#don't mind her she's sharing her body with some ancient entity
misculenica · 1 year
Dirthamen & Fen'Harel
I've been doing a lot of speculation lately on DA:Dreadwolf, and I just want to take a break from it by going back and thinking about the evanuris; the cause of all this shit. Specifically, my favourite of the elvhen pantheon; Dirthamen - god of secrets, and how he relates to my favourite problematic love interest; Solas.
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What we know of Dirthamen is rather little.
We know he was believed to be a god of secrets and knowledge, who took his secrets very seriously. He conquered to spirits/concepts in the form of ravens (metaphorical or not) called Fear and Deceit. He was the 'brother' or 'twin soul' of Falon'Din; god of death and guide to the souls of the dead (according to elven legend, at least). He and Falon'Din were close, from what we can gather, though it is uncertain whether or not they were brothers. Though some suspect that they were the same entity, occupying the same body- by way of a spirit possessing a host, or, some form of 'split personality' - I find this interesting, but I'm not here to discuss Falon'Din, or the relationship he had with Dirthamen; I'm here to discuss the relationship between Dirthamen and Fen'Harel.
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Fen'Harel; the Dread Wolf, He Who Hunts Alone, the Lord of Tricksters, the Great Wolf, Roamer of the Beyond, Pride/Solas (wisdom?). The elven god of betrayal or rebellion. Solas, it's just Solas, we know what's up with him.
I find it curious how Fen'Harel and Dirthamen orbit a similar spheres of 'divine' influence; deceit, knowledge, trickery, secrets. I imagine Dirthamen being the keeper of secrets and knowledge are rather odd things to be a god of; what is a secret and piece of knowledge but something that can be used (or locked away forever - keep this in mind). I would argue he was more of a spymaster - like Leliana, but good at it - especially given that the gods are not truly gods, but powerful mages who were once great generals. I imagine a sort of Petyr Baelish from ASOIAF, but with a qualitative, fuckton of magical power along with his 6-dimensional chess brain. But considering this; wouldn't we regard Fen'Harel/Solas as the sneaky one of the elven 'gods'? He does an excellent job of cultivating lore, knowledge and lost secrets that few else hold. It just sounds peculiarly similar to me.
Now, I am not saying Fen'Harel/Solas and Dirthamen are the same person, but they are similar in many regards.
I believe they were likely friends before.... Well, before shit hit the fan, so to speak. Perhaps rivals, but I like to believe it wasn't necessarily a rivalry fuelled by hatred. Like, when you see another person on the track and you just know you can run a bit faster or longer than them, though you wouldn't want them to stop altogether, that would ruin it for both of you. Friendly, perhaps spiteful, rivalry, then? Yes, I'm pulling this out of my ass (absolutely for fanfiction reasons, and fun).
Please consider that Dirthamen is known as the keeper of secrets and knowledge, and Fen'Harel/Solas is a pursuer of knowledge and lost/forgotten lore (or secrets). I find that very, very curious. I imagine they operated differently; allow me to elaborate.
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Why is this relevant? Well...
I believe in this (we know to be quite reliable, as it's information from the ancient elves themselves) being some multi-dimensional chess move by Dirthamen. The sinner belonged to Dirthamen, so why would Ghilan'nain urge a slave to do something that was considered 'high treason'? We know that Dirthamen created the Varterral, and Ghilan'nain created a great many creatures, so perhaps they were quite close, or shared notes on the creation of weird looking creatures. Why would Ghilan'nain urge a slave to take the form of (presumably a dragon, a form reserved for the gods and their high priests)? I don't think she would do it of her own volition, it feels very... Out of place for her - why would she urge one of Dirthamen's slaves to do something that will get him punished/killed, and likely get her in trouble with the other Evanuris for telling him to do it - and even then, why would she want some random slave to become a dragon when the consequences seem so obvious. Unless...This will sound out there, but what if Dirthamen was plotting something with this, and used Ghilan'nain to cover his tracks? Why would he be plotting?
