stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
⚔(the emoji didnt load for me) for Dom ah and newt
Domah tended to prefer battle axes in a fight but through instinct and his father's training he was fairly verse in most weapons. Today, he and Newt each had a dagger. He had reach on the smaller being though he had fewer options if Newt stayed low. Especially since he didn't want to seriously hurt his... what was Newt to him at this point? Ah, well not the time for that thought.
"Lets see what you can do little Newt
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so, when is DoM(a)H chapter 45(or 44 if we aren’t counting the poll “chapter” coming? I’m not trying to rush you I just wanna ask, also I thought of a scenario where Pluto comes in and is like “Death Scream” while deku is fighting with the other sailor scouts(and maybe some others come and join like Bakugou) and they are wondering how the sailor scouts aren’t questioning that Pluto isn’t a planet but how is their a sailor Pluto?(I know this doesn’t make any sense)
I'm going to answer the Pluto bit later on (to the other ask) but, in all honesty, I'm not really sure about when I'll be able to update.
I have had some irl stuff to go through and when I sit to write nothing good comes out, I have been thinking of altering some planned plot points but I'd have to rewatch/reread the materials, and I don't have time for it right now.
That said, I'll do my best to come back with good chapters as soon as I'll figure this out, I wish it wasn't a problem with my writing in general (I am stuck with all my fics and even my undergrad thesis) but it is.
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silverloreley · 1 year
So I received this:
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Now, this is the notification mail, I already marked as spam the comment in the actual fic, but, really, this is getting ridiculous.
Googling the name they gave gives a blank, and obviously I wouldn’t enter the discord group since I don’t have discord in the first place, but the point is another, which is how absurd it is that people are trying to scam fanwriters with such cheap means.
I mean, they didn’t even fill the blanks properly! DoMaH is not only a BnHA fic, it’s a crossover with Sailor Moon, meaning they didn’t even check the main tags. The [Editor’s Name] bit made me laugh like a maniac, the praises are generic and honestly absurd (complex storylines? Meh, DoMaH isn’t complex at all!) and the idea I’d need them to share my works? Ah! (Not to mention, DoMaH has been on hiatus for almost a year now, but that’s beyond the point, I guess)
But, people, if you receive this kind of junk, report it as spam and make sure it’s gone. This is a scam, a cheap one too, that will lull you into giving them tons of your writing for them to make money from, with nothing left for you, not even the rights on what you wrote, nor the means to defend yourself should the actual owners of the original materials sue you for lucrating over their property.
Fanfiction is born out the common deal that it must be free, it’s the greatest and only legal defense fanwriters have, don’t screw this up.
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7ooo-ru · 1 month
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ТАСС: украинские военные ушли с позиций в высотных домах на востоке Торецка
Украинские войска ушли с позиций в высотных домах на востоке Торецка (Дзержинска) в ДНР, сообщили ТАСС в силовых структурах.
Читать далее
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/08/23/109-tass-ukrainskie-voennye-ushli-spoziciy-vvysotnyh-domah-navostoke-torecka-grss-334953725.html
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thebestfact · 1 year
Как проводят дезинсекцию в многоквартирных домах
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Как проводят дезинсекцию в многоквартирных домах
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Покажите мне человека, который был бы рад увидеть в своем доме насекомых – тараканов, клопов, блох или муравьев. Сложно представить такую картину, не так ли? Безусловно, насекомые в доме – это не только неприятно, но и опасно. Они могут быть… Продолжить чтение →
https://www.bestfacts.ru/kak-provodyat-dezinsekcziyu-v-mnogokvartirnyh-domah/ Мы VK - https://vk.com/tbestfacts подпишитесь и всегда будьте в курсе всех свежих новостей интернета!!! Мы в одноклассниках - https://ok.ru/group/56086444310731 подпишитесь и всегда будьте в курсе всех свежих новостей интернета!!! Мы в телеграмм - https://webtelegram.net/#/im?p=@bestfacts_sites подпишитесь и всегда будьте в курсе всех свежих новостей интернета!!! Мы в INSTAPAPER - https://www.instapaper.com/p/BestFacts подпишитесь и всегда будьте в курсе всех свежих новостей интернета!!!
