#don't know if i shouldddd bc
taegularities · 1 year
my brother told me about a writing competition thing where i live :') meaning i can submit an original work until the end of august and the winner gets a ton of money + feedback by top notch people + the book will be published at a very popular book store around here. and i… :') kinda wanna partake :')
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dirtnote · 1 year
4 5 and 6 for the specific asks :3
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
ooohhh hm so the thing about dragons i think is interesting is how we've found them in lore/illustrations in places around the world that had no contact with each other (as far as we know) and who all came up with them in roughly the same span of time? like i don't really actually think they are/were real but i just find that mysterious & interesting.... maybe it's vaguely possible. who is to say
however i DO definitely believe that there's little. sprites and spirits that exist. and people have attributed them to be several things-- fairies, ghosts, etc. there's a form of ghost i believe in as well. but i think everything we do leaves an impact, a shadow, a. vibe? if you will, so the ghosts may be a perceived manifestation of that.. or not.... maybe ghosts are sometimes just someone in a far off place astral projecting to a random place to fuck with ppl but i've literally seen glowing orbs with my own eyes and thats enough to convince a person that theres little entities we haven't officially discovered yet with science (as well as second hand accounts)
5. favorite form of potato? omg.... this is very difficult to answer bc i love so many of them. fries are of course great but TATER TOTS???? garlicy mashed potatoes? how do i choose </3
6. do you use a watch? no but i SHOULDDDD i keep meaning to shop for one
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