything else was closed. Waxer and Boil- My parents. My little brother is 15, and special needs and for the last year it has been hard on the two of them. One parent stays with the youngest kids while the other goes away a few hours to stay in the hospital with the 15 year old. You would think it would cause issues between the two but their marriage is stronger than ever and its so encouraging to have a positive example of love in my life. Wolffe- the boys and girls youth center staff i volunteer with. I love seeing all of the kids in our community come together and have a way to connect and set a positive example. Sinker and Boost- being able to take a nice warm shower right now. My joints are on fire because i am in the middle of a lupus flare. its amazing what some hot water can do. ahhhh. the simple things.  Hunter-my hair stylist who got me in immediately the week she was open for a fresh cut post quarantine.  Wrecker- every single premier night of an episode of the mandalorian each week. sitting and watching with friends in servers and having meltdowns about it together. Tech- being able to video chat with family and friends across the country because we cant see each other in real life right now. Crosshair- the mun of the @clone-force-99-official page. becoming friends wasnt expected, minus our two idiots. this man is seriously the best. We have gotten close over the last few months and its nice to have someone to get through the hard moments with and who understands me better than i do sometimes. words cannot describe how much i love and am thankful for my best friend.
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