alekakers · 5 years
The Story So Far (or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Existential Dread)
- 32-
When I was a kid I thought of thirty-two as this incredibly significant age. For whatever reason I viewed it as the epitome of reaching adulthood. Of course as a child I thought of everyone older than me as an adult. You know that weird skewed perspective thing, when you recall memories from childhood and even high school kids looked like grown ups. But in my head thirty-two was a mythical age that solidified your status as an adult. An age that once reached meant you were no longer a young man/woman, but a full fledged adult-y adult.
Now as I sit here looking back on thirty-two years of life I can say I had no idea how my perspective on age and life would change over the next couple decades. But in some strange way I wasn’t completely wrong either. I had wanted to do this kinda thing when I turned 30 but that was a chaotic time so I never got around to it. So now with two more years behind me, here is a reflection on a simple life and what I’ve learned from it. Let’s start at the beginning...
- Born On The Bayou -
I was born in the early afternoon in Nassau Bay, Texas. I grew up on the same 25 acre ranch my mom was raised on. 30 minutes outside of Houston, 20 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico, and 10 minutes from the Johnson NASA Space Center where my grandparents were instrumental in the Apollo and space shuttle programs. My grandfather was an Oklahoma farm boy that crossed the Mississippi in a covered wagon who ended up putting men on the moon. My grandmother came from New England and was breaking ground in the country’s fledgling space program when she fell in love with a cowboy rocket scientist and brought my mom into the world. Unfortunately they died when my mom was in college. I wish I could have met them.
My dad grew up in a sleepy suburb outside Portland, Oregon. His mother was an eccentric, loving, and strong-willed woman. It was her grandfather, Aleksander Justice, that I’m named after. A wolgadeutsche immigrant, he moved to America to start a new life for himself and his family. My grandmother was harshly old-fashioned to say the least, but she loved me and my sister with all her heart and was in our lives more than any other extended family member. Her passing a few years ago wrecked me more than I thought it would.
My father’s father was an orphan adopted and raised by his Uncle. As an angsty youth he enlisted in the navy to avoid jail time, served as a frogman in Vietnam, worked as a motorcycle cop for decades to support three kids, helped raise my cousin after my aunt got divorced, and was a volunteer firefighter and loving grandfather and great grandfather when he passed a couple years back. He was and will always be the prime example of the man I judge myself against. I miss him a lot.
- Beans and Cornbread -
My parents met in college and were soon after married and the proud parent’s of a baby boy. My dad was serving in the navy when both I and then my sister, Erin, were born. After his tour of duty my parents moved to the property in Texas that was left to my mom and my uncle. Despite being crazy young, dirt poor, and perhaps in retrospect being wildly unprepared to raise a family, my parents managed to keep us fed and clothed and sheltered. Most importantly they instilled in us the values and morals I still hold dear. Treat others with kindness. Be grateful for what you have. Work hard, try your best, and never give up no matter what life throws at you. In some ways I’m grateful for my modest upbringing and the appreciation it gave me for the little things in life.
Even though my friends lived in nice suburbs while I lived in a run down ranch house, even though they had nintendos and nerf guns while I had cheap plastic toys, even though we ate on a shoe string budget and couldn’t go on fancy vacations, even through the emotional trauma of it all, I still look back on my childhood fondly. I am eternally grateful for those years. Wandering around the pasture. Erin and I letting our imaginations run wild. Going to cub scouts every week. Making our own fun roaming around the church after hours while our mom was there to do whatever she was there to do. My parents scraping every penny to make holidays and birthdays special. I wouldn’t trade all the dinners of beans and cornbread for anything else. I’ll always be a humble country boy at heart.
- Misty Mountain Hop -
Three months after my 11th birthday we packed up the house, loaded the moving truck, and drove half way across the country to start a new life in Washington. My dad had been unemployed for a while and ended up finding a job with the boy scouts in Everett. It would give our family a modicum of economic security and put us closer to my dad’s family in Oregon. It was a jolting transition to say the least. Shortly after we moved puberty hit like a ton of bricks. My early childhood was firmly left in Texas and my teenage years made their angsty debut in Washington.
We moved into a quiet suburb 30 minutes north of Seattle and for the first time our family had a level of comfort we had never had. We could afford name brand cereal! But simultaneously my father’s anger issues were coming to a boiling point. Also my sister and I were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was a very tumultuous time. My defense mechanism was to retreat, and I became terribly introverted and detached, retreating into music and video games. My sister went the opposite direction and became a loud, boisterous spit-fire, finding herself at home in the world of theater. I think we both already had the predilections for these respective personality traits, but the dissonance in the family only exaggerated them.
