#don’t get me wrong though I’m still an idiot and enjoy hades and Persephone retellings
This is a long post.. Spoilers for chapter 230 and tw sa
Okay so I have no one to talk to about this so I’m just gonna go on a bit of a rant here.. like I admit that my guilty pleasure is reading Lore Olympus and I discovered it a few years ago and been reading it every update since. However I do acknowledge it is a super bad retelling of Greek mythology and has a lot of flaws but I can’t stop reading the dumpster fire of the story that it is. So I just wanna talk about a few icks I have that I haven’t seen much of.
The age gap between Hades and Persephone, him being over 2000 and her only being 19 when they meet. I just don’t understand why that was important and I’ve see ppl say like of when she jumped the story 10 years ahead she is 30 so it’s not as bad. Like she aged those 10 years so obviously everyone else did too?? It’s still the same age gap they’re just older ??
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Why make Apollo the worse character ever. I really hate when SA is like the main plot of a story and I hate that Apollo did that and it’s implied he’s done it before. It kinda ruined my perspective of other portrays of Apollo in other retellings and stories. It woulda been okay ish if he was just a big headed dick
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Including Demeter! This recent chapter 230 it felt like suddenly she doesn’t care about her own daughter at all, like I’ve seen retellings that make Demeter the bad guy but this whole time it was giving potential that Demeter was starting to understand until she finds out that Persephone is now Queen and then goes ahead and publicly shame her instead of being idk helping her daughter and trying to understand her??? Like I’m so confused.
I’ve seen a lot of ppl point out how inconsistency Persephone’s design is and I didn’t notice until Daphne was introduced and I confused her and Persephone but then Daphne’s pallet kinda changed so it was easier to see the difference but then I started noticing that Persephone looks different every chapter and sometimes Hades design looked different too so I was like okay it’s more than one artist drawing these characters trying to copy the design like in Sonic X. However the episode where it shows the flash back of Rhea finding Zeus and “dying” /going into hibernation. SHE LOOKED IDENTICAL TO PERSEPHONE ONLY A DARKER SHADE?? Like I was so confused cuz I honestly thought it was Persephone at first too? I wonder if it’s suppose to be implied that hades could be in love with Persephone BECAUSE she is literally the spinning image of his mother Rhea????? I sure hope not. But but if Hera slept with Zeus’ dad Kronos and Zeus slept with Hera’s creator Métis so anything is possible I guess.
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I wouldn’t call this an ick, it’s more of an annoyance, I was looking forward to seeing how R*chel would portray Persephone and Hades being intimate like how we saw with Eros and Psyche. And unfortunately we got similar panels when Apollo SA’d Persephone which was awful. I hate. Anyway we had this huge build up to it potentially and then didn’t happen due to Ares interrupting. Which was confusing cuz now I’m not sure if they did bang or not??? Like it wasn’t talked about but it’s not clear? I’m still holding out but it feels like there is no point.
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This whole comic is a mess and it was clearly not meant to be this long but ended up that way and it really does have a lot of flaws and a super toxic fandom and I guess the author/illustrator can’t take criticism. But I just wanted to share major things that bother me in the story. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sellyworks · 4 years
I just wanna say.
Imagine even more pissed off the Lo Hater's would be if Rachel left in the incest??
And yes I understand no one likes the big age gap between hades and Persephone , I get it.
And yes I'm aware that we all really REALLY hate this version of apollo and can be seen as disrespectful to the folks who still worship him as a god.
I know , I know , we all know.
But WE DO KNOW. Is that in the original mythology telling of the Greek God's, they all are thousands of year's old and are kind of horrible to mortals in some ways but helpful in some ways.
Greek God's and their many escapades are famous stories. Especially Zeus's.
The story of Persephone and Hades has a lot a retellings. My personal favorite is Persephone willingly loving hades back and returning to him on her free will despite how upset demeter was about it.
Yes , a mother losing their child is nightmare and I can see why demeter was so enraged , I like to think along the few year's she at least learns to tolerate hades again and see how she needed to let her daughter be free and become a bright young lady and be loved by the perfect man that can and will always keep her safe.
Now with Rachel's story she's just making it more open and adding cool personality changes to the God's and goddess , I really love how She wrote Minthe. It's like a Greek character from a myth that you love to hate , and to make it better she added more character to Minthe besides just having her being an evil nymph trying to steal Hades and his affections.
She made Hera likeable! Of course I ALWAYS loved Hera , I felt for her because she had to marry an idiot little boy that does nothing but fuck anything with less than six legs. True because of that half of the pantheon is made up of his sperm - but Hera only has a few children of her own so of course she's Angry all the time and seen as a bitter wife , I just wish she didn't take it out on the children too , it isn't their fault they were born so -
This version of Hera doesn't fall into that line of being the vengeful goddess. We have yet to see her do anything over the top , even though I'm praying she fucks Thetis up in the end.
Her Zeus is pretty much in character with being an stuck up prick that loves to sleep around no matter what. Will we see more to him in the next season? Possibly.
Poseidon is extremely likeable!! In mythology is legit just copying his younger brother's actions when it comes to sleeping with women , Amphitrite doesn't deserve that - though mythology barely talks about her so there's that.
I'M just saying Rachel did a pretty nice job rewriting the God's and goddess.
The only god we all collectively have an issue with is Her version of Apollo , we know he would never do those things. If she explained why she wrote him like this Someone please tell me why.
Persephone has three suitors which are Ares , Hermes and Apollo. So? Myth Apollo never did THAT so.. it's frustrating to Greek mythology lover's like us.
But hey I don't see y'all ranting about percy Jackson, the books are fine but the movies aren't that great from what I can remember in my opinion -
Does percy Jackson hera HAVE to be that way?? Ugh - lord.
Moving on , I just know after that little video people are gonna Judge lore Olympus before even reading it sadly and you know what?... that's too bad.
Lo is just gonna keep going regardless and well....too bad for Hater's I guess.
If y'all hate this retelling of mythology so much.
How about YOU make YOUR OWN COMIC and see how that goes.
I'm not saying you wouldn't be awesome at it , I'm sure you will and I'd totally read Your version of Greek mythology without question.
Everyone has their own opinions and There's nothing wrong with that!
Just Wish we all could enjoy a comic and not throw tantrum about every little thing 😥😔😔😕
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