#don't get me wrong. this isn't abt trans ppl with no dysphoria and isn't abt reinforcing gender roles
1o1percentmilk · 1 year
i think there is a common transphobic argument that's like "oh just be gnc" that falls apart when you realize there are trans people who absolutely have physical dysphoria but are mostly fine with their agab gender role and stuff
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i just wanna whine a bit abt my species dysphoria.. i feel so truly distraught and hurt that im not an anthro cat. like a furry irl. every day i wake up and my body is weird and not what its supposed to be, and i can never have what i truly want.
and if i talk about this in the wrong place, i get people screaming at me that calling it species dysphoria is somehow disrespectful to trans people.. i *am* trans, dysphoria isn't a word exclusive to trans people.. not to mention the people telling me i'm crazy and delusional (i mean they're not wrong, i do have psychosis, but they don't have to be so mean about it)
i really wish i could wear a collar and tail and maybe a muzzle + ears out in public, but people would think it's a kink thing. i dont have anything against kink but that would just lead to even more harassment.. ugh
i wish the world was more accepting of ppl like me. ppl who never wanted to be human in the first place. i wish i could just live inside my computers and exist purely as a cat person in the digital world. but i can't get away from reality. no matter how hard i try :(
thank u for listening
I'm sorry society is so judgmental. It's not like you're actually hurting anyone by having these experiences. Is it weird? Yes. But weird doesn't equal wrong or harmful - and if you wanna wear cat ears people shouldn't try to stop you or judge you for doing it.
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