After a few years we moved into another house around the block. It was around this time that my father’s temper finally became too much and he started seeking help to work through some things. It took some time but I can’t stress enough how much of a different person he was after that. Night and day. I was in high school at this point and it was also around this time that I started to become disillusioned with the status quo of society. The modern school system seemed pointless, I started smoking weed, and music became the end all be all of my existence. It still is. Music is life! I dropped out of high school and decided to live the life I wanted to live.
Throughout my teenage years I played in different bands, experimented with all kinds of drugs, met and broke up with my first true love, entered the work force, and started the slow painful transition from adolescence to adulthood. It was a wild time! While part of me wishes I had stuck out high school, I have never regretted the choices I made. I saw that so much of the reality around me was a construct of our culture and I sought to push the boundaries of that reality. And I’m glad I did. I learned lessons the hard way, on my terms. I saw past so many lies and illusions and fallacies of how we’re expected to live our lives and perceive the world. I created my own world of truths and morals instead of blindly accepting the ones being pushed on me. It was an incredibly eye-opening and freeing time in my life and I credit those experiences for a lot of the wisdom and knowledge that I’ve absorbed.
*Disclaimer: I am grateful that I came out of that time in my life relatively unscathed. I know/knew many people that couldn’t claim themselves so lucky. It takes an incredibly strong will to toe the line and step back without going over the edge. Even though I wouldn’t change a moment of it, I wouldn’t recommend the life I led to anyone.
- Retreat and Rebirth -
After the last band I was in during those days broke up, our collective friend groups started to dissipate. As the realities of adult life started to pull from different directions most people rose to the occasion. I did not. Burnt out from the crazy ride and being overwhelmed by life I retreated to a world of isolation. A little solitude is healthy. I consider myself an outgoing introvert (A term a like a lot). But I took it too far. Unemployed for three years. Letting many friendships dwindle and slip away. Spending my days doing nothing but smoking weed and playing video games. It was unhealthy and I didn’t know how to change. Then the universe decided it was time. Just after my 22nd birthday I finally cut ties with a very close but deceptively toxic friend. After smoking half a pack a day since I was 16 I decided to quit. And I decided to take a break from smoking weed. Then to top it all off my childhood dog that I had had for 14 years died. To this day that remains the most transformational time in my life.
I spent that spring and summer reconnecting with myself and what was important in life. Taking care of my diabetes. Eating healthier. Gardening. I leaned into making mixtapes like never before. It is still my main hobby. Musica es vida! I had what I can only describe as a spiritual awaking. Come fall I was smoking weed again but with a renewed respect for the plant. I had a job doing something I had unexpectedly developed a passion for, cooking. And I found myself coming out of my social isolation. It was like I ended a three year hiatus from the world. I still think of my life in terms of before that time and after.
Then three years after I hit the reset button on life I was ready for another change. I was 25 and the inexorable march of time wasn’t stopping. So I finally moved out of my parent’s house. No shame! Science says that adolescence in modern humans lasts into our early twenties. And I was definitely still weening out of my teenage years at that age and was lucky to have such amazing supportive parents. It wasn’t until 24/25 that the existential dread of life started to set in and I thought, shit I gotta get outta here. December 2012, the apocalypse didn’t happen, and I moved in with my sister in downtown Seattle. She herself had spent the last few years overcoming her own traumas and wrestling with her own demons, and she helped me step even further outside my comfort zone into the greater world. I am so grateful for the two years we got to live together as fledgling adults.
- She Saved Me -
Just shy of a year living among the sights and sounds of the city, I found myself falling into a dangerous rut. I had been at the same job for three years. Commuting between the suburbs and downtown. Six years since my last relationship. Not much of a social life. And finding escape from the dull routine at the bottom of a bottle. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Get drunk and high and play video games or watch tv. Rinse, repeat. I suddenly found myself back where I was. And again I didn’t know how to break the cycle. Then I met the one person that would change my life in ways I never could have expected. The one person that would rock my world, wake me up to the true possibilities of existence, and become the one person that I could truly never live without.