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444namesplus · 9 months
Aakal Abatimal Abirnva Abitaikh Abith Adebraz Aderin Aders Adiria Adjaya Aduhah Adwah Aezer Afiambra Afizoz Afrehk Afrider Aguden Aider Akira Akkah Akkalwa Aliman Alind Alkynaen Amedra Amehk Amelaz Amezztra Ampida Ansleyer Araly Ariaan Arikheria Ashazeffa Ataimal Atangen Atharru Athezan Aydraynka Azgoggal Azkarrus Azzak Bashan Bibel Bladyn Blaral Bleah Blerrok Bodaz Bodyah Bogograi Bomora Bragara Brosh Bruthol Camah Chnaim Chnamber Clahind Clazo Crenanaz Crikata Crookhers Dahivady Daida Damet Deephar Dekan Devara Dhora Diyaila Djamir Djantho Djunn Dohephoth Dolia Domah Doman Domeryn Domoal Dothet Drada Drajlagar Draku Dreale Dregah Drile Drinezzel Dubatera Dubrima Ducermo Duskoeda Duuld Dyzen Ebrah Ebrajing Eldeo Elmin Eratine Esnasab Exevekkaz Eyrulz Faands Fafiruzai Farfles Farrzt Fathard Fayyame Feris Fespiole Fiqaq Firzt Fiyya Flama Flazzleo Flefasha Forox Fostork Frizai Fullujawa Gahrighal Gatazhear Gaysisha Genda Ghaviolor Ghtmoamic Gibah Gifan Glagras Gloperikh Glukka Glyhiyais Goolagaz Gredrol Grera Gridaez Grione Grololsge Groth Guchcusa Gudeh Guraz Gwala Gykuu Hadivoch Haebriya Haeraz Halez Haliba Haminda Hamounned Hancievor Harizakyx Harut Harwon Heada Hikhard Hiram Hives Hivus Hixar Horidah Hrippif Hummaebro Huntha Hurayna Hutukh Hylan Ibarinsh Ibazurok Ibbii Ibreear Ighoor Ightemah Igurnasha Iliguiss Ilorven Inerwale Inevon Inger Irahraz Isringah Issina Issmedri Issurai Istor Istostor Izane Iziya Jahilaz Jooran Judolgolo Jynog Karda Kaysel Kenas Kessafrok Khebrinne Khefuth Khetaa Khetah Kheth Kight Kilag Kitheya Kkawsa Kmormbrai Kohar Kormorm Kotera Kupkiya Lagah Lernoki Lestelu Lizuna Loorg Lorimatan Luperd Lyroztra Mahirany Makha Maladyah Maler Malihadju Malugh Mancloper Maner Marden Masiler Maste Mesniyah Midaf Miracif Miraohzur Mirizak Moistomaz Moolo Motmad Munam Mundlezar Mysilah Mysistum Nadylah Nahlayr Nairaz Nathali Nazan Nazhara Neahedeer Nedra Nerbwd Nighe Nilam Nocros Noggaye Nogrok Nohan Nolayla Nomena Norima Nosablyn Nothivij Notho Noulgah Nulso Nunkythet Oblork Obtorha Onyient Oormhundi Oorna Orayzan Ornal Orvess Osumahah Ourne Oxblyah Phazkara Phing Phishagah Phiyah Piker Poistoros Pynan Qrata Rabask Ragren Raila Rands Refukari Relespind Renla Restinale Rielig Rikahl Rilool Rimstakiz Rinaimst Rstekupum Sabira Sabitless Sadij Sadivhed Safira Safiyya Sahaa Salher Salugs Sanus Sarda Sarizin Satan Scammah Scatalak Scati Scatoof Scatorler Scorge Scren Scubah Sedezel Semor Shaducewa Shaern Shahideon Shajlakif Shalght Shardand Shatmall Sheachah Shekatim Sherd Shockess Shyridia Sihad Sinds Skaak Skarrbwd Skerazu Skride Skrul Sohafara Sokso Sosun Sotaz Sovam Spina Spineve Squalimax Squar Stana Stemehor Stingmah Stoola Storus Suluzai Sumax Suuldan Suulluz Suumacham Suutty Tamaxu Tantrozan Tarki Tarrbwd Tatte Telgue Thalxor Tinai Torgor Torgri Toseemar Trruz Tukhsisan Tuleh Twina Twinger Twith Tykar Tyrufa Ukkrayzah Ulgon Unthoth Urealwakk Urrast Uthaja Valah Vanclah Varrun Velderus Vengora Vijar Vingen Vorgogda Vruza Wairachar Waten Winaikhes Windle Windor Winevann Winguiss Winshus Winteraa Wolaw Xalefurn Xamah Xissmal Xivik Xivlofass Xorent Xormeh Xvatar Xykez Xynha Yailalha Ykkra Zadunth Zakinas Zardhada Zariah Zarian Zebath Zeinedah Zeraz Zetala Zexat Zexill Zilah Zileg Zozur Zozzai Zuldian Zulsha Zuomar Zurlord Zylak Zymeeari Zymeebrev Zymet Zynaleras Zyzainaz Zzubahlah
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/taper-drywall/
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sojib03 · 1 year
В домах 9 квартала будет установлена видеодомофонная IP система. Ищите полную информацию по этому вопросу в сети ? Не можете найти ? Могу подсказать информацию на основе которой купил себе квартиру ! Если тоже интересно вам ? Тогда переходите по ссылке в любое время и изучайте, покупайте #видеодомофонная_IP_система https://vatutinki.ru/media/news/dlya-zhitelej-9-kvartala-v-domah-budet-ustanovlena
