#everyone is running away
refried-ghost · 1 year
Maybe he really was weak.
He'd put in his all, after all. He could cry injustice all he wanted, but it was just the way of the world wasn't it? And Skoodge, like he'd seen Zim do so many times, simply denied it. Unable to accept reality. Unable to fall in line. Unable to stay out of sight.
He done everything right. Everything a irken should do. Became everything an irken should reach for. But nothing could change the fact that he was short and ugly. He'd never accepted the unspoken rule that shorters weren't meant to be seen.
Nothing could rebuild their burnt bridges.
And he should have known that by now. He did know that now. But he should have sooner. He was too weak to face reality.
His antenna shifted uncomfortably in the hood. Eventually they ended up peeking out the front of it. A thick cloud cover had moved in quickly since he'd left Zim's base.
Normally he'd be terrified of being this exposed, but he just couldn't muster up the energy to care.
A pleasant smell he couldn't quite place began to waft through the streets. He kicked tiny pebbles on the pavement.
Skoodge couldn't go back. He'd decided to go to earth, to Zim, but still couldn't face the Irken. And honestly he just was lost.
A light breeze caught dandelion seeds.
He always had direction. Always had a goal. Had someone to prove himself to.
He took in little things as he stopped on the street corner. The broken slabs underfoot, the chunks of greenery in front of each dwelling, each with a different height of grass or mixture of plants, bird feeders, trees, fences, excited or cautious small creatures, telephone poles, stop lights and street signs.
It was nothing like Irk. In some ways it reminded him of Blorch. A sick feeling stirred in his gut.
There was a sting in his antenna which made him wince. He grabbed the appendage and gingerly checked it.
It was lightly steaming. He frowned and released it.
What was he now? What was he supposed to do? Did his life mean anything?
Would- would he be returned to the collective after his death?
What a morbid thought.
Little sprinkles of wetness began to color the concrete in front of him. Vaguely he heard shouting in the distance. A familiar voice. Skoodge bit his lip and crossed the street.
"GIR get back here!"
A giggle came in response.
Skoodge quickened his pace. They were heading back to the base from the looks of it. That meant he was in for a long walk back to the woods where he'd hid his ship.
Zim let out a pained hiss. The robot ran laughing acrossed the street. Skoodge looked back to see him pulling himself back up off the ground. His skin was sizzling? It was kinda hard to tell from this distance.
"Stupid earth rain," he grumbled wiping off his uniform. "I'm going home GIR! Put your suit back on!" He used his PAK leg to chuck it at the robot.
GIR goes from giggling to hitting the ground. He lets out a quiet oof. Zim quickly runs off. GIR jumps back into a stand, tossing the suit into the grass.
Skoodge began to walk away again as the robot caught sight of him.
He ignored it.
"Where ya going? WHERE YA GOING?!"
Oh, wow, GIR was nothing like Champ. He sorta knew that alread, but... He shoved his hands into the pocket and kept his head down. Quiet metallic thuds hurried behind him.
The sprinkling died off just as slowly as it began.
"Ooo," GIR veered into the grass.
Skoodge relaxes a bit. He walked and walked. More checked out of his surroundings then before. A mental map popped into his head as he thought about the path he'd first taken to the base.
He jumped when something tugged on his hoodie. Fear shooting through him. Before he knew it he'd turned making eye contact with the culprit. A frowning SIR looked back at him.
"Why are you so sad?"
Skoodge couldn't speak. He took a breath shutting his eyes. Then looked back at the robot with a small smile. "I'm not sad. I'm fine."
GIR looked at him suspiciously. "Hmmmmm." He brightened up, lifting a hand full of dandelions to the Irken. "Here! Cheer up!"
Tears, which seemed to be assaulting him far more often now, prickled his eyes. His mouth gaped unsure of what to say. Hesitantly he reached towards the outstretched gift, but pulled his hand back.
GIR stood up, grabbed his hand, and placed the weeds in them. He giggled.
"I- Thanks... Thank you GIR."
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refriedrambles · 1 year
Purple was a little sad when Red got the new ocular implants. He'd thrown out all his old clothes and anything else that matched the old ones.
He was worried Red would do the same to guns he customized, so Purple put them in his own room and cleared a space to rework them again. (The transition from this paragraph to the next reads weird)
But Red was beyond thrilled with them. Absolutely giddy about them. They took a while to be made. Longer to find a point in his schedule to have them swapped in. Purple kept his thoughts to himself.
In his new red and black armor, he laid his head back on Purple's lap. One of the biggest smile he'd ever seen on his face.
"Pur," his fingers grazed under Purple's chins, "how do I look?" A little sing song in his voice.
"Tall, dark and handsome," he said poking one of his black shoulder pieces. "Very handsome."
"I know I am."
He looked a little surprised. Then smiled down at him again. "Well, well. Look at you Mr. Confident."