One fall day I walk into work to see a new face. Olivia was her name. Damn she’s cute, I thought. And I quickly became enamored with her personality. But it would take 6 months of quietly pining for her before I had the courage to try my hand. Then on a fateful day in May we spent a whole day together. Then a whole week together. Then the summer that would change my life forever. We fell madly in love. I stopped drinking like a horse. My heart was opened to another for the first time in many many years. My mind was awakened by a mind I so closely related to. My body was refreshed by the passion I had been so long without. It was another rebirth of the soul, the kind that shook me to my very core. I had almost resigned myself to being alone forever, working a dead end job and drinking the nights away. Then she saved me. She remains my best friend, my rock, and my favorite person in the whole world.
- My Place -
Invigorated and encouraged, I found a new job. A slight step up in the culinary sense. Challenging yet rewarding. Olivia moved in with us. Then a few months later we got our own place in north Seattle. Shortly after we got a pupper. It was an incredible time. Feeling truly independent and self-supportive for the first time. Developing an amazing relationship with the person that I quickly realized I could spent the rest of my life with. This was the first time in my life I could attest to feeling the slightest bit like an adult. Of course I had realized long ago that you never really feel like an adult. You don’t just wake up one day like a switch was flipped and go, oh I’ve got it now. Life is a constant journey of growth and learning. We’re all just faking it till we make it.
But this was the first time in my life where I felt like, ah okay this is it, this is life, this is being an adult. Waking up every day, doing your best to navigate life, and constantly trying to figure out what it means to be you, what's important to you. Then life set up to deliver another wave of challenges to overcome. It was around this time that my family experienced a huge upheaval. We almost lost someone very close to us and it rattled me to my core. Then my boss was involved in a car accident and as his assistant I was suddenly interim kitchen manager. A couple months later the owner was impressed enough to make it official and I toke my first salaried job.
I relished the opportunity and strove to run that kitchen the absolute best I could. I went above and beyond. I poured everything I had into it. I learned so much about the restaurant game, management, cooking, and above all about myself. It was an intense period of personal growth. At the same I was coming into my own as a leader and a cook, I was also dealing with multiple family tragedies. And as much as I loved the work, the restaurant, and the owners, the stress of the job started taking its toll. Salary is a double edged sword in any industry, but especially in food service. If you know you know. I was doing my best to soldier on but I got to a point where enough was enough. I had come into some money and decided to take some time off. I left on good terms and will never forget the lessons I learned and the people I met.
- Intermission -
I had just turned 30. I had spent the last two years running myself ragged as the kitchen manager of a bustling Seattle restaurant. I put my blood, sweat and tears into that place. It was time for a break. I invested most of the money I inherited, and then set enough aside to to take some time to live life again. I rested. I remembered how to not be anxious every waking moment. Olivia and I went on a cross country road trip to see the national parks and visit my home town in Texas. I proposed. She said yes! It was so incredibly cathartic and needed. I am still grateful I had the opportunity to take the time I needed to reset.
Later that year it was time to go back to work. I ended up back at the little place in the burbs where I started my journey. I was happy to take the lessons I learned and come back as kitchen manager. It was just what I needed to ease back into the industry. The perfect place to put into practice my new found appreciation for work life balance. Meant to be a temporary step, as soon as I did all I was able to do to help them right the ship, it was time to move on. My father in law put me in touch with the chef he worked with and he brought me on board. It was a significant step up in the culinary scene, and I’ve been tapped to take over for the sous chef.
- And Now For Something Completely Different -
Now here I am. 32 years old. That mythical age I held in random esteem when I was a kid. Looking back on my life and thinking about what I’ve learned along the way. Even though I still struggle with my less savory qualities - I fear change and the unknown. I’m scared of success. I suffer from impostor syndrome and doubt my own strengths. I avoid confrontation. - I’m working on it. For the most part I love who I am. I’m proud of the person I’ve become. But it took a time. And work. I made peace with childhood traumas. I fought through pain, did some serious introspection and soul-searching, and came out the other side a better person for it. I looked inside myself to find the strength to overcome my demons. I think it’s inside all of us. Some people attribute it to a higher power. Some people find peace and comfort in the company of others. Whatever it takes, we’re all capable of making changes for the better.
