#dome was missing him so bad……they’re both down so bad…….omg
putterphubase · 1 year
hold on just had a Thought…..when dome’s imaginary khatha (resident tsundere in reality) is more dere than tsun……is sweeter and more teasing and open rather than colder and shut off……either implying (TO ME) that either dome sees right through khatha’s cold exterior and this is how dome sees him when he’s being aloof AND/OR this is how dome wants their relationship to be when he finally gets back……;-;
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 10)
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Episode Title: Heroes on Fire
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
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*Apologies for the tardiness. I meant to post this a few days ago but I was busy sorting out other things. Hope you understand 😊
1. 2 days earlier? I didn’t think we’d get another flashback lol. We go back to the moment where Kipo managed to find her mom (Song, the Mega Monkey) tied to a giant tree. We already saw this but what we didn’t see was the fact that Mulholland was inside the water she fed to her mom. I’m guessing Mulholland will try to reach into Song’s inner thoughts?
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2. Mulholland gets inside her brain and creates a vision for Song, where he introduces himself to her. He then tells her that he freed her from her mind control and will continue to help her stay that way. That’s a really smart plan; I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Song asks Mulholland to tell Kipo that she loves her. OMG, why am I about to cry this early on? Also, it’s a nice little touch for the writers to make it so that Song is struggling to speak since she hasn’t done that in 13 years. 
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3. Back to the present and the predicament at hand; Scarlemagne has already started to spray the humans with his pheromones all throughout the stadium. We also see the Timbercats plus Troy, Asher (who is just confirmed to be non-binary btw) and Dahlia hiding themselves in their oh so fluffy tails. Troy spots his dad, Roberto in the crowd. Wait, why is Roberto there? Shouldn’t he be back at Dr. Emilia’s hideout? Am I missing something?
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4. Oh! It’s been a trick all along. DUH! It makes sense because Kipo had poured Mulholland into Scarlemagne’s vat of pheromone and that’s the reason why all the humans aren’t being mind-controlled at the moment. Song proceeds to flick Scarlemagne away (literally) and she then breaks off a dome so that everyone can get on it to escape. 
5. Kipo asks Mulholland to get inside Lio to snap him out of his mind-control but before he goes in, he tells Kipo that he doesn’t think he’s able to get her out of her Mega Monkey form since she’s been that way for a long time. I think Song needs her own anchor. Eventually, Scarlemagne gets up and orders his primate nobles to attack Song and stop the humans from escaping.
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6. Benson, Wolf and Dave are fighting off Lemieux, Gerard and another noble that looks like Lemieux (what’s his/her name anyways?). Wolf is handicapped since she doesn’t have Stalky with her and Dave isn’t fairing well either. Where’s Benson? Oh right, he’s grabbed by Lemieux’s flamingo. Lucky for him; Dave molts into his super strong form and defeats both Lemieux 2.0 and Gerard. 
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7. As Benson is about to be dropped into the gold fountain, Dave rescues him by delivering a solid punch to Lemieux’s face. Unfortunately, at the same time, Benson’s backpack was dropped into the fountain. He thinks that Song’s journal was inside the backpack but I swear I thought he left it back at Dr. Emilia’s HQ? Now they’re worried for Kipo since her anchor is gone supposedly. 
8. We switch things over to Kipo and she’s fighting off Scarlemagne with her two jaguar paws. She was about to fully transform until Benson stops her and tells her he lost the journal. Am I crazy for thinking he didn’t put it in his backpack? Back to Song; she puts down the dome and all the humans exit from it. Mandu then shows them an entrance that would take them underground. 
9. I find it strange how Kipo is having a hard time beating Scarlemagne. Is he that strong? I kinda figured she would be able to beat him even without fully transforming into a jaguar. Well, at least she won’t have to do it alone because Wolf, Benson and Dave arrive to help. But still, that isn’t enough because he’s still whipping their butts, even combined! Wow, he is really strong. 
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10. Troy, Asher and Dalia and the Timbercats notice the fight and they decide to help Kipo out. Well, that should help. But isn’t that like 30 against 1 lol? Wolf takes Scarlemagne’s crown and drops it into the fountain, angering him as a result. He then accuses Kipo of pretending to care about him and proceeds to break the lever that controls the gold fountain. Next thing we see is a huge rush of liquid gold flowing into the stadium. The Timbercats rush to help them.
11. Scarlemagne is flying away to make his escape but his flamingo’s wings get caught by a stream of the liquid gold and they both fall into the audience section of the stadium, causing Scarlemagne to hit his head and become unconscious. 
