#don/'t re/blog
dottybot · 11 days
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hmmm, who else to add?? I have space for a few more synths.. :occ
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dustified · 11 months
i can't believe i've never posted this i swear i thought i did kenny practically collects stray kittens. he'll just find them, like, hiding out under his car, or while he's out on a walk, and he'll take them in, feed them, take care of them, try to find them more stable/permanent homes if he's able. it's like that 'universal kitten distribution system' thing that's been going around tiktok but instead of it happening to a bunch of random different people in south park it just keeps continuously happening to kenny
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panda-of-the-trash · 7 months
Unfollowing people on tumblr is like yeeting songs from my Spotify playlist
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friendleadcr · 1 year
still cannot believe both of these photos are of me. like...wack (both from the late 2010s, i can’t remember exactly when tho soz)
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onhigh-aa · 1 year
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what can i say. the man’s a toreador ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Gonna be honest seeing people be like "and there's no good fic/art for fandom" in one of the few fandoms I post in. Does not make me want to post more art or fic.
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biteinsane · 2 years
Who wants to be excited about Trigun with me, cause I will be regardless.
Fully rewatched the original series, might reread some of the manga, gonna watch the movie and just be excited about the new series.
I am very much for pretty boy Vash cause he is a pretty boy
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He is a baby cinnamon roll. 
I’m just excited and its keeping me going this week, it was one of my favorite animes and mangas growing up. I was cringe, it was great.
So requests later, maybe today, maybe more tomorrow, totally saturday. Just getting back into arting more and its hard and very unfocused.
I just need to do one important thing today and if I can get that over with I can focus a bit.
Until then, Trigun on the brain.
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radiovour-a · 2 years
inbox call! like or reply and i’ll send a meme or two your way~
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femmedionysus · 2 years
the facebook memories feature is bad actually
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 5 months
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okay firstly, don´t just blatantly use gendered pronouns for my partner when talking about them? "partner" and "they/them" are an option. use it.
secondly, OH ZOINKS I DUNNO SCOOB- maybe the big f*cking difference is that my partner respects me, my boundaries and my characters? maybe that´s the difference?? because they are asking lewd questions they know I am comfortable with?? and they don´t objectify/overs*xualize my characters in ways that can only make them and me uncomfortable??
honestly, I don´t even NEED to further explain this, because what I was doing by writing that text post was set a clear boundary. it was a very clear do. not. do. this. because I am uncomfortable with it.
but just to clarify, I was talking about "overly explicit" asks and messages. overly explicit does not mean making statements about a character´s body, being suggestive towards them or stating that they´re hot-
I was talking about asks where Alistair (my oc who´s a s*xual assault survivor) is being put into graphic s*xual situations that would obviously make him feel uncomfortable, is being objectified, or is being talked to in a degrading s*xual/suggestive way. (and honestly, that in turn makes me uncomfortable as well, because- big surprise- I am the one reading this gross sh*t)
(and even though I am pointing out Alistair in particular, because he´s getting the most sh*t directed at him, I am also receiving overly explicit asks about my other characters which are gross in other forms (like all the z**philic sh*t about Gosgo´s original form))
in summary: there is still a person behind the screen and this particular person does not want you to talk about their characters in gross, overs*xualized and degrading ways.
also my partner´s lewd asks are actually great and I am giving them special permission to talk about Alistair´s body as much as they want because they do so respectfully and with consideration of his feelings as well as mine cope and seethe :3
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cutealienenby · 2 years
are other people sometimes just fucking unhinged or is that just me? nothing says mental stability like scream-sobbing to the point of nausea in your bathroom, then stripping naked and putting on the most bizarre makeup look ever at 3 in the morning
to be fair i have some explanations, like i just bought new eyeshadow and my clothes restricting me made me feel like i couldnt breathe. but the end result still feels a little insane.
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syssyadmin · 2 years
received word from my doctor’s office that it’s not just the pharmacies near me that are having trouble sourcing depo-estradiol. it wasn’t super clear if they meant all formulations or specifically cypionate but it seems like they’re implying that even mail-order pharmacies are out. idk. probably not something worth panicking over especially if you haven’t had issues in the last month, but if I’d known there was a[n alleged] shortage before I was running low I’d have gotten my hands on a stockpile / alternative before lapsing. if you’ve heard rumblings then maybe it’s a good time for you to do so
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dustified · 1 year
i think im gonna completely revamp my muse list on this blog, if anyone im mutuals with followed for any muse in particular let me know tonight or forever hold your peace /lh
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twiinarmagcddons · 2 years
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#𝚝𝚠𝚒𝚒𝚗𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚌𝚍𝚍𝚘𝚗𝚜.            indie,  private,  selective,  18+  𝚂𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚞𝚡  𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚘𝚛.  possible  tw  for  violence,  blood  /  gore,  drug  use,  &&  untagged  inappropriate  /  dark  humor.  personal  blogs  dni.  𝚍𝚘𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚍  𝚋𝚢  𝚍𝚞𝚜𝚝.             ﹂⌥﹁ Ⅱ      𝚁𝚄𝙻𝙴𝚂.
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friendleadcr · 2 years
shit where tf did all the homestucks go, i wanna write karkat and sollux again.....
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onhigh-aa · 1 year
oh hey throwback to when the pilot FIRST dropped and my college friend was really into it and told me i should cosplay alastor and then i was like. “i wouldn’t ever cosplay from that unless someone bought or made the cosplay for me and just gave it to me for free” and then 2 years later i cosplayed angel dust entirely out of my own pocket, energy, and free time
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