The slave begged protection from Mythal, who is the most known among the gods for caring for and being protective of her people. But she didn't, she didn't show him favor - she let Elgar'Nan judge the slave. Why would Dirthamen not judge the slave, if he belongs to Dirthamen? Dirthamen is a keeper of secrets and knowledge, and I feel like he would know if one of his own was doing something (like becoming a fucking dragon, at the urging of another god, no less). What if the goal of this was to test the other Evanuris and what they would do if a slave (or bunch of slaves) took the form of 'the divine' (I imagine they somewhat revered/respected the dragons and their power/strength to regard them so highly, so that would suggest they are powerful... Powerful enough, to possibly challenge the other gods?).
We know that the gods did get uppity, rivalling one another at times, as the example of Falon'Din and how he started wars to gain more followers, and the other gods (particularly Mythal) had to rally together to stop him only when he started invading the other god's lands. So we know that it happened. What this tells us, along with Andruil and whatever plague she brought upon her lands, is that the gods don't care what happened within each other's spheres/realms of influence/lands, unless it challenges their own authority. Though I will bring up why this is relevant to Dirthamen and Fen'Harel's relationship later.
Back to the sinner/slave; what if it was to directly challenge Mythal? Why would the slave not ask for his own god/patron to judge him? Why specifically Mythal - the goddess who is best known for taking the form of a dragon (and from what we gather in the games, does not seem inclined to share the knowledge of that form with others)? I suspect, Dirthamen told Ghilan'nain to do all this, or perhaps... Tricked her into getting the slave to do all this, so to keep himself from the other god's ire/suspicion? All eyes would be on Ghilan'nain, surely. And the worst Dirthamen has to deal with is seeming incompetent for not being able to keep his own people in check (kind of perfect, if your goal is to get people to lack confidence in your ability/underestimate how well you do have your people in control). But why did Mythal not judge him? She was the go-to for judgement/justice within the pantheon, it was practically her realm of jurisdiction. She gave him to Elgar'nan to judge, and we can only assume Elgar'nan just fucking eviscerated him- given his reputation (Mythal must have know the slave would be killed, it was essentially a death sentence to hand him over to Elgar'nan; it's like a big 'oh, okay, alright, yeah put that in the 'I don't care' pile'). Let's consider what would have happened if the Mythal protected him; she would have been defying the rules (the slave had committed a massive sin), picking favourites, and it wasn't her slave to begin with. If she thought the slave was committing some atrocity/sin, surely she would have killed/judged him herself? So why didn't she? It would have been undermining Dirthamen's power/authority, and perhaps it would have looked really bad for her to personally judge/kill a slave who had begged for her protection? So she hands it over to Elgar'nan, the father of the pantheon, the big daddy, the chief, the Don. Nobody would question him doing shit.
So I imagine the goal of this was to sow dissent/mistrust between the gods. I imagine Elgar'nan was annoyed at the slave, annoyed at Mythal for not dealing with it personally (when it's her sphere of influence to pass judgements), annoyed at Ghilan'nain for making this all happen, and everyone else is likely annoyed at one another for the fact this could happen, a lack of trust in one another has been sown. Mythal purposefully shirked her duty, Ghilan'nain purposefully provoked this into happening, and all that Dirthamen can be accused of is being a bit ignorant/blindsided (I don't know, I just think it's genius if he did this with the intent of being a sneaky bastard who nobody thinks is as good as he claims to be). Unless Fen'Harel had a part in this somehow, I do smell the faint whiff of suspicious shit, but I couldn't say.
Back to the thing about what Solas says concerning the gods challenging one another's realms/lands. At the Temple of Mythal, Solas remarks on Falon'Din's vanity, and how he would crave adulation to the point of murdering anyone who doesn't show enough reverence for him, and starting whole wars just to gain more followers (going so far as to invading the lands of the other Evanuris). But I find it odd how he doesn't mention Dirthamen, given that he seems to know them all personally, and would know that Falon'Din and Dirthamen are 'inseparable'. So the lack of mentioning says to me that Dirthamen was not like his brother, and from what I'm guessed above; it seems Dirthamen was subtle, he perhaps wasn't vain, but he was certainly not without motives, or getting others in to trouble, and avoiding it himself. He didn't start big, noisy 'I'm going to come get you' wars. He got others to do things, and keep himself out of trouble. He was clever, and he knew things others did not, and he knew just what to do to get others to act.
