#commander cody
stealingpotatoes · 3 days
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commission for @crossover15!
(commissions are open!)
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kitcat22 · 3 days
The 212th enjoy making the other battalions jealous of how much better their wifi is ( it pays to have a Commander with an antenna ) by posting videos of themselves in downtime, enjoying tv shows in high quality.
This works on everyone except the 501st because they have their very own version of Grey’s Anatomy going on in Torrent Company’s medbay with original story lines and endless drama .
Bored troopers often end up lurking around the medics, who are so preoccupied with themselves they hardly notice. No tv show could ever live up to this clusterfuck of chaos hidden under feigned professionalism.
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phoneycam · 2 days
Y'all liked my art for some reason??? Like, thank you so much but ??????? Holy shit?????
Anyways, here are some other doodles I drew for the Codywan fandom i think you might like. Not much but wel... it is waht it is.
This one is based on a post that said something about codywan being the cool uncles Leia could have a tea party with. IF YOU FIND IT PLEASE TAG THEM! I CAN'T FIND IT AND IT KILLS ME!!!
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And now just some good old Codywan smooches!
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avianii · 2 days
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he gives creamsicle
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chyarui · 1 day
Little homage to my favourite commander, clone, and character in all of Star Wars. This is for you Commander Cody, Kote. After drawing Fox I couldn’t not draw this man. His ability to balance his competence with his insanity is just fuckin incredible. This man will one second snap at a shiny for breaking Obi-Wans concentration, and in the next sucker punch a droid and dog pile Grievous. Icon. Also hm I wonder what the ring around his neck is all about. And his keychain for that matter…
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NOW ABOUT THE TATTOO. Though Cody’s the commander, I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t have gotten at least one tattoo. This one was inspired by a fic I read a while ago (The Things You Didn’t Say by Anonymous on ao3, highly recommend) where ***SPOILER*** Cody reveals to Obi-Wan his tattoo, half the open circle fleet. As the open circle fleet directly symbolises Anakin and Obi-Wan, the fact that Cody would explicitly only get Obi-Wans half tattooed over his heart… It makes me feral guys, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head.
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The last drawing is just a design idea I had that didn’t really work out when I added colour, but still really enjoyed. I thought about just drawing a full helmet like I did for Fox, but I needed you guys to see his side profile. I love this man so much. Also the stress caused by Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka combined caused him and Obi-Wan to have matching greying temples, just endless suffering with those 3.
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deserthusbands · 2 days
cody: cyare, it could be a trap.
obi-wan: allow me—
cody, picking obi-wan up, tossing him over his shoulder and walking the other way: no.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 days
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knew i was born in the right generation when i discovered my tremendous love for every single clone in the grand army of the republic
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muyru-iru · 3 days
Rex: if the guard ever gets disbanded, which battalion are you going to choose? Fox: ... Neyo's Bly: Gree: Ponds: D: Bacara: ...? Wolffe: *external screaming* NEYO???!!!! HUH!? Cody being possessive: why him. Fox clearly done with their bullshit: y'all are too dependent on the jedi. NO way, i would join a battalion that likes natborns in authority...and Neyo is just lost with his ever so changing leadership...we did a movie out of it...Hound? Hound: Ah yes, "Finding Neyo." Hound: it's about never finding the right jedi, just like having no father Fox unfazed: emotional, yes.
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merlyn-bane · 3 days
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Please enjoy some art of Cody from mine and @meebles dinosaur cowboy au, pictured here with his kulindadromeus friend <3 She's just a baby, your honor.
(*Kulinday is a paleoblr holiday celebrating the discovery/description of the dinosaur kulindadromeus, a basal neornithischian and the first non-theropod discovered with 'dino fuzz', suggesting that the trait was much more basal to dinosaurs in general than had been previously believed. Plus, they were just so stinkin' cute. Today--July 24th--is the tenth anniversary of their discovery.)
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Since it's my 22nd birthday, I'd like to share the design I made for my eras tour outfit earlier this month
Lo and behold: The Eras Tour The Clones Edition!
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tattycoram · 19 hours
Cody, on the comm: Obi-wan, I'm breaking up- Obi-wan: I'm pregnant Cody: I meant the call Obi-wan: Right sorry I panicked
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kitcat22 · 2 days
In a world in which Fox died saving the republic from Palpatine, the newly reformed government, maybe out of gratitude maybe out of a publicity stunt, decide Fox should have his own monument.
The corrie guard commanders are initially opposed to this ‘cause they know fox would despise the idea, and they don’t want to remember fox as some martyr, he was a person with thoughts and feelings not a symbol.
After a while though, the want for Fox to be remembered for what he did wins over. They are also promised a large amount of creative influence, unfortunately they have to agree to share this with Fox’s batchmates.
There is, understandably, a lot of friction and arguments during the design process. The Corrie Commanders despise Fox’s batchmates for what they perceive as Fox’s abandonment, they dont think the others have any claim on Fox. The command batch on the other hand are immensely guilt ridden and are torn between doubting their right to be involved and hating the idea that they don’t have a right.
They do come together eventually, after a lot of blood and tears. They may never fully like each other but Little Gods did they love Fox. They really cant help but see little fragments of their lost brother in each other and together they really do manage to capture Fox’s essence and create something even he would struggle to hate.
The monument they settle on is a slightly larger than life statue of Fox, showing him with a rather feral look in his eye and a grin as he flips the middle finger, which they position to face the senate building.
It sends the senators into fits but the Clones adore it and many bring their kids to see it over the years.
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resistantecho · 23 hours
Clone Brain Rot...
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Saw these windows on a building yesterday and they reminded me of Commander Cody 😆
Please tell me that's not weird...  😐 (it doesn’t have to be true)
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avianii · 1 day
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matching backgrounds anyone
unfruitified versions found below
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clover-hoe · 1 day
Obi-Wan: i got tooka food, a bed, three boxes of pee pads *just in case* and an appointment to get their vaccines.
cody, sitting on the couch: you where gone for two hours?
obi-wan: and i also found you some caf
cody: never mind. never leave me again-
obi-wan: because Shiny didnt let you move?
cody: ... yes
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