#don’t get me wrong I like hermit….but her fans are 🥴🥴
edensjelsie · 2 years
I’m a little disappointed with Mashima choosing to do the Ziggy reveal so early in the arc. It also kinda worries me with what it’ll mean for Jelsie. The Ziggy reveal was supposed to be THE moment of the arc, the one with the most hype and the most exciting moment, it was supposed to be an emotional peak of the arc. And emotional peaks always come right before the end. What does this mean for jelsie you ask? Well, their fight hasn’t even started yet. So if the Ziggy reveal is done before the Jelsie moment it will mean one of two things:
1. The Jelsie moment will probably be a little lackluster and kind of an afterthought. It also won’t be as overall meaningful and their fight will end fairly quickly.
2. The Ziggy reveal is not the emotional peak and the Jelsie fight will include the emotional peak for this arc (bc theirs is the only fight that hasn’t started yet) which will likely mean that one of them or both will die
There’s always a possibility that something to do with Rebecca and her mom will be the emotional peak but idk I’m suspicious about Mashima putting off the Jelsie fight for so long especially when he gave so many scenes of them during the 4v4 situation and none of Holy but Holys fight still came first for some reason
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