Who does that sound like? Hmmmmm.
I also find it worthy to note that Dirthamen's Wisdom was a literal shield, some lost item of great significant (at the Temple of Dirthamen). His wisdom was a shield, think about that. Something to block attacks, to avoid being hit, perhaps knock someone back. He was smart and he knew how to use his smarts on the battlefield. Shields are awful on the battlefield; they're big, bulky, heavy, almost impractical unless you're using tactics like shield walls, or are facing a single opponent using something useless like a bow (or magic). They had their uses, it's just an unusual item for a mage god-king as seemingly his lasting legacy. It's a defensive piece of equipment, not really offensive unless someone's right up in your face - and I think that says a lot about him (more than some multiple paragraph tinfoil hat rambling about how Dirthamen is a master manipulator because a slave became a dragon).
I would also like to point out that you find Dirthamen's Wisdom in a box with this symbol on it;
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And then this;
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As far as I know, these are the only 2 instances of this symbol (please prove me wrong); Dirthamen's Wisdom container, and Temple of Mythal Fen'Harel statue.
Dirthamen and Fen'Harel/Solas are remarkably similar. Both like others to do their dirty work for them, both seems exceptionally clever, and employ underhanded tactics, both avoid the offensive position when it comes to fighting, and both are pursuers and keepers of knowledge. I refuse to believe they didn't at least respect one another, if not, had some sort of... (don't say rivalmance, don't say- fuck) rival... friendship (perhaps not quite friendship? Like... rivals, but not in the 'i will kill you' kind of way. Like, you bring out one another's best side -best side being their talents- and there's a kind of comfort in seeing part of yourself in another, especially if it's a part you pride yourself on).
And this is just for extra fun;
Dirthamen is heavily associated with ravens (fear & deceit). Fen'Harel is associated with a wolf (being the Dread Wolf).
Wolves and ravens have a very close/friendly and symbiotic relationship; raven's are typically scavengers, and rely on larger predators to provide their meals for them. The closest relationship they have (rather famously) is the wolf; being known in some cultures as wolf-birds. Ravens will attract wolves to carrion, who will remove the tough hide and bone, to get to the 'good parts', meanwhile they will watch over the wolves eating to warn them of other predators. Wolves and ravens also engage in play, yes you heard me, ravens have been documented throwing sticks to wolves and engaging in tug-of-war with pups.
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I really like Dirthamen. I hope we get more on him in the next game (let the Evanuris rise again!)
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vole-mon-amour · 7 months
1x04, part 1.
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I have a purebred British short-hair myself and nope, this one ain't it. It's a stray with no breed. Often people mix British cats with Scottish ones, too. British short-hairs are my one true love.
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I don't think I've had a good family relationship in this series since Hill House? I mean, sure, there was Bly Manor with the kids, but the had their disagreement.
This? I'm happy to see that at least SOME people in the family were close. Makes me think of Luke and Nellie. Of Luke and Steven (especially these two, Steve UNDERSTOOD Luke in a way. While Nell and Luke were twins which means they shared EVERYTHING). So Luke and Steven work better for these two in my eyes. He's full on in denial and cries his eyes out, plus he's angry with that family of him. I mean, he's THE only one who cries at the table, and she visited him before going to the lab.
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a king!! i mean, a lying and cheating piece of shit, but he's so real for this one. i think both Mike and Rahul might've outdone themselves with this one.
Mike with his writing, Rahul with his acting.
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considering that my parents died 12-13 days within each other, even I wouldn't be able to answer that question. that's fucking HARD and painful.
