#don’t forget that freeing ALL palestinian prisoners in administrative detention was the original hostage exchange proposal
palms-upturned · 10 months
Israeli committee discusses death penalty law for Palestinian fighters
Nov 20th, 10:45 GMT
The Israeli National Security Committee has convened to discuss a bill for the introduction of the death penalty against Palestinian fighters.
The proposal was advanced by the party of far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.
“The death penalty law for terrorists is no longer a matter of left and right … [it’s] a moral and essential law for the State of Israel,” said Ben-Gvir on X.
The proposal was met with great concern by family members of those taken captive during Hamas’s attack on October 7.
In a moving speech, Gil Dilkma, a cousin to one of the about 240 captives, pleaded with the minister to drop the legislation which could put at risk the lives of those taken captive in Gaza.
“Remove the law, if you have a heart,” he said, holding back tears.
Striking a similar note, the Missing Families Forum said in a statement that such discussion “endangers the lives of our loved ones, without promoting any public purpose”.
Far-right politicians, captives’ families split over death penalty bill
Nov 20th, 12:05 GMT
A member of the Israeli far-right Otzma Yehudit party yelled at a family member of a captive who showed opposition to a bill that would introduce the death penalty for captured Palestinian fighters.
“Stop talking about killing Arabs; start talking about saving Jews,” said a relative of one of the about 240 captives, according to Israeli media. His fear, shared by the Missing Families Forum, is that the legislation, if approved, could endanger the lives of their family members held in Gaza.
“You have no monopoly over pain,” Almog Cohen shouted back.
“You are silencing other families,” said Limor Son Har-Melech of the same party.
Jewish leaders criticise possible expansion of Israel’s judicial death penalty
Nov 20th, 14:00 GMT
The group L’chaim – Jews Against the Death Penalty has expressed alarm over the possible expansion of the statute, which could see Palestinian assailants being sentenced to death.
Earlier, we reported on a Knesset committee hearing over the controversial legislation.
“We urge the Knesset to reject any such proposals. Purely as a practical matter, enshrining capital punishment beyond how it already exists in Israeli law is unnecessary and will be an enticement to more terrorism and murder,” the group said.
“Acceptance of judicial executions as an Israeli norm is irresponsible and will cost innocent Israeli lives,” it said in a statement.
Relatives of some of the approximately 240 captives taken by Hamas on October 7 told the Knesset not to hold the hearing over concerns that it could derail chances of getting their relatives back.
Palestinian detainee was ‘beaten to death’: Prisoner rights groups
Nov 20th, 15:15 GMT
On Saturday, Israeli forces raided a cell in the Naqab/Negev prison and physically assaulted 10 Palestinian detainees, especially Thaer Abu Asab, a witness has said.
A released prisoner told the Palestinian Prisoners Society and the PA Commission for Detainees that Abu Asab, a 38-year-old from Qalqilia in the occupied West Bank, was brutally beaten.
“When his condition deteriorated, prison authorities initially refused to call for medical assistance. After about 90 minutes, a nurse inspected him and he was then taken away. We did not know what his fate was,” the released prisoner said in a statement.
The prisoners’ groups said Abu Asab, who was detained since 2005 and sentenced to 25 years in jail, was “assassinated” by Israeli authorities.
“This is part of Israel’s systemic assassinations against our prisoners, and it is premeditated,” the groups said, adding that five other detainees have died in jail since October 7.
(Emphasis mine)
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