"Pfft," Red gave him a dismissive little hand motion. Just barely grazing his neck again. Purple pulled back just at tiny bit a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "You say that like, I'm not usually." He paused, smiled fading for a second, "You're not saying I'm not usually, right?"
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tomboxed · 2 months
jesus christ could you get any gayer
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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One wedding and three funerals
Background paintings under the cut
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#tomgreg#succession#tom wambsgans#greg hirsch#shiv roy#roman roy#kendall roy#yeah no im not tagging everyone thats too much#this is me going 'how much implications themes and symbolism can i fit in one painting'#yes i gave rose shivs haircolor. if we ever find out how she looks like and its not like this im just gonna pass away i guess#but yeah i hope yall connect the dots#i put waaay too much thought and work into this. i was googling pictures of all the actors as kids just for reference (sigh)#honestly kinda wanted to make tom and greg link pinkies as like. a pinkie promise. but that was too hard to draw in this angle#at least not without obstructing the view of the ring which is important to see so ya#my fave is actually the tomshiv wedding pic i went off with that. i love them... they should have run away to become sheep farmers fr fr#anyway im so glad im done with this UGH!! finally i can draw smth else without being like oh noooo i need to finish this#i see a lot of you wondering why there is no portrait of logan but one of ewan#it's bc the placement of the painting represent their standing. logans portray would not hang next to the stairs#his present portrait hangs at the end of it. all the way up at the top. alone and withering away#basically the picture you see underneath ewan to the right? its where toms parents would be. the right side of the wall is tom and gregs#and the left one is the roy siblings theirs. since they grew up rich rich. and tom and greg didn't#but ya thats why ewan hangs here and logan does not :)
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brookheimer · 1 year
people acting like twitter's new post count is gonna cause a mass exodus to tumblr.... this website's demographic has not changed in 865578 years and it sure as hell won't now. this is the site for people who were weird and unhappy in middle school. everyone on here has either been around since they were weird unhappy 13-year-olds or joined when they were weird unhappy 13-year-olds, left because they thought they were normal for a while, then came crawling back again when they realized deep down they were still weird unhappy 13-year-olds. what does this site possibly have to offer you if you grew up happy well-adjusted and unaware of homestuck
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breesperez139 · 11 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #2
Danny loved his life. After his reveal to Jack and Maddie as a half ghost went right, everything started falling into place.
Vlad stopped his insane schemes once his parents were set loose on him. Sure he’s still mayor but he funds the town, keeps them protected from unwanted visitors, and is no longer trying to kidnap/adopt/clone Danny anymore.
Speaking of clones, Ellie was officially adopted into the family. She didn’t live with them full time with her obsession being freedom, but at least she has a home to return to now.
Dan was also adopted into the family. He is still on probation but turns out having their adopted family again (and as many ghost fruits as he wants) helped ease the rage. That’s not to mention Dan’s and Skulker’s bi-weekly figh- errr meetups.
Well at least there’s been no property destruction since he’s been crowned. After he and his rogues began scheduling their own meetups, his grades started going up again. So while he may never become an astronaut like he always dreamed of, he could still go up to space and see the stars whenever he wanted to.
Sure, being king wasn’t exactly what he wanted in life (or death) but he could protect his ghosts and liminals better this way. And considering his entire town is either ghost or liminal, it was just easier to protect them from the GIW and the government in general with a crown on his head.
Besides being king isn’t all bad either. He’s rich now meaning they won’t be racked up in college debt, he has cool artifacts that were gifted to the ghost king over the millennia that were left untouched but he’s not about to return them (they were gifts to the ghost king, practically funeral gifts like flowers but more rare and expensive), and he has crazy powerful Ancients as friends/family/mentors/protectors. He’s still a baby in ghost years and a minor in human years so he’s not expected to do much either way.
Life was going great, especially after Amity Park adopted ghost etiquette and ecto-infused food and beverages.
So why the Ancients are the Justice League of all people standing outside his front door with the Batman looking thoroughly freaked out the moment he opened the door? He hasn’t said anything yet either!! Stupid fucking government heroes.
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mugentakeda · 7 months
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boiling rock fun
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 204
Danny is on a bit of a roadtrip. An accidental roadtrip and might be getting chased by some sort of assassins or whatever they were. Look, it’s not his fault, he was injured and out of it! How was he supposed to know that the Pits or whatever the people were yelling about were important. Or sapient. 
Actually, he should like… “How do you even know how to drive if you’re like, thousands of years old??” That was not what he was going to ask his current roadtrip buddy, but maybe he had a concussion. 
Ectoplasm-green eyes turned towards him from the road, framed by a mixture of black and white hair that shifted like his own. “You most likely don’t want to know the answer to that, actually.” Okay, but what if he did, huh? 
“Okay, but where are we going, because I don’t think this is my dimension…”  
They shrugged, their clothing shifting with the motion. Ha, ninja clothing for a sapient pool of ecto, or whatever it had been. “I am, not exactly familiar to things that were not known to those thrown into my blood, so we’re, I believe the saying is going in blind?”