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the raven, heh?
so wait a damn moment. she's a raven, she's a chimpanzee, she's a cat. all black & all animals. aside from using her human form, of course. but 'you lot'. and wait a damn moment, at the shelter she was wearing a choker but i'd call it a collar for sure.
i'm actually sad Camille died so fast. she was a very interesting character exactly because she was the smart one.
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grief do be doing things like that to you and your body.
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hey, um... so she's an ancient shapeshifting entity. girlfriend material. :)
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so, does he think they're doing it on purpose? and ARE they doing it on purpose? or is the entity making them do it? orrr they're so mad at him that they're actually doing it themselves?
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Mike taking a 50 minute poem and making into THIS. The mind of that man!!
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I find this incredibly sad 'cause I get Rod's dilemma. But he grew into that role. He told the same words to his children. "Sir, yes, sir." I have conflicting feelings about this.
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LOOK AT THIS CUTIE. and it seems that she only shows herself to the dude? the others don't see her and how she constantly smacks him and scratches him? hehe. don't be a dick to cats.
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I see you, Mike. I see him playing Cyberpunk 2077, heh.
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My dude, you're just a mouse to her. She's probably hundreds, if not thousands years old.
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oh, she's gonna eat you alive. <3
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thor's hammer aka this is a comedy, lmaooo.
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miccatepoztli · 5 years
@detrituus liked for a starter!
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“--Sorry, did I say something weird just now?”
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song-of-kalinaw · 3 years
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Human Host
Name: Lilith Selene Lair
DOB: October 16, 1996
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair: Black, waist length
Occupation: Socialite, Empire Heiress
Current Location: Seoul, South Korea
Name: Lilith
DOB: [information redacted]
Origin: Garden of Eden
Entity type: Original Succubus
Eye Color: Black Onyx
Hair: Black, waist length; morphs to preference
Current Location: Seoul, South Korea; Interuniverse travel
Human Host
Lilith Selene Lair, the mute heiress to the Lair Group of Companies, has her life planned out for her even before she was conceived. But after being born with a heart problem and spending most of her childhood in the hospital with only her brother as company-- she was known in their circle as the quiet princess, not just because of her mysterious mutism but because of the timid personality she adapted after her stay in the hospital.
She can be seen mostly keeping to herself but come forums or parties organized by her family or their friends, Lilith can play quite the host with her handy tablet always ready with a funny retort or an interesting inquiry. The heiress is also fond of kids and pets, which is why on warm afternoons or in the early mornings, she'll visit the park in their gated community to watch the toddlers play or pet a dog or two.
In her free time, she mostly stays indoors in the estate library poring over books or in her sunroom, just painting landscapes or abstract art she wishes to share with her brother in the slim chance he'd remember her.
Lilith, the mother of demons and Adam's first wife, has learned to love partying. She would internally roll her eyes and offer snide remarks at her human host whenever the latter would attend functions and formal dinners-- the elegance wasn't lost on her, but after centuries of holding court at Pandemonium, the formal parties has simply grown to bore her.
On the chance that her host would slip and unleash her, the demoness always finds her way to bars and clubs, just taking her fill of alcohol and sex; creating an underground image for the heiress. Reckless and determined to have her moments of fun, Lilith would sometimes even alter her host's appearance so she can disappear to some random country or hop in a lover's yacht and not show up for days or weeks at a time, feigning sickness with the help of her human doctor friend.