If there is one thing life has taught me it’s that we are never done learning. We never stop growing. We never “figure it out”. We’re constantly being tested by the realities of life and doing our best to rise to the occasion. At 32 I may be an adult by most standards, but I’m still sorting out what that even means, what my purpose in life is, and waking up every day just trying to be the best me I can be. That’s life. And I’m grateful for the safety and security that gives me the luxury of musing on such ephemeral topics. I’m grateful for every day I wake up and get another whack at this crazy thing called living. I’m grateful I got to exist at all. I don’t spend much time these days waxing on the countless possibilities of the what’s and why’s of reality. At the end of day it’s a mute point. My consciousness still inhabits this physical body in this physical realm, and if I wanna keep seeing how far I can take it I have to play by its rules. Even if I occasionally see how far I can bend them. Whatever comes next, whatever is beyond the great void, my reality exists in the here and now. I’ve come to terms (for the most part;) with my mortality and the existential dread. It reminds me that its up to myself to find purpose in life. So I try to live in the present, to work on my shortcomings, make the best of every day, and treat others how I would want to be treated.
As I stare down the barrel of the “best years” of my life, I am hopeful and optimistic about the future. If not for the world at large (jury’s still out on that one) than at least for my ability to navigate it and make the best of it for myself and others. I'm engaged to my best friend, I'm in a kick ass band making music with some of my oldest friends, and I've got a job that I'm incredibly excited about. Lao Tzu said, “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future.” Wise words. But at the same time I think its important to remember where we came from and retain the lessons we’ve learned along the way. As well as looking to the future so that we may live with purpose. I think living is a delicate balance of keeping in mind all that was, all that is, and all that may be. And we’re all just doing our best to find the balance. Do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt others. Try to leave the world a better place for those that come after. Be nice and work hard. Love yourself so that you can love others. Namaste!
- Alek
TL;DR - I just turned 32. Life is crazy. Be nice and work hard. Love yourself and love others. Do your best. Namaste!
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alekakers · 6 years
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Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels
Lemon Jelly - Space Walk
Gotye - State Of The Art
Tame Impala - Powerlines
Pink Floyd - Money
Pink Floyd - Us and Them
Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like
Panda Bear - Tomboy
Gonjasufi - Change
J Dilla - Don’t Cry
Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - Matter of Time
Falon Sierra - Sprained Ankles
Thundercat - Friend Zone
Tinariwen - Hayati
Exile - Ah Ouia
Luke Million - Stanger Things Theme
Missy Elliott - I’m Better (feat. Lamb)
Kendrick Lamar - DUCKWORTH
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alekakers · 6 years
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The Jimi Hendrix Experience - 1983...(A Merman I Should Turn To Be)
N.E.R.D. - Lemon
Kanye West - Fade
Sampa The Great - Rhymes To The East
Tinariwen - Sastanàqqàm
DIIV - Air Conditioning
Guns N’ Roses - November Rain
Steve Winwood - Valerie (1987 Remix)
Cosmo Pyke - Great Dane
Chicano Batman - Friendship (Is A Small Boat In A Storm)
Mr. Oizo - End Of The World (feat. Skrillex)
N.E.R.D. - 1000
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Chile
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alekakers · 6 years
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[Vaya Con Dios]
Joji - Will He
Tash - Sultana Jungle
John Trudell & Kwest - Tears For Rain
The Jazzual Suspects - This Beat
Moksa - Salvador Group
BADBADNOTGOOD - Can’t Leave The Night
Rosalia - Catalina
The Rolling Stones - Moonlight Mile
Chromatics - I’m On Fire
Alice In Chains - I Stay Away
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
El Bles - Oyeloj
Etran Finatawa - Aliss
Don Caballero - Slice Where You Live Like Pie
Ralfi Pagan - Make It With You
Kimbra - Everybody Knows
Santana - Samba Pa Ti
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Tiger & Shark]
Gorillaz - Garage Palace (feat. Little Simz)
Outkast - A Life In The Day Of Benjamin André (Incomplete)
Lute - Home (feat. Elevator Jay)
Devowho - Trade Winds
Broken Lip - I Got Chu Gurl (Nonono)
Big Dope P - Presidential Pimpin
Kirin J Callinan - Big Enough (feat. Alex Cameron)
Kaleo - No Goog
Led Zeppelin - Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
Guns N’ Roses - Paradise City
