excessivelyalive · 4 years
@domandaughter - take this please
There is something appealing about outdoor markets. Miriam is having a grand time, really, and has been over the moon for about an hour now. Going from stall to stall, she’s already gotten a small bundle of goodies- a rainbow of produce, and an appealing looking loaf of bread. She’s still restless though, with too much money and too much time. So, she seeks out company instead.
This person is a stranger, not that she cares. She approaches anyways, and waves a little before going in for a chat.
“Hey, hey- question. I bought a bunch of things with no idea of what to do. Want to look in my basket and help me decide?” 
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sonosilens · 4 years
every cell within Maraqai’s body seems to buzz with nervousness. brows furrowed, light eyes dart to and fro, taking in the sights, the sounds, the smells of a new, foreign land. had he made the conscious decision to travel here? he cannot quite remember. all he knows is that he’d had an audience with someone and heard words (some of which he did not even know the meaning of) that he wasn’t all too inclined to believe.
now, as he paced the streets, tail swinging behind him slightly faster than it’s normal rhythmic swaying, he prayed for something, anything familiar. he so desperately wanted to calm down, needed to--
there, a slight ways away... was that a miqo’te? although rare upon the Steppe, Maraqai had encountered many on his travels, and the tell-tale ears, tail, and facial markings all but confirmed it. relief began to wash over him for a moment, before he realized he now needed to approach without spooking them.
as he steps closer, Maraqai lifts a hand in greeting and smiles, though the only sign of this is the crinkle of his eyes above his mask. it seems he’s trying to not be imposing, which is slightly comical, due to his large size.
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vraelgard · 4 years
it's me! i'm here! y'ishta nhatra, a non-wol ffxiv oc, reporting for duty! find her app at /app or the little star button on the blog!
the city is open to you, ishta. welcome to terra.
you will be housed in twin apartments A4, where you will find sports tape to replace the fantasy knuckledusters taken from you on arrival. please wrap your hands and punch responsibly.
you have been granted cloud’s boon windstepping to make use of at your discretion.
♠ rook
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jokebad · 4 years
             To be honest being brought to a magical world, and being turned into a literal clown wasn’t really what Sasara was planning on doing with his birthday this year. It was crazy, he knew, but he had to stop dwelling on that he originally had planned to just go home and have a nice drink before going to bed. That being said, what he was doing now was an almost comical contrast. 
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             In a saturated suit, the clown turned to a nearby stranger and grabbed one of the balloons in the bundle in order to hand it to the stranger that was passing him by, “ Here kid, somehow I feel like you’ll need it. ” No... he didn’t actually believe it, but he wasn’t quite sure what he should say in this sort of situation. While he was a comedian, literal clown work was preeeetty different after all. //  @domandaughter​ X
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