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12. Oh and our boy, Benson gets reunited with Troy again. Yayy! And the same song that was played when they first met last season is playing here once again. Benson is definitely a disaster gay; He couldn’t form proper sentences around him; How cute is that?!
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13. Lio notices that Scarlemagne is lying on the staircase and he makes the decision to save him. It’s a good call in my opinion. However, the others mutes (that can’t fly) are stuck in the audience and they can’t escape the rising liquid gold. Kipo tells everyone that she has to fully transform so that she will be strong enough to knock a tree down to stop the liquid gold from rising further. Therefore, she is willing to risk losing herself to her Mega Jaguar form to save the mutes. I now have a feeling that the anchor is with Dr. Emilia. Let’s see if I’m right. 
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14. Despite everyone’s objection, Kipo proceeds to quickly transform and with the help of her mom, Song, both of them combine forces to try to push down the tree. However, the tree isn’t budging over. As she’s seeing the gold rising closer and closer to her friends and family, she somehow gathers enough willpower to uncover a new transformation and becomes an even stronger jaguar with 3 tails and 6 legs. Dang, that was sooo cool. And so, the both of them are able to push over the tree to stop the liquid gold in its tracks. 
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15. Kipo is trying to turn back into a human but she isn’t able too. Meanwhile, the humans bump into Dr. Emilia in the tunnel and she gives a speech about humans needing to rise up and mutes needing to be cured and be turned back into animals. I would be so disappointed if they decide to join her.
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16. Lio assures Kipo that their relationship with her isn’t going to change despite her being a Mega Jaguar. Wolf then tries to remind Kipo of all the good things that she has done and how much she means to her. I’m getting teary y’all. And on top of that, Wolf starts to sing “Heroes on Fire” to Kipo and she’s then accompanied by Benson and Dave.
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17. It does manage to get through to her somehow and we then see Kipo’s inner head-space, where she comes face to face with her own jaguar form but it starts to chase her. She then suddenly hears her friends singing and it reminds her of all the amazing moments they shared together in the past two seasons. And Wolf’s idea is a success because Kipo manages to transform back into human Kipo. OMG I’m crying so bad right now. What about Song though? *sniffs. Well, Kipo reassures her mom that if she can turn back, so will she. 
18. We’re approaching the end! Yumyan happily agrees to let EVERYONE stay with the Timbercats back at his village and we also see Scarlemagne being taken away by them. Is he going to be imprisoned at the village? He seems like he was impressed by Kipo’s brave act to sacrifice herself for the mutes. I really hope he joins their side in season 3 (if there is one). 
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19. Troy reunites with his dad but Roberto tells everyone what went down with Dr. Emilia just now and I was right! She has the journal and she plans to use it to reverse all the mutations in the mutes. The season ends with Kipo announcing that she and everyone else are going to stop her.
20. Well, that’s the end of my episode to episode review of Season 2 of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. I must say; this season trumps the first season in my opinion. I absolutely love all the backstory we had gotten, especially regarding Kipo, Lio, Song and Scarlemagne. I also plan to make a couple of video essays about this particular season that will be posted to my YouTube channel (peterstanslizzie). So please check that out for when I have them ready for you to watch. Thank you all so much for reading my reviews. I absolutely can’t wait for a Season 3 to be announced. *Fingers crossed. I’m pretty confident it will get greenlit. Till next time; Bye!
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starkerkeyz · 5 years
Inner Heat
I sent Cage a couple paragraphs of smut to feel better a few days ago, as you do for your friends, and she asked me to expand on it so here it is :) 
This is also MY 300 FOLLOWER MILESTONE FIC! :D Thank you guys so much for the love and attention and good vibes 🥰
Warnings: NFF, choking, mild cum-play, D/s
"Are you sure?" Peter says from atop Tony's lap like sitting on a man's cock is the best time to check in. Tony pets his thighs soothingly. Peter is one of the best partners he’s ever had but he’ll get the kid, hopefully, to a point where he’s more confident in himself.  
"Yes. Trust me, I'm into it." Tony's into a lot of things the kid would feel the need to check in about. They're easing their way to those other kinks. For now they’ve gone over technique and theory and Tony has given his full consent; it’s time to get to the fun part and experiment. 
Peter nods and then leans forward enough to flutter his hands around Tony's collarbones. He takes long enough that Tony picks up his hand and gives his knuckles a kiss; then he puts Peter's hands on his neck and lets go.
