#don't know if i should like continue incomplete scenes with reblogs or new posts
refried-ghost · 1 year
He'd finally done it! He'd captured Zim!
The Irken struggled on the table he was strapped to, obviously panicked. But still he fought, uselessly. Pathetically. Refusing to ever accept the human's victory. That didn't change the fact Dib stood above him basking in it.
"Impressive!" His father exclaimed, looking down at his soon to be former foe. The boy wasn't sure how, but his smile grew wider, brighter.
"You actually did it." Gaz said. She wasn't thrilled. But he hadn't expected her to be.
"This will be a break through in our understanding of SCIENCE!"
"I know! Isn't it exciting?!" The boy was positively giddy.
"It is indeed son!" Dib hadn't realize the man had gotten behind him. He was setting something up.
His attention turned back to the irken. A giggle nearly escaped him as it struggled to hold back tears. He almost regretted the gag, but doubted his family would be having this conversation if Zim were screeching.
His smile faltered and turned to his father.
"I was right."
"You were! I'm surprised."
"Dad. Why didn't you believe me?"
His goggles as always, annoyingly hiding his expression. But his body language, frozen mid-action aside from the snap of his head toward Dib spoke volumes. His movement were careful when they resumed as if lost in thought. Likely conjuring some sort of half assed excuse for his neglect and maliciousness of tossing him to The Crazy House for Boys without an ounce of guilt.
"Dib. I- I understand that you might hate me-" was this going how he'd thought?- "and I don't blame you if you do." He approached Dib like one would a frightened animal. "Nothing I could say could excuse how I've treated you over the years. I should have believed you." He placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I should have listened. I'm sorry son."
Dib didn't breath. Wide-eyed. This was actually happening. He looked back up to the man.
"I don't forgive you."
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