#don't mind me just treating my blog like a scrapbook
eclaisse · 8 months
2024 Week 1
I thought that instead of blogging every day, it might make more sense to blog every week? I used to try and keep a bullet journal when I was younger. The aesthetic of bullet journals / hobonichi is lovely, but honestly it was a very difficult habit for me to keep up in college. I think it was always too much work for me in general. Even now, I like to write, but I am a lot more motivated to type things out. It looks clean and works well for me, so I think I will stick to electronic records!! One day, maybe a journal or scrapbook like that would be fun to make. But I do love that I can do this and feel accomplished for getting some writing done.
Anyways, it was a lovely week!! Everyone was slacking off after returning to work since no one was actually ready to work yet. The directors and other coworkers are on vacation still so it's pretty empty back at the office, though it's also pretty chill. I got to catch up with everyone after our long break and it was nice. I was invited to lunch by two of my friends, but unfortunately had a training with a higher up so I couldn't go. But that's okay, another time.
To be honest I think I'm still recovering from so many events over the holidays- I did a lot of baking, driving around, and talking to people. I think I'm a bit tired from all the social interaction. As a kid I was always excited for and reenergized during breaks but now that I have to do everything myself, I see how much planning and energy goes into it :'D It's fun but a lot of work!!
On Sunday I went to badminton practice with my friends and it was a lot of fun. At the start of the practice I'm always a bit sluggish and miss the birdies when my friends smash them, but within a few minutes I feel energetic and can play decently. We got to play for 1.5 hours since there was no one booked after us, lucky!! I used to play on my community college's team and I missed playing. We only started playing together late last year, but I hope it becomes a regular event.
After practice we went to a cute Taiwanese café that served sandwiches, noodles, and milk tea. We all got sandwiches and two friends also ordered a bowl of noodles to share. It was such a cozy atmosphere in there- we chatted over sandwiches and reminisced about our childhoods for a bit.
Two of the friends are a couple and invited us to continue hanging out by going shopping with them. We went to TJ Maxx, Home Goods, and Costco together. There's something really fun about going into shops with friends and pointing out cute merchandise, cracking jokes about each other, and laughing over silly things. I did my groceries alongside them and bought a lot of new snacks to try!!
Unfortunately I didn't realize that one of them contains gelatin, and I had already eaten some. It's a strawberry and condensed milk dessert that surprisingly doesn't taste too sweet? It's light, airy, and refreshing!! I don't want to return it even though Costco allows that, since they would just discard it and that would be very wasteful. Thankfully since many of my friends love strawberries, I will be passing these around as treats. I feel like every quarter I get a snack that I love, but there is just too much of. So I end up eating some myself and then giving the rest away. But these snacks are cheap if you buy them in bulk, and it makes my friends happy to receive snacks, so I don't mind.
Tumblr media
Not my picture, but this is what the packaging and dessert looks like. It's very cute!! Looking forward to sharing it with friends.
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benthicbaetyl · 1 year
Blogoblag Intro and Overview Post
(This Barbie believes she is incapable of sin!)
Hi, Tumblr! You've stumbled onto a roleplay blog for the webcomic Homestuck. This is a small personal project - I need to be incentivized to take some notes for a fanventure somewhere, basically. It will eventually look like something of a cross between serialized epistolary novel, scrapbook, worldbuilding exercise and fever dream diary. There is a story and a tagging system to facilitate it, although it will be punctuated by (diegetically sort of plot-relevant, honestly just me rping) digressions into other worlds.
If you're not looking for that, here's a handy cut, and you're free to go!
(In the future, most of this will be replaced with a blog page, but right now I can't do that, so I want it out of the way here.)
Oh, you're still here! Well, hi, then! Please, by all means, feel free to peruse, but first let's get some basic things out of the way.
The Way of Things
This is a sideblog, my hands are tied in all relevant ways. I will tell you my main if the need arises (but from there we'll probably be offsite friends first). Please don't tag it in things when I do!
I post when I post, and you post when you post! It's like roleplaying over message in bottle. It is not necessarily the case that either of our interactions will touch our little fanworlds in very big ways, but I cherish each, all the same.
I love to read about jerks, but be sure you're not trying to be a jerk ooc.
On this blog, there will be no nsfw -- this is by far not the character or the forum, and I want everyone to feel comfortable here. You may also be sure of a lack of gore, because I don't like it. Related topics will be described tastefully.
I won't post or interact with drama here. I will try to keep pure OOC to a minimum (tagged #ooc), but you may see OOC or meta footnotes like this. Green like Doc Scratch's asides, you see?
I have no restrictions or regulations about the way other people write with me. That ship sailed long, long ago, and now I'm a normal person who respects your time and your sincere effort. Please, whatever length and style you like! I only bite a little!
Canon-typical trigger warnings for Homestuck apply here. I'm going to umbrella-tag particularly heinous but normal trollisms under #canon-typical dead peacebeast, but I will granulate that into smaller tags on request, and update this post as more things happen to Talasa.
Muse-specific TWs (things relevant to Talasa personally that you can expect a goodly quantity of): familial abuse and harm to children (canon-typical or at least canon-expectable), unhealthy sibling dynamics, mental illness, classism, ableism, sexism, described insect and fish biology, described blood (I will also tag other things as they arise and people ask for them).
Obviously oc friendly (people following a narrative will be able to filter asides, aus and dream meetings), though you'll soon see caveats - and Homestuck canon character writers might find themselves at a total loss in this AU, but I see no reason that it couldn't be worked out : )
.•° The Muse °•.
Talasa Rakhav
° Designed by @thecrews-shenanigans and received for a song and a dance. Here I am making good on things! Feel free to check in from time to time.
° May be written at a variety of ages. I will tag pretty consistently, for reference, and a coherent timeline will eventually emerge...
° The framing device of the blog itself is that it's all stuff she either wrote or received. How your muse came across it (found it drifting in the Ring, long-forgotten? Read about it on a tabloid website?) or came in contact with her is up to you! Time is not necessarily linear here.
.•° Talasa's quirk looks like this! She's a charming young lady and I think you guys will like her. Sometimes she'll make little meta comments or replies; treat them like old chatroom style rp posts if you like. °•.
The Mun
☆ Em, any pronouns, 22. I don't mind writing with the youth, and I know you guys are reading no matter what I say or do. I want to tell you, okay, we're all one big community and I'm looking out for you -- but since that's true, I should also say this:
I don't think young people rping romance with adults, or even anybody more than 1-2 years older than them, is a good idea. Still say hi! I'd love to chat and otherwise be a good neighbour. Just, you know, don't go there, not with me or any other adult. Remember to be safe and keep your information private on the Internet.
☆ My intersectional identities don't really directly arise in my Homestuck fanfiction, although they probably do inform the worldbuilding in some indelible way. Have fun sussing them out! I shan't be forthcoming! Not here for that!
☆ I live with a partner, special needs cat and ferret. It gets busy sometimes.
☆ I'm forgetful and, sad to say, not very bright. I will bungle much, and often. I'm doing longform hybrid epistolary fiction/poll game repository/tumblr rp blog stuff anyway because I believe in me, or if not in me then in my friends who believe in me.
☆ I draw sometimes. Talasa here (as an audience aid for a totally freehand fan universe) is about to be responsible for a significant upswing in that.
That's all for now, folks! But someday this will be a section for navigating by. Stay tuned!
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