"Okay. Okay." Peter tightens his hands and unconsciously his pelvis tightens in conjunction. He gasps softly when he feels Tony's cock buck deep within him. Fuck, he really is into this. He can see it in Tony’s blown pupils and parted lips, in the way his tongue darts out and his body relaxes while his cock stiffens. Peter feels a rush of power knowing that he’s the one putting that look on Tony’s face.
“How-how was that?” Peter starts and repeats, easing up on the pressure and removing his hands entirely. His eyes drop to where his hands had been; looking for any red marks or signs of bruising. 
“A tease.” Tony says bluntly, taking any possible edge off his words with a grin and a quick swivel of his hips into Peter. He tugs him down to swallow his gasp in a kiss, fingers weaving into brown curls and holding him there. Tony gave a small pull and a gentle kiss, just enough pressure to tickle the nerve endings. Then, he tugged; igniting the same spots and biting into Peter’s lower lip when the younger man’s cock leaked and twitched visibly from the treatment. Tony smirked and let him go with a parting kiss. “See the difference?”
“Y-yeah. I do.” Peter had to resist the urge to squirm and ride Tony into the mattress. This was for Tony. He couldn’t get distracted by his own horniness. 
“You can move while you’re doing it.” Tony adds, nonchalant, like Peter isn’t clamping down eagerly with each word. He tips his head so his throat is bared and suddenly it seems so vulnerable and erotic to Peter. He licks his lips and cups his palm around Tony’s neck, slotting his fingers into place, lashes falling down as his eyes flutter half lidded in arousal. His hand looks so soft compared to Tony’s skin.
Peter experiments by lifting his hips without letting go and- oh. Oh, yes. Tony’s cock glides against his inner walls, rubbing him in all the right spots; and when Peter rises up he leans his weight a little forward, each time pressing downwards onto Tony -careful not to lean too much weight, though- and he’s watching the man’s face go red and his eyes hazy. Peter’s dick is a forgotten brand of pleasure against his stomach. It’s ignored in favor of keeping both hands on Tony’s throat. 
Peter has no idea why he likes this as much as he does. There’s no denying the way he’s leaking pre all over Tony’s belly or the way Tony’s pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. He lets up on the pressure at the same time he slams himself down and grinds his hips in a slow, sinful circle; using a swivel Tony taught him. 
The sound Tony lets out isn’t a word but conveys an entire dialogue of pleasure all the same. 
Peter feels like his entire life’s focus is narrowing to that one sweet cry falling from Tony’s lips. It reaches somewhere deep inside of him and pulls out something dark and warm and Peter knows one absolute fact; he’s going to get Tony to make that noise again. And again. And again.
“Look at you.” Peter’s talking before he’s thought about what he’s going to say. Usually that’s a bad thing but right now it’s so easy. He doesn’t need to think about anything but how to keep Tony’s cock hard and his eyes blown until the brown is almost gone. “You’re so beautiful like this. You’re so hard inside me. You like it when I ride you with my hands on your neck?”
Tony nods his head; doesn’t even try to speak. His brain is swimmy and his body is thrumming. Peter’s been squeezing his inner walls in time with his fingers and his inadvertent double stimulation has pushed Tony right out of his own head and into a place of heat and bliss. He’s so close already. 
He reaches for Peter’s thighs, misses, lands on his knees instead. He traces upwards, undeterred, and skims the nail of his thumbs over Peter’s inner thighs to get his attention. 
“What is it, baby?” Peter’s never called Tony that- not like this. It makes his dick throb so good. Is this how Tony feels when he calls Peter those pet names all the time? Peter lets go of Tony’s neck to give him air to breathe and room to talk. 
“Close.” Tony’s single word reply is wrecked. The spot where Peter’s been gripping is red and angry. There’s going to be a collar of bruises for days when they’re done with this scene. Peter imagines sinking his teeth into the bruises and drops a hand down to grip himself and start stroking. 
“You don’t cum until I say.” Peter orders -orders!- and Tony nods his head up and down in answer. Peter sits up straighter from the rush of power that gesture gives him. He’s right on the edge himself from riding Tony’s cock while ringing his neck with Peter’s slender fingers. Tony giving in when he asked? Tony obeying someone, willingly, eagerly even? 
These thoughts were a kind of power rush all their own. He finds himself rolling his hips, lifting and lowering himself in short rabbit bursts. Fuck, he’s so close.
