#doing my part by reblogging kotori fanart
duelistkingdom · 2 years
the reason i don’t believe folks who say the problem with characters like anzu mazaki, shizuka kawai, luka, and kotori mizuka is their lack of dueling is because like. i know you’re full of shit? if you wanted female characters who duel, mai kujaku, isis ishtar, asuka tenjoin, and aki izayoi are all right there! and yet these characters might have dedicated fanartists, dedicated folks to writing meta and fic about them, and even iike them, they’re still deeply unpopular characters.
hell, i know folks who fuckin LOATHE these girls for literally No Reason given. that’s not to sa that like. you can’t hate characters for no reason but it’s just about a massive pattern in fandom spaces where folks are like “this girl sucks because x” but hating a girl who IS x because well now the goal post is shifted and she doesn’t do x GOOD ENOUGH.
like mai, isis, asuka, and aki all have such RICH backstories on kaiba’s level but are shoved aside and ignored. isis has the same motivations as malik with HALF the meta content and HALF the art. and half of y’all will reblog this and go “yeah such a shame :(” and then do nothing about the massive disparity in treatment for female characters. do your fuckin part. commission art of them, draw art of them, write fic about them, reblog the existing meta & art, kudos and comment on fics about them, my god fuckin ENGAGE with the female part of the cast.
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