#don’t use my translations and ss wo credit
plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Ch 191: Rigorous Investigation - Highlights
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Note: have not read the entire chapter to translate as I just do not have the spoons/time this month. I’m sorry.
But I will give some basic highlights/key points. Please remember I’m human and I may not always get things right.
The chapter picks up straight from where ch 190 left off and is 17 pages. In it, we get Rob’s POV for the entire chapter, and learn more about why he was sent to the sanatorium and witness his fight with Layla.
Ron is surprised that Layla is the bizarre doll—he’s genuinely shocked (and maybe suspected Ada instead? I’m not entirely sure from the way he phrases it). It suggests that he wasn’t there to reap Bard or anyone else but to find out who the bizarre doll might be.
He’s grateful to Bard for “helping him find the bizarre doll”:
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(Yep he was watching the whole time and saw Bard get stabbed.)
Despite coming face to face with one of UT’s new dolls, Ron is still amazed that a being “without a soul” can exist like she does.
But he doesn’t have long to ponder this, because while Layla may look like a helpless little girl, she’s anything but.
She puts up quite a fight and surprises Ron yet again when she attacks him with a pair of scissors that are able to jam his death scythe lawn mower.
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Normally, nothing but another death scythe can cut one, so he’s surprised. Then he realizes, in horror—is it possible that her weapon was a death scythe??
(If so, it’s possible that all of UT’s upper level BD’s may be armed with death scythes of their own, in which case they pose a very real threat not only to the reaper organization but Sebastian.)
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Layla nearly does Bard v 2 to Ron (she is about to stab him in the back with the other half of her scissors) when Will shows up and saves his bacon by capturing Layla with his own death scythe. (Sure took him a long time to get back from Germany, huh? 😂)
That’s the end of the chapter. So it’s possible Ch 192 may be more reaper content. Perhaps they’ll bring Layla back to their HQ for investigation. I’m very curious to see what unfolds next.
Do not use my translations or SS without credit, please.
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