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sakib66 · 1 year
В домах 9 квартала будет установлена видеодомофонная IP система. Ищите полную информацию по этому вопросу в сети ? Не можете найти ? Могу подсказать информацию на основе которой купил себе квартиру ! Если тоже интересно вам ? Тогда переходите по ссылке в любое время и изучайте, покупайте #видеодомофонная_IP_система https://vatutinki.ru/media/news/dlya-zhitelej-9-kvartala-v-domah-budet-ustanovlena
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saim017sadik · 1 year
В домах 9 квартала будет установлена видеодомофонная IP система. Ищите полную информацию по этому вопросу в сети ? Не можете найти ? Могу подсказать информацию на основе которой купил себе квартиру ! Если тоже интересно вам ? Тогда переходите по ссылке в любое время и изучайте, покупайте #видеодомофонная_IP_система https://vatutinki.ru/media/news/dlya-zhitelej-9-kvartala-v-domah-budet-ustanovlena
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444names · 2 years
female arab forenames + english words borrowed from arabic
Aamina Aanda Abarah Abarda Abda Abiama Abiba Abilah Ablahra Adija Adijam Adilaira Adrasma Adya Adyascan Afarra Affeen Afida Afiqa Afridan Afriya Ahriah Aiba Aifatin Aiklaani Ailah Aiza Akam Akayya Akia Akira Akiyarah Alah Alalwaf Aled Aleil Aliayda Alifa Alil Alila Alimah Alimat Alimatin Aliyas Alma Ameemali Amidah Amila Amilah Amiram Anaida Arah Ardood Arizi Asha Ashirana Asihanya Asmilah Ayarifa Aynawa Ayzah Azarda Azebet Azeya Azizizza Azmath Azmira Azzarda Babarah Banida Bardool Bariah Barimara Bariyam Baseen Basira Batima Baylaaf Bayna Bibahra Blaikhah Blalili Bleila Buthaki Buthiya Caled Candaida Canindy Chad Chadiva Charahan Chen Cohakira Coheck Cottona Cottoon Dafsa Daila Dala Dalida Dhah Diha Diva Domah Doos Dufia Dufiya Dufizzak Duhada Erbila Erema Ereshada Faafat Faaimah Faan Faana Fadil Faina Faisma Fara Farama Fard Faria Farra Fatel Fath Fathifar Fathsafa Fatinna Fatuna Fayba Fayda Fayya Fiam Fida Finabah Fisada Fiyazen Fukhan Fukhsam Gebah Gebeh Gebra Gera Ghah Gira Guitaria Haba Hadika Hadila Hadilah Hadjah Hady Hadyahra Haffeen Hafrah Hahruzi Hahsa Haima Haira Haiza Hajam Hakilah Hakira Hakra Halaifat Halia Haliha Halya Hamah Hanah Hanidah Hari Haride Harra Hasine Hask Haza Heya Hibeema Hura Huro Husaba Husra Iess Ililah Imah Isir Jamira Jarda Jaysuna Jayya Jenabida Jenana Jenna Jida Jujumni Jumal Kalina Kalwah Kamira Kardoma Khab Khabatun Khad Khadila Khalinah Khar Kharia Khshen Khsira Lagda Laima Leinda Leshabi Leylah Lifay Lima Linah Liyya Loell Luba Lubibet Lujoosos Mahafiqa Mahah Mahla Mahra Mahrusa Malah Malihaz Malilah Mara Marah Marde Maridah Marikari Marra Matel Mathiyah Matima Mayna Moos Mounina Mufisaw Muna Mundah Mundu’a Mundya Muniya Nableh Nadan Nady Naibia Naina Naisah Nama Nana Nandya Naniya Nanyask Nimah Nisra Niya Niyya Nohol Nour Nuhasmee Numnida Nuriya Nuro Nusni Omar Orajideh Orbee Qubra Rahiba Rajam Raki Reena Remi Ress Restima Riamong Rikam Riyamina Rubna Ruzi Sabatifa Sabda Sabibah Sabilah Sada Sadah Sadija Sadil Sadima Sadir Sadram Safatifa Safaya Safida Safiyah Saibah Saifa Saimas Sair Saira Sairah Saizada Saleena Salgebah Salia Salifal Salila Saliya Sama Samah Samimara Samina Samindah Samine Samna Sanahrup Sang Sange Sanir Sanira Saniya Santara Sarda Sari Sarima Sawsah Seebet Sema Semida Shadira Shah Shakir Shal Shala Shaliah Shalmala Shamin Shamira Shamon Shanda Shanhara Shar Sharwah Shebah Shibida Shida Shikila Shir Shirukha Shiya Shrup Shur Shura Shurizak Shuro Sima Simar Sina Sira Siya Sodayzah Sorah Sososo Suba Subila Subra Suhadiha Suhah Suham Suhar Suhard Sula Sulleah Suma Sumalifa Summara Suna Suniya Syrubna Syrukala Syruz Taana Tabi Talikar Talina Taline Tama Tamira Tara Tarda Tarwa Ulaybah Uleah Ultaa Umasmin Wafaifa Walileen Waline Wida Widah Wisafsa Wisdomah Yaha Yaharama Yahir Yusa Zadila Zadiram Zadiva Zady Zahla Zakira Zakra Zakrah Zayya Zebeenna Zebeh Zebrana Zeikama Zeil Zeinajla Zeli Zell Zelmahma Zennajwa Zera Zerbeena Zeyahma Zeyla Zubia Zuhar Zuka Zukhada Zukhalwa Zuleylah Zull