“Oh. Okay. Y’know you’re kind of nice for an ecto-death pit thing.”
“... I am going to pretend I didn’t hear that, child.”  
“Okay. I’m going to go to sleep because my head hurts.” 
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treasureplcnet · 7 months
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inverness here they come!!!!
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thunderc1an · 6 months
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Does Barnaby
Does Barnaby tell the others to get off his lawn when he's angry
psh, who do you think he is, an old man? he'd Bark, like any lively young dog
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refried-ghost · 1 year
Everyone had left.
Well everyone that could. Skoodge remained thankful for Computer's seeming disinterest and had been kicking around the idea of repairing his more neglected parts. He'd ask first of course. But he hadn't mustered the motivation to talk to anyone else yet. Not- not after everything.
He took a shaky breath and focused on the vent cover infront of him.
He didn't want to... To keep wasting away like he had been for the past few weeks.
It clattered to the ground in his moment of brooding.
"Sorry," he whispered nearly inaudibly.
After returning the cover to it's place Skoodge made his way up to the surface. He swiped a couple of things from the fridge knowing they wouldn't be missed and settled in the living room.
Earthen food was good. Not great. But so much better then the things he was force to eat on Blorch. Their was pang of regret and frustration. Why'd he have to go through everything he'd ordered from Foodcourtia? He'd ordered so much planning to save it for a while. A little treat to remind him of the home he'd never return to. But instead he'd done something he'd only ever done once or twice before.
He binged. His cruiser now littered with the discarded wrappers in it hiding spot. None of it was left. And he didn't have the coding or equipment to make anything similar.
The room brightened suddenly stirring Skoodge from his mind. Nothing was out of place. No one appeared. No new sounds. He glance to the window. A bird whistled it's song.
Earth was interesting. From what little of it he'd seen. He felt a tug.
"Hey, Computer," he began hesitantly.
"What?" Exasperation was clear in it's voice.
"Could you help me with a disguise?"
"Can't you do that yourself?"
"I don't have that kinda equipment anymore..." He thought for a moment. "I mean I could steal some clothes but..."
The machine sighed. A metal tendril whipped out out the ceil dropping something on his head.
"It's got a hood," it stated. The ex invader uncovered his face. It was a grey piece of fabric. Stained much like his uniform, despite his repeated efforts to remove it. He looked up to the ceiling a slight bitterness swirling within.
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refriedrambles · 1 year
"Zim?" That stupid voice called softly. He sat beside him. "A rough day, huh?"
Zim glared at him, before melting back to sorrow.
"Okay, okay. I probably shouldn't have said that. That's on me." A mug clinked against the floor. Skoodge carefully slid it over, steam rising in faint plumes. "We made some hot chocolate," he held an unopened tiny packet of colorful marshmallows out for him. "They're making one's with cereal themes now."
Zim stared for a minute. Then tore them from his hand and let them drop into the mug.
Skoodge smiled at him, carefully pulling his hand back.
He looked at his own and blew on it. Zim hissed at the heat, but forced it down anyway.
"Oh boy. Maybe I should've waited for them to cool off before bringing them over," he said wincing. He took a drink of his own.
Zim slammed his empty mug down.
"That was quick. Are you hungry? GIR made cupcakes."
Zim looked at him. Skoodge took another sip, maintaining eye contact. Zim looked at the mug. Skoodge followed his gaze to it, then looked back up to him. Slowly holding it out. After some hesitation Zim plucked it from his hands. Skoodge watched him take a small sip. Then fiddles with his gloves.
After a while, "welp," he slapped his knee as he struggled up. "I'll bring the cupcakes down." He picked up the empty mug. "Take your time, Zim. Scars fade." He smiled softly before turning away.
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syn0vial · 5 days
i appreciate that in the boba fett expanded universe canon, we have multiple moments from multiple authors that boil down to "despite his reputation/appearance, boba fett is not fearless, and is in fact doing his level best right now to walk calmly away from this objectively terrifying situation rather than breaking into a fucking sprint in the opposite direction"
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luna-lovegreat · 6 months
For those who don't have Twilight Princess but would like to know:
The move Twilight performed while fighting Dink is called the helm splitter. It's one of the Hidden Skills that the Hero's Shade, aka Time (but as a skeleton oof) taught him
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This move is often an instant kill. It is harder against Lizalfos, so the goal is to quickly turn around and deliver a slash. He lands with his back to the enemy- which made Dink grab him from behind (and bit Twi's arm ouch). But it's one of the most powerful moves Shade taught him- he practically ripped out Dink's shoulder.
One of the art screenshots is not Lu, but art Jojo did of shade teaching him to do it. (Can confirm it was terrifying- bro stopped the blade an inch from Twi's head- after telling him it's called the helm splitter)
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incorrectclonewars · 1 month
Separatists: I have an army.
Obi-Wan: We have a Anakin Skywalker.
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