#doing a project Im suposed to start in the spring
bbypeachh · 9 months
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These days i feel like my mind is in a jumble. Just totally non sensible.
The end of the year reflections are calling to me and so much has happend. In the late winter i went on 2 trips, one with my found family and one with my real family. Both trips where amazing. I also got a internship going at that point and i was working my ass off for the last projects. I can dub this season as wanting to rest, nest and winter, but not really doing it.
Then come spring im really starting with my bachelor thesis. Just in a routine with work and study + working out. I started training for the thriathlon sprint for a good cause. I was so fun, doing it with my friend who i also have kickboxing with. Just running, swimming in my local swimming pool and cycling on the hometrainer. I really fell in love with swimming, it is such a nice sport. I really feel like picking it up again. And not to forget april, the last couple of years april was a very hard month for me mentally, but this year i focused on aryuvedic practices to balance my body, spirit and mind. I also did a reiki course. Those 2 got me through april and the rest of the period around my thesis flawlessly. Balanced is what i would call this month. A lot, but everything was nourished and balanced. My spirit was fed with reiki, aryuveda and mindfullness, my body was nourished with good food and great workouts and my mind was occupied with study and thesis.
So summer rolls around and summer is suposed to be a season of high energy. And it was at the first half. Just having done a little thriathlon i hurled myself into my thesis. Thesis, thesis and dinner parties. I had my 21 dinner in the summer since i was so busy in spring. A lot of my friends also turned 21 which meant a lot of dinner parties, which was so nice. I love dinner parties way more then a real party. And my work for the thesis payed of, i got my bachelors degree! Insanely happy. After that i went with my mom to slovenia, a beautiful country and i absolutly fell in love with bled. A pitoresque little village, and our host took us up to the most amazing view. One of my favorite memories of the year. After that i dog sat for a few weeks just resting. But the weather was aweful, the only highlight was amsterdam pride and i finally had a plan for the upcoming years after my bachelor. Summer was a season of endings all the seeds that i so carefully had sown over the last couple years finally where ready to harvest. My studies, my friends, my relationship with my mom improved and i made some final decisions.
Come september and im working my ass of for a month in a whole food grocery store, i need some bucks if you know what i mean. Since i will be leaving in november for 5 months to go to new zealand, sydney, vietnam and laos. For the first month i would be alone, visiting my cousin and then 2 of my best friends would come along and we would travel for 4 months together. So after earning the last of my bucks im hopping on the longest flight of my life. Around 26 hours im flying. I landed in christchurch and had an amazing time, i love hostels and meeting new people and i pick up the campervan that we had bought. Everything is going great, im over the moon, my adventure is finally starting. Drive, drive, nice landscape, drive and crash. I got into an accident. Thankfully i had no injuries and i got the van insured. The car was undriveble. It took two weeks to handle the aftermath of it all. And i had to find a new van. I also had to get over my fear of driving, it got so bad i was scared to sit next to the drivers seat. So i got a new van and got over my fear at least a little bit. And im writing this from bob (the name of the new campervan) in queenstown where me and my friends would be celabrating christmas! If i could give this season one name it would be chaos. Just pure pushing at my limits, boundries and beliefs.
So first i rested (but not really) then i had a good balance for a while, but sadly that fell of and the harvest of my hard work began. After the harvest i am searching for other seeds to sow and going on a journey to push my limits and beliefs which kinda resulted in total chaos (that i got out of gracefully).
The next year (which for me starts around februari because i feel like new year starts with spring and a new moon cycle) will bring even more confusion and challenges, that i will gladly take.
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itstotalyblue-blog · 6 years
Having random inspiration is fun when you're trying to go to sleep. So, so much fun.
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