trigger warning: description of rape, cursing, violence, death disclaimer: this story was written in the point of view of lilith (the human host) and lilith (the first woman, mother of demons). God and adam was depicted here as what the writer assumes is how lilith (the first woman) saw them. please don't take offense in the story Her first memory came in a flash of light before her eyes, mere moments before she heard the beeping of machines and the antiseptic in the air fills her nostrils. She's back on her hospital bedㅡ and it feels wrong, like she shouldn't be there. Wearily, Lilith opened her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of her hospital room. The familiar surrounding easing her worries, which if she takes time to think about is actually sad on her part. She's spent more time in this ward than on her wing in their estate. A depressing thought considering it's not something any teenager can normally stay. Unfortunately for her, normal has never been part of her upbringing, which also could be the reason why its her brother, Lucien, standing by her bedside with... wait, is that blood? She reached out, earning herself a smile from her beloved brother, but when she tried to speakㅡ panic came over her body, her lips were forming words but only incoherent sounds seem to slip out. I can't speak. What's happening to me? Her panicked gaze find Lucien's, frantic tears already rolling down her cheeks. Brother, help! was what she wanted to scream but no words escaped her mouth. And amidst her confusion and panic, a voice at the back of her mind demands her to shut up. Whose subconscious tells them to shut up? Her confusion at this new development was enough to abate her tears and panic. But instead of getting an answer, not that she was expecting one, a wave of new memories washed over her. In quick succession, flashes of memories flooded her mind resulting to a terrible headache coupled with the erratic beeping of her heart monitor. It felt wrong, as if they are a memory of someone ancient and yet she's looking at them from their perspective. She saw a blazing warm light together with the sound of birds chirping and the smell of crisp summer air. There was a man with her, holding her a hand... and another, who felt like he could be their Father. Came the next memory, it was of her and their Father. Somehow they were talking about Adam and how he wanted to sleep with her. She came to their father because it felt wrong somehow. She was happy just helping around, caring for the animals and plants. But now... The memory faded into black but the unsettling feeling at the pit of her stomach remains. Who owns these memories? The next memory filled her with dread. It was her Adam on top of her, forcing her to submit, telling her it was their father's wishes. They needed to reproduce, he said. The Garden needs more caretakers and it is their duty to care for all that was created by the Father. Lilith was sobbing now, feeling her skull about to crack open from the sudden tsunami of memories. Is this a dream? She couldn't quite tell. Next came another memory, this time it was of her refusing Adam's advances. It felt as if some time has passed and she's now known how to stand for herself. And there on her periphery, children. The sight of them makes her heart full right before the memory fades. Lilith's feeling all the emotions associated with the memories even when they are not her own, but she somehow feels a connection with whoever is projecting them on her. Keep watching. You'll understand. Now she's hearing voices on top of the dreams but the sense of doom in the pit of her stomach and her growing hatred for the man she knows as Adam has kept her sobbing silently on her bed. She feels Lucien give her hand a squeeze, grounding her as another wave pulls her under. This time it was Adam pushing her down and forcing her legs open with his knees. She spat at him in disgust, mustering enough force to push him off their bed while she stands over him, foot pressing on the inside of the man's thighs. "Lilith,
you witch!", he grunted as she pressed the heel of her foot harder on his thighs. Who gave this man the idea that he can control everything? They were made from the same soil, the Father gave them life as equals and yet... Another memory surfaced, this one felt heavier than all the other that came before it. She's barely aware of Lucien shaking her awake, his voice laced with worry as her heart monitor gives a series of beeps. She heard a booming voice ordering the archangels after her as she fled through the dessert, towards the only salvation she's heard of: The Red Sea. No angel of the Father will dare cross the shallow waters without fear of falling from His grace. Adam has been using her children to keep her in The Garden and do his bidding, forcing himself upon her and expecting her to just bite her tongue and part her legs like a mindless whore. But she's grown tired of protecting his ego and the children she so dearly loved. Enough is enough. She'll come back for her children just as soon as she finds them a safe place to live, away from the judging eyes of the Father and the self-centered ways of Adam. But luck was really not on her side. As soon as her feet landed on the wet loam bordering her promised salvation, three archangels loomed over her-- all of them pointed spears of heavenly fire at her tired body, ordering her to go back and serve her husband. All will be forgiven, they said. But she's no fool to believe any of their words especially when its the Father that sent them after her. The same Father that she first ran to when Adam suggested they sleep together. The same Father she expected would protect her. No. She will not turn back now and have Adam control her life for the rest of their days in The Garden. She would rather die than serve an egomaniac who sees her not as an equal but as an object created for his own wanton needs. "We'll ask one last time. Come back with us to The Garden or the Father will kill a hundred of your children for each day you spend out of Adam's sights." At this, Lilith choked