#don't be shy crit welcome
claiborneart · 2 years
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really struggling with a Plasmius redesign here
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Writer's of Night City Tumblr Community!
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What started as a Discord server to unite Cyberpunk 2077 fanfic writers, is now also a Tumblr community!
This was created because the Cyberpunk 2077 is such a visual fandom. But, wherever you find visual art, you also find writers. Albeit, in smaller numbers...
Sometimes it can be demoralizing wanting so badly for your work to be seen and you try so hard to remember, "It's a small subset of the fandom, numbers don't matter." And thus, this server and community was born.
As of right now, you cannot use side blogs with Communities. If you have questions or concerns, you can ask or DM @streetkid-named-desire which is my Cyberpunk 2077 side blog.
If you are interested in joining the Discord server as well, DM me!
Reply to this post or DM me if you want an invite!
Rules of this Community
These are the same rules as the server. And, just like the server, I will screen people that ask to join this community to keep Zwei, her sycophants, and other known predators and their enablers.
I am not shy about that, no. I explicitly do what I need to protect the members of the server and this community. If you take issue with that, make your own!
With that being said:
By joining this community, you agree to follow these rules which are subject to change or moderation at my discretion as needed, and agree to any moderation actions that may need to be made for violation of these rules up to and including removing the post or removing you from the community.
No bigotry: Full stop. Zero tolerance policy for any kind of bigotry.
Be nice: You are expected to not start drama in here or be shitty about other people in the community. If you are shitty to people in this community when outside the community and I find out, I will remove you from this community. No shit-stirring allowed.
Constructive crit only when someone asks: As this is an already small subset of the fandom, be nice. Don't like, don't read, etc. If you are looking for constructive criticism, please mention it somewhere in your post!
Keep politics to a minimum: art is political, cyberpunk as a genre is political, but politics are also inescapable, especially when you're of a marginalized identity. Keep it in context e.g. if your work features politics, you want to discuss meaning, etc. We're not here to debate economics, democrats vs republicans, current wars, etc. There are a million other activist spaces and this is not one.
For content warnings: Use common sense and decency. My own work features sexual assault and the genre is filled with sex, drugs and violence. Use common sense: Sexual assault, incest, domestic violence, violence/death against kids, etc.
No AI (defined as art or writing created entirely by a large language model. If all you did was type in a prompt to get the bulk of what "you" wrote? We don't want it.) No exceptions (unless you genuinely couldn't tell it was AI).
Respect established romantic orientations of characters: e.g. Kerry and Johnny being bisexual, Judy being a lesbian. Side-characters or characters where it may be much more fuzzy are okay. Do not argue about this. If you want to argue, take it to your own blog.
Unless this Community grows to become unmanageable, I am the divine ruler of this community. I am too old and have too much to do to worry about internet drama. That doesn't mean I don't care about making this space nice, it means that I prioritize what I want this space to be.
Content Guidelines
As this is a community for fanfiction writers, your posts should be centered around writing. They can include multimedia such as VP, but generally should be around writing.
OC development is also welcome and encouraged. However, that does not includes aesthetic development. We're not gonna discuss mods or review whether this hair color or another looks better. This would be about OC backstories, plans in your fics or AUs, etc.
OK to post:
Original work only: You can reblog into communities, however, it should only be used to reblog your own posts. We want to support each other and that means sharing our own work.
Links to resources: Do not reblog a random post written by some random Tumblr user about grammar rules or what tropes to avoid etc. Quality resources from other places on the internet. *Note: Reblogs from authors, publishers, or other writing app blogs are okay. e.g. Neil Gaiman, Novlr, OTW, etc.
Brainstorms, requests for feedback, etc. If you need to throw shit at a wall and see what sticks, this is the place!
Discussions of lore as it relates to writing: for example, how certain cyberware might be written or changed, fanon, etc.
Gripes about the writing process, personal struggles with writer's block, etc. (Though, try to balance it out with sharing your work/positive posts too!)
Links to templates, lists of prompts (preference given to Cyberpunk 2077 and science fiction prompts), or other creative resources.
Introductions of your OCs: You can share photos, but make sure to actually tell us about them!
