#don't mind the ereinion cameo he's a pivotal character but this isn't about him
lordgrimwing · 6 months
Smut #06
Things that suck in this story: school finals, breakups, Glorfindel.
[word count: ~1000]
March was a lovely time of year: daffodils and crocuses poking up through set grass, birds singing in the trees, the sun shining down in a warm and comforting glow—call him a romantic, but Glorfindel loved springtime, and seeing as March welcomed spring in all her glory, he loved the month too. This was the time for walking hand-in-hand through the city with someone special, planting window box gardens with the late-blooming flower someone off-handedly mentioned liking last fall, and relaxing dinners together out on porches as the sun sets over the budding foliage and rooftops. 
March also happened to be when his boyfriend, Erestor, had a lot of projects due for his university classes. If Glorfindel needed a reminder of why he was glad he’d finished his bachelor’s of accounting degree years ago (he didn’t), then watching Erestor fret over his honor’s thesis, organic chemistry midterm, and lab experiment all in the course of two days certainly did the trick. College sucked.
Erestor groaned and fisted his hands in the bedspread. Glorfindel grinned around his cock and bobbed down again, mouth loose and teasing with the back of his throat. 
“God,” Erestor moaned. “How did I not know you could do this until now?”
Glorfindel pushed a shoulder under Erestor’s pale thigh to hike his leg up a bit higher. Truth be told, he was a little out of practice with giving blowjobs, especially of the quality Erestor deserved today. Luckily, he’d gotten a lot of practice over the years and the muscle memory stuck around. Wherever this ended up scoring on his personal rank of best blows given, Erestor surely wouldn’t be thinking about school when he was done with him.
The sound of the front door opening and thumping shut interrupted his focus. He leaned back, about to pull off until Erestor put a hand on his head to stop him.
“It’s just Elrond,” Erestor said, face flushed. “He won’t bother us.”
Ah. Glorfindel met Elrond several times. He and Erestor had been friends since they were assigned as roommates in their first semester of school. The half-elf was nice in a reserved and unobtrusive way, friendly in what could have become awkward moments when Glorfindel was waiting for Erestor to get ready for a date, and always happy to give them space. He seemed like a steady kind of guy to have as a best friend. 
Glorfindel bent back to what he was doing with a passion. 
He stopped again when raised voices filtered past the closed bedroom door. 
“I’m not trying to be difficult!” One voice said, sounding on the edge of tears.
“You can’t even pick a place to get lunch,” said the second, exasperated, speaker. “I can’t make all the decisions in this relationship all the time!”
Erestor groaned in disappointment when Glorfindel pulled off. “They’re fine. They’re fine,” he reassured through panting breaths, his cock standing proud and very hard between them.
“They don’t sound fine,” Glorfindel said hesitantly. He wasn’t keen to go out there and walk into the middle of an argument, but he was also pretty sure Elrond was the one on the verge of crying over whatever was going down in the front room. 
Erestor wiped the back of a hand across his mouth. “They’re probably just going to break up. He’s used to it; it happens all the time. He’s just going to be embarrassed later if he knows we’re here.”
The ‘I’m so close right now, please get your mouth back on me’ went unsaid, but Glorfindel heard it anyway. With a little half shrug he licked his way down Erestor’s cock, then took him into his mouth again. He’d never given a blowjob in the middle of a lover’s tiff, but it also wouldn’t be the strangest situation he’d done one in.
He tried not to listen to the rather loud and increasingly fraught argument. Luckily, Erestory was very happy to help by putting his hands in Glorfindel’s hair and muttering about how unbelievably good he was at this. 
The breakup seemed to reach its culmination just as Erestor did.
“Look, Elrond, I can’t keep doing this.”
“Please, don’t go, Ereinion! I’ll do better. Please don’t go.” Elrond was definitely crying now, the kind of crying that left eyes red and puffy. 
Erestor gasped, his entire body going rigid with tension as Glorfindel swallowed and pulled him as deep as he could reach. Glorfindel worked him as he came, slipping his head out of his throat to use his tongue on it. Rising up from kneeling between his legs, he scooped an arm under each of Erestor’s legs and rocked him back to lie on the bed to get a better angle. 
The front door slammed shut. 
Erestor, flushed and sweaty, propped himself up on an elbow and tugged Glorfindel up to join him in a kiss. He came willingly, very pleased with his work. 
Elrond sobbed wretchedly into the couch cushions. 
Glorfindel had expected the crying to calm down by the time Erestor recovered enough to do more than cuddle. He was a little distressed to realize that wasn’t going to happen.
“He, uh, sounds really upset,” Glorfindel commented as Erestor finally struggled upright again, color returning to a more natural hue. 
Erestor sighed and looked around for his underwear and pants. Glorfindel helpfully passed him his discarded boxers. “Yeah, I should probably try calming him down before he makes himself sick.”
“Anything I can do to help with that? Does he like tea?”
Erestor offered an apologetic look as he shimmied into his jeans. “I suppose it would be insensitive to have my boyfriend hanging around, considering.”
“Probably,” Glorfindel had to agree.
Erestor made a face. “Sorry to tell you to leave after that. I promise I’ll return the favor next time.”
Glorfindel stood and smoothed his rumpled shirt. “Call me with an update later.” He suggested. “In case we need to change plans?”
“Sounds good,” Erestor agreed.
Glorfindel left after that. He cautiously walked through the living room, conscious of the weeping, brown-haired lump on the sofa. Elrond gave no signs of noticing him, and he slipped out the door just as Erestor sat down on the cushion next to his roommate. 
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