on a sob. She spent years taking all she could of Adam's and the Father's demands... would it be so wrong to choose herself this one time? With a heavy heart, she turned towards the cold and calculating gaze of the archangels. If she goes back, she will suffer by Adam's side and with him as role model, it won't be long until their children start to follow him by example- and that's the last thing Lilith would want for her children. "Tell your Father that I will never take a single step inside The Garden again, nor would I like to set my eyes on Adam. My children would be better off dead than be raised by someone more obnoxious than filth.", and with this, she felt her heart broke knowing the Father heard. The memory faded into darkness but the heaviness in Lilith's heart stayed, leaving her sobbing on the bed with that sense of impending doom. She knows that wasn't the end, for whoever was showing her the memories has only grown more aggrieved. Feel my pain, pet. That voice- filled with resentment and hate. She knows she should be familiar with the story unfolding in her head but somehow she can't recall who it was about. She finds herself gasping for air in between her sobs. Lucien cradling her in his arms. "You'll be okay, Lili." But somehow she can't find comfort in his words. Not this time. With these thoughts ringing in her mind, she was once again pulled under- a crushing feeling of hatred and need for revenge pressing in around her. She was standing on the same wet loam, The Read Sea a sprawling landscape before her. But this time no angels can be seen on the horizon. It has been years since her heart broke for her children, and she mourned their deaths. She still does. But no amount of mourning can ever get the pain of a mother losing her child off her chest. She will not rest until both Adam and the Father suffer from the things they've put her through. One thing she learned from denouncing the Father was that her original protection is gone. And that The Red Sea
is where all the lascivious beings gather- a vast majority of them giving her what she needs and satiating her hunger for the pleasures of the flesh. She'd have to thank the Father for her gift to procreate as more of her children grew from the seeds these monsters produce every time they bed her. It was on one of those nights, hundreds of her children sprung out from the seed her lovers released on the earth, that he came. She heard news of his fall- the brightest angel stripped of his rank: Lucifer Morningstar. Fate has brought them together, it seems. They spent nights creating more Children of the Lilim, hushed promises exchanged in the heat of passion. He promised her revenge and delivered, getting Adam and his new wife out of The Garden after one too many tricks to go against the Father. She enjoyed her time with him, even spent millennia ruling the pits by his side. But she got bored. Thinking of new ways to punish the damned has started to grow stale. And that's when Lucien has made a summoning. Her brother summoned a demon. But why? She felt chills run through her body. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear an answer. But of course, the entity responsible for the memories have other ideas. She's suddenly aware of herself instantly stopping from sobbing, an amused smile spreading over her lips as she pushes Lucien off her. She's aware of the motions but couldn't control any of them. Hush now, pet. I'll play nice with you, just don't do anything stupid. Without meaning to, she suddenly became aware that she's now a prisoner in her own mind. Or what used to be her mind. "Hello, Lucien." The voice that came out of her mouth was melodic, lilting in a way that makes it sound like she's about to sing a lullaby- and this made her brother smile. But I couldn't speak when I woke up. "That's right, pet. You can't. But I can." Her brother's eyes widened, "Lili... who are you talking to? Are you feeling alright?" He attempted to take her hand. "Should I call your doctor?" She wanted to scream yes- do anything to let him know of her presence. "Oh stop with your acting, boy. Don't pretend you're really concerned now when you've thought about her death countless times before." A childish giggle escapes her lips while she pulls his shirt open, displaying the pattern of blood on his pale skin. She finds his gaze then, understanding of the situation finally dawning on him. "What were you thinking summoning someone you have no idea of containing? Creative choice using your sister as host. I kind of like this youthful body." Lucien, what is she saying? You wouldn't... "Oh but he did, pet. That's why I'm here." Lucien's shoulders slumped, silent sobs wracking his body as the gravity of what he's done caught up to him. "Now, where were we? Oh right. The price for your stupidity." She claps her hands, like a child getting ready to unwrap her presents on Christmas morning. "First, your sister's voice. I'm not as heartless as you think so I'd let her play once in awhile but without her voice." She adjusts her body on the bed, mindlessly pulling at the tubes connecting her to the machines. "No soul shall hear her voice again, unless of course when it's my time to have fun with her body. A good deal, don't you think?" "Next Lucien, is the memory of something or someone you most treasure. We both know who that is." She means me. Lucien began to protest but was met with nothing bad a dismissive wave of her hand, "Now boy, who said this was a negotiation?" "You will lose her. But you will forever have the feeling of losing something you hold dear- that empty feeling in your chest that will only grow as time passes. It will consume you, dear boy. And the pits will be there once it does." And it was with these words and Lucien's pleading and guilt-stricken face, did her gaze start to darken- her consciousness getting lulled once again into slumber. You'll always look for him. And she knows she will. The worst kind of mourning after all, is when the one you lost is still alive but will never be back in your life again
no matter how much you wish for them to be.
