#don't ask me why I'm looking up cyborg pigs
everythingisok3000 · 2 months
Dude I prefer anything created by a child in MS paint fifteen years ago to literally anything created by AI. When I look up Cyborg Pigs I'd rather see this:
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every day of the damning week than ninety-percent of what's being shown to me on google images. There's just literally no artistic vision there whatsoever. Where's the desperation? The drive to make something with your own hands? You can't MAKE me like AI art man.
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linh-cindy · 1 year
Game On (Hunger Games x TLC Part 3)
Cinder takes a risk with the Gamemakers of the Hunger Games.
"It's important to take the defense mechanisms for use. You die from 10% infection and 20% dehydration. If you want to train with a partner, you may ask assistance."
Cinder glanced around the room. She was good with knives. Maybe she could put her skill to use.
Once the girl from District 2 had finished with the knives, Cinder went next. She grabbed a knife and threw it at the target. It landed onto the bullseye.
"You stole my knife!" Cinder heard a boy--Cato--yell.
"I didn't take it!" another countered.
"I'll get you! Oh, you know what? I'll just wait for the arena! I'll kill you first!"
Cinder looked up and saw a small girl, about 12 years old, on top of the climbing obstacle and holding Cato's knife, smirking mischievously. Rue, from District 11. Cinder couldn't help but smile.
She turned around and saw a dark-skinned boy who was also staring up at Rue, shaking his head and grinning. Thresh.
"Hey, cyborg freak!" a girl's voice taunted her.
Cinder turned around, annoyed.
A girl from District 1 with golden hair sneered at her. "Hey, look everyone! It's the Girl with a Missing Hand!"
"Nice one, Glimmer!" the girl from District 2 said. Clove.
"What kind of name is Glimmer?" Cinder asked. "And why is your name Clove? Some kind of clover leaf? Because I don't count you as lucky."
The girls stopped.
Cinder rolled her eyes and gave them the middle finger- with her left hand. The cyborg one.
. . .
"You did what?" Effie shrieked.
"I was angry. I'm sorry," Cinder said, shaking her head and looking down. "They called me a cyborg freak! What was I supposed to do?!"
"They deserved that," said Kai darkly.
Cinna nodded. "They shouldn't have called you that."
"They are Careers, Cinder!" Effie shrieked.
"And?" Cinder pressed her lips together.
Effie scoffed. "Fine. Whatever you want."
Cinder turned to Kai. "What's going to happen next?"
Kai sat up straight. "They're going to take you in one by one and they're going to evaluate you. District 1 goes first. You're last."
Cinder pushed back her hair.
Kai stared into her soul. "You have to show them everything. There'll be knives. I know you're good with them. And... how do I put this?" His brown eyes shined at her. "Make sure they remember you."
. . .
"Linh Cinder."
Cinder stood up and made her way into the room after 15 minutes of waiting for Chang Sunto to finish.
Cinder snatched a few knives from the stack and tossed one at the dummy, its blade digging itself in the dummy's head.
A few Gamemakers nodded in approval, but the rest were all cooing over a roasted pig. Cinder growled. She was being upstaged by a freaking dead pig.
She positioned the knife carefully so it would safely pierce the apple and not any of the Gamemakers.
One... two...
The knife darted through the air and pinned the apple to the wall behind the pig. The Gamemakers cried out and stared at the girl standing boldly before them in disbelief.
Cinder took a breath and bowed. "Thank you for your consideration." She put the knives back and exited.
. . .
"You did what?!" Effie said once again.
"They were ignoring me!" Cinder complained.
"That happened with me once," Kai said, rolling his eyes.
"Oh, no, no, no! You think this is going to be taken out on only you, Cinder? This is going to reflect badly on all of us!" Effie screamed.
"That was fair enough," said Cinna, folding his arms.
"So it's just bad manners, Cinna?" growled Effie.
"Really, Effie? Would they really take it out on Cinder? Or her district partner- what was his name again- Sunto? The individual training is private. If they're going to take it out on us, they'll have to reveal what happened publicly. President Levana won't like it," explained Kai.
Effie sighed.
“What did they do when you stabbed that apple?” asked Kai eagerly.
Cinder shrugged. “Well, they looked pretty startled.”
“And what did you say again? ‘Thanks for your…’”
“Thank you for your consideration,” finished Cinder, unable to stop laughing.
“Genius!” Kai clapped a hand on Cinder’s back. “Genius.”
He looked at her directly in the eye. “I would have given anything to see it.”
Cinna turned on the netscreen. Caesar Flickerman appeared on the screen.
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Today, we're going to reveal the scores of our Tributes!” Caesar announced cheerfully.
He looked at a paper on the table. “From District 1… we have Marvel, with a score of… Glimmer, with a score of…”
Cinder zoned out.
“…Clove, with a score of…”
“From District 3, Chang Sunto, with a score of 6.”
Kai nodded. “We can work with that.”
Effie clapped. Cinna smiled.
“And, from District 3, Linh Cinder.” Caesar paused for effect. “With a score of…”
Cinder could feel the tension rising around her.
Cinna, Kai and Effie shrieked in joy, surrounding her with squeals and screams.
“Oh my stars!” everyone screeched.
“Outstanding!” said Caesar from the netscreen.
Kai scooped Cinder up and twirled her around. She gasped.
“Sorry- sorry,” he said, setting her down as gently as he could.
“It’s fine,” gulped Cinder. She laughed hoarsely. “I thought they hated me.”
Kai smiled at her. “They must have liked your guts.”
“To Linh Cinder!” Cinna raised a glass of orange juice. “The Girl on Fire!”
They all agreed.
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