#don't make me slash srs ship cucuhalo man don't do this to me please whoever the new players are woo q!bbh put up with him and love him
gooperts-gunk · 8 months
imagining cucurucho as a pathetic little guy crawling to any of his favorite islanders and going "they took my managerial job from me. im just doing contracted work now. i owe them nothing but i won't tell you anything confidential. they could take me around back and shoot me any second but i have plans to finish." but he showed up normal today so nevermind, skull emoji LUL
is it too late to make him be a little upset like in a silent way. like he lingers around a person they ask "wtf is up with you why aren't you leaving". i want q!bbh comforting him like "it's ok to lose ur purpose cucurucho! i lost my purpose when the federation brought me to this island! imagine what my boss will think when he finds out my soul quota is down... i think what's happening to you is called karma! :)"
okay maybe i just miss q!bbh and cucurucho interacting and i miss special guest crumbs but that's besides the point i want bearfailure cringeflop cucurucho, just sopping wet bear, the rabbits leave him out in the rain. living out of a dirt house with 1 cyan sofa in it.
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