#don't get me wrong Madame Rouge is a badass name and I objectively love it
laura-de-milf · 1 year
I just know the moment that will break me into a million pieces this season is when Rita finally calls Rouge "Laura".
Not Dogshit MacGivens, not Madame Rouge--a name which was given to her by yet another patriarchal institution that refused to value her work--but her actual human name.
We saw snippets of it at the end of season 3, with Rita almost referring to her as "Laura" to Larry before correcting herself, spitefully, to "Rouge"; we saw her slip in the post-flagellation confrontation scene when Laura flies away and Rita screams after her, "Laura!"
I just know it's going to happen at some point in season 4 and it's going to f u c k i n g break me. 🥲
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