Photostories: Use discretion. If it's significant and meaningful, if it has multiple parts, if it is related to your fics or OC development (such as illustrating backstory). It should include captions for dialogue or text explaining/telling the story.
Art/commissioned artwork if it relates to your fanfic or OC development. e.g. if you had a specific scene illustrated or want to write about the symbolism or other details about the artwork.
Your own commission posts: Please tag these as #open for commission and only post once a week if you wish to regularly promote it. Only tag the first post. This is not only to make sure we can easily find the post, but so we also give others fair chances to have their own posts seen.
Not OK to post
Virtual photography not related to introducing an OC, photostories, or fic illustrations. @fereldanwench runs a Cyberpunk 2077 Virtual Photography community I recommend checking out if you want another place to share your VP! You can DM her for an invite or more info.
Ask games unrelated to OC development or fanfic writing. Please tag these with #oc ask game, and check the tag to see if it has already been posted.
Writing unrelated to Cyberpunk 2077: Outside of sharing links to your AO3, this place is focused on Cyberpunk 2077 fanfic. Links to AUs with the same character are okay, within reason. For example, if your same OCs are in a Baldur's Gate AU, you can post the link to the main fic. Please do not post a link to every chapter.
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
Shy Anon here. I got HARDCORE Dean Stan in the quiz. It's funny cuz well. I used to hate Sam a lot up until recently (i was 13 when i started watching, I'm now 25). But now i just. Tolerate him? Because Dean loves him, and so I try.
Like i don't care about Sam or Cas, i have plenty of other characters I love. Like Ree. Ree my dearly beloved. I actually think that nickname will identify me in the fandom because I'm the only one that uses it but 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻
And yes. Plenty of things happened to me in this fandom over the years. I grew up in it. I got bullied. I had anon hate thrown at me, and this especially because I do not ship Destiel but i have plenty of Rare Dean Ships. I changed blogs a few times because of it. Whatever. I've learned to just stay in the Dean-side or neutral-Side of the fandom
I think a lot of people find themselves trying to tolerate one character or another, because we all analyze the chars usually starting out from just one char's perspective (or they might do things that dig into very specific hangups for us). As you know, I consider myself to be TFW positive, but if you were worried about it, I don't stop people from following me who don't like one char or another—even Dean. I doubt anyone with extensive issues with Dean follows me on this blog (unless it's a hate follow lmao) but Dean crits and Dean antis follow me on my other blog, and I don't care as long as they aren't constantly being annoying in my notes (because I actually mod the posts on that blog to keep the mood light-hearted for followers—anything overly nasty about a char gets removed so if someone is being annoying a lot, it gets to be a lot of work to mod and they might get blocked, but it's very rare that that happens).
I know I've told you over DM's Shy, but I'm really sorry to hear about the way people have treated you over some harmless rarepairs. I think it's a damn shame that some people in this fandom have such thin skins that they develop animosity toward people just for shipping something besides destiel (or other things), and I don't know why some people feel an entitlement to be so cruel about, what is, at the end of the day, all of us enjoying a TV show. I have seen some absolutely vile bullying happen in our fandom at times that will simply never ever make sense to me—who is doing that or how utterly pathetic and depraved and miserable they have to be to do what they do.
The destiel side of fandom can be really fun to engage with (because some of them will be happy to engage with you and others won't and the ones who will engage are generally nice), but interacting with the destiel fandom is also kind of like playing with fire—even for people firmly entrenched in that community. From an outside perspective though, you have a post that makes it too far into that community and someone who isn't as nice and kind stumbles across it and reblogs it to their toxic little circle and suddenly shit hits the fan. Some people are just unbelievable assholes, and I think destiel, being the biggest of the spheres we all drift through in this fandom, is naturally going to contain more people like that because the share of toxicity is (usually) proportional to size. But then if someone gets mad at you... it is, again—proportional to size, so instead of having like... 2 toxic non-shippers screaming at you from a total draw of less than 50 who make posts, you have... way more people to deal with than that. I understand wanting to stay away from that for safety—especially with a previous bad experience. Please know if you ever have issues with bullies, you can always come to me. I can't always promise much besides emotional support, but there have been a couple of small situations where I've been able to do a little more than that. Regardless, this blog is a safe place for you and you are always welcome here. <3
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