Guns N’ Roses - Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door
Beck - Loser
Fake Blood - I Think I Like It
Joe Bonamassa - Black Lung Heartache
Oneida - Town Crier
GFOTY - Poison/Tongue
Yaeji - Drink I’m Sippin On
Fever Ray - If I Had A Heart
Kimbra - Top of the World
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Little Thing Gone Wild
Tune-Yards - Look at Your Hands
Santigold - Disparate Youth
Pierre Kwenders - Makanda
The Walkmen - My Old Man
Claude Bessy - No New Wave
Orb - Immortal Tortoise
Pink Mountaintops - The Second Summer
The Go! Team - Junior Kickstart
Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings - Girl! (You Got To Forgive Him)
Violent Femmes - Never Tell
Little Simz - Good For What
Swell - I’m Sorry (feat. Shiloh)
Flying Lotus - Beginners Falafel
Sublime - Doin’ Time
Willy Tea Taylor - Hummingbird
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alekakers · 7 years
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[The Shift]
Portugal. The Man - Number One (feat. Richie Havens & Son Little)
St. Vincint - Masseduction
My Goodness - Ghost Town
#1 Dads - Nominal
Dream Wife - Somebody
Nirvana - Sliver
Marcy Playground - Sex and Candy
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Mary Jane’s Last Dance
Kaleo - Broken Bones
Sam & Dave - When Something Is Wrong With My Baby
Quasimoto - Boom Music
Mad Max - Who Runs Bartertown
Skeewiff - The Spider
Kendrick Lamar - Humble (Skrillex Remix)
The Black Keys - Lies
Eagles - Hotel California (Live)
The Beatles - Revolution
Thurston Moore - Speak To The Wild
Radiohead - Fitter Happier
TV On The Radio - Ride
Deerhunter - Helicopter
Arcade Fire - Reflektor
Little Dragon - The Pop Life
Langhorne Slim - Zombie
El Hijo De La Diabla - Baika
John Dankworth and His Orchestra - Modesty Blaise
Damu The Fudgemonk - Tea Thyme
Gorillaz - Rock The House (feat. Del tha Funkee Homosapien)
The Skatalites Meet King Tubby - Fugitive Dub
Flying Lotus - Post Requisite
Gorillaz - Interlude: Elevator Going Up
Saul Williams - List of Demands (Reparations)
DJ Shadow - Nobody Speak (feat. Run The Jewels)
Run The Jewels - Close Your Eyes (And Count To Fuck) (feat. Zack De La Rocha)
Ab-Soul - Nibiru (prod. by JMSN)
Gary Clark Jr. - Come Together
Gary Clark Jr. - Third Stone From The Sun / If You Love Me Like You Say
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Little Wing
Glass Animals - Agnes
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alekakers · 7 years
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Charles Bradley - How Long
Boy Pablo - Everytime
Mndsgn - Homewards
De Phazz - Cut The Jazz
Pixies - Levitate Me
R.E.M. - Superman
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Runnin’ Down A Dream
Funkadelic - Can You Get To That
The War on Drugs - Up All Night
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly
Prince - Raspberry Beret
LTJ Bukem - Shrinkin’ Yo Head
Digable Planets - Jettin’
Wu-Tang Clan - If Time Is Money
Imagine Dragons
Flying Lotus - Theme
Flying Lotus - Tesla
Flying Lotus - Cold Dead
Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Knife-Edge
The Budos Band - Crimson Skies
Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock
The Expendables - Sacrifice
U Tern vs Neighbor - Roxanne
Duck Sauce - Big Bad Wolf
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix)
Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
St. Vincent - Masseduction
Talking Heads - Girlfriend Is Better
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Once Upon A Time // Happily Ever After]
Ennio Morricone - The Man With The Harmonica
The Inspirators - This World
The Moondoggies - NIght & Day
Logic - Like Woah
D.R.A.M. - Cha Cha
clipping. - Air ‘Em Out
The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Sylvie Vartan - Je voudrais etre un garçon
Alexander - A Million Years
Volga Nehri - Turkish Disco Folk
In The West - Once Upon A Time In The West
Jonathan Wilson
GOAT - Goatfuzz
Lorn - Anvil
Cat Anderson - Jungle Trap
Stephen Marley - Someone To Love
Silversun Pickups - Kissing Families
Deakin - Good House
Lido Pimienta - Humano
Daymé Arocena - Stuck
St Paul & The Broken Bones - Sanctify
Deakin - Seed Song
Jalen Santoy - Foreplay
Euforquestra - Ogun
Zombie Nation - Kernkraft 400 (Sports Chant Stadium Remix)
Temple Of The Dog - Hunger Strike
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alekakers · 7 years
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Fear and Loathing]
Queens Of The Stone Age - Keep Your Eyes Peeled
The Black Angels - Young Men Dead
Dick Dale - Hava Nagila
Fela Kuti - J.J.D. (Johnny Just Drop)
The Doors - The Movie
Flying Lotus - Mmmhmm (feat. Thundercat)
Flying Lotus - Do The Astral Plane
The Doors - Hour For Magic
Devendra Banhart - Mama Wolf
Jonathan Wilson - Ballad of The Pines
Queensrÿche - One Life
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Shadow Spirit]
Sleepy Sun - Still Breathing
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.