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lady-charinette · 5 years
New concept based on my Adrichat/Chadrien one! (Link below)
Greedling aka Ladynette/Maribug
Marinette, ever since the fateful day she'd opened a little empty box decorated with red runes, started hearing voices in her head.
Not voices.
A voice.
It was a girl as far as she could tell, a woman, and sometimes whenever she talked to Marinette, it seemed like she was far older than humanly possible.
Almost ancient.
So Marinette had continued with her life, with that little voice in the back of her mind.
Once, she swore, it had manifested into a spirit, a soul living within her own body, so powerful that she feared for her own self's existence but the voice was gentle, promising no harm in exchange for the use of her body occasionally.
Marinette had been exasperated, annoyed but also enjoyed the company of the voice she came to address as 'Ladybug', if the red spotted vision she developed whenever Ladybug took over was any indication.
Ladybug would whisper things like 'You're very kind Marinette, helping those people. You would make a great every day hero for them.'
And then, she would say: 'Look at how many people depend on you, look how many people trust you to do your best. You can't fail. Marinette can't fail. Ladybug isn't allowed to fail.'
So she didn't.
Marinette's work ethic had been high from the beginning, but with the new entity sharing a body with her, it had become nigh to impossible for her not to accomplish a task.
Finishing up each and every homework in a single night due to constantly helping her parents in the bakery? Done.
Offering tutoring for classes she was good at for nearly each one of her classmates before crucial exam week started? A cinch.
Helping an old lady ward off a couple of thieves trying to steal from her? Manageable.
Until, sometimes it wasn't.
Ladybug may be an entity millenia old, but Marinette was still just a human, a teenager.
The pressure became too much.
The smile started to crack.
And when it did, she appeared.
Ladybug, manifesting into the lookalike of Marinette Dupaincheng, clad in a red suit with black spots and a mask radiating a deeply rooted power, rose from the confines of Marinette's flickering soul.
Marinette's own soul floated into her consciousness, face twisted into an expression of exhaustion, body weak.
Ladybug smiled, hand gently caressing the girl's cheek. 'Don't worry girl, let me help you. In exchange for possessing your body, I'll lend you some of my power.'
And suddenly, the crack healed, the eye bags vanished and the tiredness flew out of the window in a flash.
It was like healing magic.
Her hands flew over her work in a flurry, her footsteps were more precise, measured, confident.
Her homework was all done in time.
She helped nearly all her neighbors with all their various chores and daily duties.
She regularly managed to help her parents in the bakery.
She occasionally designed things for celebrities, rock stars, fashion icons, all the high society people.
And then, she saw him and recognized the ancient power, akin to her own, but darker and more sinister radiating from another mortal.
A smile curled her lips, Ladybug's, not Marinette's and her eyes flashed with something familiar when she spied the seemingly normal boy in front of her.
"I see you've chosen a holder, as well...." she giggled, an echoing, melodious sound.
The boy turned, former kind green eyes now a mischievous glowing green and the blond boy's innocent face twisted into that of the ancient deity's more feral features.
He smiled, all fangs.
Link to the Adrien/Chat Noir AU:
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