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stuckstucktrolls · 2 years
🌿 for domah and newt
Kissing under mistletoe had not been a long standing tradition. So Domah hadn't been thinking about it until Newt had pointed out the sprig of foreign foliage above them. But he liked the little tradition, and picked up Newt to press a kiss to the other fire spirit's lips.
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tried writing a fanfic based off yours, where I think the reactions the girls would have if they saw(especially usagi) dad might having a battle with AFO on television
(also same anon)
Link it through the Ao3 system, it'll be easier to find for others too. You just have to mark your fic as "inspired by" in the settings and put the link to DoMaH ;)
Also, it's an honour to receive fics of my fic <3
It needs some polishing, but it conveys a lot of feelings, that's nice.
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silverloreley · 1 year
15. Post the last line you wrote without context.
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas' stage.
In terms of Shuang's headcanon with the teacups, can I use it? I'll credit you.
15. already done, but I want to put another from another WIP:
«Same» Jay added. It seemed like he was getting calmer as they went, but Mal suspected it was more him taking control of himself than his rage decreasing.
16. It should be DoMaH, so the crossover between Boku no Hero Academia and Sailor Moon, set in SM's season 3, after they come back from the future, the girls end up in an alternate life of theirs where they live in the BnHA world, with Usagi being All Might's secret daughter and everyone needing to adapt to that. Currently, Usagi and Izuku developed a siblings-like relationship and are helping each other with training, all while the girls must face the Mugen arc and the plot of BnHA unfolds almost like in canon.
17. I'll answer that in the other question because it's too long ;)
About the teacups headcanon, of course you can, it'll be funny to see what you make of it. ;P
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7ooo-ru · 5 months
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Раскрыта цена самой дорогой квартиры в старых домах Москвы
Стоимость самой дорогой квартиры в старых домах Москвы, выставленной на продажу в данный момент, составила 950 миллионов рублей. Информацию о ее цене «Ленте.ру» раскрыли эксперты платформы «Авито Недвижимость».
Объект расположен в дореволюционном малоквартирном здании на Пречистенке — бывшем доходном доме купца первой гильдии Половинкина. Лот представляет собой трехуровневый пятикомнатный пентхаус общей площадью 633 квадратных метра. В нем обустроены несколько спален, кабинет-гостиная с дровяным камином, гостиная со стеклянным куполом, а также спа-зона, массажный кабинет и приватная терраса.
Ранее в апреле стала известна стоимость аренды самой дешевой квартиры в Старой Москве. По информации экспертов «Инком-Недвижимость», снять такой объект удастся за 29 тысяч рублей. Речь идет о 18-метровой однокомнатной квартире в районе Царицыно.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/04/21/046-raskryta-cena-samoy-dorogoy-kvartiry-v-staryh-domah-moskvy-grss-301018097.html
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open-world-rps · 2 years
⋚ Newt, Domah is 6'9
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Smol hehe
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