Israel Nash Gripka - Who In Time
Bob Seger - Turn The Page (Live)
Cheap Trick -  Need Your Love
The Raconteurs - Level
Devendra Banhart - Long Haired Child
Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
The Stevenson Ranch Davidians
Sleepy Sun - Open Eyes
The Doors - The End
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Desert Raven]
Jonathan Wilson - Desert Raven
Sleepy Sun - Desert Dog
The War On Drugs - Comin’ Through
Local Natives - Warning Sign
Blackberry Smoke - Ain’t Got The Blues
Willy Tea Taylor - Everywhere Now
The Doors - Indian Summer
Willy Tea Taylor - Bull Riders & Song Writers
Rocco DeLuca - Everything Hurts
Sleepy Sun - Sandstorm Woman
Jonathan Wilson - Natural Rhapsody
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alekakers · 7 years
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Incite Insight [3: I’ve Had This Dream]
Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam - A 1000 Times
DVNZXL - [fried_noodles]
The Dirty Nil - Wrestle Yü to Hüsker Dü
Makeout Videotape - Island Groovies
Parks, Squares and Alleys - We’re Not Just Friends
Two Feet - Go Fuck Yourself
The Pharcyde - Passin’ Me By
Kendrick Lamar - Momma
Jonathan Wilson - Fazon
Tame Impala - Expectation
Abekejser - St Puma
Sleepy Sun - Martyr’s Mantra
3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
The Wallflowers - One Headlight
Green Day - Good Riddance (Time Of Your Life)
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
Jim James - Know Til Now
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alekakers · 7 years
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Incite Insight [2: Sympathy For The Biters]
Raymond Scott - Super Cheer
Jonathan Wilson - Desert Raven
Flying Lotus - Flattery (Sympathy For The Biters)
Lemon Jelly - Pushy
Naked Giants - Easy Eating
Senor Griff - Huancadelica
Lush - Undertow
Björk - Hyperballad
Beats Antique - Oriental Uno (feat. Fanfara Kalashniko)
IshDARR - Sugar (prod. MEDASIN)
Kendrick Lamar - You Ain’t Gotta Lie (Momma Said)
Bola Johnson & His Easy Life Top Beats - Buroda Mase
Phosphorescent - The Quotidian Beasts
The Soundcarriers - Low Light
Outkast - Liberation (feat. Cee-Lo)
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alekakers · 7 years
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Incite Insight [1: Milk & Honey]
Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A Changin’
Sleepy Sun - Marina
Sleepy Sun - Galaxy Punk
BADBADNOTGOOD - In Your Eyes (feat. Charlotte Day Wilson)
The Mercury Program - You Give Me Problems About My Business
The Budos Band - Into The Fog
Carl Harvey - Mercury Stars
Wasabi Pees - I found a tunnel, and had my violin
José González - Far Away
Animal Collective - Prospect Hummer
Washed Out - Feel It All Around
Grizzly Bear - Knife
Panda Bear - Slow Motion
Jonathan Wilson - The Way I Feel
Kid Cudi - In My Dreams 2015
Kid Cudi - Return of The Moon Man (Original Score)
clipping. - Story 2
Caravan Palace - Midnight
Too Many Zooz - Warriors
Madlib - Girls (Prelude)
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alekakers · 7 years
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alekakers · 7 years
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[Easy Muffin, I'll Be Puffin Like I'm Something, Regret Nothing, Crying, Laughing, Fuckin Living Till the Coffin]
Mononome - Every End Is A New Beginning
Tool - Schism
Absolute Monarchs - Sharp
earthtones - 2006
Hop Along - Sister Cities
Lucky Chops - Funkytown/I Feel Good
Vulfpeck - Game Winner
earthtones - lvn-u
The Silver Lake Chorus - Heavy Star Movin' (David Torn "Gooey Universe" Remix)
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Tom Tom Club - Genius of Love
Pretty Lights - Can’t Contain It
Orishas - A lo Cubano
earthtones - the boy
Kendrick Lamar - Rigamortus
Incubus - Aqueous Transmission
mix by [alekakers]  /  click through for [download]
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