The short term memory of what he’s just been doing flashes behind his fluttering lashes and he speeds up his strokes. He’s going to remember this night for the rest of his life but he can’t keep his eyes open and tracking for long. He rocks himself so Tony’s cockhead rubs his prostate and he cum’s into his fist, thick rivulets oozing from the tip to slip all across his fingers and dribble downwards towards Tony’s belly. It doesn’t shoot but there’s still enough to leave a visible puddle in Tony’s abs that Peter wants to lick clean. 
After Peter’s come down from the initial high he locks eyes with Tony; he smirks and holds up the hand that’s covered in his own cum, cocking an eyebrow in question. Giving Tony an out. Tony reaches; squeezes Peter’s hips in encouragement. 
“Your turn.” Peter pauses for a moment, wondering -should he have used a pet name again? Too formal? Is he doing this right?- but then Tony rubs his hips and pulls his attention back again. He leaned forward as he’d originally planned and wraps his hands around Tony’s throat for a third time that night. His cum rubs into Tony’s neck as he starts to squeeze, fingers slotted where Tony had taught him to place them. “Cum for me. Cum inside of me. You’ve earned it.”
He knows exactly what those words have done to Tony; because they do the same to him when Tony uses them.
Tony keens and claws into Peter’s hips as he cums. His cock bucks and throbs for a long eternity, emptying what feels like his entire nights load deep inside of Peter’s thoroughly used hole. His body is one long nerve ending connected by the two points of Peter’s hands and ass. The sticky, wet press of Peter’s fingers below his jaw has his chest heating and groin throbbing. 
Peter slowly lets go of Tony’s neck and then sits still for a moment. He looks at Tony and wishes he had his cell phone close at hand. The man is a wreck; eyes hazy and gone, neck red and glistening with white, chest heaving. 
“Was that…” Peter’s unsure of the next part. They’ve both cum. Normally they’d be talking and joking by now but Tony’s...not really tracking. Or, he is, but very slowly. Especially for Tony. Which is why it takes Peter sliding off of his softening cock to jolt Tony out of his daze and pay closer attention. 
“You were perfect. Let’s get cleaned up, okay?” Tony’s still riding high but he’s fluid enough to regain control here, at the end. He sits up and gives Peter a kiss, cupping his hand around his cheek and ear to feel his heat. He can’t resist teasing Peter one last time before the aftercare really starts. 
“You’re going to be applying the concealer tomorrow when the bruises come in.”
Thank you for 300 followers! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZEBALS OMG. In honor of this momentous occasion, here is the first fic long enough to actually GO IN the Long Fic section of my Master List 😂 Go easy on Peter I wrote him intentionally as fumbling at the end because he didn’t think he’d like Doming Tony that much and once he didn’t have a clear goal anymore he lost direction and focus. He’s a baby Dom and needs time to get comfortable with every step, even after care. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by --rainboweyes--
When you think of this country, what first comes to your mind?
Argentina: We have a local brand of canned corned beef called Argentina, so instead of the country I immediately thought of that food. But if I really have to connect this to the country, I also remembered a wrestler called Giant Gonzales; he hailed from Argentina.
Brazil:  Those “Come to Brazil” hashtags that used to trend all the time on Twitter. Brazil had some reallllly loud fanbases; I’m just not sure if they’re still as vocal now.
Canada: Bret Hart. Also @inchoate-surveys, heh.
Denmark: I don’t really know anything about Denmark. OH WAIT NO there’s Legos, so we’ll go with that.
England: I honestly thought of their dishes first since I find them rather unique and super different from the Asian dishes I’m used to. We don’t really use beans or make a lot of puddings and pies, but I think they’re all interesting. 
France: Escargot and baguette lol. I’m constantly thinking of food, guys; what a shocker. Also the movie Funny Face since most of it was set in France.
Germany: Sauerkraut and long words.
Hungary: I always confuse Hungary with Germany, but the difference is I don’t know a single thing about Hungary. So I don’t actually know how to answer this haha oops, sorry.
Ireland: Niall Horan HEHE. Also the wrestlers Becky Lynch and Sheamus. Ireland’s got a lot of talented folks.
Italy: @justsurveys (:D), Lizzie McGuire, the movie Roman Holiday.
Jamaica: I also first thought of a wrestler. His name is Kofi Kingston and I remembered him because at one point in his career he was packaged to have a Jamaican gimmick even though he’s actually Ghanian, just because of his race and the fact that he had dreadlocks. Like seriously? Classic example of WWE being racist and stereotypical...ugh. It’s truly hard to vouch for them sometimes.
Japan: The brutally honest first thing I thought of wasssss how they took over my country for a few years and subjected thousands of women and children to various forms of torture before killing them.
Korea: Korean food :( Man I miss having jjajangmyeon.
Libya: Their old flag, which was just entirely green. No designs, no stripes, no other colors. Just a good ol’ green flag.
Morocco: I think of Marrakesh and how colorful the place is. I’d love to go someday.
Norway: Northern lights.
Poland: The current Pope. < OMG editing this answer. The Pope I was thinking of was John Paul II, the actual Pole. Pope Francis is from Argentina lmaooooo so sorry
Romania: I honestly can’t tell you a single thing. Slowly starting to realize that I’m not as good in geography as I thought I was, ha.
Russia: Onion domes, I think that’s what they’re called.
Spain: When I think of Spain I always immediately think of the unfinished church, Sagrada Familia is what I think it’s called, if I remember correctly. It’s in my bucket list of places to see, for sure. Then there’s also the 333 years of colonization, but I’m not feeling bitter enough tonight to rant about that.
Tunisia: Not a clue. I’m bringing my ass to read more about other countries after this.
Turkey: Gabie, because she has Turkish blood.
Uganda: That Joseph Kony documentary that blew up nearly a decade ago. I’m pretty sure that was based in Uganda.
United States of America: Trump, Target, cheeseburgers, elderly people on scooters, those machines at the store that count your coins for you, more cheeseburgers.
United Kingdom: The royal family, Black Mirror, accents that sound fancy.
Australia: Barbecue, kangaroos, deserts, Vegemite.
New Zealand: I thought of my relatives who live there. Also Lord of the Rings.
List 3 movies you like in each genre.
Action: Eugh, I hate this genre. Wonder Woman is probably the only action movie I ever really enjoyed.
Comedy: Can romcoms count? I like The Proposal, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, andddddd This Is Spinal Tap. 
Drama: Room, Revolutionary Road, Requiem for a Dream.
Fantasy: Huge pass.
Horror: Midsommar, The Shining, (the original) Carrie.
Kids/Animated: Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Tangled.
Romance: Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Carol, Two for the Road.
Sci-Fi: 2001: A Space Odyssey(!!!), The Martian, Interstellar.
Thriller: Misery, Black Swan, Gone Girl.
Western: Not my cup of tea. The only thing I could think of is Breaking Bad, and that’s not even a movie.
Answer just in numbers.
Number of brothers you have: 1.
Number of sisters you have: Also 1.
Number of the house you live at: Eh.
Number of close friends you have: Off the top of my head, 3.
Number of pets you have: 2.
Number of times you shower a week: 6 or 7.
Number of concerts you've been to in your life: Too many to count if I include local gigs at schools. But if we’re only referring to bigger acts held in arenas or stadiums, 4.
Number of cars your household has: 3.
Number of serious relationships you've been in: 1, but we dated twice.
Number of movies you've seen at the cinema this year: Hahahaha
Number of people who live in your house: 5, including myself.
Number of plug sockets in the room you're in now: 4.
Some more randomer questions.
What food do you have cravings for the most? My cravings are always changing, though. Right now, it would be sushi and takoyaki. We actually just had both last night for dinner, but we devoured them SO fast and now I’m seeking them out again.
What TV shows do you hate to miss on TV? I’m not that attached to any show. I used to religiously follow WWE Raw and The Walking Dead and always wanted to watch both live as often as possible, but those days are long gone.
What do you tend to lose the most? My appetite. As for actual items...probably pens.
The last time someone shouted at you - why were they shouting? It’s been a while since that happened, so I don’t remember.
Would you rather have a cactus or a bonsai? Cactus. I heard taking care of bonsai trees is quite complicated, and I just know I’d kill it within a day or two, if not a lot shorter.
What scary story freaks you out the most? Not really in the mood to think of an answer to this considering it’s 1:07 AM and dark as fuck in my room D:
Are you better with gadgets or cooking? Probably gadgets, but just barely.
How would you rate your own looks? Personality? I hate deciding on things about me. I don’t want to hype myself up too much but I don’t want to drag myself down either lol
What accent is the most attractive? Some English accents are very pleasant to the ear.
Do you get annoyed when people spell your name wrong? Not for the most part since I have the more uncommon spelling anyway. But if someone is talking to me on like Messenger or Viber where my name is blatantly stated and spelled out and they still misspell it, then I get peeved.
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